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tripletstephaniescp ¡ 9 hours ago
I gotta say, this was a rough road for her but I am so proud of her for pulling that trigger. She deserves to be free and happy. Great story.
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Fem!Reader Word Count: 9,780 Summary: In the aftermath of your punishment, Andy’s treatment of you only gets worse, and it’s enough to drive you to the brink. Warnings: Mob AU. Explicit sexual content. Explicit language. Mob elements. Dark!Andy. Reference to sexual assault, degradation, and dubcon/noncon. Verbal abuse. Emotional abuse. PTSD and dissociation. Vaginal fingering. Unwanted intimacy. Non-con anal play (very slight and brief). Hints of suicidal ideation/concerns. Panic attack & hyperventilation. “Infidelity.” Lots of confused emotions. Compliance and manipulation for survival. Oral sex (m receiving). Mild violence and threats. Gun use/being shot. Death of a major character ( 🥺). Angst with the seedlings of a happy ending.
A/N: Oh my goodness!! We finally made it to the end of Made Good 😭 It’s been a wild ride, that’s for sure. Thank you for joining me for it! I hope this ending is satisfying to you all ❤️
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You jumped at the clatter of cutlery, blinking the unseeing haze from your eyes as you looked up from your untouched breakfast plate and met Andy’s annoyed gaze.
“Eat,” he commanded, his harsh tone making you flinch and curl in on yourself.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, feeling panic prickle all along your body the longer Andy’s angry gaze remained fixed on you. “I’m just���”
“Not hungry,” he mimicked the same words you’d been saying for nearly a week now. Sneering, he leaned toward you. “I don’t pay a personal chef to cook and serve you food for it to go to waste. Eat. Before I shovel it down your throat myself.”
There was a beat of silence before his next words washed over you, like a figurative slap that had you reeling. 
“We both know how much you love having things shoved down your throat, I’m sure Ari would whole-heartedly agree.”
Tears burned at the back of your eyes as you hunched down further, stabbing a cloud of cold scrambled eggs with your fork before forcing yourself to eat it, despite how sick to your stomach you felt.
It was cold, and tasted like nothing to you–like sawdust in your mouth–as you choked it down and speared a red grape with your fork next. Your stomach, which had been in a constant state or revolt since that night, clenched painfully as you chewed and swallowed another mouthful of food under Andy’s unrelenting gaze. 
“You live like a queen,” he sniffed, reaching for his coffee. “I provide everything you could possibly want. You should be grateful.”
After a long, tense moment of silence, your eyes flickered up to him. He was still watching you, his eyes narrowed and his brow furrowed, his jaw clenched and emphasizing his displeasure. 
You were pretty sure he hadn’t looked at you any other way since he caught you secretly working to save your friend’s job weeks ago. 
Not even on the other side of the awful punishment he put you through because of your misstep.
After that experience, you had hoped that you could at least move forward, that Andy would lighten up, let things go, but if anything, he had only gotten worse.
He was unhappy with the shift in your behaviour since that night with Curtis and Ari. He had called it out repeatedly, but as much as you tried to act “normal,” be the way he wanted you to be, you couldn’t seem to deliver.
You were a shell of your former self now. Each day, it was a struggle to even wake up and get out of bed–to merely exist–let alone present as Andy’s perfectly put together and submissive little pet.
And when he touched you…
You shuddered just thinking about it. You felt nothing but revulsion for him now, and it was so hard to pretend you felt any other way. 
“Jesus Christ, are you listening to a word I’m saying?” Andy’s angry voice snapped you back to attention. 
You shot him a guilty glance, hunkering down in your seat even further. Wanting to sink right to the floor, and then through it, disappear entirely so you didn’t need to endure anymore of this.
Anymore of him.
“Sorry–” you started, but he cut you off with a violent slash of his hand. 
“Just, save it. You’ll make it up to me tonight,” he snarled, his words sounding like a threat as he shoved back from the dining table and stormed from the room. 
Once you were sure he was gone, you set down your fork, plucking the linen napkin from your lap and draping it on top of your plate. 
You released a shaky breath, slowly breathing in another, trying desperately to quell your roiling stomach and ignore the panic that was clawing at you insistently and without relent.
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When the bedroom door opened later that night, you tried to keep your breathing even as you laid curled on your side in bed, your back to the door as you feigned sleep.
So far, this method had only worked once to get you out of sex with Andy since your punishment, but still, you had to at least try.
Even if Andy’s angry promise from that morning echoed in your mind. Because it was exactly the type of promise you knew he would keep.
Anything to use you. To show you how much power he had over you. To make you miserable.
Andy didn’t bother to be quiet as he moved around the room. Undressing at the end of his day, turning on his bedside lamp as he went. 
You heard him move into the connected bathroom, releasing a shaky sigh of relief as the shower kicked on, and you knew that at least would buy you a few more minutes of peace.
Those few moments soon came to an end, and your skin crawled as the bed dipped behind you, and the scent of Andy’s body wash reached your nose.
A beat later, he was shifting close to you, his big body curling around yours as he spooned you from behind. His arm felt like a manacle as it wrapped around your stomach and yanked you back against him. 
His breath was a humid puff against the side of your neck as he nuzzled your skin before his teeth found your earlobe and gave a harsh nip that had your breath catching and your ruse failing.
“You’d think after this morning, the last thing you’d do is play hard to get, honey,” Andy tsked as he rocked his hips against you. “That’s not gonna keep me happy.”
Because he coveted how responsive you had always been for him. How he could manipulate your body and “prove” to you over and over again how much you liked it.
But you didn’t like it anymore, not after that night.
You weren’t sure you had ever actually liked Andy’s attention or the sexual pleasure he had forced on you. You had tolerated it more than anything. You knew who he was, what he was, and what he was capable of. 
Tolerating his attention–and your own repeated ruin–was just another means for survival that had its place on a very, very long list.
Andy’s hand touched the outside of your thigh, pulling you back to the present. Your heart began to pound in your chest as he slid up your sleep dress. His hand was warm and insistent against your belly, a possessive palm before his fingers dipped lower, beneath your panties, and started to touch your cunt.
Tears pricked your eyes, and you squeezed them shut against the burning onslaught. You tried to remember to breathe as Andy’s hips rocked against you more insistently, the hardness of his cock catching between your ass cheeks and making him groan.
You had done this so many times before - surrendered to him. It was the smartest thing to do, the easiest.
Just give him what he wants, you urged yourself, but your heart was hammering unnaturally hard and fast now. You couldn’t control it–or your body’s response–as panic consumed you entirely with each passing second, with each invasive touch. You turned and buried your face against your pillow as Andy’s fingers began to prod at your dry entrance.
“Can’t believe you’re still shy after all the ways I’ve fucking ruined you,” Andy teased.
A moment later, his touch against your cunt stilled and he huffed in irritation at your body’s refusal to get wet for him.
The way you weren’t responding to him–or giving into him–at all.
“Maybe you need something else tonight, huh?” he gritted, threat lacing his voice.
This time, Andy’s touch was more rough as he tore off your underwear and tossed them aside. He shoved his hand between your legs from behind, his fingers dancing up until they reached your rosebud and pressed against the spot that he hadn’t touched since that night in the VIP room, when he had you bent over the pool table as Curtis and Ari watched your ultimate–and painful–defilement.
The sob tore free from your chest before you could suppress it. You tried to roll away from him, but Andy only held you tighter, shoving you onto your stomach. 
“Shhh, no need for the theatrics, honey, I can make it good for you this time,” Andy cooed. He stuck his fingers in his mouth to get them wet before tugging your ass cheeks apart and circling your rim.
You cried harder, your entire body seizing up as you clawed at the bed and tried to buck Andy off of you. All you could think of was that night, how much it had hurt, how horrible it had been, how dirty you had felt after and ever since. How it had broken you–in a way you didn’t know you could be damaged–and how now you were so very, very fragile.
He couldn’t do this again.
You wouldn’t survive it. Mentally. You knew you were hanging on by a thread now, and you were terrified to think what you would be like if you endured any more of this type of abuse.
The anguished, “NO!” that tore from your lips was so inhuman, it was enough to startle Andy and still his advances. You jerked against him, rolling violently to the side, and propelling yourself right off of the bed. Your landing on the floor was hard and painful, knocking the wind from your constricted chest as you scrambled backward until your back hit the wall.
Tugging your knees to your chest, you got a glimpse of Andy’s shocked look before you were curling in on yourself and crying so hard–so hysterically–that it racked your entire body.
“Jesus Christ,” he hissed after a moment of watching you cry and hyperventilate. “You’re fucking insane.”
Your mind barely registered the disgust lacing his voice, and you were too busy lost to your panic and distress to pay any further attention to Andy as he stormed from the bedroom and left you alone, at last.
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Most of the next day was a blessed reprieve from Andy. 
Thankfully, he had never returned to the bedroom last night, and then he’d been busy with work today, so you had slipped into your new routine of hiding away in the unused study in his manor. 
It was on the complete opposite side of the sprawling property from where he spent much of his time, and it had become your new hideaway as of late.
You were there right now, curled up in the window seat that overlooked the perfectly landscaped back lawn that made you yearn to go outside–and far, far away–never step foot in this manor again.
Sighing as you realized how late it was getting, because the sun was nearly set now, you unfolded yourself from your cozy spot, quietly groaning as your body protested after being in one position for so long.
The fact that Andy hadn’t appeared or summoned you to him likely meant he was having a late work night, which you appreciated. Now, you didn’t need to pretend to enjoy dinner with him–especially after last night–before he likely swept you away to be fucked for the next couple of hours.
Instead, you could call it an early evening and hopefully not see him again until tomorrow.
You prayed for that very thing, so lost in your own thoughts and silent desperation that you didn’t notice Andy’s bodyguard manning the hallway to the master bedroom. 
Which is why you were so shocked when you opened the bedroom door to find Andy fucking a beautiful blonde at the foot of the bed. 
She looked far more enthusiastic than you had ever felt as she arched and keened beneath him with every forceful rut of his hips. As the smell of sex permeated the air, she moaned his name and clung to his shoulders, begging him for more, but Andy didn’t respond to her. 
He only had eyes for you.
Eyes that were glittering with mean, smug triumph as he drank in your look of shock.
He grinned at you, going as far as to shoot you a wink as he continued to vigorously pound into the woman sprawled beneath him that wasn’t you.
“You mind giving us the room, honey? I haven’t quite had my fill yet, and I don’t think she has either.”
You blinked at him and then backpedaled, getting one more glimpse of Andy’s wicked grin before you pulled the bedroom door shut and quickly made your way across the manor to a spare guest room that didn’t get much use.
Closing the door behind you, you sank against it, reeling.
The very last thing you had wanted as of late was Andy’s attention–especially of the intimate variety–and yet, a whirlwind of emotions tore through you anyway at what you had just witnessed.
Among the maelstrom you felt threads of hurt and betrayal. Some jealousy as well. And it was so confusing, because you knew that Andy didn’t love you or genuinely care about you at all, especially now. 
That truth was impossible to deny.
But having that truth shoved in your face with such wicked glee–with such mean intent–it just drove home the fact that you really were nothing to Andy.
And he wanted you to know it.
You had tried so hard for so long to be good, to be what he wanted, debasing yourself over and over again for his satisfaction. And stupidly, a tiny part of you had always craved just a hint of real fondness or care. It was so hard to be so vulnerable with someone day in and day out and not yearn for just a shred of genuine connection in return.
But you knew now that Andy Barber wasn’t capable of those things. He wasn’t capable of love or kindness. 
Only possession and deviance and destruction.
Of violence and cruelty at a level that you never experienced until now.
For all of his faults and machinations, in the months since you had been with Andy, he had never fucked anyone else, as far as you knew at least. 
But now…not only did he go there, he made sure to flaunt it, to throw it right in your face.
He was showing you that if you didn’t give him what he wanted, he could easily find it somewhere else.
He was showing you how expendable you were. How replaceable.
How easily disposable.
You swallowed hard, a whimper getting caught in your throat as you pressed a hand to the center of your chest as your heart began to pound hard enough that it was all you felt.
You were no longer naive enough to imagine that Andy would just let you walk away after everything. Not after you got a peek behind the curtain of his ruthless, mob world and how he operated.
So if you were no longer of any use to him, if he was turning his attention and desire elsewhere, but you knew he wouldn’t just let you walk away, then there was really only one way that this could end for you…
Soon, your corpse would be rotting at the bottom of the river along with your former security detail.
The terrified whine that crawled up your throat and spilled past your lips was so loud it startled you. Feeling hot tears stream down your cheeks, you slapped a hand over your mouth to muffle the sounds you couldn’t seem to control as you sank to the floor and curled in on yourself.
You thought your punishment had been bad, but there was still something worse that he could do to you.
Something permanent.
Because if you were completely worthless to him now, Andy had no reason to keep you alive.
Muffling a sob, you shook your head, swallowing down your tears as you fought against the urge to spiral entirely. Doing so wouldn’t help you now. 
All that would help you was to try to be as strong as you could muster and do what you needed to do to win back Andy’s favor and contentment.
You could do this. You had done it for so long already. You could pretend to be Andy’s. 
You could be his good girl again.
You would be.
You had to be.
As much as you hated it, as much as it made you wilt inside and want to crawl out of your own skin…
Being Andy’s submissive little plaything was better than being dead.
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Andy stepped into the dining room for breakfast and then pulled up short.
For a moment, he seemed surprised to see you sitting at the table. Even more so since you were fully dressed and made up, aiming a soft, shy smile his way.
You tried not to let your smile drop when his face twisted in suspicion, looking away as you chirped, “Good morning!” before reaching for your mug of tea and taking a sip.
“I had the chef make french toast,” you told him as you cut and dug into your own french toast, eating on your own and without any prompting despite the way it made your stomach rumble in a bad way.
“Why?” Andy drawled as he sank into his seat, his gaze still wary as he watched you.
“Because it’s your favorite,” you replied, shooting him another small smile before returning to your breakfast.
“You sure seem cheerful for someone who had another woman occupying her bed last night,” Andy goaded.
You finished chewing, trying your best to keep your face neutral and blink back your tears before lifting your gaze to his. Andy’s face was expectant, his eyes glittering with something spiteful as he eagerly awaited your response.
Taking a deep, shaky breath, you tentatively reached for his hand. “You need to do what makes you happy,” you murmured, peeking up at him from beneath your lashes in a way that you hoped conveyed contrition and not the fearful desperation you felt to smooth things over with him.
To your surprise–and confusion–Andy didn’t seem pleased by your deference. His face fell, his brow furrowing at your gentle touch and sweet understanding. He scoffed, yanking his hand away from yours and making your insides skitter with anxiety as he gave you a stony look and challenged, “Do I?”
Instantly, panic began to lap at you. Without meaning to, you had played this all wrong. It was a stray thought in the back of your mind, that he had hoped for your upset, and perhaps your jealousy, too, in the aftermath of last night.
But it was too late to pivot now, and you needed to make up with Andy.
Your life literally depended on it. 
So you kept your gaze down, curling in on yourself to appear as vulnerable and unsure as possible–genuinely feeling both of those things, too–as you rose from your seat. Moving closer, you loomed over Andy for a beat. 
“Please,” you quavered, the tears in your voice real–but not for the reason Andy assumed–as you clenched your hands before you and shifted your weight. “Andy, I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad at me anymore. I’ll be better, I promise. I’ll be good.” 
Andy hmphed at that as he finished chewing his food before swallowing. He dabbed at his lips with his napkin before dropping it beside his plate and shifting his gaze to you. 
The distrust in his eyes was clear as day, but you tried your best not to falter as you met his gaze head on, your own eyes full of silent pleading.
After a long, drawn out moment of making you squirm, Andy tutted, his tone sly and a new sparkle coming to his eyes as he asked, “You really wanna make it up to me?”
You nodded eagerly and without hesitation, feeling your belly swoop in relief at the way satisfaction flickered in Andy’s eyes as his rigid posture eased ever so slightly.
He shoved his seat back from the dining table, spreading his legs like the king that he thought he was before nodding toward the floor, “Then show me. Show me how much you wanna be my good girl, how much you wanna make me happy.”
Your stomach flipped unpleasantly, but you ignored it as you swiftly moved closer and sank to your knees between Andy’s feet. You peeked up at him from beneath your lashes as you hesitantly reached for the front of his flannel pajama pants, feeling both grateful and disgusted by the way you could see his cock twitch through his pants at the promise of your touch.
Andy’s gaze was fixed on you, his pupils growing fat and black with lust as he watched you retrieve his cock and shimmy closer. “Yeah, that’s it, you greedy little slut,” he groaned as you gripped his length and slowly stroked him to full mast. “Gotta reclaim what’s yours now, huh?”
Another wave of disgust washed over you, making bile burn at the back of your throat but you tried your best to block it out, humming a soft, “Mmhmm” before you leaned in and lapped at the head of Andy’s cock to distract him.
He hissed as you suckled at his sensitive tip, his head falling back as your wrist twisted on your upstroke. When you gently cupped his balls with your free hand as you parted your lips and slowly drew him into your mouth, Andy moaned loudly, his hand shooting out to cradle the back of your head and push you down on his cock as far as you could take him.
Your body heaved momentarily as you gagged at the sudden, painful intrusion, tasting the salty brine of Andy’s pre-cum at the back of your throat before you regained your bearings and started to bob over his lap. 
It took everything you had to focus on the task at hand as clinically as you could instead of giving in to your revulsion and the overwhelming self-loathing that was rising up within you. 
You need to do this, you need to do this, you repeated over and over again in your head.
You weren’t tonguing along that pronounced vein on the underside of Andy’s cock because you wanted to, you did it because you knew it drove him wild, and it did. He rutted up into your mouth with a gravelly groan.
“Yeah, that’s it, honey,” he panted, moaning some more as you hollowed your cheeks and sucked for all you were worth. “Fucccck.”
By the time he was pumping your throat full of his cum, his touch on your cheeks to hold your face in place was the gentlest it had been in weeks. When he collapsed back in his seat, completely spent, his face was flushed and his eyes were bright and a little dazed as they watched you.
You kept your gaze down–timid–as you cleaned his softening cock with faux reverence, even going as far as pressing a soft kiss to his tip and earning a groan and involuntary rut of his hips for your effort.
Carefully, you tucked Andy’s cock away before sinking back on your heels. Ignoring the way your stomach curdled, you rested your warm cheek against his thigh in total supplication, finally allowing your eyes to flicker up to meet his. 
There was still a hint of wariness in Andy’s gaze–a lingering gleam of distrust–but they were both overshadowed by the smug victory that was aimed your way. 
“Well, that was certainly a good start to making it up to me, honey,” Andy purred, a slow, sated smile curling his lips.
When his hand lifted to gently pet your head, you leaned into it, feeling a staggering sense of relief that your efforts had worked, even if they made you feel like a faithful, degraded little pet that you didn’t want to be.
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You were a week into your bid to try to win back Andy’s trust and favor as a means to survive.
And he certainly wasn’t making it easy.
Despite the way you gave in to him at every turn, in any way that he wanted to show your complete and utter submission to him, there was still an air of him trying to punish you. 
He was relentless in his poking and prodding of you, in little ways, to test your devotion to him, your genuine desire to get back in his good graces and make it all up to him.
You’d sucked his cock more in the past week than in the last few months combined.
Your body hurt from all the various and rigorous ways he had taken you.
Each night, he’d kept you perched on his lap at the club while he openly and shamelessly flirted with other women like you weren’t even there.
It was exhausting.
You were so, so tired.
So wrung dry of any semblance of who you used to be, and any bit of hope that things would ever actually be better.
You were so desperate to stay alive–so terrified that Andy would have you killed–but most days, a quiet voice in the back of your mind kept asking if it was really worth it.
Was this really the life that you wanted to live?
You sniffled back a few tears as you rested your forehead against the cool glass of the window.
You were hiding away in your new favorite study, curled up in the window seat as you watched the sun peek in and out of the clouds outside, while you yourself sat inside, feeling captive in a life you didn’t want and longing to be free.
Suddenly the door to the study swung open, and you startled, straightening and twisting in your seat as Andy burst in with two familiar figures trailing him.
Your breath caught, and you swore your heart actually stopped, as Curtis and Ari sauntered into view.
You tried so hard to keep the terror from your face, but your body was frozen in shock and consumed with dread and horror as Andy’s malicious, expectant gaze met yours.
“I couldn’t let our guests leave after our business meeting before getting a chance to say hello,” he drawled, watching you closely, like he simply couldn’t wait to see how you’d react.
You didn’t understand why he was doing this to you.
You had been trying so hard to make things right, to make him happy. You had been bending over backwards to submit to him, to keep him content, to be what he wanted you to be.
Your entire existence was Andy, Andy, Andy, and yet here he was, poking at you again–trying so hard to get a reaction out of you, to drive you over the edge–and in the cruelest way possible.
“Well, don’t be rude, honey, come say hello,” Andy huffed, snapping his fingers at you.
“I kind of like her gaping fish look,” Curtis mocked. “Seems like an invitation I wouldn’t mind accepting, seeing as I didn’t get a chance to fill that pretty throat last time.”
You sealed your lips shut against a whimper, slowly hedging closer and allowing Andy to wrap his arm around you and tug you against his side.
Try as you might to keep your tear-blurred gaze away from them, you couldn’t help but glance between Curtis and Ari, part of you still unable to comprehend that they were actually here, right before you, in your own home.
Curtis’ smirk was as mean as you remember, Ari’s gaze heated and slow as it took inventory of your trembling body. He even bit his bottom lip and shot you a wink before you choked on an inhale you couldn’t quite complete and curled even closer to Andy in your terror, despite him being the bearer of your misery.
Your head was buzzing so loudly that you couldn’t absorb a word that was exchanged between the three of them. A cold sweat was breaking out across your skin, your heart pounding so hard in your chest that you were convinced it would explode any second now.
And you tried so hard to endure it all. 
But seeing them here, their scents enveloping you, their gazes unrelenting, you felt your stomach churn, feeling violated all over again. 
“I’m sorry, excuse me–” was all you were able to manage before you were darting past Curtis and Ari, out of the study, and down the hall to the nearest bathroom.
You barely made it to the toilet and got the lid up before you were collapsing to your knees, curling over the porcelain bowl, and heaving hard. Your body didn’t stop heaving and shuddering for what felt like an eternity, until all of the contents of your stomach were now filling the toilet instead.
Weak and trembling, you sank to the cold, marble floor, curling up in a ball as you shivered and your ears rang as panic continued to rack your body.
Memories from that night in the VIP room flooded your mind, and you started to cry as you hugged yourself tight and pressed your sweaty cheek to the floor, trying desperately to fight the onslaught of the moments in your life you wanted to forget most.
That was how Andy found you a moment later when he stepped into the bathroom without knocking. His long sigh of annoyance had you flinching and your panic renewing, as his perfectly shined dress shoe stepped into your vision, just inches away from your face. 
He crouched over you and was quiet for a long moment, and then he tutted, “That was very rude and disappointing, honey. You embarrassed me in front of our guests.”
“I’m…sorry,” you wheezed. You were barely able to speak, vomit still staining your tongue as you whined at the painful clench of your stomach at the acidic taste. 
“You will be,” Andy promised, making your blood run cold with dread before he was rising up over you, stepping away, and leaving you alone in the bathroom.
You weren’t sure how long you laid there on the floor, but eventually, you were able to weakly pull yourself to your feet. You flushed the toilet before stumbling from the bathroom, pausing long enough in the hall to make sure you didn’t hear any evidence that Andy and his guests were still here.
Then you staggered to the master bedroom slowly, locking yourself away and stumbling into the bathroom to shower.
To try to get clean.
But no matter how long or hard you scrubbed–until your poor skin was raw and screaming in protest–you still felt dirty. You still felt sick.
You sobbed as you sank against the cold shower wall, pressing your forehead to the wet tile as you tried to muffle your cries.
You didn’t understand.
You didn’t understand why Andy was so cruel to you. 
You were trying so hard. Your entire existence was catering to Andy, to his every want and need. Every second of every day was filled with the desire–the desperation–to be good for him. You had given him everything. All of you.
And it still wasn’t enough.
You weren’t enough.
You had nothing left. 
Nothing and no one.
That’s not true, there is someone, that quiet voice whispered in the back of your mind.
It took a moment for you to understand, your cries dying down once realization struck. And then a tiny, tiny spark of hope flared to life inside of you.
Your crying gave way to sniffles now as you turned off the shower and weakly wrapped a towel around your still shaking frame. You used the wall for support to make your way out of the bathroom, your knees barely able to hold your weight as exhaustion blanketed you in a way you had never felt before.
You circled the bed to where your phone was charging on the far nightstand, sinking down on the edge of the mattress before reaching for it. 
Nearly blinded by your tears, you opened the Phone app and tapped out the number you had memorized. You knew it would be stupid to program the new contact in your phone or keep the business card that had been so freely given to you, along with a genuine offer of help if you ever needed it.
And now it felt like you really, really needed it. 
You hesitated for the briefest moment before tapping the green icon to send the call, because at this point, what did you really have to lose?
Taking a breath, you lifted your phone to your ear and waited. 
A familiar voice answered after only one ring, and you felt something in your chest ease at the sound of it before you tearfully trembled out, “Jake? Please, I need your help.”
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“All your sweet little apologies and promises to be good, and yet here we are.”
You hugged yourself tightly as you stood in the foyer the next afternoon, just off to the side as Andy checked his reflection in the large mirror on the wall adjacent to the front door.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, your apology sounding weak, even to your own ears. “I must have come down with a stomach bug or something.”
“Or something,” he scoffed, straightening his tie before buttoning his dark suit jacket. 
Finally, he turned away from the mirror and stalked over to you. He seemed pleased as you sank back against the wall and quickly dropped your gaze to the floor in deference. 
You tried not to recoil when he touched a finger beneath your chin and tipped your face up. His eyes were so hard as they bored into you before flickering over your tired, drawn features. 
“You look like shit.”
This time you couldn’t suppress your flinch at his insult. “I know. I told you, I don’t feel well.”
“You embarrassed me yesterday in front of my business associates, and now you’re begging off from the club again,” he gritted, giving your chin a painful squeeze that made you mewl before retracting his touch. “You better rest up tonight, honey, because you and I are gonna have a talk tomorrow that you’re not gonna enjoy.”
You shuddered as a chill raced up your spine, nodding in acknowledgement like you knew Andy expected. You could feel his gaze that you couldn’t meet linger on you for a beat before he finally stepped away. 
“But don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll be able to find someone else to keep me company while I’m at the club tonight,” he sniffed derisively. 
You hugged yourself tighter as you watched him sweep out of the manor without a glance back at you, his two bodyguards hot on his heels as the large front door shut and separated you from your greatest tormenter. 
Hedging closer to the door, you peeked out of the side pane of glass, watching as Andy’s SUV pulled away and started its descent down the long driveway. You waited until it was completely out of sight before turning and slowly making your way back upstairs, itching to move faster but acutely aware of your own bodyguard trailing at a distance. 
You kept your gait slow, leaning heavily on the wall, like you were as sick and weak as you felt yesterday. Once you closed yourself in your favorite study–blessedly alone at last–you straightened, quickly darting across the room to the large executive desk that sat before the doors leading out to the stone balcony beyond. 
You shoved the desk chair out of the way, pulling out your packed bag that you had stashed there hours ago when your security detail was distracted with giving their mid-day report. 
Unzipping your bag, you pulled out the simple jeans and sweater that lay on top, your favorite sneakers that you hadn’t worn in months, too, and quickly got changed. Your heart was beating a frantic staccato in your chest the entire time, because it was like in this small, likely stupid way, you were reclaiming just a tiny part of your former self.
And you had missed her so much.
Once you were dressed, your gaze fell to the tracker bracelet that hung on your wrist like an ever-present manacle keeping you from freedom. You knew it was the only reason your security detail gave you a modicum of space and privacy, since they could always see and confirm where you were. You unclasped the bracelet and dropped it onto the desk, your eyes tearing up at yet another small act of defiance.
Of reclaiming yourself, no matter the cost.
As you reached for your phone that peeked out from your unzipped bag, you hesitated, a sudden thought striking you. Nerves flooded your belly with anxiety as you bent over, your hand blindly feeling beneath the underside of the desk. If your assumption was correct…
It was. 
You felt the cool metal of the hidden handgun that was tucked away out of sight, just like all the other hidden guns beneath all the other desks throughout this horrid manor. You struggled to tug it from its holder, the weight of it surprising you as you cradled the gun in your hands. 
Feeling a little sick–and scared–because you had never held a gun before, you knew it was probably a necessity at this point, so you carefully tucked the gun into the band of your jeans, so it sat heavily at the small of your back. 
You finally reached for your phone then, pulling up your Messages app. You typed in Jake’s number and sent him a simple thumb up emoji to let him know that you were ready and clear of Andy and your security detail.
You knew using your phone was likely a risk, but it wouldn’t matter now. You had made your choice, and what was done was done.
There was no going back now.
Tossing your phone down on the desk beside the bracelet, you quickly zipped up your bag and pulled it onto your shoulder. You hadn’t packed much, just the necessities, and only items that were yours. You didn’t want to take anything Andy had given you, and since he never liked you in your old clothes and “looking so cheap,” the bag you now held was basically the same bag you had arrived here with all those months ago when Andy first took over you and your life.
As your eyes anxiously swept the study to make sure you weren’t forgetting anything, there was a light tapping on the balcony door. 
Your heart leapt into your throat as you spun around, feeling relief blanket you as you saw Jake standing on the other side of the glass doors, a small smile curling his lips as he gave you a wave.
You didn’t realize it until that moment, but up until now, you had harbored some doubt that Jake would actually come through for you. You didn’t know him well, and you had met him through Andy, so it lingered in the back of your mind once you finished your call with him yesterday - that maybe this was all just another set up by Andy, another test for you to fail so he could hurt you in retaliation.
But as Jake stood before you, looking truly concerned–as well as sad for you–you knew that that wasn’t the case at all.
This was real.
It was actually happening.
You were going to escape Andy once and for all.
You hurried to the door and flipped the lock, sliding it open. Warmth flooded your face at how truly shocked you sounded as you dumbly said, “You came.”
Jake’s handsome features softened as he dipped his head and met your frightened gaze head on. “Of course I did. You asked for my help.” A sheepish look overtook him then, and he straightened, glancing over his shoulder as he rubbed at the back of his neck before his gaze met yours once more. “But I kinda had to knock out the two guards stationed outside, so we should probably hurry before they wake up and sound the alarm or whatever.”
“This is really happening,” you quavered, suddenly overcome by emotion. Before you could stop yourself, you darted forward and hugged Jake for all you were worth. “Thank you, Jake. Thank you so much.”
He returned your embrace immediately, his big hand gently rubbing your back as he murmured, “Hey, it’s okay, and you’ll be okay, I’ll make sure of it. I can set you up with a new identity, get you far away, anywhere you want to go—“
“That’s a bold promise you won’t be able to keep, you fucking rat,” Andy’s voice seethed from behind you.
The horror that washed over you was unlike anything you had ever felt before, and it was made all the worse by the way Jake went absolutely rigid against you and hissed a quiet, “Shit.”
Slowly, you pulled away from him, your insides twisting and pulling until you swore you were gonna be sick, but you swallowed against the internal uprising as you turned and met Andy’s furious gaze.
A mean laugh spilled from his lips at your look of utter disbelief. “Do you really think I wouldn’t have you under lock and key in every way possible?” he sneered at you. “It wasn’t just the bracelet, I’ve been mirroring your phone since this all started, and began tapping it after you lied to me. That’s what it means to be mine. It means you don’t do anything or speak to anyone without my knowledge or fucking permission.”
“Andy, please,” you wobbled. “You don’t even want me. Just, let me go. Please. You’ll never see me again. It will be better for both of us.”
“You don’t get to leave me, period. What part of ‘you’re mine’ do you not understand?”
“You don’t deserve her,” Jake spoke from behind you, his voice firm and unwavering as he stared Andy down. 
He touched your shoulder then, just a warm, gentle pressure to give you courage, to let you know that he was there and you weren’t alone in this. 
Not anymore. 
Andy scoffed, his irate gaze shifting from you to Jake. He zeroed in on Jake’s hand on your shoulder, a tic popping in his cheek as he slowly took a step closer and taunted, “And you think you do?”
He lunged forward, reaching for you, but Jake somehow managed to sweep you to the side and out of the way without hurting you before cocking his fist back and punching Andy in the face.
Andy grunted, stumbling backward. He didn’t go down though, he straightened much quicker than you wanted or expected as he wiped some blood from his bleeding nose before snarling and launching himself at Jake. 
The two men tussled, Andy getting his own punch in before kneeing Jake in the stomach and throwing him to the floor. He turned toward the fireplace behind him and reached for the metal poker that looked more like a deadly weapon than an innocuous home accessory.
“Jake!” you warned, watching in terror as Andy advanced on him. 
He gripped the poker with both hands and raised it over his head before bringing it down on Jake’s back, and you whimpered as you watched him crumple to the floor with a groan.
“You think you can fucking waltz into my home and take what’s mine?” Andy panted, using his foot to kick Jake in the stomach and flip him onto his back. He shifted his hold on the fire poker, gripping it like a sword now as he aimed it over the center of Jake’s chest.
You were moving before your brain comprehended your body’s destination, jumping onto Andy’s back and clawing at his face with your hands. He hissed at your unexpected assault, staggering with the force of it and dropping the fire poker as he whirled on you. 
He backhanded you hard enough to send you to your knees, your vision swimming and your cheek feeling like it was on fire. You grunted as Andy grabbed you, wheezing as he shifted his grip so his hand was on your throat and squeezing hard.
“You fucking cunt,” he breathed, giving you a shake. “After everything I’ve done for you?”
“You mean everything you did to me!” you screeched, digging your nails into his hand to try to get him to loosen his grip. “You hurt me and used me. Betrayed me and broke me,” you were crying now as you told him, “I hate you. You’re disgusting! You make me sick and I hate you!”
Andy’s grip eased, his lips curling into a wolfish smile before he was laughing, genuinely laughing, as he yanked you close. Dark amusement glittered in his gaze as he murmured, “I had no idea you had all this fire in you, honey. We’re gonna put all of this bad girl energy to good use.” He leaned in and bit hard at your bottom lip, making you whine and try to shove him away. “First I just need to take out the trash.” 
Shoving you so you stumbled back a few steps, Andy turned and pulled a gun from the holster beneath his suit jacket. He advanced on Jake, who was finally in a seated position at least, looking dazed as he sat on the floor and blood leaked from a cut at his hairline.
“Don’t!” You screamed, staggering toward Andy as you reached for the gun at your back. You yanked it from your jeans, clumsily gripping it between your hands and fumbling with the safety. “Drop it, Andy! I mean it. Or I’ll—“
He turned, eyebrows shooting up as he spied your own weapon, but he didn’t look concerned in the least. Instead, he smirked at you, once again amused by your show of bravado, “You’ll what? Shoot me?” 
You hesitated, feeling your eyes well with tears and your stomach churn at the thought of doing just that. 
You had never hurt anyone in your life, and you had never wanted to, not even now.
You just wanted to go, you just wanted to leave and never come back. 
“Please,” you whispered as you met Andy’s gaze. “I just want to leave. That’s all. I just want to be free.”
“You will never be free from me,” Andy enunciated slowly, taking a step closer, and then another. “You think you can just up and leave me? That Jensen will keep you safe? You know who I am. What I’m capable of. I will track you down and I will find you,” he promised in a way that had your blood feeling like ice in your veins. “If you think your last punishment was bad, ohhhh, honey, you just fucking wait. I’ll even keep Jensen alive long enough so he can watch this time.”
You trembled at the very thought, the gun visibly shaking in your grip as you adjusted your sweaty hold on it. Taking a step back as Andy took another forward, you told him, “Stop it. Stay back!”
“Make me,” Andy taunted.
He moved closer, grinning as you adjusted your aim to keep it at the center of his chest. His head cocked to the side and he watched you in a way he did sometimes, that made you feel so small. Like you were no more than the dirt beneath his shoe.
Like you were nothing.
And you knew that’s what you really were to him.
You were nothing to Andy Barber. 
“We both know you won’t shoot me,” he drawled, advancing another step. “You can’t. You don’t have it in you. You’re far too weak and pathetic for that, sweetheart, and we both know it.”
You flinched at his words, shame flooding you as a few tears finally spilled over and your lower lip wobbled with distress. 
“You’re a good girl,” Andy said, like it was the most demeaning thing in the world, and you knew that in his eyes, it was. “You’re my good girl, and you always will be—“
For once in the entire time that you had known him, you cut Andy off and spoke over him.
“I am done being your good girl.”
Then you pulled the trigger.
Andy jerked as the bullet hit him in the chest, his mouth hanging open as he stared down at the dark spot quickly growing at the front of his shirt. Slowly, he raised his head, his wild gaze locking on you and his lips pulled back into a snarl as he lunged at you.
Whimpering, you shot him again, and again, and again. You didn’t stop pulling the trigger until the gun clicked uselessly in your trembling hands, the barrel empty as Jake appeared at your side and gently eased the weapon from your grip.
“Hey, we gotta go now,” he spoke softly–urgently–as he glanced between your wide, tearful gaze and Andy’s prone body laying on the floor. 
You didn’t reply, you couldn’t, unable to stop yourself from moving closer to Andy. Your entire body felt numb as you stood over his unmoving form, watching as he just laid there in a growing pool of his own blood, his unseeing eyes staring up at the ceiling, still wide with the shock of your actions.
Of your ultimate–and final–act of defiance.
Jake said your name, stepping in front of you and blocking the sight of Andy’s dead body from your horrified gaze. “We need to go now, okay?”
It was the way he hesitantly touched you, cradling your face between his hands and aiming your dazed eyes at his that snapped you from your stupor.
“Okay,” you breathed, giving a shaky nod. 
Nodding back at you, Jake took your hand in his, grabbed your bag with the other, and quickly led you out onto the balcony, and out of Andy’s manor, for good.
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You drove with Jake for hours and hours, and he had only made one quick detour along the way. 
You had sat in the car as he pulled over on the bridge out of town, wiping down the gun you had used to kill Andy before throwing it into the river.
Amidst all of your swirling thoughts and emotions–your shock being at the forefront of it all–in that moment, you had still thought it poetic in a sense, that the river now housed your own dirty little secret along with all of Andy’s.
Now you were far away from the river and the bridge, in a small cabin tucked away deep in the woods of you didn’t even know where.
All you knew was that Jake promised that no one would find you here, and that you could lay low for a few days and figure out what came next.
Despite your shock and numbness, you believed him–trusted him–so you had followed him into the cabin without a second thought, grateful when Jake suggested you go shower and change and wash away the past 12 hours.
When you emerged from the shower, you found a steaming cup of tea awaiting you on the coffee table and the fireplace roaring. It casted warmth throughout the small space as Jake murmured he was going to get cleaned up and left you to your own thoughts for a bit. 
When he rejoined you in the living room once he was done, Jake found you curled up beneath an old throw blanket. You were nestled into the corner of the sofa, silently crying as you stared into the fireplace, your cup of tea now cold and completely untouched.
He was quiet as he sank down beside you, unsure of what to say but not wanting you to be alone right now.
Eventually, you spoke. 
Sniffling as you wiped at your nose, you whispered, “I killed him.” 
Your breath caught as you said it out loud for the first time, and you pressed a hand to your chest, like it could somehow ease the anguish you felt in your heart at having committed such a heinous act. 
“I killed someone. I’m a…a murderer. A terrible person. I’m just like him. Oh my god, I’m just like him,” you whimpered, hugging your knees to your chest as you started to rock back and forth.
“You’re not,” Jake replied immediately. “Hey.” He touched your back, giving it a gentle rub. “Look at me, please.” He waited until you peeked over at him to continue, “You are nothing like Andy Barber. It was self defense. He would have killed us both without hesitation. I mean, he literally tried to.”
He gestured to his face, which was now starting to bruise on one side. You looked pained as you drank in the state of him, your watery gaze lingering on the angry looking cut on his forehead that was now neatly tended to and bore a butterfly bandage.
“I’m so sorry,” you trembled as you turned to him more fully. “I'm so sorry I put you in that situation.”
“I’m not,” Jake told you firmly.
You knew he meant it too. As he watched you, his eyes so soft, his hand slipping from your back to hesitantly take your own hand and give it a squeeze. 
Gratitude for this kind, caring man overwhelmed you, and you reached for him, sinking against Jake’s warm, firm body and hugging him tight as you tried not to cry against his shoulder.
When you finally pulled away, you felt even more shy than you already did as you got a glimpse of Jake’s rosy cheeks. Shifting your gaze away, you re-tucked the blanket around you, busying yourself with the small gesture to avoid a potential awkward moment.
Clearing his throat, Jake said, “So while you were in the shower, I was able to hack some of Andy’s accounts and I funneled a good chunk of his money into an untraceable account for you.”
“Oh,” your eyes went big as they snapped back to him. “That’s…really generous of you, Jake, but I’m not sure I feel comfortable using that kind of money.”
“It’s all above board, I only pulled from his legitimate assets. It’s not blood money or anything,” he assured you. “And…well, after everything I imagine you’ve gone through… you deserve it. Consider it restitution.”
Something about Jake’s words were like a punch to the gut. And you knew it was totally unintentional on his part, but it was almost as if someone else speaking aloud the horrors you had been through made them all the more real.
But they’re over now, that voice in your mind–which was louder than it had been before–told you with confidence. And you survived.
“You okay?” Jake asked, sounding concerned.
You nodded, blinking back a new wave of tears as you refocused on him. “Thank you. I’ve known you all of five minutes and you’ve shown me more kindness and care than anyone I’ve ever met.”
Jake blushed, shrugging and looking shy, and something about his reaction had your insides fluttering in a way you hadn’t felt in a really long time.
Despite his flush, when his gaze met yours, his face was determined. “Whatever you decide to do next, wherever you decide to go, I’ll make sure you’re safe. I promise.”
“It’s been a long time since someone made me a promise that was genuine and didn’t sound like a threat.”
“Well those kinds of promises, the good ones, those are the kind you deserve,” Jake said.
This time, the shy warmth filled your face, and you struggled to meet Jake’s earnest gaze. You squirmed on the receiving end of his attention, totally unused to someone actually wanting to take care of you in a real way versus wanting to own and use you.
“I don’t even know where to start with deciding on what comes next or a destination,” you confessed.
“Come on, aren’t there places you’ve always dreamed of going?” Jake smiled, leaning over and knocking his shoulder against yours. “I used to travel a lot for work but haven’t in a while, but I still know all the ins and outs and can make it a breeze. We could even pick places randomly if you want, it’ll be fun!”
“Fun?” You echoed, perking up at the foreign concept and enjoying Jake’s excited, playful energy. It was so different from what you were used to. “And…you really want to come with me? You don’t have to—“
“I want to!” Jake assured you quickly. “I mean, if that’s okay, at least for a little while to make sure you’re okay and land on your feet. It would really put my mind at ease. And like I said, I haven’t gotten to travel in a while and I have the itch, yanno? You'd totally be doing me a favor.”
“Well,” you said, lips curling as you shrugged. “I do suppose I owe you, after everything.”
Jake positively lit up at your tentative joke, laughing in a way so contagious, you couldn’t help but giggle in return as your gaze met his and lingered.
His eyes were so open and kind, not one hint of anger or deceit in their blue depths. They really were the windows to his soul, and his soul was like the human embodiment of sunshine as he watched you with a lingering smile. To be under Jake’s gentle gaze was like being warmed from the inside out, and you swore, the longer his eyes stayed on you, the more his warmth chased away the chilled emptiness that had taken up residence inside you over the months you had been trapped with Andy.
Needing, no, wanting more than just his gaze on you, you tentatively reached for Jake’s hand. Noting your intention, he offered it freely and without hesitation, watching as you pressed your palm to his and laced your fingers together before giving his hand a gentle squeeze.
As you held Jake’s big, warm hand in your own, it was like you could feel the months and months of heartache and depravity—of fear and shame—you had experienced daily slowly begin to slake away. 
With each passing second that put your former life further and further behind you, you felt lighter. After everything that had happened tonight, and with Jake by your side now, you finally felt safe, too. 
And for the first time in a very long time, you felt hopeful. 
You felt something else, too, something that, up until now, you never thought you’d ever feel or experience again, even though it was the one thing you wished for most of all…
You felt free. 
And you were.
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Originally, I had kind of a mean cliffhanger planned for this lol, but you can thank @buckets-and-trees for urging me to go for the fulfilling happy ending instead. She advocated for this poor Reader and made me realize how much she (and all of you!!) deserved as close to a happily ever after as this verse can deliver. 
Please let me know what you think of the ending! Thank you! ❤️
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154 notes ¡ View notes
tripletstephaniescp ¡ 10 hours ago
I love Kirk and all the Star Trek references. I had a ginger cat named after Will Riker and he was a rascal. Knee capped me once because I shut my bathroom door to shower. Great story.
Saw the creativepromptsforwriting post...
I would like to place a order :)
Steve Rogers, MCU/reader is an avengers hero, #12 corner mouth kisses/maybe #57 trembling mouth kiss
I can't believe I let myself think I'd do UP TO 500 WORDS! Steve/Reader, fluffy AF coworker love declarations facilitated by one ginger cat named Kirk. 2,200 words <- OOPS.
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You powerwalk over to the door and pull it open right as you hear the repulsors make their ‘ready to fuck shit up’ noise. “Don’t. You. Dare.”
“Oh look, you’re alive!” Tony says, completely unphased by your vehemence. “As your friend and teammate, let me save you both some time here: you--” he points to Steve “--need to tell her you’ve been making secret drawings of this woman’s every possible facial expression and you--” he points to you “--ought to let him know you stay after sparring sessions to hand-sew the rips in his suit. I’m talking before it’s laundered. Now, go kiss or something. Note how I didn’t say ‘go play with the pussy?’ That’s camaraderie. Stark out.”
With his verbal grenades expended, Tony grabs the door handle from your nerveless fingers and pulls it firmly shut.
“Well, that’s one way to do it,” Steve says in a stunned voice.
The Trouble With...
When you woke up this morning, you had a ground floor apartment and a pet cat. When you got back from your day of team training an hour ago, there was no cat to be seen, and your front door was cracked open to the apartment lobby.
A frantic call to your landlord revealed that they’d sent maintenance workers to finally fix the leaking toilet in your unit (with zero notice. Pepper Potts said she’s ‘on it,’ and you suspect your landlord won’t enjoy that experience one bit). 
The following sequence of events was where everything kind of fell apart.
You love your cat, and your first instinct was to call your teammate and training buddy, Steve Rogers. Your voice had been shaky during the call as you wandered the nearby alleys calling for Kirk and shaking his favorite earth-shaped cat toy. Steve asked twice as many questions as you even understood on the phone, until finally he said he would be right there to help out. You’d thanked him, bent over next to a dumpster, and sobbed.
Two minutes later, Tony Stark had flown in to use his HUD to search for small animal-shaped heat signatures. “Wow. That’s a lot of rats.”
Thor had sauntered up not long afterwards, Bifrost smoke still following his footsteps, but his ‘special cat whistle’ appeared to be inaudible to humans and cats. Not rats though, according to Tony.
Clint texted you a search grid diagram that had suspiciously blood-colored smudges on it, but before you could ask him about it, Nat sent the larger frame image of his lunch (BBQ wings) beside the printouts. ��Don’t worry about him, I have some leads,” she’d told you.
By the time Steve showed up on his motorcycle in street clothes, you were completely overwhelmed, and you’d spent more time managing the feelings of your fellow Avengers than your own. As soon as you saw him approach on the bike, you let out a long sigh, pasted on a smile, and headed straight for your apartment building. You needed to feel safe and at home for the coming conversation.
As soon as you touched your own doorknob though, you realized something.
Was that maybe how Kirk felt too? Maybe for Kirk, the enemy of the week was the maintenance man who invaded the ‘ship’ of your apartment, and your cat wasn’t equipped with enough Dilithium Crystals, Phasers, or Tribbles to deal with it this time. When you had found the door open, you’d called out his name and rushed all over the place looking for him, but what if the sound of your voice just wasn’t enough for Kirk to trust that things were back to normal?
Steve’s arrival forgotten, you rushed into your apartment and tried to think of where Kirk’s ‘safe space’ would be. There was a damaged vent on the wall under the bed that he sometimes fiddled with--could he have finally broken it enough to go exploring? You were on your hands and knees setting one of his favorite treats on the floor next to the bed when Steve tapped gently on the door. 
“When I heard how upset you were on the phone call, I--”
Without thinking about the exact words, you blurted out, “Rogers, I love you, but you need to get out, right now. I think I found Kirk, but if there’s someone else here--”
You were so worried about your cat that you didn’t hear what he said in response.
You wake up on your side a few hours later on the floor, head resting on your pillow, with Kirk sleeping peacefully on the rug beside you. The bag of treats you’d grabbed to lure him from the vent in the wall is lying on the floor nearby, completely empty.
“Are you serious right now? Ginger cats, I swear to God.”
A judicious application of duct tape patches up the vent hole, so you head into the kitchen to make yourself some coffee. As the machine whirs to life, you unlock your phone to find multiple messages from each Avenger, all demanding to know if you are okay, if Kirk is okay, if you and Kirk are okay, if your landlord is around for a ‘casual conversation,’ and so on.
“Nope,” you say aloud, popping the ‘p’ for Kirk’s benefit. Of course, that’s when there’s a knock at your door.
It’s Steve, and he’s hovering like something happened during the disproportionate Assemble. “Hey, can I-- Well, first things fir-- Safe to assume you found your cat?”
“Yes, thank goodness” you say, ushering him in. He’s holding back, shifting from foot to foot, which is strange. You’ve held game and movie nights here before, and once or twice you and Steve had stayed up late afterwards talking, but now he’s acting like he’s never been here before. “Kirk went adventuring in the ductwork. I lured him out with treats, but he took so long I fell asleep on the floor.”
A lot of Steve’s tension drains away at that, and he smiles sheepishly. “Oh! So not answering any messages was-- Not that you have to, of course, that’s not what I--”
“Left my phone in the kitchen!” you say briskly, settling onto the couch so that Steve will be forced to sit out of innate politeness. “I just didn’t want to spook Kirk any more than he already was-- which reminds me, I’m sorry I snapped at you, or whatever. I don’t really--” 
“About that,” Steve interrupts, lurching a couple more steps into the living room.
“Are you okay?” you finally ask. He’d taken off his baseball cap when he walked in, and has been twisting it in his hands in an anxious way ever since. “Sit down?”
“Right, of course,” Steve says, sitting at the edge of the cushion at the far end of the same couch as you. “I’m fine.”
“Good.” Kirk takes that moment to hop up onto your lap, and you let the moment stretch out as you smile politely, hoping Steve will explain what his deal is. It doesn’t work. He is giving off intense ‘waiting for bad news at the ER’ energy, and you can’t take it anymore. “All right, soldier. Spill it.”
Steve laughs weakly, and just like that, the odd suspense drains away. “That obvious, huh? Okay.” He swallows.
That comparison to the ER is starting to feel more and more plausible. “Is... someone hurt and you’re afraid to tell me?”
Steve answers in a headlong rush. “You said you loved me. When you told me to get out of your bedroo-- apartment.”
Suddenly all the obstacles to saying those words for real just melt away.
“That’s because I do!" you whisper, your voice becoming more and more confident as you continue. "I didn’t mean to tell you like that, of course. It slipped out, easy as breathing--because it is. Easy, that is. To love you.” Ironically, your chest feels like you’ve been holding your breath for a couple of months. Kirk’s still on your lap, but his ears show his annoyance at yet another disruption.
“I never-- I’ve dreamed about thi-- Right.” Steve stops himself, stands up, and takes two big steps closer to you before sitting down again, sending your heart into a rolling gallop and Kirk off to an away mission. “I’m falling in love with you. I want to be honest about that.” His eyes trace your face over and over as if determined to etch this moment into his memory. “I kept telling myself it wasn’t right to fall for a teammate--”
“Or, you know, the symbol of all that’s good and right with the world in superhero form,” you tease.
Steve takes your hand, looking at into your eyes with all the sincerity in the world and says, “What’s good and right with the world is this, us. If you’re okay with finding out what that’s like, that is?”
His phrasing is confusing, but the sentiment behind it has you even more in love with him than ever. Steve starts to lift your hand up to his lips to kiss the back of it-- and a loud knock sounds on the door.
“Shoot!” he says, jumping to his feet. “I told Tony to come by if he didn’t hear from me. Because there might be something wrong, or--”
“Open up, one of your neighbors told me I bought a bad replica of the Iron Man suit and I’m feeling a powerful urge to prove them wrong!” Stark says, tapping on the door again.
You powerwalk over to the door and pull it open right as you hear the repulsors make their ‘ready to fuck shit up’ noise. “Don’t. You. Dare.”
“Oh look, you’re alive!” Tony says, completely unphased by your vehemence. “As your friend and teammate, let me save you both some time here: you--” he points to Steve “--need to tell her you’ve been making secret drawings of this woman’s every possible facial expression and you--” he points to you “--ought to let him know you stay after sparring sessions to hand-sew the rips in his suit. I’m talking before it’s laundered. Now, go kiss or something. Note how I didn’t say ‘go play with the pussy?’ That’s camaraderie. Stark out.”
With his verbal grenades expended, Tony grabs the door handle from your nerveless fingers and pulls it firmly shut.
“Well, that’s one way to do it,” Steve says in a stunned voice.
Your body has forgotten how to multitask, so you alternate between taking delighted gasps of air and feeling your heart hammer halfway through your ribcage. “You've made sketches of me? I love your art. I was trying to work my way up to telling you that you haven’t been drawing enough.”
“I’m doing it all the time, it’s just you, so I couldn’t, you know. Let you see them.” Steve steps close, herding you against the door, one hand coming up to trace an incredulous caress along your hairline. “You’re insane. I smell terrible after those workouts.”
Bursting out laughing, you bury your head in his chest, feeling and hearing the joyful laughter he lets out along with you. Steve kisses your hair, then your temple, creating a pathway of small steps toward your lips, symbolic of the way your association with each other has grown. By the time he’s pressing a heated kiss at the corner of your mouth, you’re grasping at him with both fists, full of anticipation.
Steve abandons his earlier restraint and takes charge, as though the wait set him on fire and the only way to quench it is through tasting you. One hand grasps your hip firmly, pulling you close, and you tangle your hand into his hair, pouring all the daydreams and late nights of wanting him into this first moment of connection.
It’s many minutes later when he finally gentles the kiss and steps back, apologetically holding up his phone. “I don’t trust Tony to tell everyone he’s made contact,” Steve explains. He taps at the touchscreen keyboard, frowning at the times his large fingers hit two letters at once, while you try to gather all of your molecules into a cohesive version of yourself ala the Star Trek teleporter.
When he’s finally done, you drop a kiss on his bicep, grinning at the thrill that you can even do something like that, even in private. “Thank you. I’m all people’d out today, I should have answered some of the messages that I got, but I saw them and my brain turned off. I’m all out of spoons.”
He snaps his fingers and points at you. “I know this one. You wake up with 100 spoons or something, and you spend them on--”
“Hold on. You might wake up with 100 spoons, but we’re not all supersoldiers!”
“Fair enough. Speaking of which, I’m sensing you’ve nearly run out by now. Can I take you to dinner tomorrow?” 
He’s doing that thing with his eyes, the one where he’s warm and understanding and the perfect man for you and-- Steve clears his throat, and you realize you were staring. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be. I get to draw those, you don’t,” he smiles, then chivalrously takes your hand to kiss the back of it. “Seven sound good?”
You nod. Two minutes later your sitting on your couch screaming into a pillow, and Kirk hops up to meow at you.
“I’m all out of treats, dude. You played yourself!” Another mrrow. “Yeah, okay, yes. You did play an integral part in my current state of delirious happiness. I’ll get another bag tomorrow, k, K?” Kirk rubs up against your elbow, and you take that as a ‘yes.’ “You know what? I think I’m going to refer to my spoons as Tribbles from now on, in your honor.”
Just like his namesake, Kirk the cat does not seem to like this idea, but you’re busy in your own mental holodeck, reliving the last half hour with a lovesick grin.
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tripletstephaniescp ¡ 2 days ago
It was the 2nd biggest spider i killed to date. The biggest was actually mother fucking Akidna and that bitch had the audacity to string herself a web like a blanket over the carport to my car and I walked right into the web on my way out for work. I used my purse to get it on the ground and used my size 10 nursing shoes to smash her into the pavement. My dad was hyperventilating. I was just fucking pissed I got web in my face. I think my dad held a funeral for the thing it was so big. Lol.
Love Bug
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female reader (Mob Au)
Word Count: 1.5K
Summary: You and your very busy husband are on a rare weekend getaway to your beach house when an unexpected house guest causes some trouble.
Author’s Note: this is for Missy’s @saiyanprincessswanie writing challenge! I did a Mob AU and used the prompt, “I would move mountains for you.” Thank you so much for hosting Missy! Love and hugs my friend🩷 The Mob AU part is subtle but hopefully you’ll feel it! Also, I personally hate these fuckers and if you’re interested to see what they look like, click here. Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always!❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy🥰
Warnings: soft fluff, fun, laughs, a scary bug, Bucky being sweet and cute, it’s mostly silly and domestic
PS this idea came about because I wrote THIS for Joel Miller the other day and I thought Bucky would be fun too! 🩷
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You open your eyes and stare at the outstretched hand resting on your pillow. The simple gold band circling his left ring finger catches the light from the rising sun and it rivals the way the gold streaks along his metal arm shine and sparkle.
You reach up and place your hand in his and the firm bicep beneath your cheek flexes at your touch. He shifts behind you, tightening the arm at your waist and pressing the hardness between his legs against your back.
You really need to pee.
The steady in and out of his breathing warms the nape of your neck, every inch of his contoured chest rising and falling against your back, legs tangled together. It’s the most comfortable spot in the known Universe.
You still really need to pee.
But he rarely gets to sleep in, and you’re torn between the urge to close your eyes against the discomfort and trying to sneak off to the bathroom.
Worrying your bottom lip between your teeth, you make the painful decision to disentangle yourself from your husband and slide out of bed, releasing a breath when he grumbles in his throat. You grab his discarded button down from the floor and slide it over your shoulders.
He rolls over in a bare-chested sprawl and goes back to breathing evenly, the sheet tented where it rests between his legs.
It takes everything in you to leave the bed, but you manage to slip away and into your en-suite bathroom. The large windows by the bath frame a view of the ocean, letting in the thick rays of the sun and highlighting the beauty of the marble flooring.
You’re momentarily distracted by the view so when you walk toward the toilet at first you don’t notice the large insect sitting just below it.
Right as you step onto the rug it moves and you catch sight of it out of the corner of your eye, letting out a high-pitched scream that would wake the neighbors if they were any closer than a mile away.
Bucky is out of bed and in the bathroom before you can even call his name, sheets tangled in his legs, hair wild and mussed from both your hands last night and the sleep that followed and a large knife in his hand.
“Doll?” he croaks out, staring at you wide eyed, body poised and ready to fight.
“It’s…,” you start, backing away slowly toward your husband. “Buck it’s one of those things. With the legs. Hairy looking.”
He’s quiet for a moment, his heart starting to return to a normal beat and his head clearing, but he doesn’t lower the knife.
There’s silence other than the sound of his breathing and you squeeze yourself behind him, hanging on to his forearms with a death grip.
Finally, he lowers the knife and exhales.
“Hairy legs?” he asks as he runs a hand through his hair.
“It’s by the toilet!” you whisper.
“I don’t see anything!” he says, squinting now.
“See, right there!” you point, still safely tucked behind him.
“Whe…? Oh yeah. I see him.”
It moves again and you let out a squeal of terror, pressing yourself closer to him.
“Get it Buck!!! Get ittttt!” you whine.
Your eyes are squeezed shut and your face is hidden against his back so when he starts to laugh you feel his body shake.
“THIS IS SO NOT FUNNY!” you hiss.
“I’m sorry doll face,” he says, turning to you. “But I ran in here thinking I’d have to kill someone.”
“Don’t take your eyes off it! We could lose it and then it’ll be living in here forever and get even bigger and and…”
His nose scrunches up and his eyes crinkle at the corners, more laughter erupting from his chest.
When he finally calms down he gives you a sympathetic look. “It’s ok baby doll. I’ll handle it but you’re gonna have to let go.”
You blink several times, expression blank. You look down at your fingers that are digging into his skin.
“Oh! Right, but…”
You peek around him to see if the centipede is still there…and he is, staring at you menacingly.
“I can’t let go. What if it comes over here. I hate the way they move.”
“Then you’ll have to come with me,” he says carefully.
You shake your head no.
“Baby doll.”
“We have to move. You can just buy us a new beach house!”
“Sure, I can,” he says with a sideways smile. “But you love this house.”
You sigh in defeat and cling to him harder.
“I have an idea,” he says softly as he scoops you into his arms and skirts the wall until he reaches the tub.
He sets you down inside it, the high sides and four brass feet keeping you safely off the ground and away from the centipede.
“There,” he says.
You give him a small smile and watch as he searches the bathroom, his eyes lighting up when they land on the small hand towel neatly folded and hanging by the sink.
“YOU CAN’T KILL IT BUCK!” you screech.
He pins you with an incredulous look.
“What did you expect me to do doll?”
“I don’t know but if you squish it then I’ll never be able to use that toilet again.”
You cover your eyes with your hands but separate two fingers to peek through.
His hand falls to his side as he surveys the bathroom again, then, as if suddenly remembering he has a knife, he lifts it and starts to stalk toward the toilet.
“OH MY GOD Bucky, you can’t stab it!”
“I can stab anything,” he says quietly, his voice deadly.
“But I don’t want you to kill it,” you reply in an equally quiet but much softer tone.
He stops moving and turns toward you slowly, exasperation in his expression but when your bottom lip sticks out in a pout he softens and relents.
“Then what should I use?” he asks.
The both of you look around and then your eyes land on the stack of cups near the sink and they brighten.
“Cups Buck!”
He smiles and gets one and with calculated and careful steps, he approaches the centipede.
You duck lower into the tub and make squeaky noises every time you see the insect twitch.
“Be careful Bucky!” you whisper shout.
“Shhh,” he says softly, the muscles in his bare back tense with his cautious movements.
When he’s close enough he slowly lowers the cup over the centipede, letting out a loud exhale when it appears he has it trapped.
“Now what?” you ask.
He stands and shrugs.
“I didn’t think that far ahead.”
You slowly rise from the tub and move closer to him. “Can we just leave it there?”
“It will definitely die.”
“I could just step on the cup?”
You grab his hand, holding it tightly and shaking your head. “No. I don’t want to hurt it I just want it to live somewhere else, far away.”
“We can slide something under the cup.”
“Good idea,” you agree.
“Get me a magazine doll. That should work.”
You run back into the bedroom and grab one, returning with it to your safe spot behind Bucky.
He bends down and carefully slides the magazine under the cup.
“You’re butt looks really good,” you say with a giggle.
“Good to know you’re ogling my ass during this life-or-death situation doll face.”
“It’s just a centipede Buck.”
He’s on you before you can react, caging you against the sink with his arms.
“Just…a centipede? Says the one who screamed bloody murder ten minutes ago and had to hide in the tub.”
“I was just trying to pee! It could have attacked me at my most vulnerable time.”
He tries to hold back his laughter, but the corners of his mouth turn up and he drops his head into your neck.
“You’re going to put it outside right?” you ask as your fingers smooth up and down his back. “Like all the way across the street? Maybe the next town over?”
When his eyes meet yours they still sparkle with mirth and he cups your cheek, brushing his thumb across your cheekbone.
“Of course I will.”
“Thank you.”
“I would move mountains for you doll.”
“I know.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too Buck.”
He kisses you softly, his lips lingering before moving to the corner of your mouth and then along your jaw to meet the shell of your ear.
You shiver in his arms.
“I’m gonna take care of his little fucker,” he murmurs. “And while I do that I want you to get naked and get back in bed.”
Without and answer you squeeze out of his hold and rush back toward the bedroom, squealing when his left-hand whips out and smacks your ass.
You can’t wait to get back into bed but not before making a stop at one of the other four bathrooms down the hall (hopefully bug free!).
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526 notes ¡ View notes
tripletstephaniescp ¡ 2 days ago
For part of Covid we combined houses with my sister, her husband and 2 kids because her kids were in college and it was Hella expensive. At midnight one night I heard screaming, not my husband, and came on my sister standing in terror pointing at the wall. A spider the size of a small fist was on the wall. I just took off my slipper, killed it and flushed the corpse. I came back and my husband was comforting my sister and whispering... "just call Steph she'll kill it. It doesn't even phase her. You'll be okay." I nearly collapsed laughing.
Love Bug
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female reader (Mob Au)
Word Count: 1.5K
Summary: You and your very busy husband are on a rare weekend getaway to your beach house when an unexpected house guest causes some trouble.
Author’s Note: this is for Missy’s @saiyanprincessswanie writing challenge! I did a Mob AU and used the prompt, “I would move mountains for you.” Thank you so much for hosting Missy! Love and hugs my friend🩷 The Mob AU part is subtle but hopefully you’ll feel it! Also, I personally hate these fuckers and if you’re interested to see what they look like, click here. Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always!❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy🥰
Warnings: soft fluff, fun, laughs, a scary bug, Bucky being sweet and cute, it’s mostly silly and domestic
PS this idea came about because I wrote THIS for Joel Miller the other day and I thought Bucky would be fun too! 🩷
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You open your eyes and stare at the outstretched hand resting on your pillow. The simple gold band circling his left ring finger catches the light from the rising sun and it rivals the way the gold streaks along his metal arm shine and sparkle.
You reach up and place your hand in his and the firm bicep beneath your cheek flexes at your touch. He shifts behind you, tightening the arm at your waist and pressing the hardness between his legs against your back.
You really need to pee.
The steady in and out of his breathing warms the nape of your neck, every inch of his contoured chest rising and falling against your back, legs tangled together. It’s the most comfortable spot in the known Universe.
You still really need to pee.
But he rarely gets to sleep in, and you’re torn between the urge to close your eyes against the discomfort and trying to sneak off to the bathroom.
Worrying your bottom lip between your teeth, you make the painful decision to disentangle yourself from your husband and slide out of bed, releasing a breath when he grumbles in his throat. You grab his discarded button down from the floor and slide it over your shoulders.
He rolls over in a bare-chested sprawl and goes back to breathing evenly, the sheet tented where it rests between his legs.
It takes everything in you to leave the bed, but you manage to slip away and into your en-suite bathroom. The large windows by the bath frame a view of the ocean, letting in the thick rays of the sun and highlighting the beauty of the marble flooring.
You’re momentarily distracted by the view so when you walk toward the toilet at first you don’t notice the large insect sitting just below it.
Right as you step onto the rug it moves and you catch sight of it out of the corner of your eye, letting out a high-pitched scream that would wake the neighbors if they were any closer than a mile away.
Bucky is out of bed and in the bathroom before you can even call his name, sheets tangled in his legs, hair wild and mussed from both your hands last night and the sleep that followed and a large knife in his hand.
“Doll?” he croaks out, staring at you wide eyed, body poised and ready to fight.
“It’s…,” you start, backing away slowly toward your husband. “Buck it’s one of those things. With the legs. Hairy looking.”
He’s quiet for a moment, his heart starting to return to a normal beat and his head clearing, but he doesn’t lower the knife.
There’s silence other than the sound of his breathing and you squeeze yourself behind him, hanging on to his forearms with a death grip.
Finally, he lowers the knife and exhales.
“Hairy legs?” he asks as he runs a hand through his hair.
“It’s by the toilet!” you whisper.
“I don’t see anything!” he says, squinting now.
“See, right there!” you point, still safely tucked behind him.
“Whe…? Oh yeah. I see him.”
It moves again and you let out a squeal of terror, pressing yourself closer to him.
“Get it Buck!!! Get ittttt!” you whine.
Your eyes are squeezed shut and your face is hidden against his back so when he starts to laugh you feel his body shake.
“THIS IS SO NOT FUNNY!” you hiss.
“I’m sorry doll face,” he says, turning to you. “But I ran in here thinking I’d have to kill someone.”
“Don’t take your eyes off it! We could lose it and then it’ll be living in here forever and get even bigger and and…”
His nose scrunches up and his eyes crinkle at the corners, more laughter erupting from his chest.
When he finally calms down he gives you a sympathetic look. “It’s ok baby doll. I’ll handle it but you’re gonna have to let go.”
You blink several times, expression blank. You look down at your fingers that are digging into his skin.
“Oh! Right, but…”
You peek around him to see if the centipede is still there…and he is, staring at you menacingly.
“I can’t let go. What if it comes over here. I hate the way they move.”
“Then you’ll have to come with me,” he says carefully.
You shake your head no.
“Baby doll.”
“We have to move. You can just buy us a new beach house!”
“Sure, I can,” he says with a sideways smile. “But you love this house.”
You sigh in defeat and cling to him harder.
“I have an idea,” he says softly as he scoops you into his arms and skirts the wall until he reaches the tub.
He sets you down inside it, the high sides and four brass feet keeping you safely off the ground and away from the centipede.
“There,” he says.
You give him a small smile and watch as he searches the bathroom, his eyes lighting up when they land on the small hand towel neatly folded and hanging by the sink.
“YOU CAN’T KILL IT BUCK!” you screech.
He pins you with an incredulous look.
“What did you expect me to do doll?”
“I don’t know but if you squish it then I’ll never be able to use that toilet again.”
You cover your eyes with your hands but separate two fingers to peek through.
His hand falls to his side as he surveys the bathroom again, then, as if suddenly remembering he has a knife, he lifts it and starts to stalk toward the toilet.
“OH MY GOD Bucky, you can’t stab it!”
“I can stab anything,” he says quietly, his voice deadly.
“But I don’t want you to kill it,” you reply in an equally quiet but much softer tone.
He stops moving and turns toward you slowly, exasperation in his expression but when your bottom lip sticks out in a pout he softens and relents.
“Then what should I use?” he asks.
The both of you look around and then your eyes land on the stack of cups near the sink and they brighten.
“Cups Buck!”
He smiles and gets one and with calculated and careful steps, he approaches the centipede.
You duck lower into the tub and make squeaky noises every time you see the insect twitch.
“Be careful Bucky!” you whisper shout.
“Shhh,” he says softly, the muscles in his bare back tense with his cautious movements.
When he’s close enough he slowly lowers the cup over the centipede, letting out a loud exhale when it appears he has it trapped.
“Now what?” you ask.
He stands and shrugs.
“I didn’t think that far ahead.”
You slowly rise from the tub and move closer to him. “Can we just leave it there?”
“It will definitely die.”
“I could just step on the cup?”
You grab his hand, holding it tightly and shaking your head. “No. I don’t want to hurt it I just want it to live somewhere else, far away.”
“We can slide something under the cup.”
“Good idea,” you agree.
“Get me a magazine doll. That should work.”
You run back into the bedroom and grab one, returning with it to your safe spot behind Bucky.
He bends down and carefully slides the magazine under the cup.
“You’re butt looks really good,” you say with a giggle.
“Good to know you’re ogling my ass during this life-or-death situation doll face.”
“It’s just a centipede Buck.”
He’s on you before you can react, caging you against the sink with his arms.
“Just…a centipede? Says the one who screamed bloody murder ten minutes ago and had to hide in the tub.”
“I was just trying to pee! It could have attacked me at my most vulnerable time.”
He tries to hold back his laughter, but the corners of his mouth turn up and he drops his head into your neck.
“You’re going to put it outside right?” you ask as your fingers smooth up and down his back. “Like all the way across the street? Maybe the next town over?”
When his eyes meet yours they still sparkle with mirth and he cups your cheek, brushing his thumb across your cheekbone.
“Of course I will.”
“Thank you.”
“I would move mountains for you doll.”
“I know.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too Buck.”
He kisses you softly, his lips lingering before moving to the corner of your mouth and then along your jaw to meet the shell of your ear.
You shiver in his arms.
“I’m gonna take care of his little fucker,” he murmurs. “And while I do that I want you to get naked and get back in bed.”
Without and answer you squeeze out of his hold and rush back toward the bedroom, squealing when his left-hand whips out and smacks your ass.
You can’t wait to get back into bed but not before making a stop at one of the other four bathrooms down the hall (hopefully bug free!).
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tripletstephaniescp ¡ 3 days ago
Love protective Bucky.
Rekindled Love
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Pairing: Biker Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Word Count: 2255
Summary: You end up hurt by a drunk customer and your ex Bucky is none too happy about it. Bucky makes sure you’re okay in more ways than one.
Warnings: Brief violence, Smut, P in V, unprotected sex
A/N: @avengers-assemble-bingo for James Buchanan Barnes - 108th Birthday. The square filled “Ex’s Hooking Up." (card #4B 024)
A/N 2: Thank you to my betas @lfnr-blog-blog-blog & @nekoannie-chan Thank you to @late-to-the-party-81 for the header. Thank you to @whimsicalrogers for the divider
Please Read, Reblog, & Comment. It lets me know you like my work. 😊💜
I do NOT consent to translating or reposting my work on any social media platform, app, or third-party site. It has been stolen if you see my work anywhere besides my personal Tumblr & AO3 accounts. I will NEVER give written or verbal permission to repost or translate any of my fanfics 🚫🚫
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It was just another night at the local bar where you worked as a bartender. It was a small crowd for the middle of the week. You had a couple of guys sitting at the bar drinking their beer in silence. There was a group of bikers in the back playing pool.
It was midnight and one of the guys at the end of the bar was at the point of being cut off. You had a feeling he was drinking before he got to the bar and that made you watch how many beers you gave him. The guy called you down to him.
“One more beer for the road.”
His warm beer breath hit you in the face and you tried to not make a face. You crossed your arms and stared at the man.
“Sorry, I think you’ve had enough to drink tonight. I’m gonna ask that you pay your tab and leave.”
The man was not happy about this and leaned over the bar. “You listen here you bitch. You will go fetch me another beer like the good woman you are and you will let me drink in peace before I pay.”
Your eye started to twitch from what he said. This time you moved closer to him and leaned on your bar.
“Mister I’m going to overlook what you just said and repeat myself since you didn’t listen. Pay your tab and leave or I will have someone escort you out.”
The man grabbed your arm, fingers digging into your arm as he shook you. You cried out in pain as his fingers dug into your skin harder. “Get me a goddamn beer you stupid whore or else…”
But before the man could finish his sentence Bucky appeared from the back of the bar and grabbed the man in a chokehold. The drunk let go of your arm and started to try and get out of the hold that Bucky had him in. Bucky pulled the man off his seat and locked him in the hold. The man was choking and wheezing while Bucky finally got a handle on him. The man was holding onto Bucky’s arm and finally gave up fighting.
“You know it’s never okay to put your hands on a woman.” To emphasize Bucky squeezed a little harder on the man’s neck.
“So I want you to apologize for being an asshole to the lady or I’m going to take you outside and break every bone in your body. Your choice.” Bucky let up just enough for the man to speak.
The man wheezed trying to breathe the best he could. “I-I’m sorry.”
Bucky shook him a little. “Sorry for what?” Bucky growled out.
“I’m sorry for hurting you and saying what I did. Please, I can barely breathe.” The man gasps.
“It’s okay Buck. He apologized, just let him go so he can pay and leave.” You rubbed your arm as you spoke.
“You’re lucky this lady is kind and not calling for broken limbs. Now be good, pay your tab, and leave like the lady asked.” Bucky releases the man from the chokehold and shoves him into the bar.
The man is coughing and rubs his neck. He pulls his wallet out and hands cash to you. It’s more than his tab is worth and before you can tell him the man leaves stumbling out of the bar.
Bucky stands at the bar watching to make sure he doesn’t come back. He signals for his men in the back to come forward. You knew this group all too well. It was the 107th Howling Commandos biker gang. Steve and Thor came over to Bucky and he whispered something to them. Knowing Bucky it was no good. Steve and Thor headed out the front door leaving Bucky to look at you.
“How’s the arm?” His deep voice rumbled as he leaned over the bar.
You showed him your arm. “I’ll live. Probably won’t be the last time this happens.”
“Not while I’m around,” Bucky stated as he looked from your face to your arm.
Bucky lightly grazed your arm to inspect it. Sure enough, the bastard left a mark behind. Bucky was glad that he now had Steve and Thor go rough that man up. No one injures you and gets away with it even though you’re not together anymore. Something that makes his heart ache when he thinks of it. You wanted him to stop living on the wrong side of the law. That’s something Bucky has worked toward. He wants to win you back.
“This isn’t okay, doll. You shouldn’t be used to this. Let’s go to the back and let Natasha run the bar for a little bit. It’s not like there are many people here.”
“I don’t know Bucky. I really should finish out my shift.” You whine.
Bucky smirks at you. “Not like your boss will be mad. I mean he is a very reasonable guy.”
That made you laugh. “Don’t toot your own horn, Buck. I know you’re a great boss. But you’re a pain in the ass at times.”
You walk around the bar as Nat makes her way behind the bar. You both nod at each other in passing. Nat could handle herself at the bar with no problems. Men would never think twice about crossing her. Whereas you were too nice sometimes for this job. With Bucky at the bar every night with his crew it wasn't like men started shit anyways. Except for the occasional drunk like tonight. Steve and Thor return from outside, nodding at Bucky before heading to the back to play pool again.
Walking past Bucky you walked into the back room where the manager's office was. Bucky followed closely and silently as you led the way. You knew where this conversation was gonna go and you just didn’t have the energy to fight with him tonight. When you got to the office you sat on the edge of the desk as Bucky came in, shutting the door behind him.
Before you could say a word Bucky walked over to you, cupped your cheeks, and kissed you on the lips. Well, you weren’t expecting this.
You kissed him back and wrapped your arms around his neck. You let him deepen the kiss, letting his tongue dance with yours. It was passionate and it made you crave more of him.
Bucky pulled back from your kiss momentarily and whispered against your lips. “I want you, princess. Will you let me have you?”
You whined at his admission. “Yes, Bucky. I need you.”
That’s all he needed to hear as he pulled your black shirt over your head leaving you in a black lace bra. Bucky started to kiss the top of your breasts as his fingers undid the button at the top of your jeans. He pushed them to your ankles and you kicked off your shoes allowing the jeans to be pulled off leaving you in black lace panties.
Bucky quickly rid himself of his biker vest, and shirt, and unbuttoned his jeans, pushing them down his thighs. Grabbing his already hard thick cock he strokes himself a few times making you lick your lips. As much as he would love to feel your lips wrap around him this wasn’t about him. This was about you.
Bucky grabbed your panties and ripped them from your body. You let out a shocked gasp as he threw them on the ground leaving you in just your bra.
Pulling you to the edge of the desk he started to rub his thick cock through your wet folds before sinking into your pussy inch by inch. You both moaned at him pushing into you more until he bottomed out. You missed how much he could stretch you with his cock. It’s been at least a year since he was balls-deep in you.
Locking eyes with his blue ones Bucky smirked at you as he started rolling his hips. Your fingers latch onto his shoulders as he keeps a slow, steady pace. Your lips part and you moan his name on a particular hard thrust.
The way he is thrusting into you brings back memories of lust-filled nights and passionate lovemaking. Something you deeply miss though besides sex is spending time with him.
Bucky groans out, “fuck,” as he picks his pace up. In and out he starts to speed up his pace. He knows your body better than you and fucks you like he wants to destroy your pussy.
“Oh, Bucky…right there!” You moan as he continues to take you apart.
He takes your cue and doubles down on that spot inside you that has you seeing stars. Your moans get louder as he pounds into your sweet spot. Your walls start to squeeze his cock and with a swipe of his thumb on your clit you cum for him.
Bucky continues to fuck you through your orgasm, your fingers dig deep leaving half-crescent moon indents from your nails. He slows his pace again buying his time before he chases his high.
He leans forward, kissing you on the lips before he pulls out of your pussy. You know what he wants and you turn around, leaning over the desk ass in the air. He slaps your ass causing you to mewl. Taking his cock he places it at your entrance and sinks back into you.
Bucky loved doing you like this and he gripped your hips a little roughly bouncing you on his cock. In and out, faster and harder he went until your walls squeezed him again as you screamed your orgasm.
“Fuck, princess.” Bucky moans as he fucked you through your orgasm. You were squeezing him so tightly that Bucky thrusted a couple more times and spilled his seed deep inside you.
Bucky leans over your back and kisses your shoulder. You hum as his lips trail from your shoulder to your neck.
“God, I’ve missed this. Having you in my arms again makes me feel whole.” Bucky warmly says.
You smile and glance over your shoulder. “You’re just saying that ‘cause this is the first time we had sex since we broke up.“
Bucky slowly pulls out of you and turns you to face him. “I’m not just saying it ‘cause we just had sex. I meant what I said. I’ve missed being with you.”
You sigh and shake your head. “Bucky you know why we can’t be together. You’re a criminal and sell guns. I can’t be with you while you do that.” You start to put your clothes back on minus the ripped panties.
Bucky grinned at you while putting his clothes back on. “Well, I’ve been meaning to tell you this for a while. We’re no longer selling guns. We’ve gone straight and are on the right side of the law.”
You froze from what he just said. He actually got his club to go straight and narrow? “What changed,” you asked.
Once Bucky was fully clothed he stepped close to you and cupped your cheeks. He kissed you on the lips and pulled back with a smile. “You. You changed my thinking princess. I want to be with you more than I want to end up in jail for doing something stupid. What you said a year ago made me stop and think about what I want out of life. So I got rid of all the shady business deals and now we make an honest living running a mechanic shop. Besides the shop, I own this bar and financially I’m doing well enough that if you wanted to quit you could. I can take care of you.”
You instantly shook your head. “I can’t quit Bucky. I like my job very much. It gives me a purpose right now and money in my pocket.”
Bucky quirked his eyebrow knowing he wasn’t going to win this battle. “Fine, keep the job. But I have to ask, are you willing to take me back? Don’t make me beg ‘cause you know I will.
Smiling up at him you leaned forward to kiss his neck. Whispering in his ear with your sultry voice you say, “I would love to be your girl again. But I think I want to see you beg first. On your knees and eating my pussy out. I think that would change my mind. Plus you need to make up for all the lost time between us.”
Bucky groaned. “Fuck, princess. I’ll do whatever you want. But first, let me take you home.”
Heading for the door you open it and hold your hand out for him. Bucky bent down and pocketed the ripped panties before he grabbed your hand. Both of you walk hand-in-hand out of the back and into the bar. You’re met with whistles and cheers as your biker friends clap their hands seeing you both together. Bucky spins you around and you both take a bow. Heading for the front door you walk outside to his motorcycle.
“Once I get you home princess you won’t be able to walk tomorrow,” Bucky states as you climb on the bike after him.
“I’m looking forward to a lot of making up for lost time.” You huskily say in his ear as you wrap your arms around his waist.
That’s all Bucky needed to hear as he started his engine and revved it a few times before he sped off down the road toward his place.
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tripletstephaniescp ¡ 3 days ago
Bucky and Alpine are my favorite duo !! He’d be such a cute cat dad . And I just imagine Alpine not being fond of company, just like her grumpy dad . And if he’s ever brought over any girl he’d always hiss and try to wack them . But when you’re in his home for the first time , Bucky is worried it’s gonna happen again . But Alpine instantly curls in your legs and purrs for your to pet her. When you sit on the couch , she follows you and nudges your jaw or hand to give her scratches and ends up falling asleep on your lap . Bucky is bewildered this is happening and his heart warms that his baby likes you . Overtime you and Alpine are inseparable and Bucky’s favorite thing is to come back home to you and Alpine curled up on the couch , giving the both of you head kisses (🐚)
I LOVE THISS. Alpine takes after her daddy 100%. Ever since he adopted her and tucked into into his leather jacket, the two have been joined at the hip. They are inseparable. It's always just been the two of them. Just her and her favorite hooman, cuddling, napping, judging anything with a pulse.
It's perfect.
Until he starts to date. Alpine hates it. The way these girls look at her daddy, swooning and giggling, always trying to take away her favourite spot; her daddy's lap. That place is reserved for her and her only. No one else gets to nuzzle into his neck or curl up on his chest. Taking up her spot on his bed is also a huge no-no. She hated how they'd squeal or screech trying to pet her or worse, pick her up for a cuddle. Disgusting. There had already been a few close calls but Alpine made sure it never went a step further. A swing of her little paw to the head is enough to send most away instantly.
Who were these strangers and why did they keep disturbing her. She hated people.
Except her daddy.
"Bucky if you're not sure about this, we can wait-
"No!" Bucky shakes his head, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck while you waited for him to open the door to his apartment. How was he supposed to tell you that the reason he was worried about bringing you home was because his life was ruled by his cat. That the little fluffy ball of fur controlled who went in and out of the house; anyone that wasn't him, wasn't welcome. The first dates he brought over didn't matter all too much. Bucky didn't see much of a future with them anyway so he didn't try to get his furbaby to warm up to them with a second try.
You were different.
He'd liked girls before but this time he was certain it was love. The last thing he wanted was for his 3 lb, 1ft fluffy demon to chase you away too.
"I don't want to wait, it's not that I'm not ready" Bucky nervously chewed his lip, "I guess I'm just nervous" He played it off, not wanting to worry you as he fished his keys out of his pocket.
"We can take all the time you need, Sergeant" You gave his hand a gentle squeeze with a reassuring smile, "M'not going anywhere"
Love. He definitely loved you. How he hoped his cat would be in a good mood.
Alpine narrowed her eyes at the door hearing more than one voice, ready to pounce on whoever walked through. The furs on her neck stood up as Bucky walked in, accompanied by his date though this was different. Her daddy didn't seem as sure of himself as he usually did. He was stumbling over his words. She was sure she could feel his body heat radiating off him from feet away. He had shy smile plastered on his face the entire time as he brought her into the apartment. In Alpines opinion, he looked like an idiot, nearly tripping over one of her mice and blushing like a school boy.
This girl wasn't like the others.
Her daddy really liked this one.
A lot.
As soon as you sat down, Alpine decided to introduce herself, hopping into your lap and nuding her head into your hand. You giggled, giving her a gentle scratch before setting your hand down to give her some space but she didn't seem interested in you stopping. She purred at the soft coo's you made, nuzzling her head further for more pets.
"Merp" Alpine let out a content chitter while you were none the wiser.
"She's so friendly" You whispered, not wanting to disturb Bucky's little best friend while he blinked in confusion, stunned seeing his tiny ball of havoc curled into your lap, making biscuits with her paws, a content purr rumbling from her chest.
"Aren't you a sweet angel" You whispered, continuing to pet her silky fur as she slept soundly, not realizing Bucky's jaw on the floor. "What's her name?"
"This little shit"
Your face twisted in confusion while Bucky still didn't answer your question, slowly and silently moving himself until he was at eye-level with his master.
"Hey" He whisper hissed, cocking an eyebrow when she reluctantly opened one eye, "Alp, you little shit"
"Merp" Alpine gave Bucky's cheek a light swat of her paw before cuddling up further into your lap leaving you in stitches.
"I see she owns you" You giggled while Bucky shook his head, butterflies already erupting in his tummy. He already knew you were special but if Alpine liked you, that was something else. Seeing his baby fall in love with you the way he did sealed it all. It became something Bucky never got tired of seeing; his precious little angel doting and cuddling up with the girl of his dreams. Whenever you were around, Alpine was instantly in your lap or in your arms, the two of you inseparable.
"Doll? Alpline?" Bucky called as he dropped his bag at the front door, toeing his boots off and stretching before making his way to the living room.
"My girls" he smiled, finding you both curled up with your favourite show on, Alpine sleeping on top of the soft blanket you were wrapped in, "How are you babygirl" Bucky leaned down to kiss the top of your head before kneeling down so he could give his fur baby one as well, "And you, princess"
"We missed you" You gave Bucky grabby hands, sighing happily as he wrapped you up in his arms, holding you extra tight before setting you back down.
"Not as much as me. I'll shower and we'll get some dinner" Bucky tucked you back in your blanket before scooping up Alpine in his arms for an extra cuddle, "Daddy missed you princess, shhh" Bucky shushed her discontent meowing as she was taken away from you. Her tail swished as he plopped her onto the bed and quickly showered, rustling from his bag before pulling out a little bag and a tiny box.
"Ready to surprise mommy?" Bucky whispered, fastening a red collar onto his cat and tying a ring that would sit under her chin with a little handwritten note. He picked up Alpine and set her on her way back to you before nervously wiping his hands against his jeans, taking a deep breath.
"What do you have there baby" Bucky could hear your voice from the living room, followed by a gasp. He took one final breath before making his way over.
He couldn't wait to marry you.
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tripletstephaniescp ¡ 3 days ago
Oh, Jo. This was sweet and hilarious!!! I am the bug killer in my little family. I will never forget the 1st time my husband shrieked, seeing our Akidna sized spiders in San Diego. I have never heard anything so high-pitched. I picked up a shoe, smacked it, and then used a paper towel to clean the guts off the wall. The whole time, he stood stock still with huge eyes. To this day, that is part of the division of labor. I kill anything with more than 4 feet on it. Lol.
Love Bug
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female reader (Mob Au)
Word Count: 1.5K
Summary: You and your very busy husband are on a rare weekend getaway to your beach house when an unexpected house guest causes some trouble.
Author’s Note: this is for Missy’s @saiyanprincessswanie writing challenge! I did a Mob AU and used the prompt, “I would move mountains for you.” Thank you so much for hosting Missy! Love and hugs my friend🩷 The Mob AU part is subtle but hopefully you’ll feel it! Also, I personally hate these fuckers and if you’re interested to see what they look like, click here. Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always!❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy🥰
Warnings: soft fluff, fun, laughs, a scary bug, Bucky being sweet and cute, it’s mostly silly and domestic
PS this idea came about because I wrote THIS for Joel Miller the other day and I thought Bucky would be fun too! 🩷
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You open your eyes and stare at the outstretched hand resting on your pillow. The simple gold band circling his left ring finger catches the light from the rising sun and it rivals the way the gold streaks along his metal arm shine and sparkle.
You reach up and place your hand in his and the firm bicep beneath your cheek flexes at your touch. He shifts behind you, tightening the arm at your waist and pressing the hardness between his legs against your back.
You really need to pee.
The steady in and out of his breathing warms the nape of your neck, every inch of his contoured chest rising and falling against your back, legs tangled together. It’s the most comfortable spot in the known Universe.
You still really need to pee.
But he rarely gets to sleep in, and you’re torn between the urge to close your eyes against the discomfort and trying to sneak off to the bathroom.
Worrying your bottom lip between your teeth, you make the painful decision to disentangle yourself from your husband and slide out of bed, releasing a breath when he grumbles in his throat. You grab his discarded button down from the floor and slide it over your shoulders.
He rolls over in a bare-chested sprawl and goes back to breathing evenly, the sheet tented where it rests between his legs.
It takes everything in you to leave the bed, but you manage to slip away and into your en-suite bathroom. The large windows by the bath frame a view of the ocean, letting in the thick rays of the sun and highlighting the beauty of the marble flooring.
You’re momentarily distracted by the view so when you walk toward the toilet at first you don’t notice the large insect sitting just below it.
Right as you step onto the rug it moves and you catch sight of it out of the corner of your eye, letting out a high-pitched scream that would wake the neighbors if they were any closer than a mile away.
Bucky is out of bed and in the bathroom before you can even call his name, sheets tangled in his legs, hair wild and mussed from both your hands last night and the sleep that followed and a large knife in his hand.
“Doll?” he croaks out, staring at you wide eyed, body poised and ready to fight.
“It’s…,” you start, backing away slowly toward your husband. “Buck it’s one of those things. With the legs. Hairy looking.”
He’s quiet for a moment, his heart starting to return to a normal beat and his head clearing, but he doesn’t lower the knife.
There’s silence other than the sound of his breathing and you squeeze yourself behind him, hanging on to his forearms with a death grip.
Finally, he lowers the knife and exhales.
“Hairy legs?” he asks as he runs a hand through his hair.
“It’s by the toilet!” you whisper.
“I don’t see anything!” he says, squinting now.
“See, right there!” you point, still safely tucked behind him.
“Whe…? Oh yeah. I see him.”
It moves again and you let out a squeal of terror, pressing yourself closer to him.
“Get it Buck!!! Get ittttt!” you whine.
Your eyes are squeezed shut and your face is hidden against his back so when he starts to laugh you feel his body shake.
“THIS IS SO NOT FUNNY!” you hiss.
“I’m sorry doll face,” he says, turning to you. “But I ran in here thinking I’d have to kill someone.”
“Don’t take your eyes off it! We could lose it and then it’ll be living in here forever and get even bigger and and…”
His nose scrunches up and his eyes crinkle at the corners, more laughter erupting from his chest.
When he finally calms down he gives you a sympathetic look. “It’s ok baby doll. I’ll handle it but you’re gonna have to let go.”
You blink several times, expression blank. You look down at your fingers that are digging into his skin.
“Oh! Right, but…”
You peek around him to see if the centipede is still there…and he is, staring at you menacingly.
“I can’t let go. What if it comes over here. I hate the way they move.”
“Then you’ll have to come with me,” he says carefully.
You shake your head no.
“Baby doll.”
“We have to move. You can just buy us a new beach house!”
“Sure, I can,” he says with a sideways smile. “But you love this house.”
You sigh in defeat and cling to him harder.
“I have an idea,” he says softly as he scoops you into his arms and skirts the wall until he reaches the tub.
He sets you down inside it, the high sides and four brass feet keeping you safely off the ground and away from the centipede.
“There,” he says.
You give him a small smile and watch as he searches the bathroom, his eyes lighting up when they land on the small hand towel neatly folded and hanging by the sink.
“YOU CAN’T KILL IT BUCK!” you screech.
He pins you with an incredulous look.
“What did you expect me to do doll?”
“I don’t know but if you squish it then I’ll never be able to use that toilet again.”
You cover your eyes with your hands but separate two fingers to peek through.
His hand falls to his side as he surveys the bathroom again, then, as if suddenly remembering he has a knife, he lifts it and starts to stalk toward the toilet.
“OH MY GOD Bucky, you can’t stab it!”
“I can stab anything,” he says quietly, his voice deadly.
“But I don’t want you to kill it,” you reply in an equally quiet but much softer tone.
He stops moving and turns toward you slowly, exasperation in his expression but when your bottom lip sticks out in a pout he softens and relents.
“Then what should I use?” he asks.
The both of you look around and then your eyes land on the stack of cups near the sink and they brighten.
“Cups Buck!”
He smiles and gets one and with calculated and careful steps, he approaches the centipede.
You duck lower into the tub and make squeaky noises every time you see the insect twitch.
“Be careful Bucky!” you whisper shout.
“Shhh,” he says softly, the muscles in his bare back tense with his cautious movements.
When he’s close enough he slowly lowers the cup over the centipede, letting out a loud exhale when it appears he has it trapped.
“Now what?” you ask.
He stands and shrugs.
“I didn’t think that far ahead.”
You slowly rise from the tub and move closer to him. “Can we just leave it there?”
“It will definitely die.”
“I could just step on the cup?”
You grab his hand, holding it tightly and shaking your head. “No. I don’t want to hurt it I just want it to live somewhere else, far away.”
“We can slide something under the cup.”
“Good idea,” you agree.
“Get me a magazine doll. That should work.”
You run back into the bedroom and grab one, returning with it to your safe spot behind Bucky.
He bends down and carefully slides the magazine under the cup.
“You’re butt looks really good,” you say with a giggle.
“Good to know you’re ogling my ass during this life-or-death situation doll face.”
“It’s just a centipede Buck.”
He’s on you before you can react, caging you against the sink with his arms.
“Just…a centipede? Says the one who screamed bloody murder ten minutes ago and had to hide in the tub.”
“I was just trying to pee! It could have attacked me at my most vulnerable time.”
He tries to hold back his laughter, but the corners of his mouth turn up and he drops his head into your neck.
“You’re going to put it outside right?” you ask as your fingers smooth up and down his back. “Like all the way across the street? Maybe the next town over?”
When his eyes meet yours they still sparkle with mirth and he cups your cheek, brushing his thumb across your cheekbone.
“Of course I will.”
“Thank you.”
“I would move mountains for you doll.”
“I know.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too Buck.”
He kisses you softly, his lips lingering before moving to the corner of your mouth and then along your jaw to meet the shell of your ear.
You shiver in his arms.
“I’m gonna take care of his little fucker,” he murmurs. “And while I do that I want you to get naked and get back in bed.”
Without and answer you squeeze out of his hold and rush back toward the bedroom, squealing when his left-hand whips out and smacks your ass.
You can’t wait to get back into bed but not before making a stop at one of the other four bathrooms down the hall (hopefully bug free!).
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tripletstephaniescp ¡ 4 days ago
I was wondering. That's so awesome!!!! I think that you probably needed the time away, so enjoy.
Chuckles Travel Update!
Hey, my loves!!!!! Remember me? 🤭🫣 How have you been? Sorry for being MIA! I'm here... very much here!
Almost ten days ago, I had to take a very impromptu--but much-needed--trip. That trip unexpectedly turned into a vacation (I haven’t taken one in YEARS!). So, hubby and I decided to keep it going, visiting a few more places, and today, we’ve officially hit 3.8k miles on the road. 😌 Just when I thought we were finally heading back, my dear man surprised me with yet another stop, extending our trip even further. 🥹🤭✨
I really, really wanted to post for Bucky’s Birthday, but I couldn’t (busy with my own Bucky, you see 🤭). I did queue a post, but Tumblr ate it. 😭 I’ll repost it when I get a chance (when I have a solid network).
I planned to be on Tumblr--at least passively--while traveling, but I’m limited by both my network and creative energy. 🙂‍↕️ Anyhoo, I have a few drabbles and a ton of fics lined up, but it looks like I’ll be getting to them later this week.
Thank you for all the reblogs, comments, asks, and those amazing messages. I'll respond super soon, I promise!🥹🫂 I’m forever grateful to each of you wonderful souls! I love you all, and I hope the days have been kind to you. Tons of love! 😘🩷✨
Yours--currently road-tripping & racking-up miles, Grace 🚙💕
P.S.: The Travel Tales have inspired a shit-ton of ideas to write. 🤭😌🙂‍↕️😏
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tripletstephaniescp ¡ 7 days ago
Oh, my. I kinda want to know how this goes for them.
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𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫/𝐬. 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫/𝐬
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐨 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐚 𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐝, 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐱 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲. 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐨 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞…
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟕𝟎𝟎𝟎
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐜. 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐜𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬. 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦. 𝐃𝐮𝐛 𝐜𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝. 𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐟𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 (𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠), 𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐯 𝐬𝐞𝐱, 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲, 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠. 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭. 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫/𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲. 𝟏𝟖+ 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐊 𝐘𝐎𝐔!
𝐀/𝐍: 𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟𝐜 𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐭. 𝐈𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐧𝐨𝐧 𝐜𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐈 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐭, 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. 𝐓𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 '𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬', 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨 𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐬 '𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫' 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 >:𝐃
𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 @navybrat817 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐭, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 @galatially 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐠𝐞!
𝐓𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐮𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 @suzs-fic-library 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬.
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It was a last minute thing, it wasn’t supposed to have happened, but nothing had gone right for you recently so when a work colleague offered you a chance to stay at her family's cottage on Tupper Lake, of course you had said yes. 
“No one is using it right now, my parents are away, and I don’t want to go there this year, it’s boring. Why don’t you go? It’ll be fun. I’ll let the property manager know you’re coming.”
Life sucked, you hated your job, and your boyfriend had broken up with you two weeks ago by text. A weekend away with your best friend sounded like the perfect way to reset before you took on the next challenge the following week. Your best friend, Daisy (not her real name but she hated her real name and never used it) was more than up for an adventure so you packed your bags and left as soon as possible. The drive to Tupper Lake was over five hours, it went quickly with you driving and your friend in the passenger seat, 
“I think I’m going to quit my job.”
“Oh yeah? And how are you going to pay bills without the crappy job you have?” Your friend grinned at you, and you just smiled back serenely. The day was too beautiful to worry too much over the specifics, 
“You never know what could happen, Daisy. Maybe I’ll meet the man of my dreams whilst we’re here. I’m just fed up with dealing with creepy bosses, crappy men, and never feeling like I’m in control. This weekend away with you is going to change everything for me, I can feel it.”
You were being stupidly optimistic, but thankfully Daisy indulged you, closing her eyes in the sunlight like a cat, 
“You know I’ve been looking for good luck since forever, so send it my way when you find it, yeah?”
You take her hand over the console. It would be a good weekend no matter what, and you could spend it with her, there was nothing better. Everything else could wait.
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Bucky bought the piece of shit boat from a nice looking guy who clearly was too bored to pay attention to the fake ID he was given, which didn’t bother him in the least. The seller barely looked up from his phone as he took his money, gave him a form to fill out, and handed him the keys,
“Enjoy the ride, man.”
“Will do, have a good weekend.”
“Sure. Whatever.”
Bucky smirked to himself as he left, spinning the keys around his index finger idly. Usually he wouldn’t bother buying something outright, but the place that he would usually rent a boat from had upgraded its security system, and he didn’t want his face on a camera. Tupper Lake had been good to him the last few years, he didn’t want to have to leave the nest of his golden goose any time soon, and that meant staying off the radar every time he and Steve were in town. Currently his best friend was sourcing them a new truck, probably seducing a pretty sales lady into giving him a massive discount.
Bucky hooked up the boat to his truck - she’ll be going to the scrap yard in two days time, but she was doing him proud for now, and drove out into the street and headed for the lake, whistling as he did so. It was a beautiful day to take a boat out onto the lake for sure, a day like today made him grateful for his freedom, something he never wanted to take for granted again. 
That’s why he was so careful.
The sun was low on the horizon by the time Bucky was making his way over the water, the motor was louder than he would like but better to find out now than tomorrow night, that’s why he did these things early, after all. When he got to the point he liked, Bucky stopped the engine, stuck on his cap and set up the fishing line he had. Not that he gave a crap about whatever little things bit at the line, that wasn’t the catch he was hoping to hook. Bucky smiled as he leant back in the boat and glanced over at the massive home on his right, he then took his binoculars and gazed casually over the lake, making ‘notes’ in his notepad about the birds that he was seeing flying overhead and nesting on the banks.
Bucky genuinely enjoyed bird watching, it was why he was the one to do the lake reconnaissance. He could better play the part of an idle fisherman who liked the wildlife than Steve who couldn’t give a shit about that stuff.
It wasn’t really the fish or the birds that he cared about though.
“Steve?” Bucky put the call on speaker and put down the binoculars, letting his face drift upwards to feel the last of the sun's heat, “Yeah the intel was good. The house is empty.”
“Is it as stacked as the woman at the property maintenance company told us?”
“Oh yeah. Everything that I can see just in the dining room alone is worth a fortune.” 
Steve laughed at that, “What is it with these rich assholes? I mean, I’m grateful, but man are they stupid.”
“Yeah well, they’re insured, what do they care?” Bucky took a swig from the bottle of water in his bag, “It’s empty, we can move forward tomorrow night. I think we need to focus on the art in this house, I can check the bedrooms when I’m in to see if there’s jewellery.”
“Sounds good. See you back at the cabin.”
Bucky hung up and started the boat back up. Jobs like this were easy. This massive ‘cabin’ was isolated, had private entries on land and by water, and it had a security system a kid could learn how to hack. In forty eight hours, he and his best friend would be sitting on over a million bucks worth of goods, with a buyer already waiting on the shit. They’d be sitting pretty in Indonesia by the end of the week for another year, before they needed to come back and do this again.
The damn motor on the boat was a problem though, Bucky vowed to have a look and get it quieter as he sped away, the motor was so loud it disguised the sounds of your car as it ambled up the drive just after sunset.
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You made it into town with just a few minutes to spare to grab the keys and security codes from the management company, they gave you the directions to the cabin and an emergency number to contact if there were any problems but you were told by the kindly and overly glamorous looking woman that as it was almost the weekend they weren’t likely to come out until Monday, 
“Things can be a little slower out here than in the city, girls!”
You look at Daisy who just stares at the woman blankly before smiling at the woman as brightly as you can manage,
“Oh that’s fine. Thanks for your help!” 
By the time you’ve stopped at a grocery store and found the property the sun is just about set, you can hear a boat somewhere on the river nearby but you don’t pay it too much attention. The visage of the house renders both you and your friend complain speechless for a minute.
“I thought your friend said this place was a cottage?!”
You blink up at the three story mansion and shrug, “I really don’t want to think about what the ‘cottage’ she grew up in looks like.” You grab your travel bag and a bag of groceries, and head to the front door, taking out the information on the security system as you do,
“Apparently she hasn’t been here in months so it’s probably going to be barren in here, so- oh for fucks sake.”
The door opens to reveal a massive open entry hall, leading to rooms filled with pieces of art, expensive furniture, high end technology and a kitchen that a Michelin star kitchen would envy. You and your friend walk around the rooms in a daze, sighing in defeat when you realise the fridge and pantry are fully stocked, and then groaning when you get to your guest bedrooms.
Your entire shared apartment could fit in just one of these rooms, with ample storage space to spare.
Daisy started laughing, throwing her bag on her bed, “Fuck it, this is a good luck sign. In a few years we’ll be that rich that we can buy this place from her family and come here every year!”
You smile, heading into your own family home sized bedroom with en-suite, leaving your friend to her whoops of glee. Really, she wasn’t wrong, this was a great start to the week you had before your lives were going to change for the better. It had to be
You and Daisy spend the next day enjoying yourselves in the exquisite space you’d been given, feeling very much like pampered princesses living in the lap of luxury. It was a beautiful summer's day, the majority of it was spent lounging outside in your swimsuits, a pitcher of margaritas nearby, just allowing yourselves to relax for a change. After everything, you really felt you deserved it.
Eventually you both went to bed, and you forget to set the alarm.
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The boat sliced through the pitch black waters quieter than a mouse, the hours Bucky had spent on the motor paid off brilliantly. It was just after midnight, Bucky would crack the security in a few minutes, Steve would pull up just after one and they would take two hours to bring out everything they wanted to the truck, Bucky would bring the smaller things like jewellery to the boat, and they would be gone at least an hour before the sun rose, no one the wiser and sitting on another years worth of fun money. Bucky was feeling good as he hooked the boat to the wooden platform and stalked up towards the house, his eyes firmly on the door, looking for the blinking light to indicate where the security alarm was hooked…
Bucky got to the back door and blinked. The alarm wasn’t engaged at all.
He narrowed his eyes at the situation for a few moments, hitting the ear piece, 
“No, not exactly.”
Steve huffed in his ear, “What then? Is there a dog the bitch didn’t tell us about? A cat? A fucking pile of diamonds that you can’t lift?” Bucky rolled his eyes at his friends impatience, 
“No, asshole, the alarm isn’t set.” Steve paused, and Bucky waited. They could run the risk, rich people could get careless with their second (or third or fourth or fifth) homes sometimes. It wasn’t like they needed the money… Was it worth risking jail…
“You know I hate budgeting, Buck, I want that payday. Open the door and see what’s up.”
They didn’t need the money, but having more was always better than having none after all.
Bucky knelt down, took his tools out, and then chuckled when he realised the door wasn’t even locked, 
“Steve, this can’t be real. I don’t even need to pick the lock.”
“Well, then these fuckers deserve to get robbed blind. I’ll be there soon, Buck.”
“I’ll leave the main door open, unless, you know, it’s already got flowers and a welcome mat for you.”
Steve laughed and hung up, and Bucky swung the door open, looking around the grand looking living space silently. The back door closed quietly behind him, and he took careful steps into the room, taking stock of the small items he would inevitably put into one of the four duffells he had with him… and that’s when he saw what he’d missed as he was looking through the dark windows.
Glasses. Food waste. Some clothing.
People were here. Judging by the shoes and the fact there were only two glasses that he could see, Bucky assumed only two women.
The house was quiet so, hoping the two women were asleep, he went deadly silent and ghosted through the ground floor, the elusive surprise guests were nowhere he could find, so he started climbing the steps to the first floor… this floor was also empty, just one master bedroom, and a private library and gym. Bucky quickly scanned the bedroom, took note of where the storage was and where the safe was likely to be, and left, he would come back once the guests were secure. That just left the floor above which had the guest bedrooms.
Bucky’s blood pumped hot through his veins, part frustration, part fear, and just a little part excitement. These little robbing trips were so easy most of the time, the thrill of breaking and entering rich peoples homes when they weren’t there had long since lost its allure, and whilst he loved the idyllic life he had, that got boring too. Bucky and Steve had the perfect little haven, and he did love his solitude, but shit got lonely, especially in the last five years. Now even the job had become boring. It was all just so expected. Normal.
This was different. New.
There were four bedrooms on this floor according to the floor plan that he had been given, he expected to find the two little interlopers in the bedrooms facing the lake, but he checked the other two first to be sure, and then quietly locked those doors before treading silently to the the door on the left, it was slightly ajar, giving him an improved chance of not waking whoever was inside. The door opened silently when he pushed it, the clouds parted as he stepped into the room, and that was when he saw you, bathed in moonlight on the bed, the covers tangled around your waist, one leg exposed and bent at the knee. Both your arms were over your head, he could see the swells of your breasts under the cute strappy pyjama top you were wearing… and look at that, there was a little moon cartoon drawn on that space in between your tits…
“Pretty little Moonbeam…” Bucky didn’t realise he’d said that out loud until your eyelids fluttered open. Bucky stared at you for two long seconds as you woke up, your lips parted, and he swooped down and covered your mouth with his hand. He liked that you went completely still and didn’t fight him, he still had to get what he assumed was your friend secured before he could explore this unexpected prize. Bucky slowly sat on the bed next to you, and put his fingers to his lips, 
“Will you be quiet for me, Moonbeam? I’m not gonna hurt you, I promise, I’m only here to rob the place. No need for any fuss, okay?” Bucky sighed when you nodded under his hand, and smiled as friendly as he could, “Good girl. I wasn’t expecting people here, I’m sorry if I scared you. Can you roll onto your front for me? I won’t hurt you, really.”
Bucky absolutely had no intention of hurting you… but there were other more pleasurable ways to make a woman scream. He took the cable ties he always had out of his pocket - they were the best for securing heavy items together - and kept his hand in place as you awkwardly did as you were told and rolled to your front. You were trembling slightly, so he tried to ease you slightly as he took one wrist and brought it behind your back, 
“There you go, now the other one, you’re doing so well, baby, I won’t leave you like this, it’s just so you don’t hurt yourself whilst I do what I need to okay? I’m just trying to make some money, you understand that, don’t you?” Obviously you couldn’t answer directly, but the barely perceptible nod you gave went straight to his cock, and that was before he tugged on the sheet and saw the shorts covering your ass, your cheeks just peeking out of the hems from where they’d risen on your hips…
Bucky paused, the cable tie in his hand, his eyes on your perfect ass, his other hand over your mouth. He needed you to be silent whilst he got your friend, but he needed both hands to tie you up so you didn’t run and make him knock you out. He leaned forwards so he could meet your eyes. Your eyes were wide and bright in the moonlight, they hooked onto his and you didn’t look away, Bucky smiled as softly as he could, 
“I need both hands, Moonbeam, will you be quiet if I stop holding your mouth? Please say yes. I don’t want to knock you out, and I don’t want to gag you.” He let out a sigh of relief when you nodded, but he gripped a little harder before he let go, “Don’t let me down, baby, I’m trusting you.” Slowly, he let go… and you just coughed quietly and stared up at him, 
“We weren’t supposed to be here.”
“I didn’t know you would be. I’m glad I found you though.” Bucky took your wrists and tied them securely, “That’s not too tight, no?”
“Good,” Bucky then tied your ankles, brought them to your back, and used a third tie to secure both together, leaving you completely immoble. He heard your breathing pick up, especially as he gave into his desire and he touched you over your back, rubbing circles in soothing circles… lower. He stopped at the curve of your ass and rested his hand there, using his free hand to move your face around so he could look at you easier, 
“I promised I wouldn’t hurt you… you have a boyfriend, Moonbeam?”
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, your body held tightly now that his hand was where it shouldn’t be, and you shook your head, “N-no… why do you keep on calling me that?”
“Because, I saw you in the moonlight. Never seen anyone so goddamn beautiful in my life. Think I might want to take you rather than all this shit in this house.” Now you slightly struggled, but a quick spank and you stilled again, “Now don’t make me gag you, Moonbeam. It’s okay, by the morning you’ll want to come with me, anyway. Now stay here, I’m going to get your… is she your friend? Or is it a guy in there?”
The rush of anger that went through Bucky at the thought of a guy staying with you was indescribable, and shocking, he’d never felt jealous before. Thankfully you shook your head and whispered, 
“It’s my friend, but please don’t hurt her-”
“Is she as pretty as you are?”
“Right,” Bucky squeezed your cheek, and then stood up over you, “I’m going to get her and bring her here. Scream and wake her up, and I’ll hurt her in front of you, Moonbeam, you understand?”
Bucky turned away before he could hear your gasp. He had no intention of hurting either of you, not really, but thankfully you didn’t test his threat and stayed deadly quiet as he opened the door to the other room. Your friend was on her front, and stirred just as he reached the edge of the bed, she fought a lot more than you did, Bucky growled when she even got her teeth into his right hand, but he tied her wrists and ankles and then slung her over his shoulder to bring to your room. Your friend was just as gorgeous as you were, but even though he could admit that, it was you that he wanted spread under him, you who he could see walking with him on the beach back home, you who he wanted in his kitchen and in his bed…
Unfortunately your friend started shrieking once she saw you on the bed, so he dropped her to her feet, and gagged her quickly, shoving some cloth in her mouth whilst he grabbed his phone, 
“Moonbeam, I have to make a phone call, tell your friend to calm the fuck down.”
He could hear your whispers to your friend as he went to the hallway and stood at the top of the staircase, the phone rang once and then Steve answered, 
“Steve, we may have a problem.”
“Tell me.”
“The house wasn’t empty. There’s two women here.” Bucky quickly assured Steve that he’d secured them, before describing them quickly. As expected, Steve hummed in thought, “The other one, she sounds… fun.” Bucky grinned, he knew his friend's taste, “How far away are you?”
“Be about thirty minutes.”
“Can I take a peek?”
“You found them, Buck. I trust you.”
Bucky hung the phone up, and took a moment before going back to the bedroom, sighing when he saw your friends mouth at the cable ties holding you captive, trying to bite at them and snap them, he pulled her away on a huff of annoyance, 
“What are you gonna do there? Neither of you can walk, your hands are useless, how are you helping?” Bucky glared at your friend who didn’t back down from the angry stare. He had to smile. Steve was going to love her.
“Okay, fireball, just relax, please? I already told my Moonbeam I’m not going to hurt you, and I meant it. All me and my friend want is the shit in the house.”
“You asked if she has a boyfriend- hey!”
Bucky grabbed the gag and shoved it back in her mouth, and then went to you, stroking his hand over your cheek, 
“Are you okay, Moonbeam?”
“Can you let us go? We have the car, we can just go, we’ll wait a few hours before calling the cops, we were asleep the whole time, right? You can get your stuff, and we can just go-”
“Sorry, Moonbeam, you’ve both seen my face now. You’re going to have to come with us.”
“This doesn’t have to be a bad thing, baby.” Bucky sat back on his heels, pulling the penknife from his pocket, and quickly went to reassure you, “No, don’t worry, this is just to take the ties from your legs, okay?” You were trembling again as he undid the ties keeping you hogtied, and then the ones on your ankles, and the tie on your friends legs as well.
Now, the fun could begin.
Bucky took your upper arm, and gently helped you from the bed, leading you over to a couch in the opposite corner. It was large, the cushions looked comfy enough to sleep on, and they moulded wonderfully to you when Bucky sat you down on them. He stared down at you, biting his bottom lip briefly when he could see more of your cleavage down your top, 
“Stay there, Moonbeam, I’ll be back.”
You did as you were told. You were perfect.
Unlike your friend who tried to roll away, shrieking indignantly when he grabbed her and dragged her off the bed and to the couch, dumping her next to you. Bucky smirked at the look she gave him, if looks could kill, he knew he would be dead on the spot. He went to his knees in front of you both, his right hand on one of your legs, and his left on your friends,
“Listen ladies, I’m telling you the truth when I say that I won’t hurt either of you. I’m not going to beat or kill you, I’m not that kind of an asshole, do you believe me?”
The fiery friend rolled her eyes, jerking her leg away from his touch, but you - trembling and fearful though you were - held his gaze, and slowly nodded, 
“You won’t hurt us. I believe you.”
“Good girl.”
“Y-you won’t hurt us, but… you want us?”
Bucky squeezed your knee, let his palm drift a little higher, 
“Yeah, Moonbeam, I really kind of do. I mean, I want you mostly, but Steve - my friend, he’s not going to be long - will definitely want your friend, and we’re more than happy sharing.”
Your breathing picks up at that, your leg tenses underneath his palm, but you don’t pull away. In fact, if Bucky were a guessing man, he would say that you were turned on by the idea. He knew he was attractive, he’d used it to seduce information out of marks before. He worked out regularly and tried to eat a good diet, kept his hair a little longer and kept just enough stubble that it made his eyes look brighter and knew it would enhance pleasure when he went down on someone.
God, he wanted that with you. One look at you drenched in moonlight and he was a goner.
“I think you don’t mind the idea, huh, Moonbeam, in fact…” Bucky let his eyes drift down, and sure enough, your nipples were hard against the cotton of your top, “You want me inside you, don’t you, baby? I bet you’re even a little wet… Can I look, Moonbeam? You can pretend you don’t like it, it’s okay, I won’t tell.”
Your thighs rub together slightly, not desperately, but Bucky can tell. You shake your head, almost like you’re trying to convince yourself, 
“People know we’re here, you can’t just-”
“You’ll be long gone and impaled on my cock on a beach far away by the time anyone realises you’re gone, Moonbeam.” Bucky kneels up and leans over you, his lips at your ear, his hands resting on your shoulders, fingers hovering over the straps of your top, “How would you like that? Me taking you from behind, your face in your friend's cunt, as she sucks on my friend's dick?” Your breath catches, your friend goes completely still, and Bucky grins, pressing one thigh in between yours, and his other in between your friends,  “I’ll treat you so good. I can prove just how good, right now.”
He doesn’t give you a chance to answer. Your legs are open, you’re not fighting him, even your friend's breathing has changed from fury to just the barest hint of desire. He stands up over both of you, reaches for the hem of his black Henley, and pulls it over his head. Bucky looks at you as you take him in, your eyes latch onto his metal arm for one split second, but then you look all over his body, the pulse in your neck gets faster and that only makes his cock impossibly harder in his pants. He takes a grip of it, and that's when he hears you groan. Bucky grins, 
“I’ve shown you mine, ladies, now let’s see what you have hidden.” Anticipation is sweet, which is why Bucky went to your friend first, his hands at the neckline of the tank top she wore. She held his gaze as he slowly tore the cotton open, exposing her underneath, “Yeah, you’re a real pretty one. Steve is gonna love you.” Bucky quickly looked over at you, your eyes bright in the darkness, but no longer in fear. Feeling more than a little bold, he quickly bent his head and flicked at your friends nipple with his tongue… sure enough, the look you gave him wasn’t of horror, 
“You jealous, Moonbeam? Would you prefer if I was sucking on your pretty tits instead?”
You didn’t nod your head, you just looked away. That was okay, you were still struggling with what you were feeling, this wasn’t a usual situation. Bucky spent another few seconds testing how your friend's breasts felt in his hands, against his lips, in his mouth. He came up for air, grinning in her face, amused at how she was glaring at him, but she had the same tell tale signs you did.
Both of you were enjoying this, you just didn’t want to admit it.
Bucky tweaked her nipple, and then leaned in and captured her lips in a kiss, whispering against your friends lips,
“Gotta give Steve a good report, I’ll call him in a second, plus I want to make my Moonbeam a little insane before I see what she looks like under her clothes.”
Your friend doesn’t reply, instead she groans when Bucky reaches down and tugs her pyjama bottoms off and brings them down her legs. His eyes dip down, and he sighs in pleasure at the sight in front of him, before looking at you,
“Moonbeam, I really want to have a look at your friends pussy, but I want to see in between your legs first,” Bucky patted your friends knee, “don’t worry, sweetheart, I’m sure you’re real beautiful but I want my Moonbeam coming on my hand before you, is that okay?”
Bucky doesn’t give her a chance to respond, instead he comes back to you, and puts his palms on the couch cushions on either side of your head. His knees hurt a little from the prolonged contact with the floor, but he doesn’t mind, he’ll stay on his knees in front of you for the rest of time if that’s what you want. Bucky leans forward, taking in that pulse in your neck, the way your eyes shine in the dark, how heavily you’re breathing…
“Pretend you don’t want me to touch you if you want… but we both know that you want me inside your gorgeous body, don’t we?”
For ten long seconds, Bucky thinks that you’re going to deny it, make him prove what he knows to be true, but instead,ever so slowly, you open your legs around his waist. Bucky nearly comes in his pants as you do, and he reaches out and cups your cheek,
“You really are the best treasure I could’ve found here, Moonbeam.”
With that, he takes the straps of your top and tugs them down your shoulders, peeling the rest of the cotton to your waist so he can look at your now exposed chest,
“Fuck, you’re so goddamn pretty, tits just made to be in my mouth,” Bucky reaches up and holds you in his palms, rubbing his thumbs over your nipples, before leaning forward and capturing one in his mouth whilst he continued rolling the other in his left hand. He could hear your friend scold you in his ear, which made him smile against your skin, “Don’t tell off Moonbeam, you fiery little hypocrite. I know that when I open your legs in a few minutes I’m going to see you creaming. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Stevie and I are very generous lovers, ladies, we’ll both make sure you guys come first. Speaking of…” Bucky ignored your friend so he could kiss you long and slow.
Your mouth was intoxicating, you kissed him so sweetly, still a little nervous, probably a little overwhelmed, but that was fine by him. The point was you kissed him back.
“I d-don’t… oh…”
Your slight protest trailed off when Bucky let his right hand drop from your breast to between your legs, over the shorts that you wore. The heat he could feel made his mouth water, you were so damp already, Bucky took a gentle hold over your throat with his left hand, keeping his eyes on yours… and then he dipped under the material to run his index finger up and down your slit,
“Shhhh… you’re like heaven, Moonbeam, already drenched for me, you’re gonna be a tight fit, aren’t you? Let me just… fuck…” Bucky eased his ring finger inside, just up to the knuckle, and kept his thumb on your clit, “you’re already fluttering around me, are you that turned on, you little slut?” Bucky didn’t wait for a reply, instead he pulled his finger out from you, and sucked it clean, “Perfect. I’m going to look at you now, okay? Lift your ass for me, good girl.” Bucky pulled the shorts away, and then spread your legs as wide as he could, then he moved your friend slightly and did the same to her. 
You were both beautiful, but his eyes were more drawn to you. He couldn’t explain it, but everything about you called to him. Bucky palmed himself over his cargo pants again, urging himself to calm down when he saw your hole clench around nothing, and rubbed his hand over his mouth,
“Okay, ladies, first one to come gets to suck me off, how’s that for a deal?” Bucky winked at you, “I kind of hope it’s you, Moonbeam, I really want to see those pretty lips stretched around my dick… both sets of lips.” To emphasise the point, Bucky ran his right hand back up your leg, and parted your lower lips with his fingers, “You have a perfect cunt, baby.” Bucky did the same to your friend, “Yours is beautiful too, but I think Steve is going to be more interested in your ass.”
Bucky then put both his index and middle fingers inside your mouths, waiting whilst you both swirled your tongues around the digits then-
“-fuck!” His phone started ringing, and Bucky hastily put it on speaker before carefully pushing his fingers inside both of you at the same time, the gasps of you both filled the space as Steve’s voice came on the speaker,
“Is the door open for me, Buck? I’m like two minutes away.”
“Nope, I forgot. I’m busy right now, Stevie - oh, I think your girl likes the sound of your voice, Steve, she just started dripping.” Bucky ignored the sound of Steve’s growl, choosing instead to lean down and lap at your clit - he really wanted you to win this bet. Bucky could suddenly hear the sound of the front door being broken into, “You want me to do anything else to your girl, Stevie?” Bucky grinned as he gently used his pinkie to test both you and your friend's back passages, “You’re gonna be happy, I think your girl is an anal virgin!”
The sound of smashing glass made both of you shriek, and Bucky frowned, “Fuck you! You made my girl jump!”
Steve bounded up the stairs, and kicked the door open. Bucky pulled his fingers from your friend, using the now free hand to pull you closer to him so he could go a little deeper inside you,
“Go take her to her room, Steve. I think we can take a day here, can’t we?”
Your friend stared open mouthed at Steve, his hair was dishevelled, his chest was heaving, and his sea green eyes had latched firmly onto your friend. Even Bucky could see that his friend’s reaction was immediate.
He definitely liked her.
“Yeah sure, Buck. I’ll see you in the morning.”
With that, Steve swooped down and grabbed your friend, who promptly started struggling, the sound of her complaints and Steve’s laughter making him grin.
Bucky turned back to you, his attention could finally focus entirely on you and everything he wanted to do.
“Alone at last.”
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“Alone at last.”
Your head swam with all the chaos and insanity the last hour had brought you. All you’d wanted was a nice break away, and instead you’d ended up in the crosshairs of a pair of robbers, and the brunette's fingers bringing you way too close to what you could already tell was going to the best orgasm of your life.
You close your eyes when you hear the distant and distinct sounds of spanking, and your friends' breathy moans. Apparently this ‘Steve’ had figured out her kink and was using it against her mercilessly.
Too bad that ‘Buck’ had figured out yours as well. Or maybe not bad. Or possibly it was terrible, except it felt wonderful-
“Come for me, Moonbeam, then I’m going to come down your throat.”
It should make you terrified, you shouldn’t want this, but you let yourself fly apart on his fingers, riding them desperately as the feeling slowly fades and you’re left breathless and exhausted. You don’t fight as your captor undoes your wrists from the cable ties, and positions you so you’re on your front along the cushions of the couch. Energy zips through you when you see the man get as naked as you in front of you, you’re curious about his arm, but you’re too distracted by his cock that right in front of your face.
He gets on the couch next to you, dragging you upwards so your face is in his lap, and he pushes himself at your lips, 
“Suck it good, Moonbeam, then I’m gonna fuck you all night.” You hesitate for the briefest second - he was larger than you had had before - but a quick tap to your ass brought your face closer, “Don’t keep me waiting any longer, you tease.”
“I’m not teasing you… I’m just nervous.” You chance a look up at him, “You come barging in, re-name me, finger fuck me and my friend and now you’re talking about kidnapping us and probably taking us out of the country, I’m allowed to be nervous!” Your nails dig into the muscle of his thigh - and you clench yours together at the strength in them, at the thought of sitting astride one and riding it until you’re spent… “Just take it slow? Please? I don’t even know your name.”
The man smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners, and he leaned down and kissed you again. He’s too good at that, immediately you’re relaxing into his lap as he holds you to him, like you belong there…
“My name is Bucky, Moonbeam.”
“Yep, get used to saying, soon you’ll be chanting it.” With that, Bucky gets up and stands in front of you, “Open wide. When I’m done, get on all fours on the bed.”
The sun rose hours later, with you draped over Bucky’s chest. Your skin tingles, even as you ached in all the best ways. The room smelled of sex, sex that was still going as Bucky held your arms at your lower back, and pounded into you from beneath you, his lips at your neck, and his free arm wrapped firmly around your waist keeping you flush against him, 
“You feel me, Moonbeam, or is your pretty cunt numb yet? Answer me, baby, or I won’t let you come.”
He’d done this what felt like thousands of times over the last god knows how many hours, teasing you and tormenting you and pleasuring you in equal measure. You were drunk on the taste and feel of him, an addiction now that you didn’t think you could let go even if you wanted to. Good thing you didn’t want to.
Good think Bucky had no intention of letting you go.
“I f-feel you… fuck, Buckyyyy.” The orgasm punches through you, but you’re too fucked out to do more than whine and slump even further forward. Bucky drops your arms, and then throws you on your back next to him, spreading your legs wide and kneeling between them, his fingers spread you wide open, and his metal hand pumps his cock, 
“Last one for a while, Moonbeam, all over this pretty body, you did so good, you look so fucking gorgeous- fuck!” On a bark, he finishes all over you, you feel warmth at your cunt, on your stomach, some even reach your tits and neck. You don’t flinch, not anymore, you kind of wish you had the energy to bring it to your lips to take more inside you, but you couldn’t move if you tried. Thankfully Bucky knows what you want, you feel his hands between your legs, pushing himself inside you, and then those same fingers tap at your lips, “Come on now, open up for me, then I’ll let you sleep.”
You groan at the taste of him as it hits your tongue, and smile when he gets back into bed beside you, draping the covers neatly over you and bringing you firmly to his side. You’re almost asleep when the door to the bedroom is opened on a creak and you hear Bucky talking to his friend, Steve, 
“How is yours?”
You hear Steve chuckle, “Never had better, and I got the scratch marks to prove it.” There’s a jostle on the bed and you open your eyes to see a naked Steve place your friend, who is equally naked, on the bed next to you. She looks as blissed out as you are, and she reaches back to Steve on a whine, “Don’t worry, Sunbeam, I’m coming in too, let me look at your friend first, Bucky got to see you.”
It doesn’t even occur to you to be scared when the covers are removed and you feel fingers on your skin that definitely aren’t Bucky’s, 
“Pretty. I’m glad we found some good ones finally.”
“Me too, buddy.”
“We’ll give them a couple of hours, then we need to get motivated and go.”
Steve gets in and drags your friend next to him, casually lifting one of her thighs so he can ease into her from behind. He grins when he sees you looking, “My little Sunbeam has a warm pussy, I never want to leave it.”
Your friend rolls her eyes… but she smiles, and after a moment so do you.
“Are you okay with this, Y/N?” Your friend whispers to you. You see Steve reach around and wrap a hand around her throat, but she’s not afraid, she just leans back into his touch. Bucky nuzzles against your neck, his right bicep under head like a pillow whilst his left hand fondles your breast… you’re not overwhelmed or nervous anymore.
“I really am.”
You knew going away for the weekend was a good idea.
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tripletstephaniescp ¡ 7 days ago
I would've thrown a cupcake at her too. Great story.
Cranky doll
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Summary: He’s getting on your nerves.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Grumpy!Reader
Warnings: sunshine & grumpy trope, cranky reader, language, a hint of naughtiness
Written for @yenzys-lucky-charm Cranky, Grumpy, Stabby! Oh, My! Challenge
Trope: Cranky + Stabby + Chaotic + Sleazy
Prompts: 🗡️ “Oh, what the fuck…” + 🗡️ “Stop talking.” + 🗡️ “I’m not smooth. I’m just trying to impress you. OK?” + 🗡️ "If you were a door I'd bang you."
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You should have totally stabbed him.
I mean, he came to your bakery, uninvited, and it was almost the Ides of March—death to the patriarchy and shit.
You were never the one starting a fight, but you’re not a little miss sunshine either.
Steven Grant Rogers. Captain fucking America, dared to storm into your little world, demanding your attention, only to order you around.
All he did was tell you what not to do for almost half an hour.
“Don’t talk like that to people.” “You shouldn’t be angry and unfriendly all the time.” “A smile costs nothing.” “I know you’re not a bad person.”
You recall all the stupid things he said while standing in front of you, his hands on his ridiculously perfect waist.
While he talked, you took your time to look at him. Steve Rogers wasn’t too bad to look at. He had the looks and even carried a huge package in his pants, you were sure about it. – Talking about big-dick energy.
He lectured you for what felt like an eternity until you finally snapped.
“Oh, what the fuck…” You groaned loudly, stopping Steve from saying another stupid line. (You bet he memorized them all to lecture people here and there.) “Stop talking!” You harrumphed and glared at Steve. “I threw a cupcake at that bitch for telling me it tastes like old socks.”
“Exactly,” he said and nodded eagerly while pointing at the bitch standing a few feet away from you and Captain too-tight-pants. “We do not throw food at people in this town.”
You snorted. “Dude, I threw food at people all my life. If you come here, to my bakery and tell me my cupcakes taste like old socks, you will get punished. If anyone should hear your ass-long speech, it’s her. She refused to pay after wolfing down five cupcakes.”
“She ate five and refused to pay?” Steve turned his head to look at the bitch, who chuckled nervously. “Miss, is that true?”
“Well…at first I believed they taste good,” she lied to Captain fucking America’s face. “After I ate five, they started to taste odd.”
“It’s called food coma, bitch,” you snapped at her. “Pay or I’ll call the cops. Captain America won’t save you from my wrath.”
“Whoa, whoa—” Steve raised his hands to stop you from attacking the woman. “How about she pays for the cupcakes, and you apologize for throwing food at her?”
You gritted your teeth and glared daggers into his skull. If only you had a knife to stab his perfect face. “Free food.” You said instead of knifing him.
“What?” He asked.
“She got free food,” you repeated a little louder. “She should thank me for giving her another cupcake for free.”
Steve laughed at your comeback. Somehow, he liked your attitude and cranky personality.
“You’re something else,” he said, earning a grunt from you. “What if I pay for her cupcakes, and you can tell me everything about your bakery and the incident while we share a slice of cake?”
You hummed; eyes glued to his stupidly perfect face. “Smooth.”
“I’m not smooth. I’m just trying to impress you. OK?” He gave you a half-smile before turning toward the woman. “And you, pay for the cupcake and never come back here.”
You watched him grab the money from the woman and chase her away. Maybe, you didn’t have to stab him after all.
“You know,” you said when he handed you the money. "If you were a door I'd bang you..."
Steve looked flustered, but there was something in his eyes telling you he wouldn’t mind.
You locked the door, turning the little sign, telling everyone you’re going to be busy for an hour – or in Steve’s words, all day…
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tripletstephaniescp ¡ 7 days ago
I am hooked.
Eyes, They Never Lie
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Summary: Sam and Bucky try to recruit (Y/N), Bucky's ex and a former Avenger who has left that life behind. But they realize her life has changed completely once they meet a her daughter with striking blue eyes.
Pairings: Bucky x Former!Avenger!Reader
“They want me to assemble a group,” Sam takes a long sip of his beer, thinking that it’ll do something to ease his mind. “The New Avengers.”
Bucky lets out a low whistle.
“I know.” Sam mutters. So far, it’s Captain America and the Falcon, but other than that, he’s completely lost. “Back when Steve was here, there was a place for us to go. We could aspire to one day go into the compound and train, but now, anyone who is willing to be part of the team is scattered all around the world.”
Bucky hasn’t said anything, not because he doesn’t know how to help his friend but because he’s so lost in his own journey. Running for congress sounded like a good idea, until he started dealing with the political world. So much bureaucracy, so many people wanting to fatten their wallets. And not enough actual helping.
“You got any ideas?” Sam asks, bringing him out of his mind.
But Bucky just hums, because the idea he does have is crazy.
“C’mon I know that being a silent watcher is your whole deal but I need some help over here. How the hell am I going to build a team from zero?”
Bucky finishes his drink, as if that’s going to help jumpstart his confidence. “Are you looking for fresh meat? Or do you got space for an old timer?”
Sam’s eyes widen. “I thought all your fighting days were behind you.”
“I want out,” Bucky loosens the tie on his neck. “I want to go out on the field again. Really help.”
Sam runs a hand down his face, there’s hesitation in the way he looks at Bucky. 
“Unless…” Bucky gulps. “Unless I’m not what you’re looking for.”
“No, no.” Sam places a hand on his shoulder. “I just need to tell you something before you say yes to this-“
“What is it?”
“I was-uh-“ Sam looks up at the screen above them, not wanting to look at his friend in the eye when he says it. “I was gonna ask her to join, too.”
“Oh,” Bucky can’t help but think back to when you were his, at least for a moment. Every time he thinks about being happy, you’re right there next to him. 
You were the first woman he was actually interested in. He spent years wasting time with thousands of women, letting them in his apartment but never into his heart. But your eyes reeled him in from the moment you started as an agent. Steve would always tease Bucky, saying he’d have to see you fall in love with someone else if he didn’t ask you out. 
Those were the best years of his life. No doubt.
Until you left. You retired, and wanted nothing to do with him. And all the love you had seemed to evaporate from one day to the next.
But Bucky? He was still waiting for you to come back. 
“I-I thought she disappeared, retired.” Bucky stutters at your memory. 
“I found out where she lives now. And I planned on talking her into the group.” Sam looks down at the beer in his hand.
“I’m in.” Bucky says, but he’ll never be sure if he accepted because he wanted out of the political world or if he wanted another glimpse of you. 
“The house is supposed to be up the road.” Sam mutters, trying to find cel reception. But the two of them were so deep into the woods, it was almost impossible. 
Bucky had always imagined you’d end up like this. Off the grid, living off your land. But in the dream, the two of you would be together. He’d spend the day cutting wood and harvesting whatever you’d grown, and you’d be deep into a hobby, spending your nights recounting your wild life. 
They see an opening up the road, but as they come closer, their eyebrows knit together.
“This can’t be it.” Sam says under his breath.
A huge cabin, surrounded by pine trees, is the only thing around. There’s a big tree at the front of the cabin, with a tree house on one of its branches. A glittery pink bike on the lawn along with a replica of Mjolnir next to it.
Sam parks his truck and they both step out cautiously. Bucky looks around, wondering how the woman who used to scream at the sight of a spider could live here, all alone.
As they come closer to the front door, they hear rustling from the tree house.
Bucky nudges his friend’s shoulder. “There’s someone over here.” 
Sam’s head whips just enough to see a pair of binoculars looking at them from the wooden window. 
“Hello?” He calls out but there’s no answer.
“Do you live here?” Bucky asks, only to be slapped on the chest by his friend.
“You can’t ask that! It’s creepy!”
Bucky rolls his eyes. “How else am I supposed to get an answer if I don’t ask a question?” 
But there's no response from the person inside the tree house. Instead, there's clanking and banging and before they even realize it, there's a little girl pointing a bow and arrow directly at them.
"State your name! Now!" She tries to look menacing but her outfit is too much for the two men to handle. Sky blue rain boots with a purple tutu, a Def Leppard t-shirt and heart shaped sunglasses.
"Oh my god." Sam immediately melts. "Aren't you the cutest little thing I've ever seen."
But the little girl doesn't fall for the Captain's words, she points the arrow directly at Sam. "Don't make me repeat my question, I know how to use this."
"Do you live with an adult? Your aunt, maybe?" Bucky's throat dries up as he asks the question. He knew you had siblings before you went into the crazy line of work that were the Avengers, and he begged that the little girl before him was theirs.
Bucky spent hours thinking about you on the way here. He'd been dreaming of seeing you again, thinking of what must have changed and what stayed the same. But he never thought there was a possibility you had moved on.
"Is your-" Bucky clears his throat. "Is your dad home?"
Sam eyes his partner. "Smooth."
The little girl walks backwards until her back bumps into the cabin's front door. "I'll call my daddy."
Bucky's heart stops. After years, he was still thinking of you whenever his eyes closed, and you, you were completely over him. Started a family with someone else.
"I'm sorry, Buck." Sam pats his back, immediately noticing the shift in his friend's eyes.
"S'okay." Bucky mutters, grinding his combat boot into the ground. "I'm not here for her, I'm here to assemble the team."
"I know, but-"
"I said I'm fine." Bucky snaps, running a hand through his shorter hair.
You'd begged him, for years, to cut his hair.
"I love your long hair," you'd once murmured against his lips. "But I also love how you looked during the Howling Commandos era."
"Era? You're making me sound more old than I am." Bucky smiled against your lips.
"I'm just saying, you could shorten it." Whenever you looked into his eyes, it made him feel like he was the only thing in the world.
"I thought you liked pulling my hair." Bucky flipped you on the bed, taking in your bubbling laughter.
The creaking sound of the cabin door brought him back to now. Bucky sucks in air, preparing to meet the man who is apparently so incredible that you decided to drop everything to be with him.
He has to be at last six feet. Well I'm 6 foot 1, on a good day. Bucky responds to his own thoughts. And he must be jacked. Not as jacked as me, I'm the fucking Winter Soldier for fucks sake! He must love her. Well I, I've loved her every day since I met her.
It feels like it takes hours for this mystery man to come out. The door opens slowly, only to reveal... You.
Bucky's knees buckle as your eyes meet his. You hadn't changed a lick, and if he didn't know better, he'd think that you were still his. Bucky's hands ball into fists at his side, needing a physical reminder to not reach out and hold you. Beg for your kisses. Tell you he doesn't care that you left, just as long as you take him back.
"Sam? Bucky?" Your voice trembles. "What are you doing here? How did you find me?"
The little girl pokes her head from behind your legs. "Mommy!"
"Mommy?" Sam and Bucky shriek at the same time.
"Attack them! Take them down!" Your daughter laughs.
"Young lady!" You scold.
But the little girl interrupts you, raising a chubby hand to stop your words. "I've already told you my name is Tashi Romanoff."
"Tashi, please, go upstairs and play. I need to talk to them for a moment. In private." You enunciate your last two words, knowing they were her least favorite words in the world.
"Fine," she huffs, turning on her heels. But not before taking off her rain boots and heart shaped sunglasses to reveal a pair of striking eyes. Clear blue with a steel ring surrounding her iris. Bucky's brows furrow as he catches a glimpse of Tashi's eyes, almost the same exact shade as the one he sports.
"W-wai-She's-" Bucky stutters out, not being able to comprehend what just happened.
"Tashi, huh?" Sam raises his eyebrows.
"Yeah," you close the door behind you. "Auntie Nat came to visit us during the blip and she just latched on to her."
"W-was her dad blipped?" Bucky tries to act normal but his heart is beating out of his chest.
"Her dad isn't in the picture." You cross your arms. "She was a surprise."
"So-uh-so that means." Bucky points between him and the house. Not being able to get the words out. "There's no way that."
"She's not yours, Barnes." You roll your eyes at your ex boyfriend.
"But she-her eyes." He blinks.
"There are a lot of guys with blue eyes out there." You let out a light laugh. It was strangely easy for you to slip into how things were, teasing and sharing laughs was the base of your relationship with Bucky. But now, so much time has passed, and you're definitely not the same person you were back then.
"What are you guys doing here?" You look down at the floor as you ask the question.
"Someone out there has created a mind controlling substance that puts everyone in danger. And we need to stop him. We found his lab and we got some of the vials but we need your help taking him down." Sam says but you're shaking your head before he even has time to finish. "I want to form a group. The world needs us again."
"Look, Sam, I appreciate you going through all the trouble to find me but, as you can see, I have other priorities now." You look back into the house through the window to find your four year old daughter peeking through the window.
"But-" Bucky speaks up but you stop him.
"You guys can stay the night if you'd like," you say, looking at the darkening sky. "But I'm not going back. There's a reason I left that life."
Bucky bites his tongue to stop himself from asking you what that reason was.
"Thanks for letting us stay." Sam smiles as he passes the threshold of your home.
You never thought this day would come. Seeing your daughter run around your back yard with one of your best friends.
“She’s beautiful.” Bucky comes to stand next to you, but you only hum in agreement. Words seemingly disappeared from your mind the second his scent wafted closer to you. Sandalwood and fire, clean linens with a dash of something else. So masculine, so protective. So incredibly, Bucky. 
“How old is she?” He asks.
“Don’t do this to yourself.” You take a deep breath in, letting him coat your lungs. 
“I just want to know.” Bucky tries to act innocently. He dissects every trait he can tell comes from you, but the rest, they look awfully similar to him. Tashi’s nose has the same bump as his and her eyes crinkle just like Bucky’s when she smiles. 
“Faking was never your forte.” You smile. “She’s not your daughter Bucky.”
“Bucky.” He repeats his name like it hurts him to say. “You never used to call me that.” 
“Well, I used to call you baby but I wouldn’t want Tashi to start asking questions about who my other baby is.” 
Bucky lets out a laugh, it’s a low grumble that shakes his ribs. It’s been so long since he felt this peace. “I missed this,” he lets the words slip out.
“I missed this too.” You say, barely above a whisper, stopping yourself before you say that you missed him. But you did.
Every day since you left, you thought of Bucky. Of the way he used to hold you so tenderly and the kisses he gave you at night. Of how he said I love you and made it sound like the only words that existed.
But all those memories were of the past, your life before Tashi came in. And you should keep them like that.
The moonlight is the only thing that illuminates Bucky as he wanders around the cabin. He didn't mean to lurk but he'd woken up from a nightmare.
Your home was different than he imagined. A lot more stuffed animals and toys and less trinkets from your past life. There were a couple of pictures here and there but they were mostly of Tashi and you.
"What are you doing up?" Bucky jumps up at the sound of her squeaky voice.
Tashi looks up at him with those goddamned eyes. They looked so much like his, it was concerning.
"I-I couldn't sleep." Bucky rubs the back of his neck.
"Do you have nightmares?" She asks so innocently. If only she knew the things he dreamed of. "I have them too."
"You do?" Bucky whispers, making her nod her little head.
"Mommy usually helps be back to sleep but I don't want to wake her up." Tashi brings a finger to her mouth, motioning for the Sergeant to keep quiet. "Don't tell her I woke up, promise?"
"Promise." Bucky brings out his pinky, wrapping it around her little finger. "I'll let you in on a little secret of mine."
Tashi's blue eyes widen, urging him to go on.
"You may not know about me but, there was a time your Mommy helped me with my nightmares." Bucky smiles at the memory.
"I know about you, silly goose." Tashi covers her giggles with her hand.
"You do?"
She nods, holding her hand out and taking him to her playroom. Sitting Bucky in an incredibly small chair. "You're the boy from my book!"
Tashi places in his hands a hand sewn felt book. The characters were a bit wonky but Bucky could immediately spot himself in the fabric.
"You're the boy with the heart of gold and the arm of steel." She says, proudly pointing to the book.
"The boy with the heart of gold and the arm of steel would save anyone, especially the people he loved," Bucky read his description on the book. "People around the world misjudged him, but that didn't stop him from being good. He proved them all wrong."
"You're my favorite character," Tashi smiles wide. "Don't tell Uncle Sam."
"Your secret is safe with me." Bucky lets out a watery smile, setting the book down on the floor. "How about you go up to your room and I can tell you a story about your mom."
"Really?" Tashi jumps up.
"Only if you promise to try and go to sleep again." Bucky raises his eyebrow, trying to appear strong but the little girl already had him wrapped around her finger.
"Under one condition," Tashi crosses her arms. "I can go outside and get my Natasha figurine."
Bucky bites down on his lip. "It's quite late to go outside."
"Please?" She pouts. "It'll only take a second."
God she looks so much like you.
"Fine." Bucky gives in. "But I'll be watching by the door, can't let you go outside all alone."
The super soldier walks behind the little girl, watching as she runs outside and sifts through the grass.
Bucky should have known something was wrong, he should have heard them lurking in the bushes. But he was too distracted by her, too distracted by the idea that this could have been his life. That in some multiverse, Tashi was his daughter and he could've retired next to the love of his life.
But he didn't. And it was too late once he realized what was happening.
Tens of agents dressed in black closed in on the cabin, running onto the property. Tashi was the first thing they grabbed.
He heard her yell out his name, but it happened in slow motion.
"No!" Bucky screamed, running towards the man who kidnapped her. "Let her go!"
Tashi's red splotched eyes was the last thing Bucky saw before they crammed her into a black van and left down the only road. His feet burned as he ran behind them, but not even Bucky was able to catch up to them.
Once he came back to the cabin, Sam and you were running around trying to understand what happened.
"I'm sorry." Bucky lets the tears run down his face. "I couldn't stop them."
You dropped to the floor with a sob.
Bucky's knees finally gave out. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry- We're going to get her back, I promise that I'll get her back."
Authors note: hi hiiii omg I went a little bit overboard with this one. It's been a looooong time since I wrote something this long. I hope y'all like it! Xx
Taglist: @aoi-targaryen @whoreforbarnes @ironwinnerwonderland @oikarma @ellabellabunny123
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tripletstephaniescp ¡ 7 days ago
I love that Tony was put out.
Seeing Stars 3
Warnings: non/dubcon and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes
Summary: You struggle to be star struck by the world’s most famous super soldiers. (grumpy!short!reader)
Note: Guess this is happening.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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"I can't believe you won," Bonita chimes. 
"Uh, yeah, I told you to just claim the prize," you mutter. 
"And I told you," she pulls you off the subway, "it has to be the ticket holder." 
"Right. You could say you're me." 
"Didn't you read the email?" She huffs as you drag your feet behind her. You hate Manhattan. 
"I skimmed." 
"They have to check ID at the door. As your plus one, I had to submit a bunch of stuff. Didn't you?" She hooks her arm through yours as she urges you through the New York rush. 
You grumble. It's like the universe is laughing in your face. Or hers. It should've been her prize. She's the one who likes all that stuff. As much as you don't want to spit in her face, you're not very happy to spend a rare day off somewhere you don't want to be. 
You're a good friend. That's why you're doing this. That's it. You'll get through it for her. In spite of her. 
You find her waiting where she promised. She's taking selfies right outside the doors of Stark Tower, unbothered by those passing by. You nudge her and hiss, "you're in the way." 
"About time. You're almost late." She lowers her phone and bats her fake eye lashes at her. Oh, she went all out. You thought the sweater and jeans was a fine choice. 
"Almost, but I'm not," you chirp. 
"Lighten up! This is going to be the greatest days of our lives," she squeals and claps, sending her phone to the ground. You let a sigh out quietly. She's so happy. You'll keep the snide remarks to yourself. 
You bend to pick up her phone and hand it over. She snatches it and giggles, "I wonder if I could livestream the tour." 
"Just... enjoy it," you utter. You don't need her holding up her phone like a tourist. No shame, you swear. 
"Woah, hey," you stumble as someone clamours into you. "Sorry, I didn't see you there. Guess I should've looked down." 
The man's hands cling to your arms as he keeps you on your feet. You pull away and spin to face him. Bonita makes an inhuman noise. 
It's him. Steve Rogers. Again. 
"You guys lost?" He asks. 
You look at Bonita. She vibrates with excitement, "um, we won! Er. Oh! We're here because we won the tour and you're supposed to be there and all the others and--" 
"Ha, yes, I am running behind." He says, “uh, I guess you can come in with me.” 
“Oh wow,” Bonita exclaims. “Thanks so much, Captain. I mean Mr. Rogers. No. Er...” 
“Steve’s fine,” he chuckles. “So, you two were at the convention?” 
“Yes, we got a photo,” she affirms. 
He opens the door and waves you ahead of him. You wait for Bonita to take the lead. You reluctantly follow as Steve tails you. 
“I thought you were familiar.” 
“Oh, no, you must meet so many people,” Bonita slows so that he can catch up and you sidle around them, happy enough to take the rear. 
“Eh, yeah, it can get a bit much.” 
“Sounds miserable,” you mutter, then cringe as you remember his super hearing. Oops. 
“I’m sure the rest are waiting,” he stops at a door and puts in a number on the keypad. It flashes red and buzzes. “Ugh, I always forget.” Instead, he moves to look into the dark lens higher up. An ultraviolet flare runs over his eye and the door unlocks. “I can doing that.” 
He opens the door again, a gentleman straight out of the 40s. Once more, you are stuck between the two of them. He points you down the hall to a private elevator. You get on. 
You bob impatiently as Bonita inserts herself between you and Steve. You stare at the reflective doors and let your vision blur. 
“So, um, is the shield here?” She asks. “Not to be lame or anything.” 
“Oh, sure, maybe you could see some of the prototype suits? I think there’s still a few hanging around,” Steve answers. 
“That’s so cool,” she chimes. 
You struggle not to roll your eyes. Instead, you focus and find another pair observing you in the mirrored surface before you. You quickly glance away from Steve’s gaze. 
Finally, your floor comes. You assume since the doors ding and Steve steps ahead of you. You follow him out into a spacious room. You can tell by the windows alone that it’s the very top of tower. 
“There you are, Capsicle,” someone calls over. 
You turn in the direction of the voice as Bonita grabs your arm and points at the dark-haired man. You know who he is. He’s on too many magazine covers and blogs not to. Tony Stark. He stands amid the group of his fellow avengers. 
“I found our lucky winners,” Steve says. 
“Bonita, and er, well, she won,” she pokes you as she introduces you. “Erm, we’re super excited.” 
You stare dully. You want to lie, for her. You do your best; a nod. 
“I remember you two,” Bucky’s voice surprises you. It’s only then you notice him sitting away from the rest of them, lazily flipping a knife. “You had a photo.” 
“Yes, that’s us!” Bonita blusters. 
“Well, ladies, welcome to the tower, these are the big boys... and girls.” Stark steps in front of the rest, “you’ve met Steverino here, and apparently his sidekick, The Raven.” Bucky scoffs as he stands and sheaths the knife. “Not to be cocky but I assume you know the rest of us.” 
“I do!” Bonita declares, “but er...” she looks at you. You half-nod and half-shrug. “It’s Tony Stark!” 
“I know that.” 
“Who doesn’t?” He winks. 
You grumble and his chin tilts slightly in affront. 
“That’s Thor! And Black Widow and Scarlet Witch, and Vision, and Hawkeye, and Hulk...” she goes down the list as you lose track and a little bit of interest. It’s your turn in Scrabble, you feel the notification buzz in your pocket. 
“What? Were you caught in the ice with this one?” Stark jabs Steve with a snicker. “You don’t know the world’s greatest heroes?” 
You stare back at him. “Nice tower, I guess.” 
“Ice cold,” he whistles, “I’ll leave this one to you, Vis. She’s about your speed,” he turns and struts away. 
“It’s your tour,” the woman with the short red bob says; the widow? 
“Contractual obligation but far from my idea,” he counters. “Hey, Banner, how about you take the lead. PhD or whatnot, I’m sure you give a hell of a lecture.” 
“We can go.” You offer and Bonita elbows you. 
“Don’t listen to him,” Steve insists, “we’re all going on the tour. Right, Tony?” 
“Hm, let me grab a whiskey first.” 
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tripletstephaniescp ¡ 7 days ago
Cockblocking spider... hahahahaha!!! I loved this story. It was sexy, loving and hilarious.
My Hero
Pairing: Husband!Joel Miller x female reader
Word Count: ~1K
Summary: Joel comes home from work and no matter how many times he does you’re always the happiest to see him-domestic fluff
Author’s Note: @lizette50 shared the pic below with me and even though it’s from Freaky Tales I thought of husband!Joel bc the wedding ring and overall look works AND RING! Haha always gets me! Thanks my friend for fueling my addictions. Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always❤️❤️❤️divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy🥰
Warnings: fluff, kisses, sexiness, domestic fluffs, a spider…
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The sun dips low in the sky, dusting you in a golden hue as the quiet of dusk settles in the house.
“Darlin?” He whispers, watching as you stir on the couch, the blanket falling from your shoulder.
Your bare skin, like always, looks soft and inviting and he wrestles back a groan.
“What time is it?” You ask as you stretch your legs out.
“Lil’ after seven.”
He slowly approaches and the closer he gets the more goosebumps appear on the slope of your neck, highlighted by the setting sun.
Your teeth sink into your bottom lip and you hold his gaze from under your lashes.
You’re always so fucking aware of him.
He reaches the couch and stands over you, leaning down slightly to trace the curve of your shoulder.
You sit up and he wraps a gentle hand around your throat, lifting your eyes to his with a brush of his thumb just under your chin.
“What did you do all day without me?” He asks.
“Miss you.”
Your hands lift to his belt buckle and with quick ministrations you have it open and the zipper of his jeans pulled down.
He hums and slides his hand from your throat, down to your breast to massage the softness.
When he falls to the couch you move onto his lap and he drags his lips slowly across yours.
“Oh yeah?” He simpers, smiling against your mouth.
Your breathy response is swallowed by his hard kiss, his fingers splaying and sliding along your skin to tug you closer.
Your head falls back to expose your neck and at the drag of his beard along your skin you moan out his name and rock your hips.
With the tilt of your head and your gaze upward you catch sight of something hanging from the ceiling.
At first it looks like a string of dust but when it starts to wiggle and climb you go still and your body tenses.
“Angel?” He asks, immediately removing his mouth from your skin, concern clouding his features.
“There’s a GIGANTIC spider hanging from the ceiling. Oh my god.”
He chuckles, his nose a soft bump against yours when he whispers, “ain’t nothin’ to fret about.”
You shake your head, tightly gripping the front of his flannel.
“No. Nope. You have to do something!”
He pauses with his lips hovering above yours.
“Now angel?”
“Right now!”
With a pained sigh he lifts you off him and stands, walking toward the door to grab one of his large boots.
“What are you doing?” You ask, your voice rising to a frantic tone.
“Takin’ care of the spider.”
“You can’t kill it!”
He turns to you with a look of disbelief.
“Then what do you want me to do with it? Walk him outside and put him in the garden?”
You swallow and look back at the spider then to Joel.
“Yes please.”
His eyes narrow.
“You ain’t jokin’ darlin’.”
You crawl to the edge of the couch and grab his hips.
“Just put him outside somewhere safe!”
He stares down at you, jaw set in a hard line before his expression softens and he purses his lips.
He sets down the boot and lifts onto his toes, his open jeans sliding further down his hips to reveal the dark trail of hair below his belly button.
You reach out and trace your fingertips through it, making him wiggle.
“Darlin,” he warns.
You refrain but your eyes never leave the spot, lips wet and parted.
“I can feel you starin’,” he says through a smile.
“Just staying focused on something other than the spider.”
His large hands are delicate as he wraps a thick finger around the silken strand and pulls it off the ceiling.
With sure movements-while also careful not to bring the arachnid too close to you- he heads toward the door.
You get up in a rush and skirt around him to open it. He walks outside and to the garden, bending down to gently set the spider inside a potted plant.
When he stands and turns to you, his pants still undone but a soft smile on his face, you’re overcome with love, rushing out to fall into his arms.
“You’re my hero,” you whisper into his chest.
“Love you angel,” he murmurs. “And that little cockblocker better be happy now.”
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tripletstephaniescp ¡ 7 days ago
Totally love her.
Again (Blunt Part 5)
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Summary: Bucky finally gets what he’s always wanted. And he wants it again, and again, and again…
Word Count: 1.5k
Warning: smut, switch!Bucky, switch!reader
Part 4
“Jesus Christ.”
He had dreamt of this moment on countless nights, his mind full of wonder at what she’d be like.
How the curve of her hips would fall in his palms, how her back would piece perfectly against his, how his name would sound falling off the edge of her lips…
But this was beyond anything he could’ve imagined.
His hands had been shaking, listening intensely for the sound of her footsteps coming down the hall.
He’d left first, even though that hadn’t been their original agreement.
But he couldn’t wait. He just couldn’t.
She surprised him, quietly moving into the room with a controlled urgency.
She wasted no time, and in the blink of an eye she was on top of him.
Kissing him.
Those perfect lips, that soft skin…
And now he could do nothing but lay and watch her as she played with him, toying with his body with the confidence of a veteran.
The night drew on in torturous pleasure.
He felt so desperate, so sensitive, dancing along the edge of release.
She had littered his body in marks, hickeys and bites decorated his abdomen in harsh redness.
He couldn’t control himself, each groan releasing with near patheticism.
Watching as she rode the thick muscle of his thigh, coating it her wetness, devastated that he couldn’t touch her.
Her eyes closed in pleasure, spoiling him with a firm grip on his shaft and smearing it with his own cum.
He felt so teased that he could cry.
“Fuck Y/N, you’re killing me.”
A sultry laugh escaped her, his cock in her hand as she teased it along her entrance.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
She rode him again, her soft and tight folds encompassing his throbbing member.
She felt like heaven, the face of an angel with her eyes clouded in mischief.
He should’ve known from how she carried herself, that stoic confidence that enticed and intrigued every man she ever came across. The way she had this entire compound under her command with simple touches of her fingertips…
He should’ve known he’d be at her mercy, completely under her control.
He was powerful, strong, superhuman.
But he wouldn’t dare dominate now.
Not when every action she performed felt so fucking good.
He tugged at the handcuffs on the bedposts, desperate to put his hands on her.
She tsked, leaning forward as she slowly rose up and down on his cock.
“Not yet baby, you’re being so good…”
He gasped when her nails dragged along his ribs, angry marks trailing behind their rake.
She bent down to his ear, softly biting at the lobe.
“You’re mine all night,” she whispered, “Cum for me again and you can take the lead.”
His eyes rolled back, and he hissed as she laid another love bite along his neck.
He wasn’t even sure he could last that long…
He meant what he’d said, Y/N very well may be the death of him.
Dear god, what a wonderful way to go.
“Jesus Barnes, you look like shit.”
Bucky blinked lazily at Sam, tipping his coffee towards him.
“I’ve never felt better.”
Sam chuckled, “Looking at you? I beg to differ.”
Bucky sat down slowly at the head of the table, his exhale shuttering his frame.
He hissed as his back rested against the chair, stinging with the remnants of last night.
He wouldn’t dare return the favor.
He couldn’t handle her the way she’d handled him, he was too wanting.
He was eager for her, to have her in his hands, to ravage every inch of her skin.
Her nails were clutching desperately into his skin as he railed into her, her words a mumble as another orgasm came over her…
Bucky came back to reality as Nat snapped her fingers in front of him.
“Hello, you in there?”
Bucky nodded, “Yep.”
The redhead chuckled, “How much did you drink last night?”
Bucky smirked, “More than I should’ve.”
A white lie, hopefully one they’d accept.
While half of him wanted to scream and gloat that he’d finally gotten the girl, that he’d had the best lay of his life, the other half knew better.
This had to be her call.
She was so professional, so reserved, and—had he mentioned the best lay of his life?
He wasn’t going to go around and spread their late night antics… and early morning.
He wasn’t even sure if he’d slept.
“Not one for patience, are you?” She mumbled against his lips, his fingers working at her tight and soft core.”
He muttered through his kisses, “I can’t be. I’ve wanted you for so long, and I might never get this chance again.”
She sighed as her release came close.
But her eyes stayed as sharp as ever, that same look that had pierced through him so many times before.
“Why on earth would we stop this now?”
His mind was spacing, and he tried to focus on the people in front of him.
Reminding himself that he could keep his mouth shut out of respect for the woman he’d so desperately sought after for as long as he’d been here.
“Next time I’m gonna need a babysitter.” Barnes joked.
“Where did you even go?” Sam questioned, “One minute you’re sulking in a corner, the next you're doing shots and disappearing.”
Barnes shrugged, “Don’t remember.”
“Bullshit,” Nat countered, “You may have been wasted, but even Stark’s entire stock couldn’t make you black out.”
“Must’ve been Thor’s stuff,,” he shrugged again, “Not sure what to tell you.”
Nat leaned eagerly across the table, “You could tell us if you got a chance to talk to Y/N.”
Sam turned in his seat, a devilish hum echoing through the room.
“That’s right, little miss wild card threatened to drink me under the table… then suddenly she’s gone.”
Bucky thought of a response, before the sound of heels interrupted them.
“I can and I will drink you under the table,” she stated, “But I had more pressing matters last night.”
She moved with ease through the boardroom, composed and refined in appearance with her tablet in hand.
It was like the previous night had no effect on her, washed away in her morning shower…
“On that note, I have a busy day ahead of me and so do all of you. Let’s not waste time.”
Bucky gulped.
Even though he’d finally had her all to himself, she still sent shudders through him.
Her determination and laser-focus, her command that she held over the entire room… and over him.
“No way,” Nat interjected, “You finally come to a party and I barely get to see you! I want answers.”
A small smile cracked at Y/N’s lip, an action that Barnes found so shocking it nearly knocked him off his chair.
“I can squeeze a 6 pm cocktail reservation into your schedule tonight, I can catch you up then.”
Sam’s eyes blew wide, who was this woman?
“Wow, first a party and now personal plans?” He mocked, “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re losing your edge.”
She pulled off her glasses in one quick motion, bringing the presentation to life within a second.
“In your dreams, Sam.”
Nat chuckled, and Sam’s jaw fell in awe.
Okay, something had definitely changed.
She rarely teased or joked, and even more rare was a departure in workplace tasks.
But the fiery moment was quickly extinguished as she ran through the schedules for the team.
Terrorist intel, negotiations with local Sanctums, blah blah blah…
Bucky couldn’t focus, even with eyes trained on her the entire hour.
Though she spared him glances, he wanted her gaze to linger.
He wanted all of her attention, as if last night had only heightened his want instead of releasing it.
And fuck did she look good in that skirt—
“In summation,” she said, “Wilson you’re expected to meet with Stark at 2, Romanoff will be training our new recruit Kate after this meeting for 3 hours, followed by a dinner meeting with myself at 6 before you depart for Sicily.”
She turned then, facing Barnes head on.
“Bucky, you have the final adjustments to your arm after this meeting, touching base with Joaquin on field training to get you back in the ring, and we have dinner reservations at 8.”
The room fell silent, save for the deafening stares from his fellow teammates.
He tried not to let a smile break.
“Yes ma’am.” He said.
Her smirk was small, but it enticed Barnes nonetheless.
“The car will pick you up at 7:30. The restaurant is black tie, I’d recommend wearing something with a high collar…” she gestured with her pen to his neck, “To hide your marks.”
His face blew red as his hand reached for his neck, the low hem of his t-shirt doing little to conceal them.
The memory vivid in his brain, her teeth digging into the delicate skin as he pinned her to the mattress.
“You take care of everything Y/N let me take care of you.”
Nat gauffed at the hickey, only now noticing its prominence.
Wilson simply laid his head against the glass table, his body shaking in silent laughter.
Her smile beamed brightly, clicking off the presentation and already on her way to her next meeting.
“Don’t be late!” She called over her shoulder.
Hand still grinning along the nape of his neck, he watched her exit the room.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
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tripletstephaniescp ¡ 9 days ago
Well, as an older lady I can certainly wish for that scenario, all but Nat kicking my ass later.
The Perfect Gift
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Bucky Barnes, older!reader (50s)
Summary: you remember Bucky's birthday but he wants more than you give him.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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It's a bit silly. A bit of extra effort feels like a lot. You're almost embarrassed at the thought of it. You should just keep it to yourself. Give it to someone else. You probably won't even see him. 
You stand at the tall lab table, one elbow planted as you hover your pen over the report. There's not much going on that day but it's still special. For him. He must have plans, certainly with someone else. Forget it, do your work.  
No one needs any stitching up so you'll stick with the usual. You still can't figure out what that thick blue sludge is. A venom that sticks to the skin like tar. Despite running it through almost every piece of equipment available to you, it remains mysterious and it wouldn't be too unusual to find it isn't an earthly substance. 
Sigh. The icing's going to melt. You're stupid. And too old to be. 
You cringe behind your hand as you lean your forehead into your palm. The door slides open from the other side and you sit up, the stool wobbling beneath you dangerously. You latch onto the table and steady the feet. 
Oh, it's him. Shoot. Despite the work you put into the surprise, you suddenly wish he'd stayed away. That he kept to his actual friends. 
"Hey," Bucky marches up to the end of the table. "You figure out that gas?" 
"Gas... er, oh yes," you perk up. Work is easy to talk about. It's what you know. They only thing you've ever known. "I'm surprised it didn't knock you out. You brought me an empty canister." 
"Serum," he shrugs, his vibranium arm flexing as if reminding you of who he is. How can you forget that? 
"Right, uh, about that--" 
"No more needles, doc. I heard you got enough samples from Hydra," he crosses his arms. Despite his warning, humour dimples in his cheek. 
"No, I wasn't..." you shake your head. "I was just thinking you could do eight hours on a treadmill while I monitor your levels." 
"You are insane," he scoffs and unfolds his arms. He rounds the table, dragging his metal fingertips over it. 
"Anyway, er, about that gas," you hop off the stool before he can reach you. "It's designed to inhibit neural processing. I mean, the immediate effects are typical. Unconsciousness but after that, it sticks around." You look at him and squint, "how are you feeling?" 
"As good as I ever do," he levels his hand and wiggles it, "middling." 
"Right," you exhale and tap your toe nervously. "Even... on your birthday?" 
He pokes his tongue into his cheek and his eyes list away, "you remembered?" 
"I have a thing for dates." You say. 
"A historian and a doctor, wow," he utters. 
You look away, "sorry... if I overstepped. I know some people like that to keep that stuff private. You know, small celebrations." 
"Well, I haven't celebrated since 1941, so... yeah, not on the top of my list." 
His words hang in the air. Your heart races and he sighs. He slowly nears. 
"But..." he drags out the last consonant, "you did something." 
"I can hear your heart. No use pretending. Oh, shit, please don't say it's a surprise party. I knew Sam was up to something," he growls. 
You laugh. It's nice of him to think you'd be included. You shake your head and back up. 
"It's... just from me. Nothing big," you go to your locker and reach into the cooler bag. "I hope you have a sweet tooth--" 
You turn back and find him right in front of you. You flinch. You gasp in surprise. He's fast. And silent. 
"It's er," you look past him, at where he just was, on the other side of the table, "a cupcake. Strawberry swirl with a shortcake crumple on top and cream cheese icing," you cradle the container daintily. 
"Wow, you did that? For me?" 
"I mean, it's a hobby. I always end up giving cookies out to the neighborhood kids," you shrug. "Really, it's small. Nothing big." 
His blue eyes focus on the clear top of the container. He blinks. His jaw tenses and his dimples deepen, the cleft in his chin tautens. You nearly wilt at the heat roiling from him; or that's just you and your stupid self. 
"I... thanks," he reaches to take it, his fingers brushing yours. "That's..." he exhales. "That's nice of you. It's... incredible." He turns it and examines your delicate work. "The last birthday cake I had didn't even have eggs." He looks you in the eye, "rationing." 
"Oh, right," you heave. You forget he's technically older than you. That serum has surely helped. "Well, I hope you enjoy it." 
"I'm sure I will. It's almost a shame to eat it. It's so nice," he says. "At least, it would be a shame to eat it al--" 
"There you are!" A voice calls from the doorway. "Did you forget?" 
You look over at Nat as she puts her hand on her perfectly curved hip. Even in street clothes, you can tell she has an hourglass figure. And she's stunning with her bold red hair and porcelain complexion. 
"I didn't forget," he rebuffs and sends you a goofy smile. "Girlfriends." 
"Ha, right," you sidle away awkwardly and go back to the lab table. He crosses to Nat as she stands by the door. 
"Whatever," she drawls. "Oh, what's that?" 
"Cake. My cake," he insists and holds the container out of her grasp. 
You peek up as he raises his hand and meet Nat's eyes. You blanch. She tilts her head slightly. You offer a weak smile. 
"Just see if you can keep it from me," she returns her attention to him with a snarl. "I mean, we were planning on wrestling anyway." 
She grabs the front of his tee shirt and pulls him to her. She stands on her toes and pushes her lips to his as he angles down to meet her. You quickly look at the forgotten report and search for your notes.  
Ugh, you are so lame. You really thought you'd outgrown crushes. Well, time heals everything, doesn't it? That man is all the proof you need of that. 
You look at the clock and sigh. You did it again. Time is your nemesis, always eluding you. You rub your eyes and stifle a yawn. If you head out now, you might actually get some sleep.  
You open your locker and slide the tablet into your burgundy leather bag. You wish you were as sophisticated as you seemed. From the outside, you have a degree, several, you splurge on labels, you always have good food...  
But you don't do anything. You don't go out with friends. You don't have friends. You have acquaintances.  
A subtle swish prickles your hackles. You peer over as the lab door opens. You fumble your bag at the figure there.  
Bucky cradles his face as he looks around with his uncovered eye. He winces as he sees you and enters, "thank god you're here, doc, think I need stitches."  
"Stitches?" You grimace and put your bag back on the shelf. "How on earth--"  
You hurry over to him as he chuckles, "yeah, I know. I always gotta ruin things."  
You tut and wave him over to the table. You open a drawer and take out a sanitizing wipe. "Let me see."  
He lowers his hand. His eye socket is already discoloured and there's a gash in his brow. Your eyes round.  
"What happened?" You reach to dab away the blood gently.  
He groans, "well, you know, Russians and their vodka."  
You look him in the eye curiously. You continue to wipe away the blood. You try not to ogle him. How many times have you patched him up? Don't be a fool.
"Natasha?" You wonder.  
"Mhm. Well, I mean, she gets rough just typically... in a different context," he laughs again and the insinuation makes you twitch.  "We were arguing..."  
"Arguing," you echo as you toss the wipe and examine the cut. "No stitches. I can glue it shut."  
"Right," he nods, leaning in to give you a better angle. "Anyway, we were kidding around and it got a bit serious. She gets jealous easy, ya know?"  
You uncap the bottle and place a hand gentle on his head, framing his brow. You're as careful as you can be. He hardly seems bothered. You apply the glue precisely.  
"Jealous?" You prompt.  
"Ha, yeah, funny thing," he clucks. "She's jealous of you."  
"Me?" You put the glue away and snort. You busy yourself as you tuck the kit away then go to wash your hands. You feel him watching.  
"That cake you made me. I might have been drooling over it," he says. "You're a hell of a baker. You got a degree in that too?"  
You roll your eyes then face him, once more startled to find him close. You steady yourself as you lean on the table behind you.  
"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it," you murmur, clearing your throat as it clenches. "You know, it's not my place but she did some nasty work on you."  
"Yeah, she did," he touches his brow and winces. "But you got me, doc. Like always."  
"Yep, well, you're all good, so..."  
You realise how close he is. It would be hard to slip by without brushing him. You freeze and stare at him, confused.  
"I think you forgot something," he says.  
Your brows knit and your lips downturn, "I did?"  
"Yeah," he runs his knuckles up your arm, "aren't you going to kiss it better?"  
You blink. Then you guffaw. Then you feel horribly dumb.  
"Don't be silly," you catch his hand as it crawls along your shoulder.  
He doesn't stop. He flicks your fingers away and tickles your neck. You gulp and lean away.  
"Not being silly," he grabs your chin, his grip firm. "I'm serious. I think it would help," he grins.  
"I don't... alright. I think it's late and I--"  
"Those lips have gotta be just as tender as those hands," he stretches his thumb up to touch your lips. You shiver.   
"Bucky," you say appeasingly. You have to be asleep at the table, dreaming again.  
"You think I can't hear your heart hitch every time I walk in? Hm?" He steps closer to loom over you, "think I can't smell it in your sweat? That I can't smell you getting wet--"  
"Stop! Stop, please," you try to pull away from his hand. "Bucky, that's... please."  
"A little kiss," he growls. "Just here."  
He lets you go and traces the cut. You quiver, blood surging, skin alight. You slowly hover closer and press your lips to his brow. He hums.  
He pulls away. He's too quick for you to elude. You have to no time to react as he takes you off your feet. 
His hands are on your hips. You wriggle. You’re overly conscious of the extra cushion there as his fingers curl into it. You yelp. 
“Please, Bucky,” you push on his hands.  
“I know you want me,” he snarls as he slides his fingers under your ass, groping you as he pushes between your knees. 
“Bucky, it’s just--” 
“It’s just...” he interjects as he leans in until his nose touches yours, “my birthday and I know exactly what I want.” 
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tripletstephaniescp ¡ 10 days ago
What an ending. I almost felt sorry for Nicky. Almost. Tee hee.
The Favorite FINAL Chapter 6
Summary:  Bucky Barnes, the big boss of the crime underworld, is notorious for his unhinged behavior and punishments.  There’s not much that can fully set him off, unless someone messes with his favorite…
Warnings:  violence, blood, gore, language, smut, depravity 
**Picture is A.I., found on Pinterest.  Don’t come for me.**
Previous chapter
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Bucky hesitantly walked into the room in the med bay.  He was scared of what he would see.  Every time he closed his eyes he kept seeing Y/N’s blood on his hands.  Dr. Cho led him around a curtain and he finally saw her.  Y/N was laying on the bed, hooked up to IVs and monitors that beeped repeatedly.  She looked paler than usual, but overall she was fine, her eyes moving behind her eyelids as she dreamed, her breathing steady, and it finally convinced him that she was going to be okay.
He quickly walked over and sat in the chair next to her bed, taking her hand and kissing her knuckles reverently.  “What’s the damage?” he asked the doctor without looking at her.
“We were able to get the bullet out cleanly,” Dr. Cho replied, her tone professional and stiff.  “It was close to her heart, she lost a lot of blood, but we were able to fix the damage.  She’ll make a full recovery, she’ll just be very sore and tender for a while.”
Bucky nodded and finally looked at her with tears brimming in his eyes.  “Thank you,” he whispered.
Dr. Cho gave him a rare smile before nodding and leaving.  A few moments later Sam and Steve walked into the room.  “How is she?” Sam asked, standing at the end of the bed while Steve went to the side opposite Bucky.  
“She’s gonna be okay,” Bucky said, biting his lower lip as he kept her hand close to his mouth.
“Thank god,” Steve breathed, reaching out and squeezing her other hand gently.  Steve and Sam were good friends with Y/N, or at least as much as they could be with her being Bucky’s lover.  But they cared about her.
“We’ll leave you be,” Sam said, gripping her ankle for a second before pulling away.  Steve nodded and walked back out with Sam.  Bucky sighed heavily, squeezing her hand again and kissing her knuckles, then opening her hand to kiss her fingertips and her palm.
“My darling baby, wake up,” he pleaded.  “Let me see those pretty eyes, pretty little thing.  Please?  I took care of it, my love.  I took care of it all for you.”
He kept whispering to her, kissing her everywhere he could reach.  After about five minutes she took a deep breath and groaned, frowning as she shifted in the bed.  Bucky quickly stood up, hovering over her as her eyes fluttered open.  “There she is,” he smiled.  “Hey, can you hear me?”
Y/N’s frown deepened, then she slowly looked at him.  “Honey?” she whispered.
“Love-of-my-life,” Bucky said, nuzzling her nose.  “How are you feeling?”
She took a deep breath and winced.  “Like shit,” she grunted.  “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Bucky shook his head.  “You saved me.  And as much as I appreciate it, don’t ever do that again,” he said with a half-hearted glare.  Y/N scoffed, then winced again.  “Take it easy, darling.  Relax,” he said quickly.  “The doctor said it was very close to your heart.  You lost a lot of blood, but they were able to fix the damage from the bullet and you should be able to make a full recovery, you’ll just be sore for a while.”
Y/N took a careful deep breath and nodded.  “Did you get him?” she asked.
“Yeah, we got him,” Bucky smirked.  “It was Falcone’s nephew.  I have a special surprise for you when you’re feeling up to it when it comes to him.  I thought we could make good use of that pig pen.”
Her eyes lit up.  “Really?” she asked with a giddy smile.
Bucky smiled back at her.  “I have him hooked up to a drip waiting for you to recover.  I left a few pieces for you to take care of.”
“You tortured him?  For me?” Y/N asked, her lips trembling and her eyes starting to brim with tears.
“I would do anything for you, my devilish baby,” he said lowly.  He leaned in and kissed her deeply.  “Anything,” he murmured against her lips.  “I got Falcone.”
She pulled away slightly to look him in the eyes properly.  Her gaze flicked back and forth, making sure she was hearing him right.  “He’s gone?” she asked.
“Gone,” Bucky nodded.  He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out Falcone’s ring, holding it up to Y/N’s face.  Her eyes widened, her mouth agape as she stared at the ring.  “When Mom, Dad and Becca died, I promised you I’d take care of it,” he said.  “It took me longer than I wanted, but I got him.  I made it hurt.  For you, for us.”  He pulled her left hand up and slipped the ring onto her ring finger.  It was too big, but she still marveled at it.  “I’ll need to get it adjusted to fit, but now I finally feel like it’s the right time, without him hanging over our heads.  Marry me, pretty little thing?”
Y/N gasped lightly, staring at him in awe as tears started to fall down the sides of her face.  She smirked.  “You wanna make an honest woman out of me?” she asked teasingly.
Bucky snorted.  “I don’t know about honest, I just want you.”  He nuzzled her nose then hovered his lips over her cheek.  “Just…as…you…are.”  He kissed around her face after each word until he reached her lips.  “Be mine forever, baby?”
Y/N cried harder.  “I already am,” she whispered.  “Yes.”
Bucky turned away as Y/N shoved her knife into Nicky’s mouth.  There was a chorus of pained screams that began to gurgle as blood filled his mouth.  She pulled out his tongue, showing it to him before making him watch as she flicked her wrist and threw it into the pig pen.  The pigs hadn’t eaten in days, so they all ran toward it, tearing it apart between them.  Nicky’s cries echoed in the glen around them as he watched the pigs.  There was no one around for miles, so no one would hear him, but he still tried yelling, the words coming out mumbled and incoherent.
“Oh Nicky…” Y/N said, running her bloody fingers through his hair.  “No one is gonna hear you.  But I do love the way you scream.”  She stood in front of him again and pulled his hair to make him look down and watch as she dispatched his balls and then his penis from his body.  He screamed, blood dripping from his mouth as she held up his parts in front of his face.  He almost passed out, but she didn’t let him, slapping him across the face to keep him awake.  “Nuh-uh, Nicky, pay attention,” she said, tapping his penis against his face.  He tried to recoil, but she didn’t let him get far and made him watch as she chucked it and his balls into the pig pen, where they were quickly gobbled up as well.  He cried harder, the screams turning into whimpers.
“Peesh ‘et me ‘ie,” he cried, looking up at her.  “Peesh…”
“Aw,” she pouted at him.  “You will sweetie.  Just how my fiance told you you would, remember?”  Steve and Sam appeared, looking queasy as they picked up what was left of Nicky’s body and propped him up on the fence of the pig pen.  Nicky started screaming again as Y/N came up behind him and held him by the back of his neck, teetering on the fence as Steve and Sam quickly walked away, Sam’s hands over his ears and keeping his eyes shut.  “You ready Nicky?” Y/N asked.  He shook his head against her hand, crying loudly.  “Well, the pigs are.  When you see your Uncle in hell, tell him we said hi,” she laughed, then pushed him into the pen.
There was a raucous of pig squeals mixed with Nicky’s screams and horrid eating sounds.  Bucky shivered, fighting back vomiting as Y/N watched the feast.  It wasn’t until Nicky’s screams turned into cries, whimpers, grunts and then eventually nothing that she turned and walked to Bucky’s side.  “Okay, now I’m ready,” she said with a big, proud smile on her face as she looked up at him.
Bucky kept his eyes on her only as he looped his arm around her.  “You did such a good job, devilish little thing,” he said, leaning down and kissing her forehead.  “Did you have fun?”
“So much fun!” she brightened at his question.  “Maybe we should get our own pig pen?”
“Mmh, I don’t know,” he said with a grimace.  “I don’t think the boys will be able to handle that,” he gestured to Steve and Sam who were a long ways ahead of them, waiting by the car.
“Ugh, pussies,” she snorted, looping her arm closest to him around his waist.  “Who’s gonna take care of these pigs when they’re done?”
“Oh, some of the guys will feed them regularly for a while, then sell them off across state lines,” Bucky explained as he pulled out a rag for her to wipe her hands from the blood.  “How about we go home and get you cleaned up, then I’ll give you a massage, then eat you out until I have you screaming?” he said, leaning toward her ear for the last part.
Y/N smirked as she turned her head and kissed him deeply.  “You know me too well,” she said, her desire evident in her voice.  “Then we order food?”
“Absolutely,” Bucky said, nipping at her lower lip.  “Whatever my favorite wants.”
*Thank you for all the comments, likes, reblogs and follows. I hope y'all liked this one, even though it's a little darker. More to come soon, including some Joaquin Torres because I'm now obsessed with him. ;)
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tripletstephaniescp ¡ 10 days ago
Part of me knew he would kill the wife and daughter but I was still a little shocked. Served Falcone right though.
The Favorite Chapter 5
Summary:  Bucky Barnes, the big boss of the crime underworld, is notorious for his unhinged behavior and punishments.  There’s not much that can fully set him off, unless someone messes with his favorite…
Warnings:  violence, blood, gore, language, smut, depravity 
**Picture is A.I., found on Pinterest.  Don’t come for me.**
Previous chapter Next chapter
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Hours later Bucky was drenched in blood as the cleaners came into the interrogation room and rounded up the pieces of Nicky before hauling him all out toward one of the cars for transportation.  He walked into the shower station just off the interrogation room, turning it on so multiple hoses started pouring water and a fountain of red dripped down his body.  He stripped out of his clothes and threw them in the hamper to get burned, washing off the gore as best as he could before walking out of the shower.  Steve was waiting for him, holding out a robe for him that Bucky put on and tied before facing Steve.
Steve’s face stayed neutral, and Bucky took a stuttering breath.  “How is she?” he asked.
“Still critical, but stable,” Steve answered.  Bucky nodded, looking away and blinking away his tears.  Steve clapped a hand on Bucky’s shoulder.  “She’s a fighter, Buck.  She’ll make it. I know she will.”  Bucky sniffed and nodded again.  Steve stepped forward and hugged him for just a moment, then pulled away and kept his hands on his shoulders.  “We’re ready when you are,” he continued.  “I already sent a group out that surrounded the house and has been taking down his security quietly.  The wife and daughter are there, I just need to know how far you’re wanting to take this before we advance.”
Bucky thought about little Seraphina that he’d met just days before.  He wanted Falcone to hurt.  He’d taken his family, and now his last reason for living was hanging on by a thread.  His jaw ticked as he met Steve’s gaze.  “Make it quick.  One second they’re here and the next they’re not, got it?”
Steve nodded somberly.  “Got it.”
Falcone never stood a chance.  The attack came from all sides and was quick, the rhythmic popping from gunshots echoing through the mansion and then all stopping within a matter of minutes.  Steve held Falcone firmly as Bucky walked through the house, inspecting everything as his other men drenched everything they could reach in lighter fluid.  Falcone was trying to twist out of Steve’s grip, grunting and swearing up a storm.
“Fuckers!  Get out of my house!  Trina!  Seraphina!” he screamed, his head trying to whip back at Steve, who dodged it easily.
“Trina?  Seraphina?” Bucky called out, and a few of his men brought in their bodies.  Falcone stared in shock, then started wailing as the men set them down on the floor.  “Such a shame,” Bucky said, sounding bored as he glared at Falcone.  “Uncle Sal couldn’t save his favorite nephew, and then Daddy couldn’t save his precious little family.  She had such potential,” he said, glancing at Seraphina.  “If it’s any consolation, they didn’t even feel it.  Which is more than I can say you did for my family.  I’m nice like that.”
Falcone snarled at him.  “Tit for tat, is that it?”
“You made it personal years ago, Sal,” Bucky snarled back at him and slapped him hard, making Falcone yell.  “I’ve been planning your downfall ever since.  I was playing the long game.  I even considered taking her in, giving her the family she deserved,” he pointed at Seraphina.  “But then you came into my house, and you almost took my favorite person in the whole world from me.  You involved my wife.  MY WIFE!” he screamed in his face.  “And that’s a transgression that I simply cannot condone, Sally.”  He grabbed him by the throat and threw him towards his family’s bodies, then took out his gun and shot his kneecaps.  Falcone howled in pain, tears streaming down his face.  “Now you get to stay right here in the castle you built, and watch it all burn to the ground.  What a fine resting place,” he smiled bitterly at him.  “Tell the devil I say hi,” he sing-songed, then walked toward the front door.  “Light it up!” he shouted, and his men started to light everything on fire.
Bucky ignored Falcone’s screams as he left the house, Steve and Sam on his tail as his other men all poured out of the house and surrounding area.  They all watched the house quickly go up in flames, and even as the rest of them left after a while, Bucky stayed, wanting to make sure that the whole house burned to a crisp.  When the house was finally nothing more than charred embers, he walked back to where Falcone and his family were.  He shoved away fallen wood beams and debris until he found their remains, and picked out the family ring that Falcone had been wearing on his right middle finger.  He scrubbed off the soot and ash, admiring the gold band and the large emerald in the middle with the Falcone crest etched into the sides of the band.  
“You okay, Boss?”  Steve asked, following him into the house.
“Better,” Bucky said.  “How is she?”
“No longer critical,” Steve said.  Bucky hung his head in relief, letting out a huff of breath.  Steve pulled Bucky up and kept an arm around his shoulders.  “Let’s get you back to her,” he said.
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