Voglio andare via Ricominciare Trovare un nuovo posto E chiamarlo casa. Qui nulla mi rispetta E tutto è una pretesa Vestire i panni degli altri e mai i propri. -E cosa cerchi? Cerco il rispetto,un mondo che stia zitto per lasciarmi parlare. Uno spazio tutto mio dove non ci sia posto per le opinioni altrui. E non sentirmi giudicata ,ma libera di essere come sono. Chi siete voi, per stabilire il confine tra giusto e sbagliato?
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Alcune parole sanno di addio Ambigue non troppi dolci Preannunciano il vuoto Lasciano domande senza risposta
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Rroma children, rroma laughs. Niños gitanos, risas gitanas.
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Valencia, Marzo 2017
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Hairstyle of the traditional fallera costume, Valencia, Spain. Traditionally, a lace veil headdress is worn by falleras as they offer flowers to Our Lady of the Forsaken during the annual Fallas Festival in Valencia. The hairstyle involves long gold pins and large combs.
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Paolo da San Leocadio c. 1474, Angel musicians of Valencia Cathedral
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FAN HO, Architecture Photography, Hong Kong, China, 1950s
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KRATON OF YOGYAKARTA, Staircase, Indonesia, 1755-56
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House of Prayer and Learning | Architect: Kuehn Malvezzi
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Music Spotlight: Morgan Saint
This week in Music Spotlight, we’re featuring singer Morgan Saint, who is an artist that embodies moody pop - something we’re fully embracing now that the seasons are changing. Check out what she has to say about herself and her takeaways on her musical journey so far.
1) Describe each of the following in one word:
Who you are
What you value the most
Who you’d be if you were a food item
A peach
2)  Would you rather speak all languages or be able to speak to all animals?
Definitely all animals!
3) Based on your musical journey so far, what’s your biggest takeaway / piece of advice so far?
Have patience and don’t compromise yourself for anyone else.
4) For someone who’s never listened to your music before, how would you describe your music to them?
Honest and warm.
If you want to hear more from Morgan, check out her new seductive, sultry track, “On Fire”, from her upcoming sophomore EP, Alien, due out October 5. Oh, and she’s on Tumblr, too.
With Alien, Morgan embraces feeling like an outsider and learns to find empowerment in her singularity. Share your own “alien” experiences on your own Tumblr by posting stories of times you have felt like an outsider and overcame it using the tag #MorgansAliens, and Morgan will reblog her favorites and share them on her socials. 
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Questa notte Non una qualunque. Nella quale qualcosa cambierà,qualcos’altro no. La maturità ? Cos’è in fin dei conti? La traccia della prima prova di esame? O qualcosa che arriva dal nulla? La somma di esperienze,di battiti accelerati,di buchi allo stomaco? La risposta non la cerco questa notte,la voy a encontrar a lo largo de mi vida. Esta noche la dedico a mi, mis sueños,mis miedos,a mi corazón,a mis dudas,mis errores . Mi auguro di sbagliare,di ricadere negli errori,di perdere la testa,il cuore,che mi feriscano. Cerco quel vento che mi spettini i capelli e di perdermi per ritrovarmi. A me.
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