Harlequin (TurtRose)
117 posts
it/he | 21, queer, nonbinary boy + other genders | bi gay lesbian | disabled + chronically ill 🦨
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turtrose · 10 months ago
It is within the horizon A shadow on my eyes And still the distance Hallucinates impossibility When naïve joy dies on Self-inflicted gentle lies The cold impermanence Gives way to such futility A binding spell for a lost one Whose tears pull him all at once An elegy for the hurt Whose pain pulls away from eruption A thought, more not, for those Whose sentiment is spread In multitude foreign to most If not such statement is pretentious The simple pleas “Come back – I long for you!” But much more cracks the roots And gnaws on their core The shallow words “For all that is, I’m ember.” Indeed this petal blooms And withers as it sees itself The bludgeoning cries “The fire! It grows ever higher!” Fades inside concealed flames And singe all efforts down It was a dream, all must admit and see A detour from our thorned reality Ripped back out, like this own flesh My sweeter hope And wrong desire Cry and scream with all there is Not even that relief you receive Without a push against the pull Without the stabbing of the shell There’s so much more in deeper cold In earths and gravels far below Cry and scream while it’s still here While all is gone and none will hear Of sickness dry and numbest venom Cry and scream or none will help Or none will know Trust that what they give And just be whole for once The rocks that pierce you Feel so hand-made within How hard it will remain To see past my domain The wires cutting into All the doors out there The cursed insistence of this world To suffocate me for my being To laugh in face of self-cruelty And all it leaves me oh so rarely Is the cries and screams None will hear For they can’t appear Outside of lonely dreams
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turtrose · 2 years ago
Time for the Tide
It had always been a temporary arrangement. Furquen had to remind himself of that now more than ever. He pulled himself up out of Varyan’s bed and stretched. The rain outside seemed to never stop.          With nowhere to go for now, the late teen dragged himself into the kitchen and opened a bag of chocolate cookies. The expiration date had been passed only by a little while, but the sugary treats had already begun turning chewy. Furquen wasn’t bothered, though. Sweets would need to properly go bad for him to hold back from snacking on them.    »Trust me, I can bake cookies that are far more delicious than those«, a voice whispered behind Furquen before the slender, gentle hands of the 21-year-old he had shared yet another night with embraced him from behind.            »You know I wouldn’t be there to taste them.«         »Well, you are allowed to dream.«        »Such things seem pointless now, Varyan.« His voice grew more sombre, and the soft boy freed himself from the loving grasp.        The late morning transitioned into early noon seamlessly. Furquen longed to at least hear the birds chirping again, as they always did in the shared backyard of Varyan’s apartment.          »You know you cannot stay here, right? You knew-«          »Yes. I know.«          »Alright, Furq.« Varyan pulled the curtain shut again, out of sight, out of mind. With a bit of aimless wandering, he eventually ended up behind the younger one again and massaged his shoulders.     »I never would have expected this. But it makes me glad.«           »Let’s stop talking about this, Varyan, okay?«, Furquen whispered with a slight crack in his voice, instantly regretting his words. »Just… you are all I want. For the time that I still get to have with you. Before our arrangement runs out.«     »Yes, I understand.« Varyan moved around his temporary boyfriend and gifted him a soft kiss on the forehead. It was afternoon by the time the shaking house announced the ember’s winds. »I… I think now I am afraid, Varyan.« »I know. I am too.« »I love you, Varyan.«         »I know.«      »Once we’re there, do follow the sparkling scarlet flame.«           »Of course, my love.«       »Your love.«
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turtrose · 2 years ago
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I wanted to post the prompt list a month in advance so people have time to work on it :)
There are no hard rules; it's just a fun art exercise to draw things that are considered "cringe" by popular culture. Don't stress if you miss a day!!
Even if you don't participate, it would mean the world to me if you just shared the prompt list because it took me a while to make it lol.
I hope you have fun with it!!!
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turtrose · 2 years ago
i made the mistake of looking at twitter for more than 5 seconds and apparently the discourse of the week is "recognising polyamory as queer allows cishets into the community".
and as an ace, i'm thinking, why the fuck are we parroting what was said in ace discourse 6-8 years ago?
as an ace, why are we still using "cishet" to mean nonqueer when it's only ever been used to exclude? asexual people, aronantic people, intersex people, now polyamorous people?
cishets should be allowed in the community because queer cishets exist.
and then some other fucker flat out said aromantic heterosexuals and asexual heteroromantics don't exist.
that's exactly the problem. the only way that "cishet" can be the opposite of queer is if you think our asexuality and/or aromanticity invalidates other orientations we have, if it cancels them out, which is in and of itself amisic. me and many other aspecs have been told we aren't really gay/bi/pan/etc. because we're aro/ace. maybe we shouldn't use the same amisic rhetoric for straight aspecs?
it also only works if you either exclude intersex people entirely or include all intersex people under trans, which is not right and has been called out by intersex people as erasure.
no more "no cishets at pride". no more "cishet" as the opposite of queer. more recognising queerness beyond trans and gay. please, i'm fucking begging you.
"cishet" has become an amisic dogwhistle 8 years ago and our community apparently has learned nothing. instead of not using that word, they arbitrarily decide that "aces and aros aren't cishet!", erasing straight aspecs. and now people are doing the "no cishets at pride" for other queer identities because they don't fit in the narrow "not cishet" definition.
the fact that language that has been so liberally used of a too of exclusion, erasure, misgendering during ace discourse is still used today either casually or with similar implications makes me feel incredibly fucking unsafe as a non-monoamorous asexual. but aspec exclusion is still alive and well.
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turtrose · 2 years ago
I probably should have started doing this forever ago but I wasn’t sure how long I was gonna stick with drawing these comics. But I guess we’re in it now! This will be continually updated~ EVERYTHING UNDER THE CUT
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turtrose · 2 years ago
Landlords don't need to be abolished because they aren't producing labor, landlords need to be abolished because they withhold shelter. Stop calling them leeches/lazy/not having a "real job"/ etc, that's NOT the problem. People should not have to contribute to society to be alive.
If your critique of landlords can be applied to the homeless or those on welfare, something is deeply wrong with your critique.
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turtrose · 2 years ago
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colorblind pride flag just dropped
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turtrose · 2 years ago
New Life series has started
I'm literally so glad, boys
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turtrose · 2 years ago
blood results are good but can we keep it up?
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turtrose · 2 years ago
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turtrose · 2 years ago
"The flames over there seem pretty", Zerequin whispered. Its voice was barely audible due to the crowd's noises outside. Even with the window shut, the traces of the breaking were inescapable. Zerequin refused to escape, anyway. "Who would have thought that this roof would be so flammable?" It stared at the factory across the street, set ablaze about ten minutes earlier. "They are screaming. Why are they screaming?", Velvet asked. He couldn't see the beauty of the flames, as his head remained in Zerequin's lap. "They don't know the joy we find in this", his partner replied. "They only know their ordered tragedies." Zerequin's hand gently stroked Velvet's hair. The younger boy let out some faint sounds upon being touched, but his expression stayed as blank yet pained as ever. "The meteors have arrived. It truly is all breaking." Velvet couldn't help but let out a shivering chuckle now. "It is."
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turtrose · 2 years ago
Things i learned as a child that probably no one intended to teach me
To grown-ups, being bad at stuff is a sin. Forgetting stuff is the worst sin of all, and also doesn’t exist - it is widely believed (and your behaviour will be interpreted thusly) that in some Freudian sense, it is impossible to forget things if you care about them or their consequences or the people who care about those things.
Your being happy and enjoying what you do doesn’t matter. All that matters is whether you are Fulfilling Your Potential.
Human beings do not require rest outside of sleep. Thinking that you do is called ‘being lazy’.
Who you show physical affection to is a matter of politeness and social protocol, and has nothing to do with your own desires
It is rude to inform people of your preferences, even if they seem to care about catering to them and therefore might find this useful information.
Etiquette centres around doing things in especially awkward, skilful and time-consuming ways in order to demonstrate superiority over people who aren’t able to keep up.
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turtrose · 2 years ago
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Flock of Mareep
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turtrose · 2 years ago
Someone have any jock boys to share with me because I am kinda needy rn and want someone to be a jerk to me
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turtrose · 2 years ago
Everytime I am sick of Twitter, I can admire how peaceful and quiet tumblr can be. Just a lot of chill folks sharing their weird little obsessions, not shying away from being weird and acknowledging it, but also showing pride in it, staying true to themselves, and not going at each other's throat constantly :3
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turtrose · 2 years ago
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I hope you like maths because this small riddle I came up with has all to do with maths xD
Have fun finding the six-digit answer :3
Alt-Text: d=3 l=9 2d-1=a-2f -f=-l^2/81 4o+i=a^2+11l+5d i=|sqrt(3d*i)|*a+(a^2-5) daffodil
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turtrose · 2 years ago
Sorry, alt-text:
A drawing of Basil from OMORI, a petite boy wearing a dark green shirt, a green-and-white shirt on top, brown shorts, as well as a lavender coloured flower in his golden hair. His expression is insecure, and his face is partially in shadow, as though the light comes from below. The background is green with white and purple sploshes of paint that are reminiscent of flowers.
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After a good chunk of inactivity here on tumblr, have the Basil from OMORI that I drew for this boy's birthday (18th of February) :3
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