trishbo · 6 months
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Thea was caught in the middle of a war for territory dispute. Mafia, gangsters but she never thought that what was really being disputed was her.
I’m tagging some girls who made a difference in my life a while ago. I hope you enjoy the new story coming up.
@branflakes82 @bookwarm85-blog @sparklemichele @badassbaker @beautifulramblingbrains @equalstrashflavoredtrash @b-j-d @homeofthelonelywriter @nickysurfer28 @onedaymoretheworstpiesinlondon @clublulu333
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trishbo · 6 months
You summed everything perfectly, I’m thinking the same way. 🙄
Why nothing makes sense part 9.
Vanity Fair edition
What a weekend we had, right? We started with the Oscar pre-party thing, then ended it with Vanity Fair.
First of all, isn't it weird that they waited up until this point to make their red carpet debut? Why not on the Ghosted premiere or on the Golden Globes? Why did they wait until the biggest event's afterparty? She was there at the Ghosted premiere, they were there at the GG after party, why now?
Looking at those VF Fair videos and photos, I still have the same opinion and feeling about them as a couple. They don't look natural at all, and it always seems like they are doing everything for the camera. As if they are always playing a role. And I know, I know, that the most famous couple use their relationship for PR reasons too, which is totally fine. But where is the love? Why does everything seem so forced? I mean, we are supposedly talking about two people who are in love, married, and happier than ever.
They look really awkward in this video. They don't really know what to do. It got better when they started talking to someone, but when they are alone, it seems so unnatural, as if two acquaintances are standing next to each other. The kiss was awkward too, similar to the LA restaurant one. A little kiss on the mouth, and that's it. His face after the kiss was interesting too. He seemed happier before it happened. You can clearly see that when Chris realizes they are being recorded, he starts talking to her, while up until that point he was rather talking to someone else and not even looking at her. They always make sure somebody is watching them when they are about to show how much they "love" each other.
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And I'd also like to talk about this gif (thanks to the person who sent it to me via DM), where you can clearly see he didn't want to pose with her but had to since she made him stay. They posed separately, and then he wanted to go, but she had a different idea.
People say they looked in love, but I don't see it. This was probably his best attempt to sell it, but I wouldn't say it was convincing. Of course he is not going to wipe his mouth; of course he will try harder. This is the VF party, not some kind of pap walk. This is the afterparty of the biggest event in Hollywood. More people will see these contents; more people will see them together. It's also to his benefit not to act like a jerk. But body language doesn't lie. Vibes don't lie. And theirs are always off when they are around each other. It's always hard to pinpoint the exact meaning of this, but the best way to describe it is as being awkward, uncomfortable, and strange. Or as if they always had a fight before they were being photographed and tried to play it off. And two people who are supposedly in love shouldn't give off these vibes or be acting like this.
All in all, it didn't change my mind. However, it showed me that there is still something so weird about them. I guess he could've at least been more convincing in the past years if he tried (I don't think he could've sold this relationship, because again, his body language doesn't lie, but he could've made it better). One thing is for sure: they are awkward together, and everything they do seems so ungenuine.
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trishbo · 6 months
Hello my dear people!!!
It’s been a while but now I might be back lol
I’m developing a new story and need your help!
I will be posting some spoilers in the next few days and I want to hear your opinion about it!
Thanks for your support all over the years!!
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trishbo · 11 months
This time comes for all of us lol
My first block was from someone I trusted at the time 🤦‍♀️
Welp I just got my first ever block on tumblr 🚫
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Welcome to the club!!!!
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trishbo · 11 months
Totally agree
That’s not our relationship to judge or understand
I clarify I KNOW THAT THE RELATIONSHIP IS REAL. But there are certain points that bother me, I don't understand. It is when you are missing a piece for the puzzle and when you find it you are missing another 3 and so on. //
Does it really matter? It's not our relationship to fully know or understand 🤷🏽‍♀️
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trishbo · 11 months
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Lots of people losing today!!!! Not us tho!! @puffpuffpowerprincess @capoteera and @zaddypine remain undefeated!!!
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trishbo · 1 year
In regards of Chris : out of debt, out of danger
Fish season lol
I have a bad feeling about con.😩
Same! But more in terms of the fandom.
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trishbo · 1 year
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shut up maddy and die of cancer ! you are fucking vile and a fucking hypocrite acting like you are better that thoses shit head stupid pr blog WHEN YOU WERE THE ORIGINAL PR BLOG WHO SPENT MONTHS SINCE 2022 SPREADING SHIT. you are not fooling anyone. go back to you cat post or better go try to find your batshit crazy worthless cunt of a mother to see if she even care sbout your existence lollll - same thing for capoteera and zaddypine who is ginger, and #1 hypocrite thelonesonequeen all of you go to hell and bring your 2 racist friends chris and his portuwhore. BY THE WAY CHRIS IS NOT GONNA FUCK YOUR ASS BECAUSE YOU ARE ON TUMBLR BEEN KEYBOARD WARRIOR FOR HIM AND HIS WHORE SO GO FUCK YOUSELF WITH A CACTUS UNTIL YOU BLEED YOU 4 BITCHES.
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trishbo · 1 year
Oh my gosh, should I mention Adam West???
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Batmans i know are ben affleck and Robert pattinson 😭
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You are just trying to kill me, aren't you? Just admit it - this is on purpose.
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trishbo · 1 year
He’s an attention seeker, he wants people thinking and talking about him.
Why did he post this medical certificate on a public IG? I'm not understanding the logic.
Because there is no logic 😂. Everything about this shitshow is just weird and a lot of things don't make sense 😉.
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trishbo · 1 year
OMG it’s becoming desperate fast
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trishbo · 1 year
Maja dear, you made me laugh, I remember back on Jenny’s days someone at LSA kind of predicted it.
I don’t remember the exact words but it was something like, can you imagine if after this he finds someone who’s out of the internet, wants to live in the country and is into rocks energies? He’s exact opposite.
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trishbo · 1 year
I see Steve and Scott also wanted to take their part out of the breadcrumbing/trolling.
And it's obviously the first picture.
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trishbo · 1 year
Well, I see some are still mad because you were right this whole time 😆😆😆
People had to understand that we saw what they wanted us to. I believe they were living together in Atlanta, we got yoga certificate because they wanted us to have it, and that’s all.
Then you can ask my about Visa, hon she could be in the US as a tourist, you have 6 months to stay and it all can be done with her travels that we knew off, and when she’s back the visa is renewed for another 6 months.
I believe that all was happening in front of our eyes and yet we were looking for evidence.
You would know what embarrassing, delusional and unstable is, with a mother like yours. 🤡
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trishbo · 1 year
I read somewhere that I don’t recall where, that Scott showed him Warrior Nun over the quarantine.
He liked her pic from quarantine and someone comment chris Evans liked it and she pretty much immediately after the comment followed him back. // He followed her almost 6 months prior to her following back. Dude was putting in time with the younger ladies. As the other anon said he was on the hunt. He had just been humbled by Sammy Rae saying partner and kept on going. When he followed her originally people were still on Alisha Wainwright. Guarantee he saw a warrior nun ad or pop up on his Netflix and was horny. If it had been PR in any possible way you would’ve seen them out and about, photos, posts, etc instead it was only like 10% of his fandom even being aware of the possibility of her.
Thank you!!! This is what I’m saying! It’s also what changed my mind
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trishbo · 1 year
I think that since SMA he’s face is looking old, he seems overwrought, aged. It doesn’t seem that he’s ok.
It’s me or his face has changed so much it's crazy. Do you think he did some work on it?
You mean other than the normal Botox and fillers? No, I still think it's mostly Photoshop run amok and a whole bunch of make-up when we see photos for publications or press obligations. The Photoshop can get into Uncanny Valley territory really quickly.
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trishbo · 1 year
Oh my god, anon.
I really hope karma hits you hard
so mad your cancer hasnt put you 6 feets under yet🤣🤣🤣 but on the bright side you are sterile THANK GOD! remember when you said you didnt want to be qanon like your worthless batshit crazy mom. god made sure you wont be able to procreate. i hope that portu whore is also sick and barren and i hope boston idiot become a widow soon.
Chris still wont fuck you tho!
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