tvictrix · 16 hours
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could you imagine trying to navigate this bar drunk, this is the 9th circle of hell
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tvictrix · 16 hours
the interview with the vampire cast are so funny about their characters they’re like
jacob anderson talking about louis: he is me i am him there is no separation
sam reid talking about lestat: that is my close personal friend lestat and i am also his lawyer providing his professional statements on the events taking place
assad zaman talking about armand: every time i get on set i get possessed for a few hours and wake up in my dressing room. also he’s a freak and wants that young old man bad
eric bogosian talking about daniel: i’ve always wanted to be a vampire also [spoiler spoiler spoiler]
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tvictrix · 16 hours
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Jacob Anderson in Inside Interview with the Vampire Season 2.
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tvictrix · 1 day
I have never seen someone escape the cycle of suffering and reach true and perfect zen the way that one of my D&D players, an honest-to-god tenured college dean and professor, does when he inhabits his 7 INT bardlock elf prettyboy. Brain goes in a jar on the shelf for two hours. Nothing between those pointy ears but one jingle bell rolling back and forth. Refers to his patron as his "sugar mama" and That Warlock Cantrip as "Elvis blast." You can SEE the player knowing and suspecting things and gleefully not acting on them. I love it so much. Next week I'm gonna see if I can bait him into fucking a vampire milf. I bet it'll work
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tvictrix · 1 day
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tvictrix · 1 day
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tvictrix · 1 day
Super fucked up that I can’t be a master-level expert in knitting AND woodworking AND silversmithing AND embroidery AND soap making AND spinning AND -
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tvictrix · 2 days
some spock doodles ....i miss him
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tvictrix · 2 days
if the muppet show was still airing chappell roan would guest star and thered be a running bit of miss piggy thinking shes trying to steal kermit but shes actually trying to flirt with miss piggy the whole time
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tvictrix · 2 days
'Irredeemable media' is such a funny concept to me because it's never used for stuff like Birth of a Nation or A Serbian Film. It's always The Owl House or My Hero Academia because these people only watch things for children and can't stand any conflict more complex than Super Mario Brothers.
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tvictrix · 2 days
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Can an alien and a robot love each other?
Frankly they do
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tvictrix · 3 days
you're a pervert, you're a freak, there's something terribly wrong with you, you need serious help or no one's ever gonna be able to love you. ddo you wanna come over
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tvictrix · 4 days
people are always trying to humanize dracula and hes always trying to draculize humans
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tvictrix · 4 days
i can't casually listen to music. unfortunately everything i like makes me want to drop to my knees.
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tvictrix · 4 days
everyday I pray Zillow makes a comment section
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tvictrix · 4 days
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tvictrix · 4 days
After sex you see me roll over and go to balcony. You think ive gone for smoke due to my melancholic nature but I’ve opened sudoku.com evil level
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