tugrulkaracan-blog · 8 years
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I just love drawing bears :)
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tugrulkaracan-blog · 8 years
An Illustrator Teaching Journal
I was sitting in a cafe one day. Drinking tea with my friends. One of them suggested that i should give her children private drawing lessons. I didn't think twice, just said yes. No no, i said YEAH. Because I have already met with the kids. They are awesome. Very well behaved, not spoiled at all. And they are all artistic kids. Playin instruments and shit. Its like starting to a new game in the easy mode. They already know that; to learn a skill, you must do a lot of exercises. The day before my first lesson, i started to get scared. What am i going to teach them? Color theory? Too early! Shading? Too boring. Perspective? Nah, I dont know that shit either. Composition? I shouldn't bore them. Not on first day. So i went to a local art supply shop and bought them pencils and sketchbooks. Lets start our first lesson with a bribe... ehem... i mean; gifts :) I went to their home, knocked on to their door and the middle one opened it. Lets call her... hmm... The Middle One? Aaaahhhh! Nice naming. wow i AM a creative person. I am going to ace this... Ok wait lets talk about them first; they are 3 brothers and sisters. Youngest one is 5 years old. She is IN LOVE with drawing. I wish loved drawing as much as she does. She can draw non-stop. You know what? she DOES draw non-stop. Unbelievable. Middle one is 8 years old. She knows how to play piano. Can you believe it? She touches the buttons and you hear music! Magic! She also likes drawing. When i start telling them a story she gets too excited and cuts me and starts telling her story. I always giggle when she does that. Her older brother doesn't giggle. He usually warns her not to do that. She apologizes and lets me talk. But i can see that she cant wait for her turn. Hehehe And the oldest one; my bro! 11 year old drum player. I am not saying he is learning drums. i am sayin He plays them for 6 years. And he is a bit like me in his age. I know he dreams a lot. He has a very creative mind. Very interested in all kinds of art. He wants to write and illustrate his own stories. Im sure he can come up with wonderful stories. So... This is my class! My gang! I don't have any problems with them. I have problems with teaching. Dude what am i going to teach? Ok fast forwarding; its been 10 days since our first lesson. And 2 days since the second one. And I am still trying to figure out what to do. But i started to have some ideas. And i wanted to keep a journal. There we go: ILLUSTRATORS JOURNAL Part 1 - Problems: Me. HOW. TEACH? They are kids. And we are not trying to save the world. So i shouldn't be strict with them. The last thing that i want is to push them too hard and kill their passion. No no. I should make them love drawing so much that they should be ok with boring exercises. BUT I cant just go there and make them laugh, let them draw whatever they want and leave the class. They should be improving by the time passes. So this means doing some boring stuff; Drawing circles, shading, bringing me my tea(no sugar), and learning how to hold the pencil right etc. So i decided to balance it somehow. First lesson: They had a book that shows how to draw cartoon characters. Step by step tutorials. First; circle, then helping lines. And eyes, hair etc. Perfect example. Allright Lets do this. They started with a circle, which is the face. But it wasnt a perfect circle. Because they were using their hands, not their shoulder. So instead of a circle, they had elipses. I took a note; next lesson i need to teach them how to use their shoulders for drawing. THIS IS GREAT. Why was scared at all? This is how i learn what to teach. Now i know that first thing to teach them is how to use their shoulders. We have elipses for heads. Thats ok too. Totally fine. Lets go with elipses. Elipses are great. Einstein had a elipse head. Right? No? Whatever. Now we gotta draw the helping lines. One vertical, one horizontal. Dont use to much pressure because we are going to erase them later. Why are we drawing them if we are going to erase them later? Good question. Because we need them to put the eyes in the perfect position. Oh, you already drew the eyes? Thats fine too. We can easily erase them because you drew them lightly? Right? Well thats a no. Ok note to self: its important to teach them how to hold pencil. Lets continue. We already finished drawing the faces. Lets add some bodies to that faces huh? Yayyyy! Great. Lets start. But when you draw the line like that the arm wont look like it is attached to the body. There is a easy method. Try to see the body like basic shapes. You know what, i will teach that next time. I have already took a note. Lets move on. How about giving the hair a bit darkness? Not too black. Just grey. Try to give it a tone. How, you say? Thats another note to myself sweetheart! This is how the first lesson ended. We had a lot of fun. I saw that they are very talented, really! They are already enjoying this. Thats the most important thing right now. I need to make them experience the fun of drawing. So they can tolerate the boring exercises. Now they know that to draw a nice head, they need to be able to draw a nice circle. I am super optimist about this. They WANT TO draw nicely.
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tugrulkaracan-blog · 8 years
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I dont know how to mix gouache colors. Too much to learn
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tugrulkaracan-blog · 8 years
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Some of the books that i have illustrated in 2016 :)
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tugrulkaracan-blog · 8 years
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Water color ftw
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tugrulkaracan-blog · 8 years
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-Hey what are you doing? -Looking at the sky. What are you doing? -A mistake (at Silicon Valley)
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tugrulkaracan-blog · 8 years
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-Isn't life fascinating? -No! -But isn't it... -No. Just no... -You are dead inside...
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tugrulkaracan-blog · 8 years
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He said he will come back.
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tugrulkaracan-blog · 8 years
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She just wanted to walk away. Walk away from her problems, her sadness, her depression, her me... (at City of Palo Alto)
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tugrulkaracan-blog · 8 years
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She just wanted to walk away. Walk away from her problems, her sadness, her depression, her me... (at City of Palo Alto)
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tugrulkaracan-blog · 8 years
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There is this story bird that i know. That bird is the one that i learn my stories from. Never talks, never chirps, never actually tells me the stories. Just listens... but the best stories come with it.
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tugrulkaracan-blog · 8 years
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Weird sea creature... i dont know why...
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tugrulkaracan-blog · 8 years
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-hey! -oh? Hi! -if i pray up here, would you hear me better and give her back? -give her back? do you love her so much? -so, so much! -and she is gone? -gone! -who is this girl? Where did you met her? -she is not a girl. She is called -mom- but i have never met her. -oh. But I thought... -can you bring her back? -i'm sorry kid. I'm the sky, not the one who accepts prayers. -oh... -yeah... -i am sorry Mr. Sky. Sorry to bother... (at City of Palo Alto)
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tugrulkaracan-blog · 8 years
Touching some colors.
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tugrulkaracan-blog · 8 years
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-why are you glueing extra petals to those flowers? -wha..? -... -... -Those petals, are you glueing them to prove that you love me? -no no, im just trying to mess with the fate. (at City of Palo Alto)
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tugrulkaracan-blog · 8 years
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-You know why? -I hesitated! -Yeah... -Yeah...
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tugrulkaracan-blog · 8 years
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Story of this page; i read the script but i wasn't sure that i understood it very well. But i didn't want to send a blank page so i just drew a fun sketch. The writer loved it as it is and we decided to use it in the book. So here is a banker an alien robot and a cow driving a sports car. Why not?
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