TSIAF explained!
14 posts
hi, i'm a tsiaf fan/fandom blog to explain stuff like popular theories, characters, ships, headcanons, everything! if you want anything explained, send an ask!
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tsiaf-explained · 3 years ago
Thank you for mentioning me! I'm trying my best
Personally, I recommend looking at the wiki or just reading the original content, the first collection is a good place to start.
Hey, you seem pretty knowledgeable on the fandom stuff and I'm still trying to get into it, anywhere (stories or blogs) you can reccomend to start with?
Well, the old content is a bit outdated at this point, but the newer stuff is less fleshed out? I think that reading it all in the order it came out can be very good for understanding the story better, but it can get decently confusing. I guess this isn't very good advice sorry AAA :[ @tsiaf-explained might be more helpful!!!!
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tsiaf-explained · 3 years ago
hello... Can I ask if its alrite darling. Have you heard about the fallen angels theory? Might you elaborate on it if you have, please? Kind regards.
Hey there! Thank you for the interesting ask!
The fallen angels theory is the fandom theory that all the inhabitants of the house or, yk, the main 6, are fallen angels or in some way sent from heaven to experience life as humans before they can rise again, as a trial of faith and trust in whatever exact spirits up there that exist.
There's several variations to it:
1. Not all of them are angels
The theory is especially important to some Maxwell theories and partially also Edward and Helliot, so some people theorise that not all of them are angels, others are either demons there to test them or just other mortal souls. For example, that Edward is an angel and Viktor is a demon.
2. They're all the same angel (angel soul theory)
Sort of a crossover between the OS theory (scroll down for an explanation on that), basically just means that they are all the same angel or celestial figure (usually understood to be Michael, the arch angel, as a partial reference to "Stranger in a Strange Land" by Robert A. Heinlein). The idea here is that they were split apart in order to understand themselves better and eventually return to heaven.
3. Guardian angel theory
Because of the vague canon lore behind Maxwell's death and the partial retcons around Winifreds, there's the theories for those two specifically that they are an angel and none of the others are and that their power grants the immortality to the rest, basically being a guardian angel for the others.
In Maxwells case, the evidence for this comes from his later addition to the cast aswell as the circumstances of his first death.
In Winifreds case, it comes from her "guardian angel" role over Juniper and her first death, too.
Since the supernatural isn't currently super explained, this is pretty popular for fans that see one character as the main character, basically.
Ty for asking! Lmk if I should elaborate.
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tsiaf-explained · 3 years ago
Hey there!
Yeah, this was posted to Tobys (Winifreds creator and main writer) official twitter a few hours ago, but as you can see theres a mix of traditional artwork and photos used in the cover, so people are thinking it may be fanmade and Toby reposted it as a joke of sorts? Otherwise, I guess it could be that this will be a collage-style animation show, but nothing else has been confirmed yet :/ Afaik, some creators have also spoken out against a show that would be animated out of fear of it being „sanitized“.
It would be great if there is a show of course!
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i cant believe theyre making a netflix show!!
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tsiaf-explained · 3 years ago
Please do not send hate to this person, they're extremely sweet and I admire them a lot!
Delete your blog
No thank you I will not be doing that!
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tsiaf-explained · 3 years ago
what are your thoughts on junvikedwin? or whatevr the poly ship of those 4 is called hehe
So, again, my thoughts aren't for this blog, but in terms of canon viability:
As far as I know, none of the creators are averse to poly ships, not even the CC of Juniper.
However, Juno has confirmed that Juniper the way she currently appears in the story would not be open to a poly relationship due to her past and upbringing and so it is only possible with her as a part of it in the future or a modern au, for which there's no content at this point.
Nothing else like this exists for other characters, iirec, so its a mostly feasible ship. It revolves mostly around the OG 3 + Winifred, which means its well developed characters with a lot of (in canon platonic) love for each other!
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tsiaf-explained · 3 years ago
are juniper and winifred actually canon?
Thanks for the question, anon!
So, yes, Juniper and Winifred are canon, as in, the characters are confirmed to be in a relationship at a certain point in the story and are confirmed to be mutally attracted to each other by both creators.
However, due to the lack of content for both, it's not entirely sure if the characters are fully together as of now yet, so it's basically still in the making. Also, both of them ID as lesbians!
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tsiaf-explained · 3 years ago
do YOU have a fav character?
This blog isn't meant for my personal opinions, so please be advised that I won't be answering stuff like this in the future, but I'll read the asks and put relevant info into my pinned post, okay?
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tsiaf-explained · 3 years ago
Not usually taking sides but this is important to reflect on!
Remember, all characters in TSIAF kill at some point and death is a constant theme, no matter who you like more or less
i just think that viktor has been and continues to be unapolagetically Evil throughout the whole series and i dont see how you can support a character like that. hes a murderer!
Calling Viktor evil is, like, ridiculously dismissive. He did bad things but he's not a completely evil person. He was grieving! He lost every person in his life who he loved, and when he got Ed back after thinking he was dead for a whole decade, he was so distraught by the sheer difference between them and he had a mental breakdown!
Viktor murdering Ed wasn't a premeditated thing. If you recall correctly, he only did so to prevent Ed from getting the entire trio thrown into prison. Not to mention the severe guilt he felt over the incident??
Every single character in this series is a murderer
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tsiaf-explained · 3 years ago
Afaik this is canon compliant fanart
Reposting the og Winiper artwork because it got lost sometime ago and we need to appreciate them more!!!
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I low-key miss when we all thought ghost!winnie was actually gonna be full on canon? Was wild.
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tsiaf-explained · 3 years ago
👁👻Can you elaborate on the one soul theory? I think Maxarie plays such an essential role in it. Hes the most important one fr. 👻👁
Sure thing!
So, the one soul theory (also called the OS theory) is this fan theory that's trying to provide an explanation for the un-deaths that happen within the series and the immortality of all the central characters.
Basically, what we know for sure to be canon is that as long as one member of the household is alive, all the others will come back to life eventually.
This, plus some canon writing has lead some people to theorise that the main six (Juniper, Maxwell, Viktor, Ed, Winifred and Helliot) are actually all sharing one soul.
Some also say that this soul is currently fragmented and shared literally within the group, although there's a lot of different thoughts on how or why this happened (lmk if I should make a detailed post about that!)
Its one of the most popular explainations for why the characters all are immortal and in parts pretty heavily supported by the text.
It's a bit too much to go into in one single post, so if you want me to go into detail on something, tell me what!
Hope that helps!
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tsiaf-explained · 3 years ago
Some commonly used terms for newcomers in the fandom:
Letter opener duo/Letterduo/ LO duo - Viktor and Edward, mostly talking about them just as characters or platonically
Edvik - the ship between Edward and Viktor (canon, btw)
Poemduo/Poetduo - the friendship/relationship between Edward and Juniper
Scalpelduo/widowduo/the rivals - Viktor and Juniper stuff, usually widowduo is only about her whole husband thing
Hellduo - Winnie and Helliot as far as I understand it
Original trio - Junie, Viktor and Ed. Tbh?? All of them are originals
Haunty bois - Winnie and Viktor, named after the way they meet
Winiper - Ship between Winniefred and Juniper (also canon)
Hell to the Max - the ship between Helliot and Max bc that's a thing apparently????
Feel free to reblog with more additions!
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tsiaf-explained · 3 years ago
Foreignerduo/Foreign friends - platonic duo between maxarie and juniper
Junirie/Maxiper - romantic ship between maxarie and juniper (the creators have spoken up against this!!!)
Unhingedduo - Maxarie and Helliot platonic relationship
Hellbent - Winnie and Helliot platonic relationship
Bonus, although i'm not sure if anyone actually ships this: Marriper (from Marriage + Juniper) is the ship between Juniper and her husband. Yes, the one she killed.
Also, some characters have multiple names/spellings:
Maxarie - also Maxwell, Zacha, Zacharie, Maxie/Max
Viktor - in older stuff also Victor (but that makes the creator uncomfortable, use Viktor!)
Edward - Ed, obviously
Juniper - still sometimes is called Juno in older stuff (also not approved by creator!)
Winifred - Winnie, Winniefred, Winiefred (the fandom just kinda can't spell her, I guess?)
Some commonly used terms for newcomers in the fandom:
Letter opener duo/Letterduo/ LO duo - Viktor and Edward, mostly talking about them just as characters or platonically
Edvik - the ship between Edward and Viktor (canon, btw)
Poemduo/Poetduo - the friendship/relationship between Edward and Juniper
Scalpelduo/widowduo/the rivals - Viktor and Juniper stuff, usually widowduo is only about her whole husband thing
Hellduo - Winnie and Helliot as far as I understand it
Original trio - Junie, Viktor and Ed. Tbh?? All of them are originals
Haunty bois - Winnie and Viktor, named after the way they meet
Winiper - Ship between Winniefred and Juniper (also canon)
Hell to the Max - the ship between Helliot and Max bc that's a thing apparently????
Feel free to reblog with more additions!
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tsiaf-explained · 3 years ago
Hi there! Apparently the creators will be making some changes to the lore and possibly the timeline, so I think people are trying to accommodate by editing ahead of time. It should be back to normal in a couple of hours.
WHO EDITED TH WIKI👁 The relationships part. The timeline is incorrect @viktorvautour @theskyisalwaysfalling @officialjuniperdefender @tsiaf-explained @winifredolmsted someone explain
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tsiaf-explained · 3 years ago
Hey! I'm a new fanblog for the The Sky Is Always Falling fandom, even if we are small, to make the stuff easier to access and get into.
I'll be:
Trying to keep up with canon additions and update on them
Explaining asks on characters, ships, plot elements and more
Talking about and reblogging popular fantheories and so on
Reblogging fanart that is canon-appropriate
Trying to make canon lists and summaries
Asks are open and you can obviously ask anonymously, i'll answer anything appropriate ^^ /g
Just remember this is run by a real person!
Facts about me:
- My name is Theo
- I'm 17, questioning and currently still go by he/him
- my favourite character is Edward!
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