troianlittleliar · 3 years
been thinking about karma and how people with saturn in the first house usually see it served SO FAST and then i saw this
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it got me thinking on that topic too and i gotta say I've noticed something different - that people get hit with karma from fucking with you where your saturn goes into their chart. for example, if in synastry your saturn falls into their third house and they fuck you over, karma hits them in third house topics, like communication.
if your saturn falls in their first house and they fuck you over, they're gonna struggle a lot with their own perception of themselves, feel guilty, wonder if they're a bad person and so on. others might see the traits in them that caused them to do smth bad to you and to expose them.
if your saturn falls in their second house and they fuck you over, karma will hit their comfort or their finances. but more like... I've had this and the person who did me nasty literally told me afterwards (they actually reached out to apologize) that they couldn't sleep and eat well and didn't find the same pleasure in things since we stopped talking lol
if your saturn falls in their third house and they fuck you over, karma might come as problems with their siblings or neighbors, perhaps them fucking that person over like they did you, so they're put in that position. or maybe the way they talk to others would be affected.
if your saturn falls in their fourth house and they fuck you over, that's family trouble or issues with their home
if your saturn falls in their fifth house and they fuck you over, they'll probably have problems with any creative project they take upon - I've had this a few times with the scorpio risings i know and I've noticed it actually works. i remember this guy who was writing stuff...he did me dirty and later he told me he had been sending stuff he wrote to different magazines and unlike before they all rejected him and even criticized him, he felt a huge blow on his self esteem as a creator. also the fifth house is connected to sex soo....my scorpio rising ex told me about his new boyfriend at some point and he was like.... it's great but sex just doesn't feel the same anymore lmao
if your saturn falls in their sixth house and they fuck you over, that's karma connected to physical and mental health, also having a lot of stress in your life in general. they could be put in a worse position at work ..what word is opposite of promoted lol. or they could be given too much work that they have problems dealing with. I've had this with someone and they had a lot of problems at work.
if your saturn falls in their seventh house and they fuck you over, they start having problems with other people too, the same issues start pestering them in their personal relationships. when I've had this, I've noticed that person has suddenly burst outs of drama with other people in their life.
if your saturn falls into their eighth house a d they fuck you over, problems might occur in their sexual life or they might start getting huge trust issues about anything. or to have old psychological patterns being reactivated. I've fucked over someone whose saturn was in my eight house and i started feeling super paranoid about everything and also felt like I'm degrading back to patterns i thought I've outgrown.
if your saturn falls into their ninth house and they fuck you over, they're gonna struggle with their faith, with their moral compass - they might feel like what they was wrong and to have this eat up at them. their entire worldview might be threatened. also they might have problems with their major/whatever they're trying to learn rn.
if your saturn falls in their tenth house and they fuck you over, their reputation can suffer a huge blow and there might be talking about their back, someone that had my saturn in their tenth fucked me over and ppl kinda knew this happened and started gossiping even tho i didn't try to put it out there in some way and that person actually lost a lot of opportunities because of what they did.
if your saturn falls into their eleventh house and they fuck you over, they may suffer problems with their friend group or to meet unexpected obstacles on the way to achieving some dream. also might be trouble in their community, like they may be "exposed" to them in some way for something unethical they did and to feel rejected and alienated for it.
if your saturn falls into someone's twelfth house and they fuck you over, karma may strike subconsciously. mental issues, nightmares, poor sleep.... intuition not being on point....stuff like that might overwhelm them.
ANYWAY IDK IF KARMA EVEN EXISTS, LIKE IF SOMEONE FUCKS YOU OVER BETTER NOT WAIT FOR KARMA BUT TO BEAT THEM UP YOURSELF but this was interesting to think about and I've noticed some matches with my personal life.
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troianlittleliar · 3 years
i don’t care what anyone says i love tik tok
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troianlittleliar · 4 years
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troianlittleliar · 4 years
~placements that are especially attractive in females~
<3 hello! these placements are just ones i’ve noticed are attractive in girls. every placement has its own special beauty <3
-sun in the 11th: has a lot of friends. her humanitarian attitude is well-rounded and wise beyond her years. is never boring. it’s endlessly fascinating just to observe how she conducts herself.
-mercury positively aspecting neptune: charming way of speaking. endearing mannerisms. you will remember specific quotes of this person–her compliments will make you melt inside and feel as though you’re a character in a profound movie. she is innocent and almost childlike in her way of viewing people; very optimistic and slow to criticize (especially if supported by other chart factors).
-apollo conjunct the ascendant: she’s easy to idolize. her beauty and/or charisma throws you off balance when you try to have a conversation with her. she has a star quality that’s so intense and glowing that it’s hard not to interrupt her by blurting out creepy-sounding compliments. looking at her is like a portal to somewhere sunny. 
-eros conjunct the ascendant: smooth and graceful facial expressions accompanied by a heavy-lidded gaze. she doesn’t try to come off this way, but when she does consciously turn on the charm, watch out! this energy is the epitome of ease. agile mannerisms and a slow, honey-like smile.
-capricorn sun and scorpio moon combo! (ughhhhh): i mentioned this placement in a post a long time ago. the gist of it is that these women appear cold and distant enough to get you wondering about them (capricorn sun), and it’s intensified by the presence of their hidden sensuality discreetly peeking out in subtle ways (scorpio moon).
-lilith conjunct midheaven: i’ve noticed that lilith conjunct midheaven emphasizes the person’s attractive appearance, while lilith conjunct ascendant is more personal–with lilith conjunct ascendant, the woman will come off as sexual and provocative in her mannerisms and may shock people (this is also an attractive placement). to me, lilith conjunct midheaven is just plain prettiness!
-mars in taurus: slow, deliberate, and sensual movements. she’s cautious and makes sure to do her best in all her endeavors–rarely, if ever, coming off as lazy, haphazard, or brash. there is natural refinement in her manners, and her eyes tell you all you need to know about what she’s thinking of you.
-mercury positively aspecting lilith: the little details of her appearance and mannerisms are foxy and delicately dark. she’s daring enough to bring up the elephant in the room, and usually does it well enough not to piss anyone off! (as opposed to mercury square or opposite lilith)
-moon in the 8th: sensual, dark energy and a certain secretiveness that you can tell is lurking beneath the surface ooOOOOHHhhhhhh
-sun in the 7th: this placement makes a person so, so sweet. it’s a simple word but it’s the best one to describe how her loving, vulnerable and cheerfully empathetic nature comes across. she’s very invested in her relationships (with friends and partners) and will do all she can to make you feel cared about. feminine, peppy and earnest.
-mercury conjunct venus: since mercury is all about communication, and venus is all about beauty, this placement usually endows someone with a gorgeous voice (in both singing and speaking).
hope you enjoyed reading this! if you know someone with these placements, feel free to comment to tell me if i’m correct :D
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troianlittleliar · 4 years
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mine is at 0……it is what it is, like no wonder i have a capricorn moon, i popped out of the womb and instantly turned into an old man
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troianlittleliar · 4 years
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cr: thebehaviortherapist
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troianlittleliar · 4 years
How to recover an unsaved draft on Microsoft Word
 This literally saved my ass a few minutes ago. Yes, you can recover those files that you accidentally closed and thought you couldnt get back. 
Right after that happens, open Microsoft Word again and click File - Info - Manage Versions - Recover Unsaved Documents.
It is literally that simple.
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troianlittleliar · 4 years
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troianlittleliar · 4 years
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troianlittleliar · 4 years
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Jack Gaughan - Soft Come the Dragons, 1970.
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troianlittleliar · 4 years
STOP! are you operating on an arbitrary set of terms and rules known only to you? have you created an ultimatum or specific if/then scenario for someone else without communicating it to them? have you considered making a decision and calculated all the consequences and potential reactions to those consequences and consequences for those reactions before you actually made the decision? it may be time to say some words out loud to another person!
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troianlittleliar · 4 years
THESIS: the real reason that people stay on this hellsite is not “chronological order” or “the drama” or whatever (per se), but is instead linked to how tumblr, unlike most social media, is not optimised to give content as short of a half-life as possible, but instead is optimised to let content continue to cycle for months, years, even decades. this has in turn led to a more consistent centralised site “culture” in which there is more coherent linkage among different areas of the site, thus also explaining why its content permeates so thoroughly throughout the internet.
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troianlittleliar · 4 years
I’ve come to the important conclusion that my sexuality is just the cast of Magicians.
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troianlittleliar · 4 years
This is one of the best lesbian movies i’ve seen and it’s a fricking car commercial
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troianlittleliar · 4 years
You can’t flex on me because I’ll be happy for you. We are not the same.
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troianlittleliar · 4 years
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troianlittleliar · 4 years
Neptune conjunct Ascendant
This has a particularly powerful effect in your chart. You are likely to have an air of mystery in your appearance for you are an ethereal hard to pin down character and this may show in your dreamy eyes, you are likely to be exceptional in your talents as well. Gifts for muscianship or other art are indicated, or you may use your intuition in some other way to produce inspired work. You are likely to attract strange companions or associates and these links may go back to the past. You are highly aware of the motivations of people and can detect the causes behind events as well with your far seeing capabilities. You are aware of your self and your environment to a high degree and are very sensually aware as well. You are drawn to mysterious places as well as people. You will not fully understand your psychic gifts but they are there and you should follow your intutions where possible. You are liable to let your emotions get the better of you and be carried away blindly on infatuations and loose living where you do not take responsbility for yourself and indulge in affairs and romances where treachery and misfortune dog your steps or there is some other deceptive influence at work in the relationship. Your natural way of approaching the world spontaneously is coloured by your upbringing, which has influenced you towards behaving according to how you were taught you ought to feel.  You therefore spend a considerable amount of time trying to pick up the vibes, and to play the role you feel you should to fit the scene.  While you may develop considerable ability to guess how people are feeling, at first the effect is to make you rather confused about where you end and the world begins.  You would do well to define clearer boundaries for yourself, for you are likely to be too impressionable for your own good, and to imagine that the problems of other people are your responsibility.  You may develop fine artistic and musical ability in time. You’re so sensitive and impressionable that you have to develop some of Virgo’s discrimination so that you can choose to whom and to what you will be open. You have a difficult time seeing yourself clearly, and identify very easily with other people’s feelings or ideas, or with experiences in general. You’ll probably vacillate between idealistic and deluded views of yourself until you become more conscious or spiritually oriented. Theater, music, dance, art and the ocean attract you, and you may find self-expression in more than one of these. Many with this aspect need to be near the sea, at least periodically. You have a strong need to pierce through the veil of matter and appearances and to get to the universal essence of everything in a feeling way. Alcohol and drugs are tempting in this regard, and you probably love their expansion and apparent freedom; but only the more demanding and longer road of spiritual discipline will reward you with your true self. Discrimination in this arena of your life is particularly important, for there are more charlatans in the spiritual world than there are in the world of business. You have chosen to surrender your personality and a lot of your ego in this incarnation to serve mankind and the universal force of evolution. You have a powerful imagination, but unless you have a strong Sun or Mars as well you will need to act as well as to dream.
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