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1. Drink water 2. Take a break from social media 3. Think of 3 things you’re grateful for 4. Love yourself 5. Read a book 6. Practice self forgiveness 7. Write down your goals 8. Be honest with yourself 9. Don’t hesitate to tell someone how you feel 10. Take a nap
aftertheam,  writing prompt #71: Write 5-10 things you can do to make yourself happier every day. (via wnq-writers)
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This is just who I am
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Libraries, a think of the past, yet so important for the future, preserve them stop pulling them down
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Nero (Made Men #1)  
Nero is the king of Legacy Prep, living a life of power. Elle is the school’s punching bag, living a life of fear. The only good girls Nero knows jump in his bed when he tells them to. The closest Elle has come to a bad boy like him is in the cafeteria line. The mob boss gave him orders to find out what she knows. Her mouth is sealed. I just want to be a fu**ing made man. I’m just a fu**ing waitress.
Vincent (Made Men #2)
Vincent knows the glamorous side of the Mafia, being born a soldier. Lake lives on the opposite side of the tracks, born the daughter of a soldier. The light and dark side of him are at constant war, but he is letting his darkness reign. She is trying to find peace, and she will soon be far enough away to find it. Discovering that his boss owns her, showed him how little he knew her. Knowing all about him only makes her want to hate him. I’m a fu**ing made man. I’m just fu**ing trailer trash.
Chloe (Made Men #3)
Chloe’s scarred face makes her the school’s freak. Her reflection is a constant reminder of how she got them. The man who scarred her haunts not only her dreams, but also her reality. Some nightmares don’t go away in the daylight. Two men stand up to save her from the nightmares. Both are men of the mafia, waiting behind a door she doesn’t want to open. Amo the soldier and Lucca the underboss. The Beast and the Boogieman. Who will she choose?
Lucca (Made Men #4)
Lucca was made the underboss, being what nightmares are made of. Chloe was scarred by her past, learning too young that nightmares are real. He has waited long enough to claim her soul, but he must take it from the devil first. Her soul might have been better off claimed by the devil. The only way to save her from her past is to delve into his. The world as she knows it will come crashing down. I’m the fu**ing boogieman. I’m just a fu**ing freak.
Angel (Made Men #5)  COMING SOON
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Reaper's Property (Reapers MC #1)by Joanna Wylde
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Wanted By The Devil (Devil's Riders #1) 
Kaylie was just out of high school and still a virgin when she noticed someone following her. Wherever she went, she heard it: the sound of a purring motorcycle behind her. It wasn't always the same guy, but she knew they were always there for him. Devlin McRae.
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Venomous (Alien Warrior #1)by Penelope Fletcher 
"She is mine to protect, mine to shelter, mine to feed and mine to cover. When she is weak, I shall be her strength. She was stolen from her world by our captors. Now her survival is my responsibility. It is her duty to endure my lust, respect my nest mates and honor our union with offspring. I revere this giver of life, as is the way."~ Venomous One, formerly of Rök, enslaved gladiator "Six things a woman should not have to deal with: 1) More than one barbaric alien lover/life mate. 2) Long term stay on a slave planet where you’re one female amongst thousands of 'needy' males. 3) Killer space pirates. 4) Psychotic mother-in-law. 5) Putting your alien lover/life mates’ species under the threat of annihilation because you ticked off the wrong Slave Chieftain. 6) A marauding overlord with a harem four hundred strong who is determined to make you concubine number four hundred and one. My name is Lumen. I am stranded in a galaxy far, far away and here be huge f***ing aliens."~ Lumen Young, formerly of Earth, lost in space
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‘Sometimes, all life deals you is shit, you just have to learn to accept the hand you’re given and win…and win good!’ After a horrific childhood and a tragic incident whilst living on the streets, Ava Stone is taken in by George Fielding, a respected figure in London’s organised crime circle. After a few years of being under George’s protection and care, Ava is employed by Mason Fox, when George suddenly decides to retire abroad. Mason is top of the ladder in the crime world and Ava finds herself equally frightened of him and intrigued by him. He brings out emotions and reactions Ava hasn’t felt in a very long time and soon the pair are utterly consumed in a passionate but toxic affair. Masons’ dominancy and need for control has Ava fighting against the things she swore would never hold her back from life, but she soon discovers that love and passion may not be enough to hold their turbulent relationship together and when a friend of Masons’ is gripped by a jealous rage, Ava finds herself relying and depending on the very parts of her old self that she locked away so securely five years ago along with desperately trying to shield her heart from Masons suffocating rule on her. Sometimes, Love is just that little bit too difficult This book contains explicit sex scenes, Strong Language, violence and drug abuse…and one hell of a hot alpha male!
Brilliant, wicked read, some parts are tough, but this is the Darker Side of life. not everything is rose colored
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Holding Out (Hawks Motorcycle Club #1)
Zara Edgingway is a twenty-six year old secretary. She has a daughter that apparently knows it all and a best friend that could possibly have the mouth of Satan, but she's been with her through hell and back. Then there's the hunk'a'licious biker neighbor finally showing interest in her. If only she wasn't about to face her next obstacle in life, the one she ran from six years ago; her ex-husband. Talon Marcus is the president of the Hawks Motorcycle Club. For two years he's had his eye on the quiet, reclusive, yet sassy, neighbor Zara. Finally, he has the chance to claim her as his woman. Just when her past catches up with her, she'll need, not only his protection, but the help from his biker brothers. Now, if only she'd stop fighting him along the way.
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Cage West has spent his entire life waiting for that one special woman to turn his world upside down. As a detective with the local PD, he fills his hours investigating criminals with little time left for much else. When a tip comes into the office about a possible kidnapping at a suspiciously familiar address, Cage is prepared to do whatever it takes to rescue the girl, but when he lays eyes on sweet, innocent Tessa, a firestorm knocks him off his feet. She needs him, and he damn sure wants her–for now, for life, forever. Nineteen-year-old Tessa Talbot hasn't seen the outside world in two years. Her stepfather keeps her under his thumb after the tragic death of her mother, convinced she'll only succumb to all the sins the world has to offer. He's kept her wildly untouched, and after years of sheltered homeschooling, she's doubtful her life will ever look any different. That is until one tall, dark, and devilishly handsome detective knocks on her door. Scared to let him in, even more afraid to turn him away, Tessa makes the decision of her life and decides to trust the man she's only just met and leave the only world she's ever known behind. She's just praying the past won't return to haunt her, he's just praying he can save her when it does. Warning: Cage is a rough and growly alpha male with a fierce loyalty for the woman he loves. This story is a wild, twisty ride coated in sugary, Aria Cole sweetness with a sinfully delicious dollop of sexy times drizzled on top. Snuggle in and get swept away with Cage while he's taking Tessa
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The Silver Swan (The Elite King's Club #1 #2)
Riddle me this... “I am neither dead, nor alive, and I’m not something little Madison can hide. But you will be dead, by the time this is done... the timer starts now, and the games have just begun…”
Fantastic duo by @Amo Jones , wicked story line, amo jones mind is like a sewer, when she spills, we get master pieces like this
you can find Amo here check her out for more delicious reads https://www.amojonesbooks.com/
5***** rating you must read
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