tune-a-tyun · 1 year
enemy spotted! taehyun x fem!reader ✿ teaser ✿
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|| TEASER ||
pairing: taehyun x fem!reader
genre: fluff/angst, academic rivals to lovers
warnings: taehyun being kinda toxic to his own self ig??? intense simping tbh
word count: 885 words
a/n: lmao, i haven't even started writing the premise for this but i just couldn't resist! this will prolly be released as a one-shot? english is not my first language, i apologise for any mistakes and/or typos. this is just a test run tbh.
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quite honestly speaking, taehyun didn't hate you that much. or at least, that's what he liked to believe.
your sudden intrusion into his private life had not warranted your subsequent constant presence. and yet, here you were, lolling around on the cramped kitchen counter as he made hot chocolate to calm both of your bodies from the near hypothermic collapse you two went through in the past couple of hours.
he truly did not hate you, but the annoyance in his queasy guts was a bit hard to ignore when you were constantly spitting out chides and snide remarks on his technique of stirring a pot full of hot liquid, or his lack of knowledge of the correct timing to add the milk, or his inefficiency at equalising the portions in two separate utensils and concocting them separately to affirm to both of your individual preferences; you had proclaimed to be likely catch a severe case of diabetes if his cup of overly-sweetened hot chocolate lay within even a foot of your radius. taehyun was only putting up with your antics because he was your host.
and because you had those dumb puppy eyes.
indeed, both of you eyes shone with the thanksgiving decorations his parents had dutifully arranged around the living area, and taehyun spotted fairy lights behind the cabinets projected in your glittering pupils. your hands' warmth that burned through his puffy pullover and seeped down to every single tingling cell of his arms when you held them to better guide the stirring pan, your foggy breath -- a combination of the teeth-rotting gummy bears you had shared with him on the bus and peppermint -- tickled his shivering neck, thighs playing aggressive footsie to knock him off his stool while he grabs the mugs from the lower cabinets, finger flicks against his shoulder which cut into his blades as you scrambled to wrestle him for the disney-princess moana cup for yourself. your broken chuckle and a little gasp sent taehyun into a spiral about your cute little lips puckering at him...about your lip and skincare routine, nothing else.
you waved the little mug under his grumpy nose even as the sight of your wispy baby hair tickled taehyun's throat and your sweet--- no, weird nose scrunch imitated itself in his heart. you irritated him so much that his nerves hadn't calmed down even after you two had flung yourself out of the blizzard and into the comfort of his heated home.
"wow," taehyun muttered, raising his (in your opinion, unfortunately) perky cupid's bow. "i really do hate you."
instead of replying, you just handed him the chipped mug with his poison of choice, just flashing a toothy grin. "ah! good job, genius," you remarked when he spilled it a little bit while taking it from your pink hands.
taehyun could not possibly hate you more in that moment. he witnessed you morph your mouth into that galling pout and pull out frays from his dog-eared early-season woollen pullover and his heart trekked its way to his throat. he saw you take an experimental sip and sink back into the cushioned stool with the lulling comfort it brought, and he went through a physical battle to remember how to breathe. he heard you mumble a tiny, "thank you," with eyes shut and you lazily pulling the stack of worksheets on differential equations taehyun had offered to help you in towards yourself...and with no warning, his ears rang with a soaring wind and he was left speechless.
speechless because a racing, bubbling, overwhelming and tickling sensation had begun from his toes to your chipped nail-paint, from his buck teeth to your awkward fringe tucked away beside you ear, from the unopened sachet of instant coffee resting next to the milk carton to his own trembling lips, your hands fumbling to grab a pen from his limp hands, from the tick-tock-tick-tock of the ever speeding clock to his dizzying vision, from your blushing cheeks when he pulls his stool closer to yours and started pouring over the graphs - to his arm arranged precariously by the helm of your shoulder, from you sparking pencil-box to the deadening college applications on his desk upstairs, mysteriously unfilled.
and then he stopped floating. instead of the cloudy sensation, now wave after wave knocked him out. he was on the ocean floor, gazing through his prickling eyes and piercing pain in chest as he gasped for oxygen, blue water above him, his shoulder distancing the two of you, your questioning look at him for snatching the sheet of his notes away from your hands, dark, murky water around him. he had set off to study in his own room and he was thrashing, the suffocating instinct pooling all the ice from the snow outside to his heart inside, his legs pumping to climb the stairs, black, black, black storm all around him. it was okay; he had a plan. your voice called after him as his slammed him door and pulled out his stationery. your incessant knocks on his doors and his insistence that he wasn't going to teach you jack-shit from his notes echoed through the house.
your thundering silence and noiseless steps down to the living area. your exit leaving a tensing chill across his clavicle.
it all annoyed him.
anyway, he was going to go to a good college. and in reality, he really just hated you.
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tune-a-tyun · 1 year
more about me ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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-- maya -- she/her -- minor -- scorpio -- i write about txt! -- this is a fandom blog. however, it might evolve further!
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i've only just started writing, and fanfiction is my timid go at it! all kinds of advice regarding writing and interacting with readers is appreciated! did I mention I'm also a fairly new tumblr user? however, no mean stuff is allowed. i like to use and encourage using the block button very liberally :)
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wip: taehyun x fem!reader // rivals to lovers // highschool!au (what better place to start than cliché?
bye <333
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