trulyshay · 4 years
Text ✉ Tiny 😘
Shay: i can't wait to see you tonight.
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trulyshay · 4 years
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trulyshay · 4 years
“I just don’t buy into the social ladder thing myself, and I’ve never met a single plastic who I like. I am not even sure they like each other, because they are always changing? It’s like they are mean to people because it is fun or whatever. I definitely do not think she would fit in well. But I guess it’s her choice.” Zig replied, knowing there was nothing he could really do to stop Frankie.  “I guess that is fair. She seemed pretty happy about the whole thing. The plastic situation just has me second guessing everything, because I don’t want them to give her a hard time because I did something smaller.” He added, not used to over thinking every single choice so much. 
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“I don’t really either. I’m only a jock because well I’m into the athletics and it’s what I’m good at. The whole clique thing doesn’t matter to me, considering I’m dating Tiny. I feel like they’re definitely constantly backstabbing each other because they’re trying to one up everyone. I just hope Frankie doesn’t let them push her around because of her niceness.” Shay said. Frankie was someone who would let people walk all over her if it meant getting them to like her. “Just don’t worry about the plastics. That’s what they want you to do. They want to get inside your head.”
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trulyshay · 4 years
“Yes, the best friend thing makes sense to me. The plastic thing however will never make sense to me. But if it makes her happy I support her choice to hangout with them.”  Zig replied with a shrug, completely agreeing with Shay that Frankie was incredibly nice. “My strengths are mainly food, but thankfully Frankie likes food and I know what her favorite meal is.” He added with a chuckle.  “Big public displays are really not my specialty. Tiny gets away with that sort of shit because he’s not a burnout.” 
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“I don’t know. I mean I could see maybe why Frankie would want to be a plastic. I just don’t know if she’d fit in well with them considering how they act with everyone and what they make people do. Especially to their friends or significant others.” Shay said. Shay smiles at him. “You don’t have to do a big public display to get Frankie’s attention Zig. I’m sure she loved your dinner idea just as much as she would have any thing else for her. She’s easy going about that, plus I know how much she cares about you. I’m still in shock that Tiny did all that for me. He knows that I don’t have to really go out and make our relationship public.”
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trulyshay · 4 years
“I don’t understand girl politics, I just knew you guys hangout a lot. But she’s also been hanging out with the plastics.” Zig replied with a shrug. “I am just more of a romantic dinner type than I am an elaborate dance number type. It’s more about the thought right?”
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“It’s really not that hard to understand. I mean Me, Lola, Franks hang out all the time cause we’re best friends. Really? It doesn’t really surprise me considering Frankie is nice and all she’ll hang out with anyone.” Shay said as she shrugs. “See you just play to your strengths. I’m sure she loved it even if you didn’t do the whole public announcement idea. Some girls don’t care about getting asked in front of the whole school. I didn’t care either way Tiny just surprised me. It is the thought that counts.” 
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trulyshay · 4 years
“Well, yeah. She’s my best friend after all.” Shay said. Shay glances at Zig and shakes her head. “Not at all. Franks is simple. She really likes you so anything you do for her she’s going to love honestly. Even if Tiny didn’t do something all public like for me I would have loved it just the same.” 
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“Hey, you know Frankie pretty well, right?” Zig asked, raising an eyebrow at the girl. “Do you think she is disappointed that I didn’t do a big public promposal like Tiny did for you?”
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trulyshay · 4 years
text 📲 s-club
Tiny: july-ish? or whatever's open. i figure the less busy it is, more questions i can ask.
Shay: if it's before the end of july i could go but if not then I won't be able too.
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trulyshay · 4 years
better watch out for esme, she's gonna steal your man
I’ll shut that down real quick.
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trulyshay · 4 years
do you know tiny fucked vanessa and has a fat crush on her?
As long as this wasn’t while we are dating. It doesn’t matter.
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trulyshay · 4 years
do you know that tiny fucked vanessa and has a thing for her?
I hope this was before he and I actually got together and not while we are together.
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@bclltiiny @thevmontgomery
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trulyshay · 4 years
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trulyshay · 4 years
text 📲 s-club
Tiny: yeah, i'll get myself a legal guardian or something. my aunt is nice, i might talk to her about it..
Tiny: maybe, depends on what days they have. i know you've got your sports camp thing, and i don't want you risking that for me.
Shay: that could work too.
Shay: what time of the summer were you planning on going?
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trulyshay · 4 years
text 📲 s-club
Tiny: don't think he's allowed to leave the country for too long, lol. but, i'll figure something out.
Tiny: I am? they say junior year is the best time to visit, and I wanna go for like two or three days in the summer.
Shay: well, if it's just for a few days that shouldn't be too bad then right?
Shay: then if you're cool with it then I'd love to come along, but if you wanna go by yourself that's cool too.
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trulyshay · 4 years
text 📲 s-club
Tiny: We haven't really done the 'legal guardian' thing. Our grandma is technically ours, but she's kinda up there in age to go on something like this..
Tiny: To see me in college? Sure, but that's years away.
Shay: couldn't you just say he's your guardian even if not?
Shay: you made it sound like you were planning to visit there soon haha.
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trulyshay · 4 years
text 📲 open
tiny: every college i see's website for a tour wants stuff like "parent's name who will accompany you".
tiny: can't a 17 year old just fly to cali or texas on his own without adult supervision? 😔
Shay: That's definitely interesting news. Couldn't you like possibly put your brother as your guardian?
Shay: I'd get to come with right?
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trulyshay · 4 years
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“My boyfriend asked me to prom in like the cutest way ever.” 
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trulyshay · 4 years
Exactly my point. Though, I definitely wouldn’t put it past them to go that far.
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I hope that doesn’t become a thing. They already ask for a lot.
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