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Knowing I’ll never forget you is the absolute worst part.
(via radiantquotes)
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It’s either you want to be with me or you don’t.
Make up your mind. (via neverthegoodguy)
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Don’t make everyone know about your sadness.
John Steinbeck (via wordsthat-speak)
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You don’t realize how badly you’ve been treated until someone comes along and treats you the way you should be treated.
(via deeplifequotes)
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You’re a temporary person in someone else’s life, too.
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I’m saving my soul for someone like you.
Eight Word Story #213 (via baekebyan)
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I used to worry about where I stand in people’s lives but maturity made me realize that it doesn’t matter that much. If you need me, I am there for you. If I need you, then I hope you’re there for me too. It took a long time for me to learn that people will always need each other, no matter what. So I want to be that person who is always there.
buhaybabae (via wnq-writers)
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I don't want to get attach to anyone because I get jealous too easily. It hurts me when I feel that they have someone better than me, It makes me feel that they are starting to replaced me.
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im dealing with my shit the way im dealing with it. are my methods unhealthy? yes. are they effective? no. am i going to change what im doing. no
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I blame myself for everything. I regret it all but I know that won’t change anything. We could never go back to the way it was before.
Your secrets are safe here (via thelovewhisperer)
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Forgive yourself for loving the wrong person.
Kriti, A simple reminder (via wnq-writers)
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Sometimes you have to allow emotions to pass through. You cannot fight them; nor should you cling to them, but some things simply demand to be felt.
Lynette Simeone (via wnq-writers)
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You deserve people in your life who understand you at your core. Who don’t have misconceptions about your personality or your intentions. People who not only “get you” but also care about your wellbeing and won’t betray your trust.
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