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truly-trans ¡ 5 years ago
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truly-trans ¡ 6 years ago
Reblog if its okay to message you on anon until I am comfortable enough to reveal myself to you
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truly-trans ¡ 6 years ago
im super scared to go on t. like i probably wont havppen for a while but still the thought of it scares me. my mom and i are tryin to get in with gender therapist and a genderclinic and like is scary. any tips on how to deal with it? also my mom and like 2 friends r the only ones who know im trans. any tips on dealing with coming out to other family and people at school and shit? oh and work cuz that is scary tooo
hey anon! i haven’t been on here in a long time, but saw your message and wanted to respond.
like a lot of things, transitioning is a journey and while some parts might seem really scary and impossible to overcome at first, once you stop trying to put together the big picture and only worry about taking baby steps, you’ll make tons of progress without even realizing it.
in terms of hormones, what part scares you? is it the changes that worry you? or like physically having to do a shot? negative side effects? for me, hormones were something that i looked forward to for a really really long time, because they would give me the ability to exist both with myself and with others in a way that was manageable. things such as my face and the way my voice sounded had made me into a much more reclusive person. starting hormones is a little scary, yes, but overall it’s not something to be scared about! if it really is the right decision for you, it will change your life for the better in ways you never even anticipated. i’ve only been on T since january of 2019 and within three to four months i already had a group of friends who to this day can’t tell that i am a transsexual. i can fully be myself without always worrying about people seeing me as a confused girl or thinking that i’m overcompensating in some way. it’s liberating! you will finally fell free to exist and thrive! doing the shot itself really isn’t bad at all (once you find the right spot you can’t even feel it!). if you have any specific questions or concerns about T, message me or send me a dm and i can talk you through it! i’m friendly i promise!
as for therapy, i think it is super important and it will help ground you in knowing whether transitioning socially and medically is the right choice for you (if you are still on the fence). they will reassure you about any questions regarding hormones, and often times can help provide you with a plan for coming out! for me, it was important to start small with just my parents, then closest friends, then more family, more friends, the administration at my school, my grandparents and extended family, family friends, then the whole student body, and everyone else kinda just fell in somewhere. it sounds like a lot, but going at my own pace and helped a lot over the 6-9 month coming out period. i promise it’s one of those things that just gets easier and easier the more you do it. after a while, it doesn’t even feel like a big deal anymore. if people truly love you and respect you, they will listen to you and hear what you have to say. as a tip: explaining the science and providing studies/resources helps a TON. surround yourself with a positive group of people who you know you can count on and nothing will be able to stop you.
being trans in general is scary, but through this process you will realize just how strong and capable of a person you are. there is so much joy in being able to live fully as the person you are for the first time in your life. take your time, listen to yourself, and know that there are people all around willing to help you; you are not alone! my dms are always open if you need someone to talk to. i believe in you! also sorry for any typos!
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truly-trans ¡ 6 years ago
I’m a cis girl. Is it okay to still be Transmed? And have like a blog to it?
sorry i’m just now seeing this, but of course! anyone is allowed to have an opinion on anything so long as they educate themselves about it. as a trans person, i am very appreciative of cis people who take the time to educate themselves on trans issues and advocate for a proper understanding of us as people! if you have a blog lmk! i’ll definitely follow you :)
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truly-trans ¡ 6 years ago
i have some pain from time to time but it’s not like the worst thing in the world. basically what it come down to is that t dicks are just like,, really sensitive, and sometimes it can be painful while walking or sitting during the first few months on t. it’s basically just like the same kind of pain you would get when overstimulated. not fun, but manageable.
Bottom growth anon again, I was wondering more about the pain that can happen with bottom growth. I heard from a video that some people on T can experience discomfort or pain while the growth happens and even though I know I'll go through the pain no matter how horrible it is it just kind of scares me and gives me anxiety.
Um, I guess the pain doesnt happen for everyone? I didnt experence pain at all. In fact, I didnt even notice growth until i went down to wipe one day and was like “oh hey thats like twice the size it was before. wack” I honestly didnt even know it was a thing cause i never experienced it? I guess Its different for everyone. The one thing I did notice the most is the orgasm changes. 
I know like some people dont like to talk about bottom growth and sex stuff that involves it, but when you masturbate it does change how it feels over time along with the growth. Its really hard to explain, but its more like a final UGH and then tired after. 
anyway, regarding bottom growth and your concern, not everyone has the same experence with it. Maybe you will experence the pain, maybe you wont. Sadly, you wont really know till you start. I honestly didnt think I would have as bad of acne cause i had literally such clean skin pre T but now im just a walking pimple.
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truly-trans ¡ 6 years ago
Nondysporics fucking suck. Let’s break it down.
“Your cis friends won’t respect you more just because you put other trans people down.”
My cis friends respect me because rather than screaming at them for misunderstanding my identity, I respectfully and factually explained to them that I have gender dysphoria, and transitioning will greatly improve my quality of life.
“Non dysphoria trans people aren’t hurting you.”
Yes they are. When I sent an email to each of my teachers telling them my new name and situation, half of them assumed I was another cis girl coloring her hair and wearing ‘flower boy’ crop tops while going by he/him pronouns. Instead I was an insecure, scared teenager taking testosterone injections and praying to God no one would point out the obvious bulge in my chest the next day.
“Well, cis people will always disrespect us, dysphoric or not.”
No, cis people aren’t these stone cold bigots by default. They will listen and understand, at the least they will respect my name and pronouns. I don’t want everyone to fully support my lifestyle, I want to be shown the basic level of respect that every other dude gets.
And cis truscum/transmedicalists (cis people who believe you need dysphoria to be trans) are saints and I love each and every one of them. People who have taken the time to research, understand, and advocate for trans people are truly selfless.
“Well remember when Bill Nye-”
Yes I remember when Bill Nye, a reputable scientists with a good deal of nostalgia attached to his brand, pandered to the far left by gushing on about how complex gender is. That then sparked the mogai community to gather aropund him and hail him as a mogai god.
Gender is complex in the sense that sometimes, gender and sex don’t match uwfp. Sometimes little boys feel more like little girls, sometimes little girls feel like little boys. However, there is a very small percentage of the population who is ACTUALLY transgender.
People not included in this percentage are:
-non-dysphoric trans men, women, and people who identify as “nonbinary” without any sort of dysphoria. (I believe there are two genders but I will entertain the idea of an outlier to the two established genders)
-intersex people (unless they truly do experience dysphoria. some do, some don’t)
-extremely butch lesbians or extremely effeminate gay men. (there’s a word for that: gender nonconforming. not conforming to the set standards of the gender you are. they’re still cis, as they don’t experience dysphoria.)
So please, support trans kids with dysphoria. They’re the ones crying themselves to sleep at night, they’re the ones mutilating their bodies, they’re the ones who can hardly take a shower because the bodies they were born in just aren’t right. These kids are the ones persecuted in school, these kids are the kids who feel as if they’re letting their parents down, simply for being themselves.
And, unlike you non dysphoric pricks, these kids can’t just stop being trans when it’s convenient for them. 
So if you’re one of the many fuckers making tans kid’s plight seem like a choice? Choke on my cock. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask.
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truly-trans ¡ 6 years ago
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truly-trans ¡ 6 years ago
wow...testosterone really...did that....
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truly-trans ¡ 6 years ago
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Just something that’s been on my mind. Tumblr has this specific way of handling communities. These are just the ones that come by on my dash, I’m sure there are plenty more examples.
First they start out nice, tolerant, willing to listen and learn.
But they quickly become too nice and tolerant. Rather than simply accepting group X, they begin to overglorify them. They make them into something more special than people outside of group X, and coupled with their compulsive need to belong and feel special, desire to be a part of it too.
In comes the appropriation. If they can’t be a part of it, they’ll make themselves a part of it, one way or another. And is someone in group X not acting the way their fantasy version of them acts? Call them out on it!
They become so fanatical that they begin to talk over, or drive out the original people of group X.
And then finally they manage to become so hateful, their initial tolerance has turned into cold, terrifying intolerance. Calling gay/trans men privileged over white straight cis women, telling transsexual people to die, purposefully triggering people they dislike into panic attacks, defending Muslims to the point of calling the attack on Charlie Hebdo justified. And sending death threats to anyone who dares to disagree.
Being excluded from a group or community because you don’t belong there is not oppression.
It simply means that group does not describe or fit you as an individual.
If you can’t accept that, you have far deeper issues than your imagined ��oppression’.
Inb4 tons of hate messages and death threats.
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truly-trans ¡ 6 years ago
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First known use of “transgender”
Comparison of BSTc size and shape
Quality of life in treated transsexuals
Common questions
Am I supposed to feel like a specific gender?
How do I know I’m experiencing gender dysphoria? [1] [2] [3]
What else could these feelings be? [1] [2]
What’s the difference between body dysmorphia and gender dysphoria?
Should I use inclusive language for transgender people?
Does not being attracted to transgender people make me transphobic?
How can I help loved ones that are transgender?
Research & info
List of peer-reviewed papers on gender, transgender and intersex conditions
Collection of transgender studies on Tumblr
Helpful information for and about transgender people
You are free to repost this elsewhere, provided you link back to the original post.
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truly-trans ¡ 6 years ago
Trans women: literally get murdered for being trans
US Government: bans transgender people from serving
Trumeds: anyways what’s important is that this teenager on the internet uses xe/xir pronouns and That Is The Issue :)
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truly-trans ¡ 6 years ago
i’d definitely recommend a half one. they’re less constricting and much more practical especially when it’s hot. all in all just easier to deal with
can someone help me out
i need to figure out the pros and cons of getting a half binder vs. full one
(edit: btw i’m like a small/ medium (in gc2b sizes) so)
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truly-trans ¡ 6 years ago
my dms are super open!!
ssomeone please talk to me
i dont konw who i am or what i am and im too scared to talk to anyone i know about it
im too scared to try and figure myself out because im too scared of having no future im too scared o  f getting killed or beaten up or worse im too scared i cant do it im not strong enough for this shit someone please talk to me 
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truly-trans ¡ 6 years ago
hey cis, we know what youre doing when you ask us our birth/dead name. we know that if we ever told you your first thought would be “oh so she’s really bethany huh?” we know that you’ll be thinking about us, imagining our parents calling us micheal growing up, hearing jeremey during role call, drivers licences and birthday cakes that say heather on them, and then you’ll look at us and say “wow you dont seem like a brianna,” or “i cant imagine you ever being a hugo,” to make yourself seem accepting, but then every time you talk to us you’ll be thinking of our dead names in the back of your minds. and we know. we know that if we ever told you, you’d never forget
dont ask trans people for their dead names, there is no reason for you to know. 
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truly-trans ¡ 6 years ago
once i really realized it was a possibility (age 16?) i knew it was something i needed to do and i had to wait about a year for things to be cool with my parents, friends and family, before i actually got to start and in that time i was able to thoroughly think it over to know it was the right choice
Ok I really wanna go on testosterone but I’m just scared that I’m making this decision too quickly? Like, I won’t be able to go on T for at least a year, but I really want to.
@ my trans brothers, how long did it take you to figure out you wanted to go on T?
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truly-trans ¡ 6 years ago
not being born with a penis..
is really hard :
-i just want to be able to feel something in my pants where the emptiness lies
-i want to be able to pee standing up and not be afraid of going into bathrooms
-i want to be able to TOUCH myself and feel natural and comfortable
-i want to be able to have SEX and not want to cry or be so angry that I am so uncomfortable
Somedays i sit here and i think… I really cannot wrap my head around why I wasn’t born with a penis when I physically and mentally know I am supposed to have one.
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truly-trans ¡ 6 years ago
mayhaps i’m that bitch
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