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trucmurder · 7 years ago
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Alright folks. (Your honest opinion) @Regrann from @tigerfittedradio - What do you think is the hottest song? #cmurder #tru #FreeCMurder #Down4myN
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trucmurder · 7 years ago
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Y'all need to Download my homie @ralofamgoon new 🔥 project @mymixtapez #ralolaflare @laflare1017 - #regrann #TRU
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trucmurder · 7 years ago
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Classic! #TBT Cee and Magic... TRU Soldiers for life! #RIP MR. MAGIC. #FreeCoreyMiller (#CMurder #nolimit #tru cmurder #mrmagic #legendz) 💯
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trucmurder · 7 years ago
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#TBT @Regrann from @alltheway100withit - Tbt Unc @dashmoney and one of my favorite rappers @trucmurder glad I got to hang out with dude a couple times when I was a youngin he solid 💯 #FreeCMurder #NoLimit #TrU - #regrann Cee got on that @silkktheshocker (my world, my way tee) thrownack for real. #Tru
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trucmurder · 7 years ago
@Regrann from @iknowyouwantgoodmusic - Thank you to the people who run @trucmurder 's social accounts ! I got the email back that he appreciated the shout out. A visual is going to bring my vision to the forefront @paget1203 #FreeCMurder #cmurder #regrann
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trucmurder · 7 years ago
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#FreeDaGuyz @Regrann from @betterpowerup - #FreeThem #cmurder #bgizzle #mac #KevinGates #Freecmurder #freekevingates #freebg #freemac #louisiana #legends #tru #bwa #chopperCity #nolimit - #regrann #FreeCMurder
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trucmurder · 7 years ago
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@Regrann from @kaine504 - Congrats to everybody on the #NoLimitReunion Unfortunately 2 of the most respected and beloved souljas from the tank couldn't be there! Mac has love for everybody who was part of Tha Tank! Don't believe everything y'all hear! #FreeMac #FreeMacMonday #trutuesday #WrongfullyConvicted #Innocent #Share #Repost #Research #MckinleyPhipps #Mac #MyBigBro #NoLimit #ShellShocked #WorldWar3 #YourFavoriteRappersFavoriteRapper #NewOrleans #Legends #FreeCMurder #504Boyz #NeverForget #Family #OneLove - #regrann #cmurder
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trucmurder · 7 years ago
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Want some TRU #Cmurder apperal? Today and Tomorrow Only!!!! If you use code " JULY4 " You will get 25% Off your whole purchase. PLUS FREE SHIPPING. What y'all waiting for? #FreeCMurder #TRU TRUBOSSALINIERECORDS.COM/SHOP
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trucmurder · 7 years ago
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COREY MILLER is "NOT" DEAD! #FAKE #STORY (they at it again!) Woah, can't tell you how many messages came through the sites today! Asking about Cee. *Sorry I couldn't get to y'all* Just know this story is over 3 years old. And is a complete HOAX "They try and get the story going once again when it starts to die down."... to the fans, friends and supporters of Cee, Thank you for your concern. At the end of the day, just know he is alive and well! #TRU #freecoreymiller #entertainer #cmurder #rapper #tmz #fakenews #news #FREECMURDER #TrubossalinieRecords #hoax #NotDead
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trucmurder · 7 years ago
#Respect 💯 @Regrann from @muzicismytherapy - Going threw memorie lane when I was a kid i use2 cut off ✂ pictures from magazines and posting them on my wall or putting them on my folder show em off to my friends at school I was all No limit TRU #cmurder #masterp #snoopdogg #mystikal #silktheshocker #miax #fiend #nolimitforever #bossalini #nolimitsoldiers #livinglegend #nolimit #tru #nolimitrecords #hiphoplegend #musicandme #musicismytherapy #hiphopjunkie #musicismyescape #realhiphop #hiphoprap #mimusica #siiii #tonton - #regrann
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trucmurder · 7 years ago
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#repost from over a year ago.. #TRU - A lot of folks throughout the internet talking about FREE so and so.. That's cool and all. But just remember ( The people you want to come home, Eventually will) they are facing years. Some have more than others. But it's a 100% for sure thing they will touch back down.. But what about Our Brother, Our Family, Our friend, Our homie (Cee?) Where is the endless support and love for him? By now y'all should know he is still hit with that (MANDATORY LIFE SENTENCE) you heard that right! MANDATORY LIFE SENTENCE! *For something he had nothing to do with* So if things go wrong (he will never make it out them gates) I need y'all real TRU COREY (C-Murder) Milller fans and supporters out here to keep supporting him. Pray for him. Keep him in your thoughts. Keep his name and music live.. Never loose hope! Lets keep pushing this movement! We do appreciate every last one of you! (Together) We can make this happen! FOREVER TRU. #freecoreymiller #freecmurder #2017trujusticemovement #wrongfullyconvicted #cmurder #TruBossalinie #PENITENTIARYChances #neverforget the #innocent #TheSupportIsReal - #regrann #REPOST
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trucmurder · 7 years ago
#TRUclassic @Regrann from @litwitittv - 🔥🔥🔥🔥@trucmurder #FREECMURDER #freecmurderfriday #MakinMoveswitThugs #LIFEORDEATH #TRU #LITWITIT #FOREVERLITWIT #LITWITITFOREVER #LIT #LIFESTYLELITWITIT #freethereal #freetherealest #LEGEND #CLASSIC - #regrann #cmurder #trucmurder
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trucmurder · 8 years ago
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#TBT #Angola @trucmurder and @shyglizzy #TruGlizzyGang #bossalinierecords #TruRecords #freecoreymiller #cmurder #freeCmurder #realrecognizereal #tru
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trucmurder · 8 years ago
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#TBT @TRUCMURDER and the big homie @buckshotz #TRU4LIFE - #regrann #cmurder #youngbuck #freeCmurder
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trucmurder · 8 years ago
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@Regrann from @100rddrumgang_titan - Free em all #BWA #TRU #BG #MAC #Nolimit #rappers #louisiana #gates #music #prison #share #repost #freekevingates #freecmurder #freemac #freebg #hiphop #postoftheday @trucmurder @new_bghollyhood @iamkevingates #MAC
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trucmurder · 8 years ago
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Sending a huge Happy Birthday to @silkktheshocker We hope you have a great day. Keep grinding, Stay blessed. #tru4life #brothers Also, Happy Father's day to all the (Real Dad's) Out here! #brothers #silkktheshocker #coreymiller #FreeCoreyMiller the entertainer known as #Cmurder #freeCmurder #TruRecords #TrubossalinieRecords #bossalinie #nolimit
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trucmurder · 8 years ago
C-Murder (UP IN HEAVEN) #freeCmurder #ripkevinmiller #trurecords #unreleased #cmurder "s/o to No-Limit 504 TV for posting this." #tru #Respect
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