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Call me Tuberose, they/fae[Pfp ID: a picture of a tuberose flower.][Header ID: a picture of bluebell flowers.]
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tuberose-bluebell · 1 year ago
“Bachelor’s Button”
Fandom: Hetalia
Rating: Teen & Up
Warnings: Major Character Death
Characters: Prussia | Teutonic Knights | Gilbert, Knights Templar | Hadrien
Relationship: Teutonic Knights/Knights Templar
Tags: Battle, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Crusades, Character Death, Injury, Religious Guilt, Religious Conflict, Religious Content, Flowers, First Kiss, Guilt, Internalized Homophobia, Love, Death
Summary: The Teutonic Knights meet the Knights Templar in a battle.
Also! Check out the anthology that this was written for! So many incredibly talented people took part in this! Link to anthology tumblr page where the link to the anthology is right here!!
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tuberose-bluebell · 2 years ago
Please like/reblog/comment if you reblog and/or create Hetalia content in 2023
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tuberose-bluebell · 2 years ago
An Emotional Interlude
Chapter under the read more as it deals with mental health, namely depression.
The camera turns on to see Gilbert sitting in his room, most of the lights are off and he has a blanket wrapped around him. He looks exhausted.
“Hello, I haven't made an entry in a while.” He stops, thinking of an explanation for why exactly, “I’ve been tired. Like really tired. All the time, I don’t feel like doing anything. Which isn’t awesome at all.”
He pulls the blanket tighter around him, “everything just sounds so terrible. Even though everything is going so well. I’ve made more friends. Mathias and I hang out more. Matthew too. Francis and Toni are still my best friends. Lutz is the best little brother ever.”
Gilbert looks into the camera with a frown, “so I don’t know why I’m so sad.” His voice breaks and he breaks into a sob, “it’s been like this for months. I hate it!” He crosses his arms on the desk and hides his face, continuing to cry.
His crying continues for a while, his voice is hoarse when he looks up at the clock. “Shit. Fuck. Sorry. I’m sorry.” He turns the camera off quickly, forgetting to sign off as usual.
Link to Ao3:
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tuberose-bluebell · 2 years ago
Crushes & Cake
Gilbert smiles at the camera, “the other day was Lutz’s birthday! He had a good time, his friend Alfred came over and Grandfather helped them bake a cake!” He laughs, “it was actually an awesome cake. Grandfather’s good at baking and Lutz likes everything to be just right.”
Gilbert continues to talk, “Alfred’s older brother Matthew also came over, he’s my age and he’s really nice. I know he’s in my English class but we never talk really. We played some video games and he beat me at Mario Kart! I never lose at Mario Kart!” He crosses his arms and sighs, “though I just play against Francis mostly and Francis sucks at video games.”
“Maybe I need to play video games with more people besides Francis. Like Mathias!” He grins, “oh yeah! I never told you about the study date! It was nice, Mathias and I got our play written, he liked all of my ideas! And I was right, he did an awesome job as Macbeth!” He props his chin up on his hand and laughs, “he also said that I did a really good job too. And he added a part where Macbeth kisses Lady Macbeth’s cheek. I didn’t think it made a lot of sense to the story or scene but he explained how it fit in and I think it worked out alright.”
“He kissed my cheek too! It was weird, I don’t know if I liked it because it made me feel really nervous and he let me hold his hands after which was nice actually.” Gilbert sighs, “I think that Francis is right, I do have a crush. Mathias is just really nice and he’s so friendly and I want to hang out with him more! Maybe I should invite him over for video games. We still have some leftover cake.”
He turns to look at the clock on the wall behind him, “I’m going to ask Grandfather if I can invite Mathias over for the afternoon! Sincerely, Gilbert! I’ll tell you all about it later, okay?”
Gilbert smiles brightly as his computer before the camera clicks off.
Link to Ao3
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tuberose-bluebell · 2 years ago
I swear to god after like a week people will still be reading but nobody leaves comments anymore and I just want to make it absolutely clear that I would be excited and elated to get a comment on these fics one hundred years after I post them.
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tuberose-bluebell · 2 years ago
“Brokenness Aside”
Fandom: Hetalia
Rating: Teen & Up
Characters: Prussia | Gilbert Beilschmidt, Canada | Matthew Williams
Relationship: Canada/Prussia
Tags: Kissing, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Internalized Homophobia (not explicitly mentioned but certainly implied), Alternate Universe - Human, no actual sex happens they just talk about it, Trans Prussia (not plot relevant but important to me), Canada is a good boyfriend
Summary: Matthew and Gilbert have a conversation after Gilbert starts crying while they’re kissing.
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tuberose-bluebell · 2 years ago
Chapters 1 & 2 of “Gilbert’s Totally Awesome Video Diary” (title subject to change)
Fandom: Hetalia
Characters: Prussia, Germania (mentioned), Germany (mentioned), Hungary (mentioned), Denmark (mentioned)
Tags: video diary, human au, trans male character, growing up, brothers Germany & Prussia, Prussia-centric, Prussia’s a good brother, lots of characters mentioned but not present
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tuberose-bluebell · 2 years ago
“Er tanzte mit dem Tod (He danced with Death)”
Fandom: Hetalia
Characters: Prussia, der Tod (Death), Germany, Italy Veneziano, France
Tags: Major Character Death, inspired by Elisabeth das Musical, dancing with death, Death, Character Death, Suicide, Suicide Notes, Suicidal Thoughts, Dancing, Poison, Gun Violence, Kiss of Death, Mayerling kiss/waltz type death
Summary: Gilbert Beilschmidt was once great. He used to be strong, people bowed in reverence and fear when he passed. People cowered and ran when he made his presence known and held out his blade. He used to be powerful, he had great leaders in charge of an even greater country. People from his land would be written down in the history books and remembered for the rest of time. He would be remembered as a fierce nation. And he was, for a time. They fierceness became more focused, and he slowly fell to his infatuation with Death.
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tuberose-bluebell · 2 years ago
I absolutely love sitting down and going “haha gonna be productive and write something fun today” and then the thing I end up writing is literally about my favorite character just really wanting to do a little self murder
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tuberose-bluebell · 3 years ago
“Here on Holy Ground”
Fandom: Hetalia
Characters: North Italy | Feliciano Vargas, Germany | Ludwig Beilschmidt, Prussia | Gilbert Beilschmidt, Gilbird (he has one line but it’s important to me), Original Female Character
Tags: Catholic Guilt, Catholicism, Ex-Catholic Character(s), Religious Guilt, Catholic Prayers, Prayer, Adoration, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Veneziano and Prussia get to be Buddies, Platonic Pruita
Summary: Feliciano is feeling bad, but the church nearby is having an Adoration night. He decides to go. It doesn’t make him feel any better though.
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tuberose-bluebell · 3 years ago
“Confessions of a Guilty Conscience”
Fandom: Hetalia (I’m so sorry)
Characters: North Italy | Feliciano Vargas, Germany | Ludwig Beilschmidt (mentioned), Roman Empire (mentioned)
Tags: Religious Guilt, Confessional, Hurt No Comfort, Italy (Hetalia) has Catholic Guilt, Catholic Guilt, Hetalia Countries Using Human Names, Reconciliation, Implied GerIta - Freeform, they aren’t dating or anything, but it’s clear that Italy has a bit of a crush, also I state that they do live together, Internalized Homophobia
Summary: Feliciano feels guilty after a visit from his Grandpa Rome, who makes a comment on how he’s “so glad that you and that Germany boy aren’t dating!” He goes to confession for the first time in years.
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tuberose-bluebell · 3 years ago
Would people be interested if I possibly ran a Claydar week?
Obviously I don’t know when it would be yet. Probably sometime in July.
I also don’t have any prompts yet but I could figure that out
I also know it’s a rarepair so yeah. I want to see if people would be interested and actually participate, y’know?
Can you tell I like this ship a lot? There’s not enough content for this silly little rarepair crack ship
If anyone likes the idea/wants to help do feel free to dm me!
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tuberose-bluebell · 3 years ago
Chapter three of “Clams, and Other Tails Regarding Vongole”
Characters: Kristoph Gavin, Apollo Justice, an original character, & Vongole (dog)
Tags: pets, siblings, gifts, clams, dogs, fluff, humor, fluff & humor, Actually German Gavin Siblings, Kind Kristoph Gavin
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tuberose-bluebell · 3 years ago
Chapter four of “Movie Night with the Gavin Brothers”
Characters: Kristoph Gavin, Klavier Gavin, others mentioned
Tags: Siblings, Movie Night, Fluff & Angst, Kind Kristoph Gavin, German Gavin Siblings, it’s literally just me projecting onto Kristoph Gavin
Summary: Kristoph wouldn't say that he and his younger brother are particularly close. He does try to be a good older brother sometimes, so he listens when Klavier wants to watch a movie.~~~~ Chapters are all very short, but the fic will be updated more or less frequently! There's not really a plot it's just them watching movies
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tuberose-bluebell · 3 years ago
First two chapters of “Clams, and Other Tails Regarding Vongole”
Characters: Vongole (dog), Kristoph Gavin, Klavier Gavin, Apollo Justice, & an original character
Tags: pets, siblings, gifts, clams, dogs, fluff and humor, humor, fluff, Actually German Gavin Siblings, Kind Kristoph Gavin
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tuberose-bluebell · 3 years ago
I’m writing so many things right now but they’re all entirely self-indulgent, when I do post next just expect it to be me projecting onto Kristoph Gavin. I do apologize in advance
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tuberose-bluebell · 3 years ago
One shot: “Clay Terran is Fine, Actually”
Characters: Clay Terran and Apollo Justice
Relationships: Clay Terran & Apollo Justice, Clay Terran/Daryan Crescend, and Apollo Justice/Klavier Gavin (implied)
Tags: Friendship, Humor, Fluff, Banter, Chords of Steel, notebooks, Clay Terran Lives, Clay Terran and Apollo Justice are roommates, you could read this as claypollo, Apollo Justice wrote lawyer rpf, background wrightworth
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