ttrpgmoderator · 7 years
Robin effortlessly slipped through the window, slid around and down the nearest column, and landed silently behind it. He peaked out from behind the monument’s shadow making sure he had eye contact with his team.
He trusted everyone remembered the plan. At Robin’s signal Starfire was to first slip in and get behind the one robber watching the hostages. She was to silently take him out and secure the captives by flying them out the skylight. Then Raven’s job was to disarm the thieves with her magic to ensure that no one would get seriously harmed while Speedy, Robin, and Ravager immobilize and detain the three remaining criminals. After all weapons have been confiscated, Raven would need bring the hostages down from the rooftop and onto the sidewalk where paramedics should be waiting.
However, Ravager had rushed in a little early. While her actions so far had not compromised the plan, Robin could tell she was on edge and could irresponsibly act out of turn. Then there was Speedy who was nowhere to be seen. Robin tried not to put too much pressure on Ravager by making unnecessary eye contact. He knew she wanted his trust and working in a team was still new to her. He wanted to trust her and for her to trust in the team but the tension he could feel coming from her made her unreliable.
Time was of the essence and Robin had to have faith in the team to quickly respond to anything even if the plan fell apart. Robin held up his hand-drawing the titans’ attention and made the signal.
[Coin flip for sneaking in through the roof window: Heads-success]
Moderator post
In order for Robin’s plan to work best, the posting order is going to be modified a bit: New Order: Starfire, Raven, Ravager, Speedy, Robin
Any dice rolling can be done at  https://www.wizards.com/d20modern/d20mdice/dice.htm
More information tailored to other characters will be posted later. __
Starfire and Raven must try to save the hostages, which triggers the obstacle (see below).
Starfire’s first course of action is to disarm the man holding the hostages. After the man holding the hostage is disarmed, Starfire is to begin moving the hostages to safety. 
The first 5 points of the obstacle is attributed to disarming him, and this will also subtract 5 points of his health as well. 
Raven must first roll a dice in order to determine if she is able to properly disarm any of the robbers. After all, there are 3 of them deep within the bank, and there is also one holding the hostages. Success scale (roll D20) 1-4 = failure, she is unable to disarm any of them 5-8 = partial, able to disarm 2 robbers in vault, but not the one with hostages 9-15 = partial, able to disarm the one holding the hostages and 1 in vault 16-19 = success, able to disarm 2 robbers in vault and one with hostages 20 = disarm ALL robbers
Robbers that have been disarmed by Raven lose 5 stat points (-5 health) [A mod post will update their stats if that occurs]. If the one holding the hostages is disarmed by Raven, 5 points of the obstacle are automatically deducted.
Robbers that are not disarmed by Raven, will be considered disarmed when they lose 5 points of health in battle.
During Phase 3 of the obstacle, when ALL are disarmed, Raven will begin helping to bring the hostages outside (need to roll for this, described below).
Saving the hostages [OBSTACLE]:
Overall: 25 pts (flip coin first to see if successful, then roll d10)
Each failed coin flip to defeat the obstacle damages one hostage by 5 health and whoever is rolling by -1 health. [Hostage stats will be updated in a moderator post].
Phase 1: 5 pts. Starfire will roll a d10 to try to disarm the man holding the hostages, but Raven also has the chance to try with her own, different roll (described above).
Phase 2: 10 pts.  Starfire will roll to move the hostages to safety once the man is disarmed.
Phase 3: 10 pts. Will begin only when ALL robbers are disarmed. Raven will roll to move the hostages outside.
Beyond the first 5 points of the obstacle being attributed to disarming the gunman, the rest of the points simply contribute to moving the hostages to a safer location. Depending on how high the rolls are, Starfire and Raven may have to convince some traumatized hostages to move, or all the combat occurring may make it difficult to move them.
Hostage #1 - HP: 25/30 Hostage #2 - HP: 30 Hostage #3 - HP: 30
Starfire was in the perfect position for a surprise attack on the man that was holding the hostages. She was right behind him, with a glowing green palm. However, she had to be delicate with her actions, as she wanted to knock the gun from the man’s hands without hitting the hostages with her attack. And of course, she didn’t need the man shooting either her or the civilians. She threw the starbolt at the man, planning to dislodge the gun from him. However, he suddenly moved to re-position himself from the stance he had been long holding, and her attack completely shot past him, and at one of the hostages. The woman let out a yelp, and the man turned his head to face the alien.
“Try that shit again, and I’ll shoot them!” the man threatened.
_ [Coin flip: Tails, failure -1 to Starfire, -5 to a hostage Starfire: 50/51]
[The above mod post was edited to include the fact that Raven also has a chance to try to disarm the man who is holding the hostages, because originally she did not. And Starfire obviously needs some help. It was also modified to update the hostages’ health.]
[Coin-Flip: Heads, success. Rolled: 13 Partial Success: Disarmed robber with hostages and one robber in the vault.  Stats: -5 to vault robber #1, -5 to hostage robber, -5 to hostage obstacle.
Vault Robber #1: 40/45 (Disarmed) Vault Robber #2: 45/45 (Armed) Vault Robber #3: 45/45 (Armed) Hostage Robber: 40/45 (Disarmed)
Hostage #1 - HP: 25/30 Hostage #2 - HP: 30 Hostage #3 - HP: 30
Hostage Obstacle Phase 1 CLEARED
Raven: 51]
Raven folded her legs, readjusting midair. If she was going to pull off an attention split in that many different directions at once, she’d need to be at full concentration. A deep breath, hood drawn with dark energy back up and over her head, and Raven closed her eyes, holding her palms out flat. The starbolt she could hear going off below, inside the bank, is unexpected, and definitely spurred Raven along faster than was probably safe. Her hands curled, soul quiet, and she ignored the creeping anxiety that something has gone terribly wrong when she received the signal, a single beep on her communicator.
“Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos.” Raven shuddered out the last word in a soft breath, astral projection separating from her body. The shadow melted down into the building, immediately seeking out the commotion with Starfire first. It definitely sounded like she could use backup, ASAP. 
Raven’s soul flitted in, phasing through the bank robber, who yelped in shock at the sensation. Energy curled around the gun, which went off as he panicked, trying to get the darkness off of him. Raven ripped it away, thankful the bullet embedded itself in the wall and not a hostage (or, God forbid, Starfire) - and tossed it into the corner. She could feel herself flagging, and Raven phased further down into the bank, sliding through the floor in her astral form.
Going through solid steel was cold, and Raven knew she didn’t have much longer before she had to return to her body. It was enough, she hoped, to grab the gun of the robber closest to her and empty the entire clip onto the floor, energy tendrils zapping out to scorch the bullets and render them useless. She barely had a moment to process the outraged shouting of the criminals before Raven snapped back to herself with a gasp and landed gracelessly on the roof. 
“I got two of them,” Her voice was a little weak, breathless from the effort to project that far. “Hostages should be secure. I’ll be down in a minute to help, Starfire. The other two in the vault are still armed, guys, I saw pistols.” The be careful went without saying.
Mod post:
Their choices may alter some aspects of the mission, and future threads. Both of them are waiting on a signal from Robin to ensure that the man holding the hostages has been disarmed. During their first replies, they will not have gotten the signal yet due to post order and don’t know whether he is disarmed, but they can choose to start attacking before the signal reaches them anyway. Not waiting might impact their relationships with Robin and the Titans, but it could prove useful to dive into battle regardless.
Robin will send a signal to Speedy and Ravager when the gunman with the hostages is disarmed, and then he will continue to battle that robber. Robin is sort-of monitoring the hostage situation until the man is disarmed; and then he will send the signal, and will proceed to battle the man in hand-to-hand combat while the hostages are moved away.
Mission .01 - Bank Heist
15 notes · View notes
ttrpgmoderator · 7 years
Robin effortlessly slipped through the window, slid around and down the nearest column, and landed silently behind it. He peaked out from behind the monument’s shadow making sure he had eye contact with his team.
He trusted everyone remembered the plan. At Robin’s signal Starfire was to first slip in and get behind the one robber watching the hostages. She was to silently take him out and secure the captives by flying them out the skylight. Then Raven’s job was to disarm the thieves with her magic to ensure that no one would get seriously harmed while Speedy, Robin, and Ravager immobilize and detain the three remaining criminals. After all weapons have been confiscated, Raven would need bring the hostages down from the rooftop and onto the sidewalk where paramedics should be waiting.
However, Ravager had rushed in a little early. While her actions so far had not compromised the plan, Robin could tell she was on edge and could irresponsibly act out of turn. Then there was Speedy who was nowhere to be seen. Robin tried not to put too much pressure on Ravager by making unnecessary eye contact. He knew she wanted his trust and working in a team was still new to her. He wanted to trust her and for her to trust in the team but the tension he could feel coming from her made her unreliable.
Time was of the essence and Robin had to have faith in the team to quickly respond to anything even if the plan fell apart. Robin held up his hand-drawing the titans’ attention and made the signal.
[Coin flip for sneaking in through the roof window: Heads-success]
Moderator post
In order for Robin’s plan to work best, the posting order is going to be modified a bit: New Order: Starfire, Raven, Ravager, Speedy, Robin
Any dice rolling can be done at  https://www.wizards.com/d20modern/d20mdice/dice.htm
More information tailored to other characters will be posted later. __
Starfire and Raven must try to save the hostages, which triggers the obstacle (see below).
Starfire’s first course of action is to disarm the man holding the hostages. After the man holding the hostage is disarmed, Starfire is to begin moving the hostages to safety. 
The first 5 points of the obstacle is attributed to disarming him, and this will also subtract 5 points of his health as well. 
Raven must first roll a dice in order to determine if she is able to properly disarm any of the robbers. After all, there are 3 of them deep within the bank, and there is also one holding the hostages. Success scale (roll D20) 1-4 = failure, she is unable to disarm any of them 5-8 = partial, able to disarm 2 robbers in vault, but not the one with hostages 9-15 = partial, able to disarm the one holding the hostages and 1 in vault 16-19 = success, able to disarm 2 robbers in vault and one with hostages 20 = disarm ALL robbers
Robbers that have been disarmed by Raven lose 5 stat points (-5 health) [A mod post will update their stats if that occurs]. If the one holding the hostages is disarmed by Raven, 5 points of the obstacle are automatically deducted.
Robbers that are not disarmed by Raven, will be considered disarmed when they lose 5 points of health in battle.
During Phase 3 of the obstacle, when ALL are disarmed, Raven will begin helping to bring the hostages outside (need to roll for this, described below).
Saving the hostages [OBSTACLE]:
Overall: 25 pts (flip coin first to see if successful, then roll d10)
Each failed coin flip to defeat the obstacle damages one hostage by 5 health and whoever is rolling by -1 health. [Hostage stats will be updated in a moderator post].
Phase 1: 5 pts. Starfire will roll a d10 to try to disarm the man holding the hostages, but Raven also has the chance to try with her own, different roll (described above).
Phase 2: 10 pts.  Starfire will roll to move the hostages to safety once the man is disarmed.
Phase 3: 10 pts. Will begin only when ALL robbers are disarmed. Raven will roll to move the hostages outside.
Beyond the first 5 points of the obstacle being attributed to disarming the gunman, the rest of the points simply contribute to moving the hostages to a safer location. Depending on how high the rolls are, Starfire and Raven may have to convince some traumatized hostages to move, or all the combat occurring may make it difficult to move them.
Hostage #1 - HP: 25/30 Hostage #2 - HP: 30 Hostage #3 - HP: 30
Starfire was in the perfect position for a surprise attack on the man that was holding the hostages. She was right behind him, with a glowing green palm. However, she had to be delicate with her actions, as she wanted to knock the gun from the man’s hands without hitting the hostages with her attack. And of course, she didn’t need the man shooting either her or the civilians. She threw the starbolt at the man, planning to dislodge the gun from him. However, he suddenly moved to re-position himself from the stance he had been long holding, and her attack completely shot past him, and at one of the hostages. The woman let out a yelp, and the man turned his head to face the alien.
“Try that shit again, and I’ll shoot them!” the man threatened.
_ [Coin flip: Tails, failure -1 to Starfire, -5 to a hostage Starfire: 50/51]
[The above mod post was edited to include the fact that Raven also has a chance to try to disarm the man who is holding the hostages, because originally she did not. And Starfire obviously needs some help. It was also modified to update the hostages’ health.]
Mission .01 - Bank Heist
15 notes · View notes
ttrpgmoderator · 7 years
Robin effortlessly slipped through the window, slid around and down the nearest column, and landed silently behind it. He peaked out from behind the monument’s shadow making sure he had eye contact with his team.
He trusted everyone remembered the plan. At Robin’s signal Starfire was to first slip in and get behind the one robber watching the hostages. She was to silently take him out and secure the captives by flying them out the skylight. Then Raven’s job was to disarm the thieves with her magic to ensure that no one would get seriously harmed while Speedy, Robin, and Ravager immobilize and detain the three remaining criminals. After all weapons have been confiscated, Raven would need bring the hostages down from the rooftop and onto the sidewalk where paramedics should be waiting.
However, Ravager had rushed in a little early. While her actions so far had not compromised the plan, Robin could tell she was on edge and could irresponsibly act out of turn. Then there was Speedy who was nowhere to be seen. Robin tried not to put too much pressure on Ravager by making unnecessary eye contact. He knew she wanted his trust and working in a team was still new to her. He wanted to trust her and for her to trust in the team but the tension he could feel coming from her made her unreliable.
Time was of the essence and Robin had to have faith in the team to quickly respond to anything even if the plan fell apart. Robin held up his hand-drawing the titans’ attention and made the signal.
[Coin flip for sneaking in through the roof window: Heads-success]
Moderator post
In order for Robin’s plan to work best, the posting order is going to be modified a bit: New Order: Starfire, Raven, Ravager, Speedy, Robin
Any dice rolling can be done at  https://www.wizards.com/d20modern/d20mdice/dice.htm
More information tailored to other characters will be posted later. __
Starfire and Raven must try to save the hostages, which triggers the obstacle (see below).
Starfire’s first course of action is to disarm the man holding the hostages. After the man holding the hostage is disarmed, Starfire begins moving the hostages to safety. 
The first 5 points of the obstacle is attributed to disarming him, and this will also subtract 5 points of his health as well. 
Raven must first roll a dice in order to determine if she is able to properly disarm the other robbers. After all, there are 3 of them deep within the bank. Success scale (roll D20) 1-8 = failure, she is unable to disarm any of them  9-12 = partial, able to disarm 1 robbers in vault 13-15 = partial, able to disarm 2 robbers 16-18 = success, able to disarm all 3 robbers in vault   19-20 = perfect, disarms ALL robbers, and damages them by an extra -2 health.
-Robbers that have been disarmed by Raven lose 5 stat points (-5 health) [A mod post will update their stats if that occurs]. 
Robbers that are not disarmed by Raven, will be considered disarmed when they lose 5 points of health in battle.
During Phase 3 of the obstacle, when ALL are disarmed, Raven will begin helping to bring the hostages outside (need to roll for this, described below).
Saving the hostages [OBSTACLE]:
Overall: 25 pts (flip coin first to see if successful, then roll d10)
Each failed coin flip to defeat the obstacle damages one hostage by 5 health and whoever is rolling by -1 health. [Hostage stats will be updated in a moderator post].
Phase 1: 5 pts. Starfire will roll to disarm.
Phase 2: 10 pts.  Starfire will roll to move the hostages to safety once the man is disarmed.
Phase 3 (might occur in the next round or so of posts): 10 pts. Will begin when ALL robbers are disarmed. Raven will roll to move the hostages outside.
Beyond the first 5 points of the obstacle being attributed to disarming the gunman, the rest of the points simply contribute to moving the hostages to a safer location. Depending on how high the rolls are, Starfire and Raven may have to convince some traumatized hostages to move, or all the combat occurring may make it difficult to move them.
Hostage #1 - Overall HP: 30 Hostage #2 - Overall HP: 30 Hostage #3 - Overall HP: 30
Mission .01 - Bank Heist
15 notes · View notes
ttrpgmoderator · 7 years
Titans and allies have arrived near the scene of a bank heist. The bank is of the beautiful, elite kind. Its architecture is tall and ornate, and there are large windows that line the front of the building, as well as rows of smaller windows on the sides of the bank. The area is surrounded by police, and through the windows it is evident that there are a few hostages being held inside. 
There is one robber actively pointing a gun at the hostages, the other 3 seem to be preoccupied with the money they are stealing. The Titans must enter the bank in a stealthy way as to not cause the robber to shoot at the hostages. One of the windows towards the roof appears to be cracked open, but there also may be a back door. How they enter may alter the situation.
After the Titans decide on how to enter the bank, the goal is to safely remove the 3 hostages from the situation, and to defeat the thieves; further instruction will be provided. 
Working solo had been so much more simple. There was no one to answer to, no one to second guess your movements. You could move without having to first gain permission. You could simply act upon instinct, reflex. Teamwork required strategy, partnership, trust. Something she knew she still hadn’t quite earned yet from their team’s fearless leader. 
Rose could feel herself growing more and more restless the longer they remained outside strategizing. And once the plan of attack had been laid out, she could do little more than follow it to a tee. Her slender physique had made it easy to slip in one of the smaller windows at the side of the building once the glass had been quietly removed. 
Unsurprising that she would be paired up, chaperoned really and assigned to take on the thieves unloading the vault while the other half of the team focused on getting the hostages out. Probably for the best. Busting bad guys was always easier than dealing with the victims. And her people skills were still pretty rusty. 
Starfire kept glancing at the hostages while Robin debriefed the situation and they came up with a plan. They looked petrified, and Starfire wondered how long they had been there before the Titans had been called in to intervene with the situation. Sometimes the Jump police was too prideful to ask for the Titans right away, and incidents could escalate to something like this.
She was nervous; she would feel terrible if anything happened to the three innocents on the Titans’ watch. The Tamaranean was itching to defeat the band of thieves, but the safety of civilians came first. She was going to help her team accomplish that portion of the mission before letting her warrior instincts take over.
The alien leaped up and stole into the window. She was able to go in unnoticed by the criminals, and went to hover behind the man who held the gun. She gave a look to the hostages, to try to tell them to not draw attention to her. The gunman’s reaction to the Titans’ arriving on scene would most likely be violent, and she wanted to avoid that.
Fortunately, they seem to get the hint. Starfire could tell that they acknowledged the presence, but the criminal was completely unaware. She waited for her companions to orient themselves to continue. -
[Coin flip for hostages drawing attention: Heads- success]
Characters that are helping with the hostage situation need to flip a coin to see if they are noticed, if they are trying to not be noticed by the gunman.
Mission .01 - Bank Heist
15 notes · View notes
ttrpgmoderator · 7 years
Mission .01 - Bank Heist
Titans and allies have arrived near the scene of a bank heist. The bank is of the beautiful, elite kind. Its architecture is tall and ornate, and there are large windows that line the front of the building, as well as rows of smaller windows on the sides of the bank. The area is surrounded by police, and through the windows it is evident that there are a few hostages being held inside. 
There is one robber actively pointing a gun at the hostages, the other 3 seem to be preoccupied with the money they are stealing. The Titans must enter the bank in a stealthy way as to not cause the robber to shoot at the hostages. One of the windows towards the roof appears to be cracked open, but there also may be a back door. How they enter may alter the situation.
After the Titans decide on how to enter the bank, the goal is to safely remove the 3 hostages from the situation, and to defeat the thieves; further instruction will be provided. 
15 notes · View notes