tvmblrqveen-blog · 8 years
the funniest thing in the entire pirates of the caribbean series is definitely that one scene in At World’s End where they have parlay but davy jones is part of it, and rather than have him stand in the shallows or something they get a big bucket of water and have in stand on it on shore
who thought of that idea? who thought “put davy jones in a bucket of water” and had the guts to suggest it aloud? and then who went “hey that sounds like a great idea!”
at some point someone told davy jones their idea was for him to stand in a bucket of water and he agreed to it
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tvmblrqveen-blog · 8 years
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This snow leopard’s leap leaves me speechless. 
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tvmblrqveen-blog · 8 years
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tvmblrqveen-blog · 8 years
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tvmblrqveen-blog · 8 years
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tvmblrqveen-blog · 8 years
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tvmblrqveen-blog · 8 years
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tvmblrqveen-blog · 8 years
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tvmblrqveen-blog · 8 years
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tvmblrqveen-blog · 8 years
I don’t care if they got a body like Nicki Minaj with their boobs pushed up to their chin and wear more pink and ruffles than a unicorn in a tutu. If they tell you they’re nonbinary, then they’re fucking nonbinary.
I don’t care if he’s got the highest, prettiest voice and wears dresses and pink glittery nail polish and high heels. If he tells you he’s a boy, then he’s a fucking boy.
I don’t care if she looks like the Hulk and talks like Morgan Freeman and has a beard to rival Thor and the hairiest chest and legs ever and wears a suit. If she tells you she’s a girl, then she’s a fucking girl.
Deal with it.
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tvmblrqveen-blog · 8 years
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tvmblrqveen-blog · 8 years
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tvmblrqveen-blog · 8 years
Using technology after any kind of update like…
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tvmblrqveen-blog · 8 years
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i did it
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tvmblrqveen-blog · 8 years
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tvmblrqveen-blog · 8 years
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hefty bag of coleslaw
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tvmblrqveen-blog · 8 years
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