Pop Fly- Felix & Mano
Today Mano had made his daily travel to Nimbasa City this time to watch a baseball game at the Big Stadium. He practically ran across Driftveil Drawbridge, he had to get their early so he could sneak into the game. He visited the stadium often when the different teams would be practicing and the admission was free. So he knew how to avoid the guards while still getting a good view of the action.
Once the baseball game ended, the fans had started to file out and Mano pushed his way through the crowd, as he did a large drunken fan pushed back. Knocking the young boy to the ground. “Watch it you little brat” the drunk snapped and turned to start staggering off. 
Springing back up to his feet Mano nailed the older man in the back of knees with his bat, Kaila, knocking him to the ground. “You think just cause yer older you don’t get beef?!” The young boy hissed into the man’s face then readied Kaila to strike.
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Hey guys Mano-mun, Glitch here, I’ve been sick the past week or so and it was just kicking my ass most days, but i’m just about over it and feeling much better now. I’ll be working on the replies and starters I owe over the next few days, sorry for kinda disappearing there, specially being as new as I am.
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Now You See me - Voltaire & Mano
Mano headed out to Nimbasa City today with the intent of seeing a show, he walked through the crowded streets trying to find a show that seemed entertaining. His eyes lit up as he saw a magic show, “The Great Butler!” He pushed his way through the crowd as he stared up at the big poster showing a man with funny purple hair and an over stylized white suit standing next to a blonde lady in a red dress with black thigh highs and red boots.
As Mano got in line for the ticket counter some snotty rich brat tried to cut in front of him and he blocked his way with his bat, kaila, and nudged the other boy back behind him. “Hey buggah you like beef? Cause that how you get beef.” He scowled.
“Was that supposed to be a threat?” The rich boy laughed but didn’t try passing him again. When Mano finally reached the front of the line and the ticket clerk told him the price he looked down at his pockets as he counted his money. He awkwardly looked up at clerk and the kid behind him burst in laughter again “Can’t even afford this little ticket can you? Poor little street rattata!”
Whipping around on the rich brat and jabbing the end of kaila into his gut, knocking the wind out of his lungs and him on his ass. “Parently rich boy like beef eh?! Well it good thing you can afford it huh?!” He readied to swing at the downed boy.
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Starter Call!
eyo! i just wanted to make a lil starter call to see if i can get anything going with my violent lil baby here! im totally up for plotting and establishing relationships and such with yall! im open to au’s as well! so please shoot me a msg somewhere! ps. im leaving for a party so i’ll respond when i get back! provided im not drunk, or maybe even if im drunk, if thats the case i apologize in advance as i havent been drunk before and dont know what kind of drunk i am!
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Nimbasa Entertainment
Mano had left Driftveil as the sun was rising, he walked the same route he had for the past month since he moved here. Crossing the drawbridge headed towards Unova’s entertainment capital, Nimbasa. He’d tap his bat against each of the thick metal wires that supported the frame making a dull thud.
He’d stop by the baker on route 5 to grab a bear claw pastry which he found to be an acceptable replacement for malasadas. He waved to the gatekeeper as he passed through the Nimbasa gatehouse.
Pausing in front of the small court to think about where he wanted to spend his time this morning. Deciding on taking it easy today he continued walking toward the center of town and made his way to the amusement park. He tossed the napkin he’d been using to hold his bear claw in the trashcan as the park’s entrance and entered the gate. Upon entering the gate he bumped into someone, “HEY! WATCH IT!” and swung his bat at the perpetrator’s knees.
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Nimbasa Entertainment
Mano had left Driftveil as the sun was rising, he walked the same route he had for the past month since he moved here. Crossing the drawbridge headed towards Unova’s entertainment capital, Nimbasa. He’d tap his bat against each of the thick metal wires that supported the frame making a dull thud. 
He’d stop by the baker on route 5 to grab a bear claw pastry which he found to be an acceptable replacement for malasadas. He waved to the gatekeeper as he passed through the Nimbasa gatehouse. 
Pausing in front of the small court to think about where he wanted to spend his time this morning. Deciding on taking it easy today he continued walking toward the center of town and made his way to the amusement park. He tossed the napkin he’d been using to hold his bear claw in the trashcan as the park’s entrance and entered the gate. Upon entering the gate he bumped into someone, “HEY! WATCH IT!” and swung his bat at the perpetrator’s knees.
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