ye4rly merry 12th per1gee eve nerds
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1 just re4l1zed how long 1t's been-
#how 4re y4ll 1 h4ve not looked 4t th1s s1te 1n FOREVER#clown honk1ng#(ooc: hi yeah sorry i was like. really busy most of the year lol)#(i have a GED now! pretty proud of that)#unreality#alternia rp#alternia#grumblr
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…wh4t century 1s 1t
#(i totally didn’t forget about grumblr for several months hahaha)#(totally not! /SARCASM)#clown honk1ng#grumblr#unreality#alternia rp#alternia#homestuck rp#fantroll
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fuck marry kill:
Guy Fierri, The Condesce, Cronus Ampora
i await your answer.
fuck guy f1er1
m4rry the condesce
k1ll cronus 4mpor4
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If we all could get over ourselves around here, we’d realize that the homestuck quadrant system could revolutionize shipping across all fandoms. And the discourse would be hilarious.
#THIS#THIS RIGHT HERE#finally i can release all my pitch ships to the wider public#ooc tag#grumblr ooc
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⦚ would like to submit @askingalternians and @cannibalisticacrobat
Double clown.
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fuck marry kill:
Guy Fierri, The Condesce, Cronus Ampora
i await your answer.
fuck guy f1er1
m4rry the condesce
k1ll cronus 4mpor4
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clulge clown tenta
1 woke up to th1s 1n my 1nbox. th4nks grumblr
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"Why Are They Called Chucklev-o--o-d-o--o-s And N-o-t HeeHeepn-o-sis?"
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nookan dbulge
< no >
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found an ask game on a defunct blog. trimmed it somewhat, de-qqquirked it, and made it a bit more appropriate. enjoy. - mod meenah
Grumblr Ask Game
1. What's set as your palmhusk's lockscreen? Hivescreen? Why?
2. Cheese vs. chocolate?
3. Do you have any nicknames given to you that are especially close to your pusher? Any reason why?
4. Barkbeasts vs. purrbeasts?
5. Are you an evening troll or a day hootbeast?
6. If you could have any psionics, which would you pick? (This includes animal and ghost communion and chucklevoodoos)
7. What are 3 movies you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
8. Show us a picture of your frondwriting?
9. What's your favourite obscure fact that you know?
10. Favourite animal and why?
11. Three events/people that you think have shaped your life?
12. Tell a funny story about your wrigglerhood?
13. What is your ideal gift to get from a hatefriend or quadrant? (Pick any quadrant - or all four)
14. What's something you've always wanted to do but been unable to, for whatever reason?
15. What do you think of when you hear the word "hive"?
16. Three things that make you happy?
17. How many goregle/flamingslybeast tabs do you have open right now?
18. Three things about a quadrant? (Red or black)
19. Three things about an enemy? (Not romantic)
20. Do you collect anything?
21. What's something that never fails to cheer you up?
22. Favourite hobby and how/why you got into it?
23. Biggest pet peeve?
24. Share a secret?
25. Favourite song/artist?
26. What is your go-to, favourite meal to make?
27. Describe yourself in three words?
28. If you could only bring one item to an isolated alien planet, what would you bring?
29. What colour is your hair?
30. Have you ever dyed your hair? If not, what colour would you dye it?
31. Coffee or tea?
32. What's your dream job? (Not limited by caste)
33. Quadrant status?
34. What is the ideal time and length for a nap?
35. If you got a tattoo, what would it be?
36. What do you think says the most about a person?
37. Do you think you fit into stereotypes for your caste?
38. What is your favourite scent?
39. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
40. What is your favourite thing about Grumblr?
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do you have powers?
yes, ones that are expected of my caste
yes, ones that are off-caste
no, but those of my caste are expected to
#ye4h but they’re we4k 4s sh1t#1m4g1ne m4k1ng eye cont4ct for 4 few seconds#4nd then you h4ve ‘BULGE’ 1n the b1g fl4m1ng text sent d1rectly 1nto your p4n#th4t’s 1t th4t’s 4ll 1 c4n do#no n1ghtm4res or 4nyth1ng. 1 bro4dc4st sh1tposts.#regrub#grumblr#unreality
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Purplebloods, do you have gills?
Only fins
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☞ i knnow i keep askinn quuestionns buut. if puurplebloods are so close to violet wouuldnnt they have. youu knnow. gills or somethinn ☜
#1 th1nk 1t's 4 somet1mes th1ng with us?#1 h4ve l1ttle nonfunct1on4l f1ns on my e4rs but th4t's k1nd4 1t#depends. 4sk 4 purpleblood type sh1t 1 guess.#regrub#grumblr#unreality
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Træns dæy øf visibility yøu sure æs fuck will see me
(Incredibly bright gløwing spøt in the caverns flæshing mørsse cøde før kung pæø penis)
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