turbocharliie · 7 years
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turbocharliie · 7 years
My pain is irrelevant. Your safety is more important.
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turbocharliie · 7 years
Almost every song I write feels like pulling teeth to start. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking artists just spill art out effortlessly. Artists just work really fucking hard at it, because they know what they want. To bleed themselves dry of as much art as possible. When you have a job and just make art as a hobby, it’s all fun and just flows out. But guess what? As soon art is your job, it all changes. Like when I was in school/had a job, I thought “Guh, if only I was a professional artist I would never have to *force* myself to do stuff” But the reality is, anything that you *have* to do, you will probably want to avoid doing. If you haven’t read “The War Of Art” plz do asap. Imo, being a self employed artist is so much harder, in some ways, then having a job. You don’t have anyone forcing you to succeed. Every morning you wake up and could easily just fuck off. You have to be your own impetus if you want to really push hard and go far. The difference is tho, when you are putting that work towards something you believe in, it is *infinitely* more satisfying when you succeed. Like, selling out a show is one of the most deeply meaningful things ever to me, because I sit there in front of the crowd and I feel… every single day I woke up and decided to work super hard and write even when I didn’t feel inspired at all. I feel all the 18 hour days… … all the friends that have drifted away, all the social gatherings I’ve missed out on because I have bled myself for my art… …all the years of hard work, of pushing my creative mind to the limit, always challenging it. The hundreds of scratch tracks I’ve made… … that suck so much, all the times I’ve been so depressed at how much they suck… in order to dig through and find the gold. Don’t get me wrong. I literally wouldn’t choose any other job. BUT you have to have sooo much self control and perseverance to make it work. It’s all about working your ass off. I write 3x the amount of material I put out, to make sure that everything released is gold (in my eyes) Oh yeah, there’s another pro tip: EVERY ARTIST MAKES TERRIBLE STUFF. Every time I start writing I get depressed cause it’s so bad at first. U have to let that out, once you start stoking and prodding your subconscious, and it feels comfortable to flow, that’s when the gold comes. Starting a writing period is like 1: That sucks. 2: Ew ew *shudder* 3: I think I’ve lost it 4: Wait holy shit what is this that’s amazing Last note: A lot of times it’s a numbers game. Out of ten songs you write, how many are great? 3?… …then if you write one song a day, you’ll have one good song every 3 days or so. If you write one song a month, it’ll be 3 months… the inspiration is inside of you. You just have to draw it out and sift through the bad stuff. If you don’t write often, it’s gonna take forever to get through the bad. Write, write, write, write, write. ALL the time. Do you think you have something genuine to say? then the world deserves to hear it, and you owe it to the world to work hard and pull the art out of yourself. I guarantee, before you know it, if you press on, you will be writing stuff that makes you think “holy shit… did I really write that? This is incredible.” The issue is few people are willing to put in the amount of work that it takes to actually pull their genius out. They settle for average.
Crywolf (via twitter)
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turbocharliie · 7 years
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Darling, if you want to talk bollocks and discover the meaning of life, you’re better off downing a bottle of whiskey. At least that way, you’re unconscious by the time you start to take yourself seriously.
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turbocharliie · 7 years
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I would kill for you. I would die for you. I would 1v1 penance as rikku with a starting weapon for you. 
WIP for @summoners-path featuring deliberately toned down robes and no massive head article. I know I usually say I’ll never touch them again but this has been a joy and I’ve managed to keep it up on and off for a couple of days. Idk.................... this sucks but I did good compared to normal .
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turbocharliie · 7 years
this is? ???????????? really nice ????????? thank you so much, friend. sorry if this is very very late! I didn’t get any notification that I had a message. i’ll work harder on izana sometime for you. i’m a sideblog so i can’t follow back, but i see you post your art too - you’re doing great, let’s both stick at it :D
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turbocharliie · 7 years
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so i’m replaying fallout 3. 
once upon a deviantart, an unwritten chapter happened where charon entered tranquility lane with my lw and appeared as he still thinks of himself. it’s really tough to accept that you look like a piece of bacon, i guess. i don’t think he ever looked like this, since he never was a free adult able to wear clothes and not armour, but if ever was, or if TL redressed him to fit in... yeah. i cut it because there was only one free pod in game, not two. i know. it’s really not something that should stand in Fic’s way, but i felt a way about it. 
on a related note, once upon the same deviantart, fun fact: charon is his real name. his parents were pretty smart, collected books, and his dad was a real big fan of books on mythology. a brotherhood friend of his was just as big a book nerd, and when their sons were born close together, it was almost an unspoken race to pick the “best” name. rockfowl won. 
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turbocharliie · 8 years
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violet, cel damage overdrive, i am so happy i can get this shit on vita. memories. i spent too long on it while zoned out so who even cares god  ASJDAHFJDGJFKJADSSGFHAJ;J i might make some vague effort to fix it sometime but probably i’ll never look at it again
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turbocharliie · 8 years
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violet, cel damage overdrive, i am so happy i can get this shit on vita. memories. i spent too long on it while zoned out so who even cares god  ASJDAHFJDGJFKJADSSGFHAJ;J i might make some vague effort to fix it sometime but probably i’ll never look at it again
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turbocharliie · 8 years
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i cant paint ft archduke izana who frankly deserved better. 30min?
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turbocharliie · 8 years
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I’m bringing sexy back. and butt ✨
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turbocharliie · 8 years
diosleighrp replied to your photo “quinlan seems familiar for some reason. hour or so, i forget already.”
I love your art Charlie!
I’m really really awful omg but thank you!! I try to post things on here even if I hate them so that I can see how long a gap there is between posts and whether I’m actually learning anything and... blah. I have a folder of unfinished crap but I tend to toss files in there and forget about them, so there’s no accountability. I embarrass myself as motivation B | LOL
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turbocharliie · 8 years
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quinlan seems familiar for some reason. hour or so, i forget already.
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turbocharliie · 8 years
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“Thanks for taking a chance on a naive young girl from California with stars in her eyes and a pneumatic gauntlet on her hand.”
edit: i should point out i did her with the “hispanic” face preset because i don’t know why i just. feel like the “caucasian” preset doesn’t suit her v well???? IDK ITS NOT LIKE I CAN DRAW EITHER ONE
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turbocharliie · 8 years
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unfinished hour doodle, colours are wrong & im happy with approximately nothing but I hadn't drawn anything in over a month so I made myself tbh.
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turbocharliie · 8 years
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Valentino Couture Fall-Winter 2016
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turbocharliie · 8 years
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[Photos by HIDEO KOJIMA]
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