tucker-caer · 5 years
(&& scarlett)‌:
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“Pigs? What pigs?”
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“I uhh, I take care of pigs, at the zoo. And they are very particular pigs...”
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tucker-caer · 5 years
(&& ellie)‌:
“Look, as long as you own it, there’s nothing wrong with it.” She shrugged, letting her arms fall back to her sides. Reaching out for the piece of paper, she looked down at it before nodding her head. “You’re about two blocks from it. Need me to show you where it is?” 
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He smiled. “Oh I own it. Mostly because that’s what everyone told me to do when I was younger. Not that I intentional do it but mostly that it just happens...” He grimaced sheepishly. A small shrug and a smile, “If you show me, I would ask that you join me. It would only be fair. I’m buying.”
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tucker-caer · 5 years
(&& cassie):
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Cassiopeia was seated on a park bench, skimming over the headline story of the local newspaper when she first noticed the other. He looked disoriented, but she only offered him a passing glance. At least, until she watched the same person, looking equally confused, walking in the opposite direction. With a small smirk, Cass set the newspaper on her lap as she called out to him. “ Do you have any idea where you’re going ? ”
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“As a matter of fact I don’t. But to be totally honestly that’s not really a new thing.” He sighed turning to the girl, looking slightly defeated. He moved over to the bench and looked at the empty seat next to her. “Do you mind?” He smiled softly. “Just for a moment while I try to find my way around?”
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tucker-caer · 5 years
(&& aladdin)‌:
“Pigs? As in the animals that are pink and oink? You a farmer or something?” Aladdin was taken back a bit by the guy’s description. Not many in Talle owned pigs, at least as far as Aladdin knew. Still, if it was pig treats this guy was after, it could be found. Otherwise someone gave him false news. “Well, I don’t know about pig treats but I do know a place that sells various odds and ends of everything - the guy who owns it, he’s kind of weird. Might have what you are looking for. I can show there if you liked.”
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“Those are the ones. Cute and much cooler then people think.” He joked. “Not a farmer. I mean I guess I technically could call myself a farmer. I was one when I was younger. But I work at the zoo. In the petting zoo part. I know how to work with a bunch those animals, cause the farm. I don’t normally do the ordering or picking up of stuff, so I’m a bit lost.” Tucker perked up and smiled, “I would appreciate that so much, I wanted to get them before work tomorrow, so finding them now helps out so much.”
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tucker-caer · 5 years
(&& ellie)‌:
Hearing his last statement, her eyes rolled heavily before she ignored it. Just some other male trying to do what they do best, however, something kept her from leaving all together. “There seems to be a few of those not so finest moments.” She commented. “What restaurant are you looking for?” 
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Tucker let his fall out of his mouth faster then his brain could stop them. “It’s true. I have a lot.” He shrugged putting his hands in his pocket. Pulling out the piece of paper he handed it to her, “That one. It’s supposed to be good and it means I don’t have to cook and all.”
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tucker-caer · 5 years
(&& scarlett)‌:
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“Um… what the hell are you talking about?”
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“I uhh....i was just rereading the text i was about to send...about the pigs...
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tucker-caer · 5 years
(&& peyton)‌:
“Would you mind helping me?” she looked wide eyed up at the other a small smile appearing on her lips. “I can’t seem to calm all these dogs down.” a laugh escaped her lips as she almost tripped on a leash. “Somethings setting them all off today, i can’t figure it out.” 
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Tucker stopped and looked at the girl but his attention was quickly pulled from her to the dogs and he smiled. Leaning down Tucker reached out to the dogs and held his hand in front of them. “Hey friends, you’re causing a big of trouble aren’t ya. I bet someone forgot to give ya treats. Well lucky for them I come prepared.” Pulling out from his pocket some of the treats from work he handed them to the dogs.
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tucker-caer · 5 years
(&& ellie):
He must really be a bumbling idiot. She was pretty sure whenever she saw him, he was either confused or just definitely doing something he shouldn’t. And now, he was just standing there, that same look of confusion on his face. “You know, I think every time I see you, that expression is on your face.” She commented, taking a sip of her coffee. “So, where are you trying to go?” 
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His face turned a beet red and he scratched the back of his neck. “You tend to find me at some of not so finest moments.” He admitted with the kick of his boot. “I just got off of work and I was going to grab something to eat but I turned myself around.” Standing in his polo and khakis it was more then obvious. “I’ve never been the best at finding my way around, but it’s not always a bad thing. I ran into you.” His smile and tone sincere. 
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tucker-caer · 5 years
(&& medea):
Medea looked the person over as he stood in front of the gardens, but she watched for a moment before saying anything. “You lost there, handsome?” She asked with a playful smile. 
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It took Tucker a moment to realize she was talking to him. He looked around and realized no one else was there, pointed to himself and then shrugged. “I mean, yeah kind of lost.”
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tucker-caer · 5 years
(&& aladdin):
Aladdin couldn’t help but watch at the gas station as the stranger continued to walk back and forth, look side to side, yet not wanting to trouble anyone. All these were signs of the classic and awkward “lost of directions”. Still, awkward was one of the things Aladdin knew the feeling too well. He had to help. Without much thinking else, he approached the stranger with a smile. “Looking for something or someone?”
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He never felt any frustration when getting lost, mostly because it was his fault, he wasn’t paying attention or he just took a wrong turn. Tucker never wanted to make it seem like someone was the problem. At the approach of the stranger he smiled in returned and ran a hand through his hair. “Looking for something. A place. A certain little corner store. Apparently they sell a certain brand of treats that the pigs have come to love. “ He always told more then what was needed, never sure why but it always seemed that he wanted to give everyone the facts straight up.
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tucker-caer · 5 years
Tucker was never the best at directions. He usually got lost quite easily but always has the attitude to be able to figure himself out. Even if it took a moment. He turned his head back and forth, wondering where he went wrong and thought about retracing his steps. The confused looked on his face was one of genuine sincerity though as boyish features twisted softly as he thought about where he was.
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tucker-caer · 5 years
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Sebastian Stan
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tucker-caer · 5 years
(&& ellie)‌:
Ellie was just ending a private lesson, letting one of her students try to attack her in the way they thought would work best. Little did they know, it didn’t work that well. As she pinned them, the woman let out a breath before speaking. “Keep fighting like that and you’re going to lose every time.” Her voice was stern, but not mean. “Alright, hit the showers. We’ll continue in our next lesson.” She told them before standing up and starting to clean the room, unaware of who had just walked in the door. 
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How strange for the mail to end up at the zoo. At least that’s what Tucker thought. Following the address he ended up at some sort of fighting place, he wasn’t all too sure. The door was opened so he walked in and seemed to catch a lesson in progress. The woman, who he assumed was the teacher, made a quick move and his mouth opened in awe slightly as he watched her pin the person down. When it was over she still didn’t seem to be aware he was there and he tapped on the glass, sheepishly holding up the mail.
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tucker-caer · 5 years
(&& ellie):
Ellie honestly didn’t know what she thought about the man standing in front of her. Honestly, she was confused on what was happening. She couldn’t tell if her really was a bumbling idiot, or if he was acting like one. However, Ellie wasn’t one to say no to a free drink. “I don’t mind, it’s just going to cost you a drink.” She said with a smirk, honestly unsure of where this night was going to go. “So, do you have a name? Or should I just refer to you as Bumbling Stranger?” 
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Tucker sat down and waved at the bartender, “Umm another one for her and I’ll take another pint, please.” He offered with a smile. The man wasn’t not one to venture far out of his comfort zone, even though he wished he could. So this was new to him. He really was an idiot though, unsure of how to speak like a human around her. Turning back to the woman “the cost of a drink it is.” The man scoffed a bit. “I mean I would say more like Bumbling Idiot, but Tucker, Tucker Caer. You?”
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tucker-caer · 5 years
(&& ellie):
It wasn’t the first time Ellie had shoved somebody against a bar counter, and it probably wouldn’t be the last. However, she was a bit surprised that the man who had still been standing there was just kind of watching. As he spoke, her brow quirked a bit, listening to him ramble. She couldn’t help the small chuckle that passed her lips, her head shaking a bit. “Don’t worry, I’m alright.” She told him, finishing off the drink that was in front of her. Ellie had stayed quiet for a moment, wondering if he was going to move on, but he had still been there. “Are you alright?” She finally asked, curious as to why he had stuck around. 
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He blinked and ran a hand through his hair. “Fine. I’m fine. Sometimes I think it’s that small town farm boy in me is still green and I’m still surprised by amazing things, people, amazing people.” He blew out air. Between them was one of the bar stools and he leaned against it. He noticed her drink was done and he smiled. “Mind if I join you, buy you another one. Or sit here. I never really did like corners, too dark and brooding for me.” Tucker offered a small smile. “Or not. I can just leave you alone if you’d like.”
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tucker-caer · 5 years
(&& ellie):
Ellie sometimes like to go out and enjoy a drink, especially after a long day of training. She had only been at the bar for a moment before a group of guys were circled around her, trying to pick her up. She tried to push them away, but they didn’t seem to take no as an answer. Hearing another male voice, she thought it was a friend of theirs before they waved him off and she barely caught the sight of him walking away. Ellie had been nice until one of them placed a hand on her, at this point forcing her hand in her opinion. With a quick movement, Ellie was on her feet and she had the man pinned down against the bar, struggling to move. “Now, when a girl says no, you take it and move the fuck on.” She told him, tightening her hold for a moment before letting him go. “Now move on…” She repeated with a wave of her hand before sitting back down to continue her drink. Feeling someone standing near her, she turned to see the man she had saw a moment before. “Were those your friends, or are you just waiting for something else to happen?” 
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He was in awe. With a swift movement he watched the man be pushed against the bar and his eyes widen. He watched as the men walked off, brushing against him quickly. Turning back to the woman he shook his head. “I don’t have friends.” He grimaced. “No I mean those weren’t my friends, I have friends, just not those friends.” He stammered over his words, his face becoming hot and red. “I thought--I thought you might have needed help when they started but then you did that thing and I would have just been in the way.” He felt dumb, stumbling over his words, speaking much to fast, he was all flustered. Taking a breath, he calmed for a moment, “I mean I saw what happened but just to make sure, are you alright?”
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tucker-caer · 5 years
tucker wasn’t one to go to bars. he wasn’t sure what made him walk into this one but he did. sitting at the far table and ordering a beer, tucker blew out air. he was feeling a sort of restlessness, a boredom he was unsure of how to make go away. this feeling felt familiar, almost childlike in a way but he was far from someone who dwelled on such feelings. lost in thought he was interrupted by a sound. turning his head the man listened to see where it was coming from. ever the curious one tucker got up and followed the sound. a few rough looking guys were bunched up, making crude comments and enclosing on someone. he caught sight of blonde and pushed forward. “h--hey! hey! is everything alright.” his voice stuttered for a moment. the men turned but only to wave him off and for him to catch sight of the face of the blonde it was what she did after that caught his attention. 
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