tuesday-sketch-2 · 4 years
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Here I was.. thinking I’d posted that 200th Tuesday Sketch bump on the right site... turns out it went unto the “random art” site I have here as well.  I did it on time too... silly me. 
The “bump”’s background is all about Guitars because we lost one of our guitar virtuosos recently.  You know who he is if you’ve been following Rock for any amount of time.  I won’t mention his name because it is not fair to get google search to point this out (I’m not looking for clicks), but he was a pioneer, innovator, and one of the most awesome musicians I’ve heard.  Wish I could have seen him in person.  May he rock in peace.
My contribution, not so dedicated, but kind of a potpourri of doodles.  We’ll see if I get something else in here before the next topic.  Sadness didn’t help inspire some great sketches this time, but its the intention that counts.
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tuesday-sketch-2 · 4 years
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Tuesday Sketch 199 Spectacles...
Late and unashamed lol... Schedules, work, and life will make the Tuesday part of this endeavour a joke... As we have seen.  Decided... Tuesday only by name, weekly by nature... Spectacles to draw, sketch, or paint then.
And the sketch is posted - Dr. Hannibal Chew.  One of the victims in “Blade Runner”.  Allegedly, he worked making eyes for Tyrell Corporation.  Dr. Eldon Tyrell, Tyrell’s CEO, also wears peculiar glasses, but we’ll have to skip him).  And that was Hannibal’s memorable phrases “I only do eyes”.  Sent Roy Batty Dr. Tyrell’s way, and got crushed by that Nexus 6 replicant.  (yes... too much information... its one of my favorite movies).
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tuesday-sketch-2 · 4 years
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Tuesday Sketch this week is all about the telephone.  Sure, there may be a cell phone, but I think the pre-mobile era phones may be more interesting subjects to sketch.  Thank you Mr. Bell.
Time-lapse to the Wednesday after the whole Tuesday Sketch week went by.  Been busy, posting late (duh).  The new topic will be posted today.  In the meantime, belated postings of my “phoned in” sketches (pun intended).  They’re not too good, but I got something out of attempting them.  The first three are super early versions... a liquid telephone? interesting... then there’s that ubiquitous early model you see in movies that folks actually hold, microphone in one hand, speaker on the other.  And finally an early Ericsson desktop model I think? I may be wrong.  Anyway.. didn’t get to the more rounded “Bell” desk phones, and I skipped the wooden wall-mounted “crank” units that actually had bells on them.  Of course, we all know there’s princess phones, and fancy ones, etc... not going to get into the first wireless ones, car mobiles, briefcase phones, or cell phones - they’re mostly in the same vein, and lack a bit of character, if you know what I mean.
New topic should be posted tonight.
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tuesday-sketch-2 · 4 years
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Tuesday Sketch - topic: Mummy.
Difficult to find a nice mummy.  Went through some gory pics for reference, and picked just a few.  There’s a standard cartoony full mummy, then there’s the famous Boris Karloff (the classic mummy, if you ask me).  After that, all references looked either too cartoon-like, or just more of the same bandages all over dead desiccated bodies (may they all rest in peace).
Since my daughter had suggested the topic thinking of a particular mummy, I sketched one reference that will be familiar to lots of folks. There you go, “Lucky” the dog mummy from the very popular Nintendo game, “Animal Crossing”.  This should at least get noticed by my nieces (big fans of the game).
That will be it this week, posting on the “heels” of the next topic to be posted today (I don’t expect delays, but you never know).  Thanks for stopping by.
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tuesday-sketch-2 · 4 years
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Opps. Posted this in the wrong blog for the Tuesday Sketch 196 Mushroom topic. So here we go... Time enough to sketch.
And three more additions (from Disney’s Fantasia and Nintendo’s “Toad” from the Mario series).
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tuesday-sketch-2 · 4 years
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Tuesday Sketch continues.  Starting with a bit of a warm up... hard to pick a hat, so I started doodling, as I looked at the variety.  I have an idea of a good one to sketch.  Would love to see comments or even sketches from you.
Added to the sketches: a “paso fino” hat (the equestrian sport) sketch (by special request)... And a dynasty chinese hat (really an interpretation of it.. the real thing is probably a bit more subdued and elegant... this one is probably a popular rendition of the originals).
And finally, a top hat, for which I had plenty to choose from as reference.  I opted for one of the older versions of the Mad Hatter that I could find.
Well.. its Monday, so you may see a new topic pop up tomorrow.  I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.
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tuesday-sketch-2 · 4 years
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Tuesday Sketch 195 - the subject is HATS.
I know... a day late again. I should start calling it Wednesday Sketch... maybe I will.  I’ve been a but busier than usual these last few weeks, which is a very good thing, and its affected post timing, even drawing.  But, better late than never in this case.  The subject was suggested by my lovely wife (not in the picture - that’s Minnie Pearl, if you recognize her... famous for her hat... though I don’t think she was wearing the price tag on this one just yet).  Anyway. hats as a sketching subject is pretty wide (as a brim... ugh).  Let’s see what gets drawn.
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tuesday-sketch-2 · 4 years
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My daughter suggested clowns to sketch this week, and I didn’t mean to delay postiong, though I did sketch on Tuesday.  Searching for reference I realized that most clown images out there look creepy, or folks make them look creepy on purpose.  Whatever the reason, it made folks around me uncomfortable while I was looking for clown reference pics.  Regardless, a topic is a topic, and I did some gesture drawings of some basic clowns in different poses, including some faces.  Some of the faces are imagined, I suppose.  When I wanted to pick a famous clown, so many came to mind.  A friend suggested Krusty the Clown, from the Simpsons, and that’s the one I picked.  I could have gone with the very old “Koko”, or “Bozo”, even “Ronald”, or way many others that were “safe”.  At the other end of the spectrum, there was the one from “It”, and countless other evil clowns.  I opted for the middle ground... we’ll see.  The week is not over.  Thanks for checking this out.
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tuesday-sketch-2 · 4 years
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A couple of famous brooms from the Harry Potter series.  Since brooms were getting monotonous, and it is the witch, that makes the broom famous, there’s classic Wicked Witch of the West from Wizard of Oz, Witch Hazel, made famous by Bugs Bunny (I believe she appeared in other Warner Brother cartoons), Kiki from “Kiki’s Delivery Service”, and Broomhilda (remember newspaper cartoon strips?  that’s where from :) ).  I’m sure I’m missing some famous ones (perhaps the little cartoon from “Bewitched” ... another old TV series), and there’s got to be a slew of witches and their brooms out there.  If I missed one you’d like to see, let me know.
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tuesday-sketch-2 · 4 years
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Continuing the sweeping tradition, some quick sketches of old brooms from some reference images.  When you think brooms, you think of the standard ones, and the flying ones, and that’s it.  Something fancier or more colorful will come to mind, though that top/right has may be a bit peculiar.
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tuesday-sketch-2 · 4 years
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Tuesday Sketch 193 - Subject: Brooms
This week the topic was suggested by a friend.  Just a conventional object this time, but you may end up thinking outside the box for that same reason.  Who knows what you can come up with.  Sketch us a broom.
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tuesday-sketch-2 · 4 years
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Last Call for Tuesday Sketch with 5 minutes to go... Samurai.  I actually had a bunch of gesture drawings, and tried a cell phone video to showcase them... yeah right... need to practice that... don’t ask.  Maybe I’ll do them later.  This week was a bit critical, and time was not managed properly by yours truly.  Plan ahead, always, on any scale, but plan ahead. 
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tuesday-sketch-2 · 4 years
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The Tuesday Sketch subject this week is “Samurai”.  Thanks go to Mr. Mifune for inspiration (and fun captioning opportunities). Pick from real Samurais, make believe Samurais, Ronins, Ninjas, etc.... we don’t judge, we just want action.  Sketch away.  You can submit from the mail Tuesday Sketch page, or use this handy link - https://tuesday-sketch-2.tumblr.com/submit
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tuesday-sketch-2 · 4 years
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Tuesday Sketch Rabbits, there you go.  I believe the most popular bunny this side of “Cucamonga”.  The first one wasn’t even called Bugs, and he was in a hunting cartoon with Porky.  The second one starts getting close to what we consider “Bugs”, the third one was Tex Avery’s version (all hail LOL), then there’s the one that sticks the most in my memory, Chuck Jone’s era Bugs. (I know I misspelled Bugs name in one of the sketches, and also, the scanner needs cleaning - promise I’ll get to it).
We’d like to see your favorite rabbits.  I’m going to go ahead and pick some other not-so-popular, and distinctive one (or take a picture of one of the ones frequenting my backyard).  We’ll see.  Hope to see yours.
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tuesday-sketch-2 · 4 years
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Tuesday Sketch 191 - subject: Rabbit.  I’m not being mean, I just thought Tom Sawyer looked funny holding a rabbit.  As it happens, wildlife has been frequenting our backyards more and more often.  The feeder next door attracts all kinds of critters, including “them varmints”, which happen to be the right kind of cute.  Don’t make anything of the “bump” image above.  Tom Sawyer will be Tom Sawyer, and we don’t mean any harm.  We would just like some rabbit sketches posted.  Pick any rabbit, real or otherwise, and give it your art and imagination treatment, or pull it out of the hat of your subconscious.  Popular and famous cartoon rabbits are also welcome.  Get hoppin’ or Tom will get you.
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tuesday-sketch-2 · 4 years
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Sneaking a katana in under the door.  New topic should be up by now, but I haven’t chosen it.  You folks are free to suggest at any time (if we don’t get it this week, we’ll get it the following one).  So, no sword collection is complete without a Japanese sword, and katanas deserve their own week as well (no, not this week… enough swords for now).
For this one, I used a sketching app on a tablet, with an old “jumpy” stylus.  Learning to walk the digital walk.  I created the background messing with brushes, and textures (experienced digital artists may scoff, and giggle here), and drew the sword separately, with the jumpy stylus, and pasted it into that background (more scoffs and giggles as you notice the pixels around it).  Like I said... learning to do the digital walk.  Every app and devices has its things to get used to.
The new topic will be posted later today.  I think you guys enjoy the “bumps” more than the sketches :).
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tuesday-sketch-2 · 4 years
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Tuesday Sketch 190 - week of the swords. I’m sure someone has some sketches out there. If you want to SUGGEST a topic for tomorrow, now is your chance!
The Zweihander, or Doppelhander, or 2 handed sword (there are many other 2 handed swords, Claymore comes to mind). This one is of particular German origins in the middle ages.  Not all of them have the wavy (”flaming”) appearance. That was done to more effectively cut through pikes (either stationary or soldier wielded).  The “guards” are interesting, either to parry or poke with them.  Kylo Ren had the right idea with his “cross-lightsaber”.
The wavy part was hard to draw, and definitely not too accurate, but you get the gist.
There may be another sword or swords in the series, but today is the last day.
Again... if you have a subject suggestion, just use the comment section.  Thanks for dropping by.
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