tunes-and-tentacles · 26 days
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Some Dahlia pics related to RPs I have with @tea-and-magic and @ardentkurashk! This is Dahlia after she’s captured and tortured by Tea’s Helios. She meets Ardent’s Ka’zalii after that and the two of them are besties!! Zalii covers Helios’s brand with cool lightning scars! The gith is Dahlia’s githyanki disguise to join the rebellion to fight against Vlaakith (because fuck Vlaakith)! These RPs have taken over my life I love them so much!!! 🥰
(The Helios RP is still ongoing so if anything else happens to my girl I will add to the drawing!)
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tunes-and-tentacles · 1 month
Moved to Discord!
Continuation of (x) @tunes-and-tentacles
"I doubt you'll need to be fluent.. but inflections, exclamations, they will be useful. They're more common. And curses, obviously." he paused a moment, "I know you don't like exploring minds, but if you're uncertain about a translation, you are welcome to look for it in mine." He had a feeling she would stubbornly learn as much as possible via less psionic methods, but he wanted to present the option anyway. Better to seek an answer from his head than an unsuspecting ally. Ka'zalii gave her a look of understanding when she mentioned time. "You won't be in the centre of it all immediately. If you choose the amnesia idea, we can use that as an excuse to reintroduce you to the fight slowly. My ghustil can explain the exact symptoms you need to mimic." That was if she hadn't researched it beforehand. He foresaw an instance or two of having to remind her to slow down a bit. It would do no good to burn out before they left.
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tunes-and-tentacles · 1 month
Moved to Discord!
Dahlia stopped looking around when she heard her captor speaking. He was talking to another gith, requesting an audience with his queen. She noted the way the other gith sneered at him and wondered about that.
Either that guy is an arsehole to everyone or my captor isn’t very popular with his kin, she thought. At least I know for sure he’s one of Vlaakith’s. But what does she want with me?
She wondered what this gith did with others of her kind he captured. Considering how sadistic he seemed, she was sure she didn’t really want to know. She hoped she wouldn’t find out.
Why am I so important to Vlaakith? Dahlia thought, frustrated. She strained to hear what her captor was saying in a whisper to the other gith but couldn’t make it out. Does she just want to kill me herself? There has to be another reason she wants me alive. I’m sure he’d have killed me if she wanted me dead. And would enjoy it too. She shuddered at the thought.
Dahlia tried moving her hands in their restraints, testing how much motion she had. She was far better with magic while channeling it through her music, but perhaps if she could move her hand enough, she might be able to cast a spell? She didn’t have much hope, but she tried, wriggling her hands as much as she could against the chains.
Should I try to run? Or stick around and hope to get information for the rebellion? she thought. She didn’t want to just sit around waiting for him to take her to Vlaakith, but she also wasn’t sure if she could even get away, especially chained, unarmed, and with psionics suppressed.
Dahlia was also starting to feel a little dizzy from the blood loss, silvery blood still dripping from her throbbing tentacles. She swayed a bit as a wave of light-headedness hit her, but forced herself to remain upright and awake. She tried again to move her hands, biting back a snarl of frustration when it didn’t work.
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tunes-and-tentacles · 1 month
“I wonder what it could be,” Dahlia said. “Something worse than a collar? Maybe something that can disable my psionics from a distance?”
Or something worse. Dahlia wondered if the Gondar priests were developing something to use against illithids because of the attack on Baldur’s Gate. She knew that they were skilled enough to make something that would work very well against her kind.
“I wish I knew more about the High House,” Dahlia said. “I’ve only been there once before. Perhaps I should have gone there more often. I was originally going to ask one of the priests there to make my prosthetic legs, but I ended up with an artificer from Waterdeep.” She smiled. “This artificer happens to be an illithid! But I mostly employ it because the priests here have been so busy…”
She would have liked to have used artificers in Baldur’s Gate. Either she had to travel to Waterdeep or Sezessk had to come to Baldur’s Gate whenever she needed work done on her legs. But she also didn’t want to bother the priests when they had so much work to do already. Besides, Sez was well-known for its excellent prosthetics (though most people knew it in its human disguise, Cedric).
“Well, whatever the gith want, I want to make sure they don’t get it,” Dahlia said firmly. “I just hope they haven’t already beaten us to it.”
Continuation of (x) @tunes-and-tentacles
"I doubt you'll need to be fluent.. but inflections, exclamations, they will be useful. They're more common. And curses, obviously." he paused a moment, "I know you don't like exploring minds, but if you're uncertain about a translation, you are welcome to look for it in mine." He had a feeling she would stubbornly learn as much as possible via less psionic methods, but he wanted to present the option anyway. Better to seek an answer from his head than an unsuspecting ally. Ka'zalii gave her a look of understanding when she mentioned time. "You won't be in the centre of it all immediately. If you choose the amnesia idea, we can use that as an excuse to reintroduce you to the fight slowly. My ghustil can explain the exact symptoms you need to mimic." That was if she hadn't researched it beforehand. He foresaw an instance or two of having to remind her to slow down a bit. It would do no good to burn out before they left.
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tunes-and-tentacles · 1 month
“It is the biggest temple in Baldur’s Gate. There are over a hundred priests and acolytes there. So they are going to be outnumbered. Though…I suppose there are also going to be plenty of them leaving the temple to work on rebuilding,” Dahlia said.
She sensed worry from Ka’zalii as he asked about psionic devices. “I don’t know,” she admitted. “They might, but I’m not sure. Is there something you’re concerned about the gith taking from the temple?”
Perhaps something they could use against Dahlia? Something more effective than a collar? She shuddered at the thought.
Continuation of (x) @tunes-and-tentacles
"I doubt you'll need to be fluent.. but inflections, exclamations, they will be useful. They're more common. And curses, obviously." he paused a moment, "I know you don't like exploring minds, but if you're uncertain about a translation, you are welcome to look for it in mine." He had a feeling she would stubbornly learn as much as possible via less psionic methods, but he wanted to present the option anyway. Better to seek an answer from his head than an unsuspecting ally. Ka'zalii gave her a look of understanding when she mentioned time. "You won't be in the centre of it all immediately. If you choose the amnesia idea, we can use that as an excuse to reintroduce you to the fight slowly. My ghustil can explain the exact symptoms you need to mimic." That was if she hadn't researched it beforehand. He foresaw an instance or two of having to remind her to slow down a bit. It would do no good to burn out before they left.
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tunes-and-tentacles · 1 month
“It’s a temple of Gond, the biggest temple in Baldur’s Gate,” Dahlia explained. “The temple is essentially a series of workshops. The priests there are inventors and craftsmen. Their skills been in higher demand than usual since the Netherbrain attack, since they’ve been helping rebuild. Really, they could be after anything there.”
Dahlia had only been to the High House once before, and she had been quite impressed by the Gondar priests’ work.
“Perhaps there’s an invention there that they want?” Dahlia suggested. “Or maybe they’re just looking anywhere that looks important to find me? I’m not sure. I suppose we could ask the Gondar priests. They might be able to tell us.”
If the priests didn’t want to talk, she could use her illithid form. She hoped they’d be more cooperative than the merchants.
Continuation of (x) @tunes-and-tentacles
"I doubt you'll need to be fluent.. but inflections, exclamations, they will be useful. They're more common. And curses, obviously." he paused a moment, "I know you don't like exploring minds, but if you're uncertain about a translation, you are welcome to look for it in mine." He had a feeling she would stubbornly learn as much as possible via less psionic methods, but he wanted to present the option anyway. Better to seek an answer from his head than an unsuspecting ally. Ka'zalii gave her a look of understanding when she mentioned time. "You won't be in the centre of it all immediately. If you choose the amnesia idea, we can use that as an excuse to reintroduce you to the fight slowly. My ghustil can explain the exact symptoms you need to mimic." That was if she hadn't researched it beforehand. He foresaw an instance or two of having to remind her to slow down a bit. It would do no good to burn out before they left.
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tunes-and-tentacles · 1 month
“If they hate hearing music in public, I imagine they’ll hate the sounds of combat even more!” Dahlia agreed. “Honestly, it’s too quiet here! Maybe I’m just used to the noise level of the Lower City, but I don’t like it.”
She wondered what’d happen if they happened to fight the gith in the middle of the streets. She imagined the Watch wouldn’t care that they were trying to rid of the city of them; they’d probably just arrest them. Maybe if she turned back into an illithid she could prevent them from being arrested? She wasn’t sure just how much influence she’d have over the Watch. Hopefully enough to stop them getting into trouble. And if not, she would definitely talk to Ulder Ravenguard. She was sure he would back her up.
“These Upper City people can look down on the Lower City all they like but I prefer the Lower City,” Dahlia added. She smiled. “Honestly, I think a good disturbance is what this place needs!” She was only partially joking.
Continuation of (x) @tunes-and-tentacles
"I doubt you'll need to be fluent.. but inflections, exclamations, they will be useful. They're more common. And curses, obviously." he paused a moment, "I know you don't like exploring minds, but if you're uncertain about a translation, you are welcome to look for it in mine." He had a feeling she would stubbornly learn as much as possible via less psionic methods, but he wanted to present the option anyway. Better to seek an answer from his head than an unsuspecting ally. Ka'zalii gave her a look of understanding when she mentioned time. "You won't be in the centre of it all immediately. If you choose the amnesia idea, we can use that as an excuse to reintroduce you to the fight slowly. My ghustil can explain the exact symptoms you need to mimic." That was if she hadn't researched it beforehand. He foresaw an instance or two of having to remind her to slow down a bit. It would do no good to burn out before they left.
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tunes-and-tentacles · 1 month
“Oh, my mistake! Of course you’re exquisite!” Dahlia said, only half joking. Ka’zalii really was very pretty, but she was not interested in him like that.
She was pleased he understood her thoughts on music, was glad that he, too, enjoyed it. She was very interested in hearing githyanki music. Perhaps she’d get the chance when she was with the rebellion. The thought of perhaps learning a new instrument or two was exciting.
Dahlia smiled mischievously, then sang:
“Rocky though the road might be, blinding be the sun,
Raise your swords and grab your wands, the battle will be won-“
A nearby guard snapped at her, “Stop that! You are making a disturbance!”
Dahlia stared at the guard, feigning ignorance. “A disturbance?”
She nodded, frowning at her. “Yes, music is not allowed on the streets. If you keep disturbing the peace, you will be escorted out of the Upper City.”
Dahlia shrugged. “That’s a strange rule, but very well. I’ll behave!”
She continued on her way, and couldn’t help but snort with amusement as they let the guard behind.
Dahlia loved to sing. She was very proud of her voice. Sure, she was also proud of her skill with instruments but she loved her singing voice very much.
“I really hope this won’t take too long! If I cannot play music I will go crazy!” she declared dramatically.
Continuation of (x) @tunes-and-tentacles
"I doubt you'll need to be fluent.. but inflections, exclamations, they will be useful. They're more common. And curses, obviously." he paused a moment, "I know you don't like exploring minds, but if you're uncertain about a translation, you are welcome to look for it in mine." He had a feeling she would stubbornly learn as much as possible via less psionic methods, but he wanted to present the option anyway. Better to seek an answer from his head than an unsuspecting ally. Ka'zalii gave her a look of understanding when she mentioned time. "You won't be in the centre of it all immediately. If you choose the amnesia idea, we can use that as an excuse to reintroduce you to the fight slowly. My ghustil can explain the exact symptoms you need to mimic." That was if she hadn't researched it beforehand. He foresaw an instance or two of having to remind her to slow down a bit. It would do no good to burn out before they left.
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tunes-and-tentacles · 1 month
Dahlia couldn’t help but snicker at his comment about sexual interest. “I’m not surprised,” she said with a laugh. “A lot of people do respond well to being flirted with by someone pretty!” She couldn’t help but tease him about it.
She made her way out of the market, keeping an eye on the Watch as she did. She sensed their suspicion of them; at least one of them was considering following her and Ka’zalii. She really hoped they wouldn’t.
“It really annoys me how they treat people here,” said Dahlia. “They only respect you if they think you’re someone of importance. I guarantee you, if I was in my illithid form, they’d be quite happy to give me information!”
They’d be eager to earn her favor, to be speaking to the hero of their city. But since they just saw a gith, someone to be wary of, they were cold and hostile. She knew not all nobles were like that, but the ones she’d spoken to in the market sure were. She did not like it.
“It just goes to show, you can’t trust people who think music is a disturbance!” she said. “I wonder if they’d be more upset by me drawing my trident or my lute?”
Continuation of (x) @tunes-and-tentacles
"I doubt you'll need to be fluent.. but inflections, exclamations, they will be useful. They're more common. And curses, obviously." he paused a moment, "I know you don't like exploring minds, but if you're uncertain about a translation, you are welcome to look for it in mine." He had a feeling she would stubbornly learn as much as possible via less psionic methods, but he wanted to present the option anyway. Better to seek an answer from his head than an unsuspecting ally. Ka'zalii gave her a look of understanding when she mentioned time. "You won't be in the centre of it all immediately. If you choose the amnesia idea, we can use that as an excuse to reintroduce you to the fight slowly. My ghustil can explain the exact symptoms you need to mimic." That was if she hadn't researched it beforehand. He foresaw an instance or two of having to remind her to slow down a bit. It would do no good to burn out before they left.
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tunes-and-tentacles · 1 month
Ka’zalii rejoined her as she left the merchant’s stall, annoyed at her attitude towards her, and that she had had to look into her mind to get answers. She nodded in agreement with his assessment on the Upper City, rolling her eyes.
“Gods, I hate it here,” she grumbled. “Calling someone exotic…ugh! Also, she,” Dahlia ventured to the jewelry merchant, “was not helpful.” Dropping her voice she said, “I had to check her thoughts to make sure she really didn’t know anything. Apparently, the gith were seen around the High House of Wonders.”
Dahlia was upset that she’d had to resort to mind reading but knew that she had to do what she must to get what they needed.
“Shall we head there now? I think the Watch might be considering stopping us,” she said.
She was aware of them watching the two of them but pretended she didn’t notice. She really hoped they weren’t going to try and arrest them.
Continuation of (x) @tunes-and-tentacles
"I doubt you'll need to be fluent.. but inflections, exclamations, they will be useful. They're more common. And curses, obviously." he paused a moment, "I know you don't like exploring minds, but if you're uncertain about a translation, you are welcome to look for it in mine." He had a feeling she would stubbornly learn as much as possible via less psionic methods, but he wanted to present the option anyway. Better to seek an answer from his head than an unsuspecting ally. Ka'zalii gave her a look of understanding when she mentioned time. "You won't be in the centre of it all immediately. If you choose the amnesia idea, we can use that as an excuse to reintroduce you to the fight slowly. My ghustil can explain the exact symptoms you need to mimic." That was if she hadn't researched it beforehand. He foresaw an instance or two of having to remind her to slow down a bit. It would do no good to burn out before they left.
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tunes-and-tentacles · 1 month
Dahlia continued through the market. The next two stalls she went to had no information, either. She approached another market stand, where a bronze dragonborn merchant was selling jewelry. She was showing necklaces to a couple of women at her stall.
Dahlia pretended to be browsing her wares, looking at the rings she had for sale. She noticed the merchant eyeing her and acted as though she didn’t notice.
“You have lovely pieces for sale,” Dahlia said warmly. “Do you craft them yourself?”
“No,” she said curtly. “My brother does.”
“He’s quite a skilled craftsman,” Dahlia said, ignoring her rude tone. She pointed at an engraved silver ring. “How much for this one?”
She figured making a purchase might soften her up a bit.
“Two hundred,” said the merchant.
Dahlia handed over the gold with a smile, taking the ring from the merchant. “Can I ask you something? You haven’t seen any of my kin here, have you?”
She snorted. “Several days ago, yes. They were scaring the customers,” she said resentfully. “I’m glad they haven’t been showing their faces since. Except you.”
“Do you have any idea where they might be now?” Dahlia asked in her sweetest voice.
“No,” the merchant said.
Once again, Dahlia reached out with her mind. The merchant was lying; she had heard of gith being seen around the High House of Wonders. Despite the woman’s bad attitude and lies, she smiled and thanked her, going on her way.
Continuation of (x) @tunes-and-tentacles
"I doubt you'll need to be fluent.. but inflections, exclamations, they will be useful. They're more common. And curses, obviously." he paused a moment, "I know you don't like exploring minds, but if you're uncertain about a translation, you are welcome to look for it in mine." He had a feeling she would stubbornly learn as much as possible via less psionic methods, but he wanted to present the option anyway. Better to seek an answer from his head than an unsuspecting ally. Ka'zalii gave her a look of understanding when she mentioned time. "You won't be in the centre of it all immediately. If you choose the amnesia idea, we can use that as an excuse to reintroduce you to the fight slowly. My ghustil can explain the exact symptoms you need to mimic." That was if she hadn't researched it beforehand. He foresaw an instance or two of having to remind her to slow down a bit. It would do no good to burn out before they left.
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tunes-and-tentacles · 1 month
Dahlia nodded. “Sounds like a plan.”
She headed towards the market, hoping they’d get some information. She did her best to ignore the wary looks they were getting, joining the crowds in front of the market stalls.
She stopped by a stall where a merchant was selling fabric. He eyed her warily but didn’t say anything; brushing lightly against his mind, she sensed fear. His gaze kept going to her trident, as though he expected her to threaten him with it.
“You don’t see many gith around here, do you?” Dahlia asked casually, pretending to examine a bolt of light blue satin.
“Uh…n-no. We don’t,” he said nervously.
She looked up at him. “Have you seen other gith recently? Besides us I mean.” She gestured to herself and Ka’zalii.
He shook his head. She could detect no deception from him, so she just nodded and moved on. He continued to watch them as they left his stall. She wondered if he was considering calling a guard over. She wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case.
Continuation of (x) @tunes-and-tentacles
"I doubt you'll need to be fluent.. but inflections, exclamations, they will be useful. They're more common. And curses, obviously." he paused a moment, "I know you don't like exploring minds, but if you're uncertain about a translation, you are welcome to look for it in mine." He had a feeling she would stubbornly learn as much as possible via less psionic methods, but he wanted to present the option anyway. Better to seek an answer from his head than an unsuspecting ally. Ka'zalii gave her a look of understanding when she mentioned time. "You won't be in the centre of it all immediately. If you choose the amnesia idea, we can use that as an excuse to reintroduce you to the fight slowly. My ghustil can explain the exact symptoms you need to mimic." That was if she hadn't researched it beforehand. He foresaw an instance or two of having to remind her to slow down a bit. It would do no good to burn out before they left.
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tunes-and-tentacles · 1 month
Dahlia chuckled at Ka’zalii’s suggestion. “Maybe I will, if they won’t leave us be! I prefer to handle my problems myself, but if I have to talk to Ulder, I will.”
She was sure that she’d have his support; not just because she’s saved his life, and Baldur’s Gate, but because he would want these gith out of the city. And she was sure that he would trust her to do it.
Dahlia looked around at the open market that was the Wide. Vendors and merchants had their stalls set up and were doing business. Despite the people out and about, it seemed strangely quiet here, at least compared to the Lower City. They sure loved their peaceful atmosphere here, Dahlia thought. She did not like it here.
“I’ll keep my mind open,” said Dahlia. “In the meantime, shall we try talking to some people here? Or search on our own for now?”
She wasn’t exactly thrilled with the idea of talking to anyone here, and wasn’t optimistic they’d even know anything. But any clue would be helpful right about now.
Continuation of (x) @tunes-and-tentacles
"I doubt you'll need to be fluent.. but inflections, exclamations, they will be useful. They're more common. And curses, obviously." he paused a moment, "I know you don't like exploring minds, but if you're uncertain about a translation, you are welcome to look for it in mine." He had a feeling she would stubbornly learn as much as possible via less psionic methods, but he wanted to present the option anyway. Better to seek an answer from his head than an unsuspecting ally. Ka'zalii gave her a look of understanding when she mentioned time. "You won't be in the centre of it all immediately. If you choose the amnesia idea, we can use that as an excuse to reintroduce you to the fight slowly. My ghustil can explain the exact symptoms you need to mimic." That was if she hadn't researched it beforehand. He foresaw an instance or two of having to remind her to slow down a bit. It would do no good to burn out before they left.
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tunes-and-tentacles · 1 month
“Maybe I should just be in my illithid form, if they’re going to keep questioning who I am,” Dahlia said grumpily. “We’re not going to make a lot of progress if we’re constantly getting stopped by the Watch.”
She wondered if there really were no gith attacks yet in the Upper City or if that guard just didn’t know what he was talking about. She figured these githyanki must be stealthy to be hiding out here; it was much more difficult to hide in the Upper City than the Lower City.
Dahlia smiled, then said, “Although…if they give us too much trouble I can always talk to the Grand Duke about it. That’ll get them to leave us alone!” She found the idea amusing.
Continuation of (x) @tunes-and-tentacles
"I doubt you'll need to be fluent.. but inflections, exclamations, they will be useful. They're more common. And curses, obviously." he paused a moment, "I know you don't like exploring minds, but if you're uncertain about a translation, you are welcome to look for it in mine." He had a feeling she would stubbornly learn as much as possible via less psionic methods, but he wanted to present the option anyway. Better to seek an answer from his head than an unsuspecting ally. Ka'zalii gave her a look of understanding when she mentioned time. "You won't be in the centre of it all immediately. If you choose the amnesia idea, we can use that as an excuse to reintroduce you to the fight slowly. My ghustil can explain the exact symptoms you need to mimic." That was if she hadn't researched it beforehand. He foresaw an instance or two of having to remind her to slow down a bit. It would do no good to burn out before they left.
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tunes-and-tentacles · 1 month
Dahlia approached the gate, only to be stopped by the guards, which she had expected.
“What’s your business here?” one of them asked.
“It’s Harper business,” said Dahlia calmly. “I’m Dahlia Ainsworth, I’m investigating gith attacks in the city.”
He snorted. “You’re not Dahlia Ainsworth. It’s a mind flayer.”
“I’m a she,” she said, fighting down her anger at being referred to as an “it.” She hated being called it. She dropped her disguise, turning back into an illithid, holding out her Harper badge. “And I most certainly am Dahlia.”
The guard hesitated. “I haven’t heard of any gith attacks in the Upper City,” he said, rather sullenly.
“I have reliable information saying there are gith here. I intend to find them,” said Dahlia.
Another moment of hesitation, then, “Fine. Go on through. And don’t cause any trouble.” He was looking at Ka’zalii warily, and Dahlia sensed he wanted to ask about him, but decided not to. He waved them through the gate.
Dahlia shifted back into her githyanki disguise, grumbling as she walked through the gate.
Continuation of (x) @tunes-and-tentacles
"I doubt you'll need to be fluent.. but inflections, exclamations, they will be useful. They're more common. And curses, obviously." he paused a moment, "I know you don't like exploring minds, but if you're uncertain about a translation, you are welcome to look for it in mine." He had a feeling she would stubbornly learn as much as possible via less psionic methods, but he wanted to present the option anyway. Better to seek an answer from his head than an unsuspecting ally. Ka'zalii gave her a look of understanding when she mentioned time. "You won't be in the centre of it all immediately. If you choose the amnesia idea, we can use that as an excuse to reintroduce you to the fight slowly. My ghustil can explain the exact symptoms you need to mimic." That was if she hadn't researched it beforehand. He foresaw an instance or two of having to remind her to slow down a bit. It would do no good to burn out before they left.
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tunes-and-tentacles · 1 month
“Hopefully not but I won’t be surprised if we do run into trouble,” Dahlia said. “This is why I don’t like going to the Upper City. But I’m hoping it won’t be too difficult to find that last group. I can’t imagine the people here are used to seeing githyanki around.”
Of course, that would mean the two of them would stand out. And she was sure that they’d be regarded with suspicion. Or outright disdain. She was really hoping they wouldn’t have to be in the Outer City for too long.
She pointed. “There’s the gate,” she said with a smile. “That one is Baldur’s Gate. It leads to the Upper City. It leads into the Wide, which is a market and public plaza.”
Dahlia wondered if Ka’zalii knew of Balduran, and what he’d say if he knew her partner had been the city’s founder before his ceremorphosis. The Emperor was amused by people talking about Balduran, and it had become a bit of an inside joke with them. Whenever she read or heard something about Balduran, she’d ask him about it, which usually led to a good laugh.
Continuation of (x) @tunes-and-tentacles
"I doubt you'll need to be fluent.. but inflections, exclamations, they will be useful. They're more common. And curses, obviously." he paused a moment, "I know you don't like exploring minds, but if you're uncertain about a translation, you are welcome to look for it in mine." He had a feeling she would stubbornly learn as much as possible via less psionic methods, but he wanted to present the option anyway. Better to seek an answer from his head than an unsuspecting ally. Ka'zalii gave her a look of understanding when she mentioned time. "You won't be in the centre of it all immediately. If you choose the amnesia idea, we can use that as an excuse to reintroduce you to the fight slowly. My ghustil can explain the exact symptoms you need to mimic." That was if she hadn't researched it beforehand. He foresaw an instance or two of having to remind her to slow down a bit. It would do no good to burn out before they left.
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tunes-and-tentacles · 1 month
Dahlia grimaced a bit. “It certainly is more uptight,” she said. “The Upper City is where the nobles and wealthy citizens live. We’ll definitely stand out more there.” She shook her head. “It’s the Watch that has jurisdiction over the Upper City, and I’m sure they’ll be keeping a close eye on us at the very least.”
She wasn’t the biggest fan of the Upper City. Not only because she felt out of place but she felt it was far too uptight and regulated. Too many rules.
“Making any sort of disruption or public disturbance is not allowed,” she added. “They like to keep the Upper City peaceful. You aren’t even allowed to play music on the street!” She said this with quite an offended tone; in the Lower City, she loved playing music for crowds of people, who very much enjoyed it. “Imagine being so stuffy you won’t allow music!”
Continuation of (x) @tunes-and-tentacles
"I doubt you'll need to be fluent.. but inflections, exclamations, they will be useful. They're more common. And curses, obviously." he paused a moment, "I know you don't like exploring minds, but if you're uncertain about a translation, you are welcome to look for it in mine." He had a feeling she would stubbornly learn as much as possible via less psionic methods, but he wanted to present the option anyway. Better to seek an answer from his head than an unsuspecting ally. Ka'zalii gave her a look of understanding when she mentioned time. "You won't be in the centre of it all immediately. If you choose the amnesia idea, we can use that as an excuse to reintroduce you to the fight slowly. My ghustil can explain the exact symptoms you need to mimic." That was if she hadn't researched it beforehand. He foresaw an instance or two of having to remind her to slow down a bit. It would do no good to burn out before they left.
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