tsuki-no-miko · 16 hours
it makes a reallllly good sound when you snap a halo btw lmao i do it on purpose every now and then. basically totals the angel but you can get most of your money back breaking it down for spare parts anyway
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tsuki-no-miko · 16 hours
Crunchyroll pushing the Symphogear agenda in 2024???
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tsuki-no-miko · 2 days
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tsuki-no-miko · 2 days
Shout out to all the Black ppl that can no longer participate directly in the fandom they love because of the stresses of racism 👍🏾 you contain multitudes of value and I'm sorry that the color of your skin and the power of your voice makes people not want to acknowledge that.
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tsuki-no-miko · 2 days
Save my children from life's danger 🇵🇸💔
I am the mother of a family consisting of 8 people. I have a little girl who is 14 years old, her name is Farah. Help her to escape from death. She suffers from kidney failure and autism. She is a person with special needs. She has a motor and mental disability. I ask you to contribute to alleviating my suffering. Have a good night’s sleep, as she does not know how to sleep. I live in Palestine. In Gaza City, amidst the horrors of destruction and hunger that are tearing us apart, and the mysterious and terrifying anxiety, there is a lot of sadness and pain in my country, and fear restricts our thoughts every hour. We wonder: Will we die? Will we live? Will my child die from her chronic illness? Are we all going to die? We are truly suffering. Winter will come, and I will not have a shelter to protect my family
I am a patient with autism and chronic kidney failure. Please, you are my only hope.
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I hope to live a decent life and enjoy support and help. The inevitable death befalls me, my family, and my little girl every time and day. She needs permanent treatment, medicines, detergents, diapers, and special food. Kidney disease is a chronic disease to escape dialysis. I have no ability to buy her needs. I am tormented by staying in the hospital permanently. The kidneys evade potassium and air. A dangerous element that leads to death and cardiac arrest
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I have been living with an early awareness since her birth of the inevitability of death from this disease, accompanied by the fear of waking up to losing her and losing her life. My little girl is certain that she is heading towards death in the absence of treatment possibilities and the availability of her requirements and that the expected end of her illness journey. I ask God for everyone who helps me not to complain of pain. Sickness, you do not know it. When sickness visits you, the world becomes smaller before your eyes, and all your wishes become insignificant in the face of health, and to see your child playing and enjoying good health. I am looking for someone to help me to alleviate the painful reality. We are suffering from my heartbreak for my sick child. She is lost before my eyes, and my homeland is devastated.
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My life before the war was more beautiful. I hope that this pain and injustice that we are exposed to will end. I have the right to live in safety.
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tsuki-no-miko · 2 days
Qusay❤️ Ghina❤️ Saba❤️
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These beautiful children are part of the Abu Alwan family. Qusay and Saba are twins, born in a refugee camp just a few months ago. Ghina is 4 and just started learning the alphabet. They live with their father Mohammed and their mother Samar in a tent in Gaza. I cannot name a specific region of Gaza, because they are forced to move often due to IOF bombings and ground attacks.
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As if this wasn’t bad enough, they are also subject to starvation and medical deprivation. The IOF blockade and its deliberate sabotage of Gazan infrastructure has resulted in the collapse of Gaza’s food distribution and medical care systems. The children are malnourished, which could be devastating for their developing brains. It is also difficult to find diapers for the twins, something which is necessary for the comfort and health of the twins and everyone around them.
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Further, Saba is suffering constant, severe diarrhea and vomiting. Her parents have risked their lives to find medical assistance, but to little avail. They are currently waiting on some test results that may indicate what is causing Saba’s symptoms. In the mean time, however, Saba continues to suffer immensely. She requires antiemetic and antidiarrheal medication, as well as safe food and water. All of these things are extremely expensive and difficult to find in Gaza.
You can help the family in 2 ways:
1. Supporting them via GFM so that they can save enough funds in the long-term to arrange for evacuation when the border reopens, or support themselves in the mean time
2. Supporting them via MoneyGram or similar services so that they can receive cash transfers, which will help them in the short-term to buy basic necessities like Saba’s medication, formula and diapers for the twins, food and water for the whole family, and building supplies to reinforce their tent
These children deserve to live. They deserve to be happy and comfortable. They deserve to grow and learn. The occupation is trying to stop this. We can counter their efforts by supporting this young family. Message us for details.
Thank you❤️
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tsuki-no-miko · 3 days
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tsuki-no-miko · 3 days
Hi. I'm a Mexican trans woman who lost her job and is living out of donations.
Any support towards this would be monumental and appreciated.
I can't offer much, but perhaps you know me for the stuff I've translated:
Or because of the "Yay! I'm ____" edits.
Please, if I've at least given you a smile pls consider helping me out this time. Any amount is appreciated.
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tsuki-no-miko · 4 days
@laughing-devil-creations does this remind you of anyone
i love tragic characters who get their whole world ripped out from underneath them and then completely fuck themselves and everyone around them over in the most violent unnecessary ways imaginable
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tsuki-no-miko · 4 days
education is too expensive lol
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hey there y'all i gotta pay this posthaste in order to maintain my active student status so i can have access to resources to finish my thesis and get my degree and i have absolutely no income right now, if anyone could help a trans lady out
will add my ko-fi later
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tsuki-no-miko · 4 days
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this should make you angry. children in gaza have been out of school for a whole year and will be out of school as long as the israeli invasion continues. palestinian children live in flimsy tents which do not offer them any protection from the heat/cold. they travel long distances to search for water. they are threatened by water-borne diseases and skin infections that are running rampant in gaza.
no aid has been allowed in gaza since may. there is a shortage of everything from food to medicine to blankets to tents. this means that prices for everything have gone up.
it has become very expensive to survive in gaza. heavy rains followed by the winter are fast approaching. a tent does not offer much protection against the elements.
help alaa [ @alaakh998 ] buy supplies for the winter and medicine for her son who is suffering from a skin infection. she has two children aged six and four. she needs to ensure their safety and welfare and it cannot be done without your help.
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tsuki-no-miko · 4 days
do not forget the patron saint of these weeks that we celebrate ourselves proudly and openly in the streets
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her name was Marsha P Johnson, and we have her to thank for so much.
remember, the first Pride was a riot, and she was one of the brave souls who endured it to help carve the path which so many of us walk today. she helped found several activist groups regarding LGBT safety and wellbeing. and she was absolutely radiant, too.
thank you, Marsha. we remember you.
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tsuki-no-miko · 6 days
Hey if you’re schizophrenic/psychotic I just want you to know that you’re a wonderful person and that you deserve so much better than the demonization, marginalization and stigmatization you face in this society.
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tsuki-no-miko · 6 days
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tsuki-no-miko · 6 days
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tsuki-no-miko · 7 days
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tsuki-no-miko · 8 days
food scarcity is only getting worse. yesterday the iof opened fire on a clearly marked UN aid vehicle that coordinated with the israeli military beforehand. the vehicle was struck 10 times with bullets, focusing primarily on the front windows. the 2 UN workers were miraculously unharmed. this isn't the first time the iof had targeted UN aid convoys with bullets or bombs.
today (August 28) the World Food Programme (WFP) ran by the UN announced a complete suspension of food aid to Gaza because of this attack. this will only make the food insecurity worse.
9 out of 10 Palestinian living in Gaza on average go more than 24 hours without food. In North Gaza, the acute malnutrition rates spiked 300% in the past 2 months, specifically in children. There has only been 1 aid truck that got into North Gaza in months.
in light of this news i just want to stress how important it is that we aid North Gazan families both in their survival funds and their evacuation efforts. every day this campaign stagnates is another day the family might be forced to dip into their evacuation fund to survive.
no donations in past 50 minutes for Hazem's younger siblings and parents (vetted #281 in evacuation spreadsheet). please continue donating.
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