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“I know I’m not a conventional beauty. You can read a lot of painful things on the Internet, which criticize you aesthetically - but as far as I’m concerned, that’s not what an actress is.”
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Natalie Dormer http://bit.ly/13PfwEO
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Natalie Dormer for People Magazine
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do i have an intimidating face? not many men come up to me and give me one-liners.
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How did the haircut affect your personal style? ”It opens you up to exploring more kind of punky, funky looks on the red carpet or at events. But I was actually quite surprised at Comic-Con—there’s a lot of lopsidedness going on. Girls are doing the lopsided thing, very tight…down one side so it almost looks like they’re shaved. That seems to be en vogue and I seem to be ahead of the curve” — Natalie Dormer by Chad Pitman for Yahoo Style
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"You'll be fine."
"I'm afraid it's very fatal."
"These test results..don't make any sense."
"How far can your arm go before it breaks?"
"I'll carve your eyes out with a spoon."
"What does he have that I don't"
"Why did he choose her instead of me?"
"Make as many stab wounds as you want."
"I am destined as your tool."
"The girl must die."
"The boy must die."
"I want to taste your blood on my lips."
"Where do we go from here?"
"These voices..cease to let me be."
"I..can't stop crying."
"Use me as you will."
"None of it matters now."
"Shadows fallow my every step."
"You've gone..completely mad."
"I'm barking mad."
"Winter is coming."
"I could kill you right now."
"You..You're dead!"
"May the lord have mercy on your soul."
"The mental ward let me out early this year."
"Oh how i miss the voices."
"Everyone is equal when they're dead."
"Cancel Christmas."
"Bring me more war."
"I love war."
"I piss on your traditions."
"I hate your heart."
"I hate your soul."
"I promise, you won't feel a thing."
"Bring her to me."
"Bring him to me."
"A few holes in the head give the madness more space."
"I hate everything about you."
"I will abandon you."
"What is that girl up to?"
"I am stretched on your grave."
"Kill me now.."
"If I fall from the grace of God where no murdered ghost can haunt me.."
"You are one in from the plank, don't make me push you."
"I don't care."
"Leave me behind."
"Everything you've told me was a lie!"
"Everything I've told yo was a lie!"
"How could you ever think to leave them behind?"
"Someone should nail your feet to the floor."
"My last breath will be your curse."
"He will KILL you."
"She will KILL you."
"I did noting."
"It was an accident!"
"You've killed your own brother!"
"I want nothing to do with him!"
"How can I possibly trust you?"
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1 / ∞ images of Natalie Dormer
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Natalie Dormer for LA Confidential Magazine, September 2015
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Trielle’s head tilted to the side as she noted his subtle sniff at the air. Had she been a simple human it would have merely gone over her head, but her species were always aware and alert. She allowed the thought to pass, though to remain in the back of her thoughts as he spoke. A charmed life… She’d chuckle if he only knew just how ‘charmed’ her existence was. Then, he glanced over to her from across the small expanse of the car. His eyes were blue, sterling in the almost darkness in the car. They were something one could get lost in, and Trielle figured he already knew that about himself with how confidently he carried himself.
It wasn’t until what was said next that truly caught Trielle’s attention. A run under the moon? Surely, this could be an innocent expression, but for one of supernatural heritage, this could be a tell-tale hint. Trielle’s eyes squinted ever so slightly, so minute that it was damn-near unnoticable. She thought of the connotation and decided to play naive, for the time being. “I suppose that would be the best time to run around here. To beat the Louisiana heat.” She chuckled and turned slightly in her seat to face him better, her legs crossed over one another at her thighs while the back of her head pressed against the glass of the window, entertaining all conversation easier.
The First Encounter :: Marcus and Trielle
She lied. She lied well, but she lied. It was all false and he could smell the falsehoods on her. Like a bloodhound, Marcus sniffed the air and could tell each time she lied. It as handy in his profession, knowing a lie when he smelled it.Not so much inhis personal life. It was how his wife had met her end. He’d smelled the lie and the man on her, and then he’d caught them. 
“Sounds like you’ve lived a charmed life,” he mused as he glanced over at her. “You like the natural side of things then? It suits you. I prefer the outdoors, myself. Running under the moon is a favorite.”
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Emun Elliott and Natalie Dormer in the short film The Ring Cycle (2013) 
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Natalie Dormer behind the scenes for a photoshoot for TV Guide Magazine at San Diego Comic Con 2015.
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