By: Kian Mark Tesorero
English for Academic Professional Purpose is intended to help us an student to build up our fundamental aptitudes required for academic success and it expects to enhance strengthening your capacities to write and communicate in different learning and social contexts.They are build up their general language abilities, yet in addition center around creating explicit scholastic aptitudes, for example ,note taking, academic writing and reading, and individual presentations and group discussions.
In our class in EAPP so far is pretty good. I learned a lot of new things specially when it comes to english . And of course, learning is fun because the Teacher Kat is cool. She has many tips and knowledge that she shares to us. The discussion is very easy and light. You can understand it very well because it is well-explained. It really helps to improve my abilities especially in writing. And it's also challenging but motivating as well. For me one of the most invaluable lesson which i have learned is "Note-Taking Techniques" because it can engages our minds by listening carefully and deciding what to include in notes, it keeps your mind actively involved with what you hear. Teacher Kat said to us that note-taking boost your understanding level ,that is big yes! and for me its is also boost your comprehension because you will only truly understand concepts when you have taken the time to process them.Hence, when you take notes you are turning a passive activity by reading or listening into an active process. The most reason why i endured this topic because note-taking isn’t just important for senior high or even in college students, it’s a valuable life skill because If you are able or having to take good notes, you will be progressively potent in seeking after your goal whether you are a student, writer, or entrepreneur even a businessman. “It doesn’t matter how you record your notes — as long as you do.” - Richard Branson ,Essential note taking encourages you to recall data and helps your comprehension of that data. Once made, your notes at that point go about as a record of your reasoning and they likewise give the source material to your next creative and business project.
Maybe i guess i leave it there, So far EAPP enhanced our insight and us to improve and to get familiar with english leaning techniques. It is also important to us by building up our abilities to turn into a basic luminary . Remember be a good listener and reader and always valued what you learned in class maybe someday it will become helpful to us as student and go beyond the to future it will become lend in our life especially what we have learned.
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"Learn from mistakes"
By: Lloyd Ramirez
English for Academics and Professional Purposes short for EAPP is one of the most challenging subject that I've overcome in this second semester of my Grade 12th year.I can say that I’m the kind of student that is not at the top and also I am a lazy student , when the subject is English for Academic and Professional Purposes EAPP I have some difficulties in writing an essay or something that we need do write about English matter. I've learned alot in this subject like how to avoid distractions while studying, avoiding plagiarism, note taking techniques and writing review, reaction and response paper. I have learned a lot about plagiarism but I know that I did some mistake when my teacher checked my movie critique, I've learned that plagiarizing is not good like what I did. I've realized that taking credit of someone's work or idea is not a good thing to do. My most favorite that I experience in this subject is writing a book critique , it helps me to start read books again and coping my boredom during community quarantine since it started and it also gives me confidence to write and express my thoughts about the book that I'd read , it pushes me more to read other kind of books too. I have learned a lot from this subject which is very valuable and I've got a great experience which is very memorable and was left a barely lessonable experience in my life.

Image reference: https://www.google.com/search?q=learn+from+mistake&client=ms-android-oppo&prmd=ivn&sxsrf=ALeKk03qFSiSyqgII3HGidIZGYD3kPjUFg:1585297708275&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjs9I6WnrroAhUHxYsBHUB-DL8Q_AUoAXoECA4QAQ#imgrc=QxxQQk1WNAhrAMlearn from mistake - Google Searchgoogle.comType a message...
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“The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you”
By: Rinajane S. Jayme
Having English for Academic and Professional Purposes as a subject give us a chance to learned and to make a written text formally. In this subject I learned to know and differentiate the academic text (formal) and non academic text (informal).I was able to make an essay and different output like review paper, movie critique, book critique and a position paper with a proper citations. I was also able to know the ways to avoid plagiarism because we all know plagiarism is a crime and committing this crime will cost you a punishment in the law. The lessons that was taught to us in this subject is important for me because somehow I know I can use these learnings in the coming times.
As an aspiring to be in a successful business, I think the most helpful learnings that I can use as a student and a soon to be professional is the written communication that was taught to us in our previous English subject but still being taught in EAPP. In business world, successful leaders are the highly skilled communicators. Written business communication should be professional, concise and clear. That's why learning a written communication is very efficient in the corporate world. In this subject, We frequently write a lot, this helps me developed my writing skills efficiently that I can use in my future job. Having these great skill in communication will really helps us to easily achieved success.
The topics that been taught in EAPP will help me understand more about various text and its important on every people in the particular society. I can also applied the knowledge that I acquire on how to communicate well specially in writing and it encourage me to learn more and write more. In line with this, I know I can use this learnings in my college journey and in my future job. In this subject, I built a lot of self confidence to write what thoughts or opinions I have in my mind.

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By: Mikaela Pacog
As ABM students our strand is for us to study and learn the things that we will face and encounter in our future jobs. We're the one who wanted to be a businesswomen, accountant, entrepreneur and a lot more in the business world. All of the things that we’ve learned that will definitely help us in our future profession. We should know the purpose why we should study English and why we shouldn’t be afraid to speak and write, as it will certainly help us in our academics and as a future professionals.

The subject that shows the importance of it, is the English for Academic and Professional Purposes. There's a lot of things that I learned in this subject, first is the structure, differences, and kinds of academic and non-academic texts especially how to write it properly and effectively. The aspects of academic and professional language and using of it appropriately that we applied in our other school works like in our research project this semester. I also learned the right uses of transitional devices and how to organize ideas and information in writing academic or non-academic papers. It feels that I can write texts in clear and precise way in activities that we do. The proper use of citation and hedging when it is needed. On why we should avoid plagiarism as a student and as we grow up because we actually don’t know that the simple copy pasting of information on the internet without acknowledging or giving credit to the author of it is a crime.
Some new vocabularies that was taught us by Ma'am Kat like the praxis, conduit, the meaning of scuba and many more that gives enjoyment to the class. The simple note taking has different methods that will be useful to improve our notes with satisfaction at the same time we enjoy it. Writing a movie or book critique is not just a review or your reaction as you watch or read it. The essence of it is what lessons and realizations you've learned that you can apply to your life.
The lectures gives me opportunity to enhance my English skills and to eloquently express my ideas that will help us to the courses that we will pursue in college. As my course is associated by business, this subject taught us that knowing the appropriate way will give us more confidence to handle things that we will encounter in business. Following the accepted rules, forms and conventions will help us in our jobs as we will face different circumstances in the business world. What I learned in this subject is nothing if I wouldn't administer it by studying. What we learned in academics is the product of as we strive to study. Our teachers and professors will be the one to teach us but we're the one that will help ourselves. Above all, having determination, perseverance, patience and self support will help us to nurture for the future that we wanted in life.

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EAPP: A Process to Greatness
By: Pamela D. Delapa
English for Academic and Professional Purposes is one of the important subjects that we need to take to complete the abm course. As one of the students, I have learned a lot in this subject. First, I now have the knowledge in writing a proper essay. Second, it deepens my vocabularies and amends me to use transitional devices that makes the paragraph unique and to not make it sound redundant. Eapp encouraged me to read English books and to watch English movies without subtitles. Furthermore, it strengthened my skills in writing and instigate me to search for the unfamiliar words instead of letting it passes in my eyes. Honestly, I sometimes slept in this subject that when I think of it now, I feel regretful for those things that I should have learned instead of sleeping it off.
As a student, among all the lessons I have learned, the most helpful and remarkable is the transitional devices that improves me in making my writings unique. This really helps me a lot as I am not a good writer. Before I took the Eapp subject, I am not a positive author because I always think that whatever I write, either good or bad, people will judge it. Now, I learned to be confident and to write my thoughts freely. And in the future, I am sure that the transitional devices that I have erudite will be applied in the professional world as I write my reports for business purposes.
As a future businesswoman, the topics that we have discussed will help me in communicating with my clients someday. As english is a universal language, the process of learning eapp will be put to use in the future. I feel lucky to be one of the learners that will surely apply it to work especially in communicating with foreign clients and colleagues and when writing business plans. Also the topic plagiarism that I will keep in mind to never do and always apply the references and the techniques that I absorbed while learning the course. Overall, I learned to write even if you are not good as long as it is your thought and it comes from your heart and mind as well as to speak your mind freely even though they will judge you, as long as you are doing it right and you do it for good. No matter how hard it is to learn english, never stop taking it. You may experience a rough journey but it will soon be worth it. And it is okay to commit mistakes because that is how you will make that talent perfect.

Background source: Pinterest
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“I learned, but continue to learn”
By: Marian April D. Tuazon
The things that I’ve learned in English for Academic and Professional Purposes are how to avoid plagiarism, how to create and write a position paper, a book critique and a movie review. One of my weakest subjects is English, both oral and written. However, I’ve learned that by practicing my mistakes can make me be better. Even if it’s hard, I always find a way to make things easier for me to understand and learn the right words.
In the lectures of Ms. Kat, there’s a lot of topics that very helpful for us, as a student.However, the most helpful that i’ve learned is to avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism is lying, cheating and stealing of a work of someone without knowledge of the authority. As a professional, you need to be unique for you to show or to imitate everyone to their best too. First and foremost, professionals are known for their specialized knowledge. They've made a deep personal commitment to develop and improve their skills, and, where appropriate, they have the degrees and certifications that serve as the foundation of this knowledge. What matters, though, is that these professionals have worked in a serious, thoughtful and sustained way to master the specialized knowledge that they need to succeed in their fields; and that they keep this knowledge up-to-date, so that they can continue to deliver the best work possible. Plagiarism is a harmful decision of someone in a hard situation but also it may results more problems in the future.
In EAPP i learned a lot. Ms. kat is not strict professor, she’s very kind everything is okay for her. At the same time she’s nice in teaching, I’ve learned a lot from her. Everything that I’ve learned it can help me in the future. In addition, I’ve learned a lot of techniques to create an essay. I’m not still totally good in creating position paper, reaction paper and an essay but I still give my best to write it all. The important is you do it all by yourself and you do it without stealing and copying idea from the other person without permission.

Photo Credit: https://images.app.goo.gl/qoPbFYV13mpB8Z9C8
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Struggles must be enjoyed: Make your weakness an asset
By: Ralph Michael I. Gega
As part of being a Grade 12 student, you have encountered or you will encouter the subject course called English for Academic and Professional Purposes (EAPP). As a student, I can say that I am struggling in wrting and speaking fluent english. Thus, when I heard that EAPP is one of the subjects in our second semester, I don't know how I feel. If I feel nervous or excited, if I being grateful or I must be afraid. I just don't know what supposed to feel. I told to myself, "this is important! You just pay attention, it can help you to overcome one of your weaknesses. However I can't resist to worry, I taught I couldn't make it but with the help of our Professor Ms. Kath Pingol, I got the courage to believe in my self that I can make it. The subject that I am expecting to give me pressure once I step in the classroom become a exciting subject for me because our Professor gave us the feeling that we can commit mistakes and there is nothing to be afraid of. Unfortunately , EAPP is our first subject on Wednesday at 6 AM. Tuesday is long and tiring day for us for the reason of we have a whole day class from 6 AM up to 7:30 PM. Imagine, your class is dismissed at 7:30 PM and you will back to school tomorrow at 6:AM. Many of my classmate including me is attending the class late and sometimes fall asleep in the class. Somehow it is not become a problem for Teacher Kath because she understand the situation. I've spend 3 hours every Wednesday in our second semester to learn and listen in EAPP class l. I can say that I learned a lot, specially in writing a proper academic text. Furthermore, it widen my english vocabulary and improved my writing and speaking english. Hence, Im sure that it will help me to my future career. In my experiece in English for Academic and Professional Purposes, its not only the topics or the lessons that I learned. Also the one of the most important lesson in life is to face your weakness and make it your asset. You can enjoy the subject that you are afraid of because it doesn't matter what subject is, it matters on the way of teaching.
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By: Ma. Maricar Bongay To learn is our goal that is why we go to school. As a student we will learn different lessons that may help us to be productive and aware in every happening in our life. So we must study hard and do our best until we live from the fruit of our labor. Having a privilege to learn, I will use it to grasp the knowledge that my professors will be teaching. Upon taking English for Academic and Professional Purposes as one of my subjects taught me to be a better writer compare from my past writing output. It helps me to make my essay, critiques and other paper works properly without violating any law such as plagiarism. Moreover, it serves as guide to explore my writings skills using different techniques to make it sound professional and formal. Also this subject allows me to be more responsible and productive for it helps me to realize how vital time is when we are writing. Through this subject you will be more aware to avoid doing errors that you have been practicing up to the present. It will help us to give credits to the works of other so in that way we will not committing plagiarism. It also motivates us to be unique and more creative in making paper works. Therefore, let us cherish all the experiences and lessons that we learn from this particular subject. As we are learning different things at school it makes us more productive, imaginative and responsible person as well. We should take this opportunity more valuable for it will benefit us for our future ahead. We must not afraid to do mistakes since it is part on our learning process.EAPP: LEARNING TOWARDS COMPREHENSION AND PROFESSION To learn is our goal that is why we go to school. As a student we will learn different lessons that may help us to be productive and aware in every happening in our life. So we must study hard and do our best until we live from the fruit of our labor. Having a privilege to learn, I will use it to grasp the knowledge that my professors will be teaching. Upon taking English for Academic and Professional Purposes as one of my subjects taught me to be a better writer compare from my past writing output. It helps me to make my essay, critiques and other paper works properly without violating any law such as plagiarism. Moreover, it serves as guide to explore my writings skills using different techniques to make it sound professional and formal. Also this subject allows me to be more responsible and productive for it helps me to realize how vital time is when we are writing. Through this subject you will be more aware to avoid doing errors that you have been practicing up to the present. It will help us to give credits to the works of other so in that way we will not committing plagiarism. It also motivates us to be unique and more creative in making paper works. Therefore, let us cherish all the experiences and lessons that we learn from this particular subject. As we are learning different things at school it makes us more productive, imaginative and responsible person as well. We should take this opportunity more valuable for it will benefit us for our future ahead. We must not afraid to do mistakes since it is part on our learning process.EAPP: LEARNING TOWARDS COMPREHENSION AND PROFESSION To learn is our goal that is why we go to school. As a student we will learn different lessons that may help us to be productive and aware in every happening in our life. So we must study hard and do our best until we live from the fruit of our labor. Having a privilege to learn, I will use it to grasp the knowledge that my professors will be teaching. Upon taking English for Academic and Professional Purposes as one of my subjects taught me to be a better writer compare from my past writing output. It helps me to make my essay, critiques and other paper works properly without violating any law such as plagiarism. Moreover, it serves as guide to explore my writings skills using different techniques to make it sound professional and formal. Also this subject allows me to be more responsible and productive for it helps me to realize how vital time is when we are writing. Through this subject you will be more aware to avoid doing errors that you have been practicing up to the present. It will help us to give credits to the works of other so in that way we will not committing plagiarism. It also motivates us to be unique and more creative in making paper works. Therefore, let us cherish all the experiences and lessons that we learn from this particular subject. As we are learning different things at school it makes us more productive, imaginative and responsible person as well. We should take this opportunity more valuable for it will benefit us for our future ahead. We must not afraid to do mistakes since it is part on our learning process.
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What I've learn in EAPP
By: Lowie Jane Bajada
English for Academic and professional Purposes (EAPP) is one of the course subject that I encounter in Senior high school. EAPP is so many coverage topics that I learn, one of it is Avoiding Plagiarism. Plagiarism is copying other work. Our professor give us a tips on how to avoid plagiarism, she told us to always use qoutation marks, also pharaphrase it and put the reference for us to avoid plagiarism. Another one is Note-taking techniques, where i learn a lot and I know it will a big help for me as a student because we usually use a power point every lecture. For me as a students i easyly taking down notes every time our professor is lecturing because of what our EAPP professor tought us. I thought that the topics that EAPP covered that may be a big help for me in the future is the topic about Aspect of Professional and Academic language. Where we learn from this topic is the proper manner that we should when we talking or writing a paper to the other people especially we should consider their culture and their field of study, For them to not be out of place and also for them to undersand what your saying or writing. For example is like when you know that your talking to a normal person and you always use medical term i' m sure that they will not understand what your talking about. So you should talk them in the way that they will understand you. Another one is Writing a review, reaction, and response paper. In this topic our professor tought us what is the proper way of writing a review paper, what was the parts of it that we should always remember when we writing review paper. This topic is a big help for me in the future because i know when we enter in college life we will encounter to make a review paper. Also in business i' m sure making a review paper or response paper is important to do and we will also encounter it there.

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by: Diana Araza
Everyone born without knowing something, thus every person wants to learn and to gain some useful knowledge. Education is a process of our learning that we should appreciate, since it help us to know some different knowledge that we can bring to our lives in the future. In my entire life as a student, I’m very thankful that I’m one of the blessed person who has an opportunity to study. Even though I’am not a intelligent student, but I was still one of those who were trying and striving in study to learn. There are many things to learn in school that one of this are difficult to learn. In our subject, English for Academic and Professional Purposes help me to learn on how to use a proper words in writing the academic essay. Furthermore, this subject help us in practicing ourselves to write a better essay. I practiced writing essay on doing or writing some written activity given by our teacher, but by doing this I experienced difficulties in writing, especially in writing english grammar but I still do my best to improve myself in writing a english essay. In some of our lesson in this subject, the most helpful lesson that I learned in EAPP is “Avoiding Plagiarism ” which we are able to know the different ways to avoid plagiarism, since it is not proper doing of every person who writing academic outputs to steal the idea or work of others. Moreover, I learn that you can do paraphrasing and citations to avoid plagiarism. This lesson help us to be confident to do and write our own idea or words in writing our essays, furthermore its better to have a unique and original essay than copying other works. In doing my written activities it help me to improve my written skills and expanding my knowledge in terms of writing, for example, in writing book critique and position paper that needs of more information and enough time to analyze the book or the issue that you will going to give your best critique or argument in that essay. Therefore, plagiarism is not option when we our procrastinating in doing our essay, we may read carefully the other ideas then write our own understanding about it and use our own words. Hence, this lesson are helpful to me as a student for being good in writing that I applied in my professional career someday. There are also one lesson I think that helpful to me when I go to college which is a note-taking technique, in this topic I learned on why we are taking notes and especially in summarized the anything that too long and more information. EAPP help me to build my learning in terms of writing a academic essay, I’am able to know on how to use and when I can apply this all lectures that I learned when I write some written essay. I really want to express myself through writing ways, but I really trying hard in doing writing essay. In overall this EAPP lectures makes me to believe and trust to myself that I can learn more and be a better in writing some outputs in the future.
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By: Chrishane Ann Sartillo
English for Academics and Professional Purposes (EAPP). I was somehow terrified when I heard that we will be having that subject because I'm not good nor fluent in English. I'm afraid that I'll make lots of mistakes when it comes to English. Although we meet once a week, I felt anxious during class. I think I was just scared to fail and commit mistakes. As the discussions go on, our EAPP class became interesting because my classmates showed participation and did well during activities. Time to time, I started to lose my anxiety during her class. I started to put my self into it and absorb all the lessons being discussed in class. The first topic that was introduced to us is about academic writing. In academic writing you will not just write anything that comes up on your mind instead you should be careful of your thoughts and you should consider the formality of its structure and the use of language.Besides, you should consider your audience because they are the one who would read your output. Always remember that your reader are knowledgeable enough for them to understand what you had written is all about. On the other hand the non academic writing is written for the mass public. Non-academic writing includes newspapers, memoirs, and magazines that you would find at a brick-and-mortar bookstore such as Barnes and Noble. Non-academic writing is informal and its content is often a general topic unlike academic writing which mainly focuses on a specific field. Furthermore, the main objective of this is to inform, entertain or persuade the readers.Most non academic writings do not include references, citations or a list of sources. Moreover, non academic writing often does not have a rigid structure as academic writing. It is often free-flowing and reflects the style and personality of the writer. This topic also gave us the idea of critical thinking, plagiarism, avoiding plagiarism, paraphrasing, outlining,planning an essay , note taking technique, reaction paper, movie review and book critique. The most useful lessons that I have learned are critical thinking, avoiding plagiarism and writing academic and non-academic text. The critical thinking because it helps me in making decisions and choosing the right choice. Next is avoiding plagiarism. It is very useful especially in college. There are some instances that I will be assigned to search for information on the internet. Hence, if I want to use source's ideas and content, I should use the proper citation. This is to avoid stealing other's works and not to commit plagiarism. Always give credits to the author and proper state the references. In this subject, I learned a lot regarding understanding and consideration. Our teacher is a great example of beauty and kindness. Moreover, she got happy even in small things we made as long as we did those with efforts. What I like about her is she did not expect much from us because she knows how hard to become a student. The way that our teacher taught us all the lessons made us easily understand the topics. She is easy to approach and willing to entertain questions that made us to love her more. It was so fun to be in her class and I'm glad that I met a teacher like her.
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By: Angelika A. Victorio
This semester, English for Academic and Professional Purposes taught me many lessons and the experiences that I will not forget that I can apply to myself. First thing that is come in to my mind is i found myself become a better writer particularly in writing an english essay,before the second semester started i was not that good in composing even short piece of paragraph because it's english but now its improving and i can proudly say that i can make an essay in to two or three pages of paper for the reason that english for academic and professional purposes taught me different techniques and transitional word and phrases and so on. In addition, about plagiarism at first I thought putting some citation is enough to avoid plagiarization but also simply copying someone's idea is also a form of plagiarism. So that you should always create something original especially when you want it to in public. All the learnings that I have learned in this subject are helpful but as a student there are two lessons that I will not forget and bring when I become a professional. First is do not take someone’s idea because you are the one who is responsible for the wrong you have done not only law in this world but also in the law of God since plagiarize is considered as stealing,the right thing to do is create something that comes in your own idea. Lastly is to keep trying and doing something you are not good at like speaking or writing in english but always mind your words and actions. It is not bad trying something which is hard for you to do because trying is to make you a better person or in something you are not good at. In addition our teacher always says that we should read some english books to widen our knowledge and also in our vocabulary. As I sit down and think of the days in english for academic and professional purposes, the learnings that we had inside the classroom showed me how to be responsible in the things or in what I have done. In the previous class, all the lessons, techniques, and skills that enhance my knowledge in different aspects as well as improve my personal abilities, I will used that and serve as a stepping stone in preparing myself in the future.
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English for Academic Purposes Program (EAPP) is a program for senior highschool students. It helps natural and nonnatural speakers of English to give extra time to concentrate on critical reading, thinking, composing, and research skills. EAPP can also help the students not just to improve their English skills as well as it can encourage the students to learn and expand their insights about their objective since professors can teach their students to make an academic text. But why should students need to improve their English skills? EAPP helps me in so many ways, both in written and oral communication. I can say that I have knowledge and skills using the English language in communicating to others. I learned a lot of things like how to talk with confidence in front of many people. But the best lesson that I have learned is how to avoid Plagiarism like you should properly cite your sources, use quotations or paraphrase someone's idea. It helps me to improve my critical reading, thinking, composing, and research skills. It is fun quite difficult to learn this course but by the help of our professor Ms. Kath Pingol or our “teacher Kat”,she teaches us some techniques like using synonym words while revising or paraphrasing our writing, she makes our lessons interesting and class is having fun while learning. English for Academic Purposes Program is a big help for us students. It allows us to expand our speaking and writing which will enhance our communication skills in the future. We should improve our english speaking skills because it is the universal language in the world. We need to learn how to speak and to write in english correctly because it can help us to communicate to other people in the world having different languages.
Image Source: https://i.imgflip.com/1h7in3.jpg
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