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11.11 Pocky Day !d(`・∀・)b!
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Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow.
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forget lady door forget lady doo forget lady do forget lady d forget lady forget lad forget la forget l forget forge forg for fo f fe fem fema femal female female e female ex female exi female exit
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Stood Up?
Summary : Dan gets stood up and Phil (a stranger) decides to act as his date so that Dan doesn’t feel bad. Also because he thinks Dan is kinda cute.
words : 2457
Genre: fluff
Dan squirmed in his seat, shifting uncomfortably and fidgeting with his hair as his stomach tied into knots and realization crept onto him. His face burned with humiliation as the occupants of the nearby table stared at him with a pitiful expression, looking away as soon as Dan turned his gaze towards them. His vision became blurry as tears threatened to fall from his wet lashes. He blinked hard, trying to dispel them and maintain a straight face as he came to terms with the fact that he had been stood up.
He pulled his jumper sleeves past his fingers - something he did when he was nervous - and wiped his eyes discreetly. He gazed out of the huge French windows he was sitting beside, trying to take deep breaths and tell himself that he’s fine, that everything was fine.Just as Dan was starting to calm down, the waiter showed up for a second time, asking Dan if he would be joined by company soon.
Dan just sighed, trying to convince him that his date would be arriving soon. He was embarrassed as it was, and the waiter’s smug expression didn’t help his confidence.
“Yes don’t worry, my boyfriend will be showing up soon and then we’ll order.”, he huffed out for a third time, gritting his teeth in exasperation.
The waiter gave him a disgusted look upon hearing the word “boyfriend” but covered it up with an uninviting smile before Dan could react. He gave Dan a withering look and went back to a corner from where he fixed his unwavering gaze on him.
Dan felt awful. He couldn’t believe Brendon, his boyfriend of two months had stood him up. He knew how anxious and awkward Dan got in social situations, and yet he did this to him, not bothering to call him and cancel the date.
Dan didn’t know what to do, his appetite lost. He decided to just order something and ask the waiter to pack it for him and leave the restaurant as soon as possible. With a defeated expression he gestured for the waiter to come over, trying hard to ignore the presumptuous smile on his face. He didn’t meet his gaze as he opened his mouth to speak, and just as he was about to admit to the waiter that company would not be arriving after all, a tall man burst through the doors Dan was seated across from, striding over to his table - his black hair in a windblown quiff- and sliding into the seat beside him as he removed his dark sunglasses and smiled warmly.
“Aw babe, I’m sorry I’m so late”, he said nonchalantly as he shrugged off his jacket,“traffic was nightmare”. He leaned across the table, engulfing Dan in a warm hug as the waiter’s hawk-like eyes watched them from a corner. Dan didn’t mind being hugged by the man - if only he knew what the fuck was happening. As the man pulled back, he leaned into Dan’s cheek and poked it with his nose - and Dan made a surprised choking sound when he realized that he was trying to show the waiter that he was kissing Dan’s cheeks.
Dan was too stunned to react, and by the time he wrapped his head around the fact that a gorgeous man with dreamy blue eyes and black hair was seated next to him where his date was supposed to be sitting, the waiter had already left with a disgusted and defeated expression.
The man turned back from where he was staring at the retreating waiter and gave Dan a warm smile that made him forget that he was literally a stranger he knew nothing about. He ducked in close to Dan’s ears, out of earshot of the nosy waiter and whispered, “My name’s Phil by the way. Just go with it and don’t freak out yeah?”, he said softly, his blue-green eyes glinting as sunlight washed his face in an angelic glow. A warm glow spread across Dan’s chest and for some inexplicable reason he decided he trusted this stranger - Phil- and he didn’t mind pretending that this wildly attractive man was his actual date.
“Oh and whoever didn’t show up is a dick. If I was in their place I wouldn’t have missed this for the world.”, he added, pink dusting his pale cheeks as he softly whispered.
“T- thanks”, Dan finally spoke up, his face and neck covered in a light blush. “My name’s Dan actually, Dan Howell, and thank you so much for helping me out. I couldn’t have handled that snobbish waiter alone”, he added with a giggle, slowly getting comfortable around Phil.
Phil just smiled in reply, extending his arm and placing his left hand on top of Dan’s that were resting on the table. Dan’s eyes widened slightly, his blush turning darker by the minute. It seemed as though Dan had been blushing a lot since Phil walked in - and with good reason too - it’s not everyday a handsome stranger with the prettiest eyes offers to fill in for your douche bag of a date.
They sat there talking for a few minutes during which Dan discovered Phil was a writer who wrote for various magazines. There was something about him, Dan realized, that made him want to get to know him better. Whether it was the way Phil’s lips curled upwards in a sharp smile at the smallest things, or the way he talked passionately about how much he loved painting, his hands jerking up in animated gestures when his words weren’t enough. Finally Dan decided he liked how easygoing and carefree Phil was, with his confident aura and his dumb dad jokes.
Soon enough Phil gestured to the waiter to bring them menus, and keeping in mind that Dan had bad anxiety, even offered to make Dan’s order for him.
The rest of the afternoon went by quite smoothly as the two talked about anime and books and their mutual dislike for sports.
At one point Phil had said, much to Dan’s surprise at his openness, that “sex is probably the only exercise I ever get, otherwise I’d be dead by now!” Dan had just choked on his drink and coughed until Phil decided to stop laughing and help him out.
Dan had claimed the only reason he wasn’t dead was green tea and “..not.. s-sex like you”, he had laughed.
“You do know I’m joking right? I mean I’m not one of those guys who sleeps around all the time”
“I mean there’s nothing wrong with sleeping around.. monogamy is just a social construct y'know?” “You don’t have to follow social constructs”, he had added as an after thought.
Phil had just stared at him for a few seconds until his face broke into a sharp smile as he said,“Finally someone who thinks the same way. You, Dan, are my kind of guy”
Phil had come to realize that the boy he had decided to help out was more than just a nervous, shy guy with blush-y cheeks and soft smiles. He actually enjoyed talking to Dan, they had the same opinions about everything, except Mario Kart where they both claimed they could “beat the other’s ass”
“Wha- Dan! You just said a potty word!”, Phil had mocked him, mimicking a small child. Dan just shoved him off with a soft giggle before quickly giving him the finger, making sure that no one noticed.
Phil gasped loudly, trying to maintain a disappointed look as he tutted in mock-disgust. “Well, well Mister Daniel, look at you, not the nice innocent boy after all, are you?”
“Hey I’m so innocent I could be a priest in a church!”
“Hmm you’d be Sister Daniel, I quite like the sound of that”, Phil chuckled.
“Shut up”
“Make me”
“You really think I’m gonna fall for that cheesy line”, Dan giggled, his eyes shining with humour.
“Yeah?”, Phil answered, his voice a bit deeper than it had been a minute ago.
“Well try harder”, Dan giggled, winking at Phil for dramatic effect. Phil took in a sharp breath, deciding two could play at this game.
The rest of the afternoon was spent with Phil trying to make Dan laugh with really cringe-y pick-up lines.
“Hey Dan, are you Gillette?” - Dan gave him a confused expression - “cause you’re the best a man can get”, Phil finished with a giggle.
“Oh for fucks sake”, Dan snorted, “that was horrible!”
“Hey Dan hey this one’s really good listen!”, Phil said excitedly, his expression resembling the one of an excited puppy, and Dan just couldn’t say no.
“Are you my pinkie toe? Because I want to bang you against every piece of furniture in the house”, Phil finished with a giggle, blushing madly as he waited for Dan’s reaction, slightly worried that he may have crossed a line.
Turns out he hadn’t, because Dan started howling with laughter, making the man at a nearby table throw them some more dirty looks. As his laughter subsided, his face a mad shade of red, Dan whined, “Phiwww we’re in public you can’t say that”, a playful glint in his eyes.
“Are you saying if we weren’t in public you’d be okay with me saying that?”, Phil teased.
Dan’s eyes widened and he mumbled out a soft “maybe?” before giving Phil a playful shove and a “Shut up! dickhead”
“sister Daniel just said another potty word!”, Phil gasped
“If you say that again I will not hesitate to punch you”
“Look at us, fighting like a real couple”, Phil said winking cheekily.
“Did I not just tell you to shut up”
“Did I not just tell you to make me?”
“I would if the waiter wasn’t watching us right now”, Dan hissed before he could stop himself.
“wait.. what?”
“W-what?”, Dan squeaked in panic, looking like a dear caught in headlights.
“Don’t think I will forget you said that, Howell”, Phil winked, taking a bite of his pasta even as Dan kicked his shin to wipe that smug expression off his face.
Just as they finished having dessert, the waiter returned with their bill, and both the boys instinctively reached for their wallet.
“Oh no babe, I’m paying don’t worry”, Phil said with a smile that made Dan wander whether it was necessary for Phil to call him cute nicknames or if he was doing it for fun.
“umm.. we could jut split it..‘darling’?..”, the last part of his sentence came out more like a question and Phil had to bite back a laugh because of how flustered Dan looked.
“No, Dan, I was the one who asked you out on this date so I’m paying. Quit arguing love.”, Phil said with a gentle smile.
The waiter gave them a weird look, as if not entirely understanding the situation.
“Yeah okay butt cheeks.. i mean sweet cheeks - I mean wha-” Dan’s eyes widened as he was about to mumble out an apology and maybe go hide at home for 5 years because he couldn’t even speak like a normal person.
Dan couldn’t finish that train wreck of a sentence, however, because suddenly Phil was leaning in, their faces now inches apart as they shared warm breaths. Dan’s breathing was labored, his eyes half lidded and cheeks dusted with pink, their lips almost brushing but not quite.
“Dan shh shh it’s okay calm down bear, you’re alright, yeah?”, Phil mumbled softly, not pulling back. When Dan slowly began to calm down he softly asked, “Can I kiss you?”, his blue eyes searching Dan’s brown ones.
Dan had barely nodded his assent when suddenly Phil’s lips were on his, warm and soft, moving lazily and determinedly even as Dan hesitantly kissed back. Phil tasted of mint and cherries from the dessert he had ordered,and Dan was sure some people were looking at them with disgusted expressions, but for the first time in his life he didn’t care what the people thought.
They left the restaurant giggling like shool boys because Phil had used another pick up line.
“Dan this ones actually good, I promise”, he giggled. “Did you s it in a pile of sugar? because you have a sweet ass”
“I- PHIL-what”, Dan sputtered laughing hysterically. “These would get you more restraining orders than dates honestly.”
“You’re just jealous of my flirting skills”
“You don’t have any flirting skills”
“Is that why you’ve been blushing so much? Because my flirting skills are shit?”, Phil asked, a cocky smile playing on his lips.
“I hate you”
“No you don’t. You think I’m adorable”
“Fine whatever makes you shut up”, Dan rolled his eyes jokingly.
Phil dropped Dan at his house on his motorbike, ignoring all of Dan’s comments about how he could just go back himself. And he would be lying if he said he didn’t secretly enjoy it every time Dan wrapped his arms around his torso because he was going too fast. Phil thought it was really adorable how scared Dan was and Dan thought Phil looked really hot riding a bike so neither of them had anything to complain about really.
“So I guess I’ll see you around then?”, Phil asked uncertainly as he scratched the back of his head, looking at his shoes.
Dan decided he had to act now if he wanted to see Phil again, and for once swallowing his fear and anxiousness he said, “gi- give me your phone?”
“What?”, Phil’s eyes lit up expectantly, he had not expected Dan to want to talk to him again.
“Phil I’m very nervous rightnowpleasejustgimmeyourphonesoIcansavemynumberandthenwecanmeetagain”
“what? Yeah okay here you go”, Phil quickly took out his phone, handing it to Dan who looked just as flustered as Phil felt.
Dan quickly saved his number on Phil’s phone, handing it back to him before turning around towards the building he lived in.
just as Phil was restarting his bike Dan quickly went back up to him, kissing his cheek softly as Phil let out a flustered gasp. “Thank you for making my day Phil, you’re the best”
“Am I now?”
“Shut up! I’ll call you”, Dan said, a smile playing on his lips as he walked into the building. Maybe being stood up wasn’t the worst thing in the world.
~ 15 minutes later~
To Dan : Is your offer on shutting me up still valid? ;)
To Phil : yeah :3 I will shut you up when we meet this weekend.
To Dan : we’re meeting this weekend?
To Phil : we are now. But only because I wanna shut you up. :)
To Dan : sure babe if that’s what you wanna believe
okay so this is pretty shit.
but if somehow you liked it please like/share/reblog :)
also, English isn’t my first language so sorry if there are any errors
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Rejected Harry Potter Valentines — YEAR 2
(Last year’s are HERE and just as uncomfortable)
As always, many more are here And many are for sale here
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