trollonasan · 2 months
I love that all the body parts used to repair the creature in Lisa Frankenstein were things that hurt her when attached to the living person they came from. Like, Lisa's stepmom never listened to her, so creature took her ear and always listened, that guy whos name I don't remember tried to assault her with his hand, but creature took it and touched her gently with it, and that other guy whos name I also don't remember fucked her stepsister with his dick, but creature took it and fulfilled Lisa's dying wish with it. Idk, it's cute to me and I want someone like that.
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trollonasan · 2 months
ngl I keep forgetting that Hobby Lobby is a real store that people go to. That people actually think of it as a craft store and not as a crazy Christian mass artifact smuggler. I google "Hobby Lobby" and get a page full of results that make me go "wtf is this craft supplies and operating hours shit, I thought we all knew this place for smuggling looted cuneiform tablets out of Iraq"
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trollonasan · 2 months
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trollonasan · 2 months
My least favorite things about anti- UBI discourse is always the techbros whining that "nobody is going to work anymore! People will just watch Netflix all day!" and I have 2 responses:
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1) Who the fuck cares. Who the fuck cares what people do with their time! That's kind of the fucking point!
2) People aren't going to stop laboring. Housework (look, it's right there in the word!) will still need to be done. So will maintenance on our homes and personal spaces. Children will still need carers, as will the elderly and disabled. There are millions of examples of ~work~ that we do all the time, uncompensated, that won't suddenly stop because we aren't forced to sell our labor to provide corporation's profits.
I'm not surprised that what is traditionally women's work is invisible to these dipshits, but it never fails to anger me.
Anyway. Join the IWW.
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trollonasan · 2 months
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quilts by sue spargo i saw at the international quilt museum today!
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trollonasan · 3 months
What's each color's take on the Trolley Problem?
White - save the most people
Blue - save the people that combined offer the most worth to society
Black - save the people that can benefit you the most
Red - save the people you personally care the most about
Green - don't touch anything, whatever was supposed to happen will happen
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trollonasan · 3 months
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Matching Necklaces~
Because these two deserve each other.
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trollonasan · 3 months
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*sobs softly in a corner*
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trollonasan · 3 months
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trollonasan · 3 months
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There are many benefits to being a marine biologist
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trollonasan · 3 months
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If i had a pokemon it would be a chandelure and i would name it sauté
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trollonasan · 3 months
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For sale
Fun fact, I took a picture in a grocery store and really liked it so I used it as reference here! (Leafeon not included :(( )
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trollonasan · 3 months
DO NOT sleep during the day. Youll be like What the hell later
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trollonasan · 3 months
Oh, you're here to audition for supporting role in a 1980s Saturday morning cartoon? Let's see what positions we have left... how does comically inept yet sympathetic authority figure sound? No? How about people-pleasing nerd who's too socially oblivious to realise that all the other characters treat them as vaguely subhuman? All right, all right, never mind... okay: male lead's designated girlfriend who doesn't really seem to like him and treats her role as a strange obligation, and also she has this weird chemistry with a recurring female villain that's going to be vigorously reexamined in about fifteen years when Internet fanfic gets big. Yes, I thought that one might be up your alley.
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trollonasan · 3 months
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trollonasan · 3 months
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// original image
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trollonasan · 3 months
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