trick-murphy · 4 years
“That’s not good enough!” She yells despite him being closer now. “You were a complete asshole and over what? Because god forbid I kiss someone? It’s not like I’ve not spent nights watching you choose some fucking girl and make out with her wherever we are. Don’t worry about the future, Trick, I won’t dare subject you to my company again.”
“Lena.” He aches, at the mere idea. “Lena don’t fuckin’ do that. It’s...it’s never been serious with those girls and you know it.” Trick points out, or trying to. “It’s different when it’s Craig and you...it’s serious and maybe that hurts...”
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trick-murphy · 4 years
“So that’s it then? You’re just a prick and I happened to be in the way?” She pushes, unsure of what she’s looking for. It’s no new thing to her, his anger, but it’s new that it was directed at her and she hates it. Hates the way it claws at her. Makes her into something weak. And for it to be for no reason at all, that just makes it worse.
“I said sorry. I meant it. I promise to try and be better about you two in the future.” Trick forces out, fangs dropping and skin feeling tight. She’s gliding claws across still bleeding wounds; the truth he doesn’t want to share, because it will do nothing but ruin them. He loves her. Has loved her, but he’s a fucking coward and now she’s with Craig and he has no right to drop this on her.
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trick-murphy · 4 years
“Yeah, I know you are.” She shouts back. With a deep breath she feels like she can turn. “What I don’t get is why.” Lena says with a defeated shrug, “What the fuck did I do that was so wrong to deserve this bullshit?”
That throws him, enough to make him stumble his next few steps towards her. Bringing him closer than he wanted; all he can scent is her latent anger and hurt, and it’s a strain not to wrap himself around her. 
“You don’t. I told you. I’m a prick...but Lena, love you didn’t do anything wrong.”
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trick-murphy · 4 years
Lena slows down when she hears him, but doesn’t turn. Refuse to when there’s no hiding the hurt. She can’t pull herself together quick enough so she’ll keep her fucking back to him and just wait for him to give up and go. “What?” She calls out angrily.
“I’m a fuckin’ prick.” He says, shouts really and gets a few dirty looks for it but he doesn’t care. “I’m a fuckin’ idiot and I’m sorry alright.”
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trick-murphy · 4 years
“I’m still confused. You’re not exactly a prude, so what do you care if we’re making out in front of you? You don’t get to treat me like shit and excuse it as needing to get used to this. And you’re right. You don’t get it, you never will, you never have and that’s exactly the fucking problem. Prick.” Lena grabs her jacket and tosses money down on the bar, more than ready to leave and lick her wounds in private instead of letting him continue to rub salt in them.
Trick watches her go, hurt and guilty at the same time, wanting to follow but also very aware that he made her go. He pushed and acted like a prat to get a reaction. He reaped what he sowed. “Fuck.” He says to himself, throwing a handful of bills on the table and chasing her down. “Lena.” He calls out, knowing better than to touch her.
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trick-murphy · 4 years
Lena turns, her anger doing a decent job of hiding her hurt as she glares at him. “Just what in the fuck is your problem here? No one forced you to come or to stay. Why are you acting like I’ve personally offended you somehow?” 
Trick might love Lena, but he’s never wilted under her anger and he doesn’t plan to start now. “You are really confused?” He glares back, “No one forced me? My two best and only friends are suddenly lip locking over fuckin’ brunch. It’s a weird thing no matter who we are, let alone it being...well who you are. Who he is.” Trick waves his hand, flourishing it across their seats. “Don’t fuckin’ play games, with me. Shit. You and I both know, that Craig is two kicks in the head away from poppin’ the question to the lady who bags his groceries because she’s nice to him. He’s always been a fuckin’ bleeding heart. You on the other hand...” He makes a click with his tongue, “I just...I don’t get it and I don’t want to, but give me a fuckin’ break to get used to having a front row seat.”
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trick-murphy · 4 years
“Well I’ve never been his girlfriend before so I guess I just assumed incorrectly.” Lena states sharply before downing the next glass that’s placed in front of her. All she really expected to change was that presumably they’d be sleeping together and go on the occasional date. But it hardly seems like information Trick really wants. Hell, considering how annoying he is she doesn’t know why he’s still here.
Trick snorts, dismissive because what a load of shit that line is. Lena isn’t some dull, hero-blinded girl. She knows Craig as much as he does, and it’s never been a secret the big idiot was a clinging teddy bear. “Yeah okay.” He snarks, unable to help himself. 
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trick-murphy · 4 years
“Yeah, I know.” She bites back, stinging from his tone and doing her best not to show it. “But it’s not like I expected him to act like that.” Lena wanted things to be normal. No…no she wanted them to be different…but in all these years it never had been so she just didn’t care anymore. Craig was a good guy, why not make him happy. 
Gripping her glass she drinks it all down in one go and hopes it’ll lessen the ache in her chest she feels sitting next to him. “Another.” How many will she have to drink before she can convince herself she’s happy?
Trick hums, attempting to both answer and not show how much he’s failing to keep all of this above board. What he really wants is to question her, why Craig of all people? Why now? Why when they both know that Craig was a puppy and she was a damn mountain lion. Beyond his own jealous nature and hurt, it was just confusing. “You really expected, Craig, the guy we compare to golden retrievers, wasn’t going to be overly affectionate?” 
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trick-murphy · 4 years
Craig laughs, good natured and unaware of much else other than his happiness at being around his two favourite people. “C’mon man, I’m just excited!” Lena looks out towards the back of the bar, keeping her eyes anywhere else so she doesn’t explode. “And it was so lucky.”
“Well you’re nothing if not lucky.” Lena knows her tone is harsh. It almost always is but when she glances at him she can see it’s hurt this time. “Sor-” Her apology is cut off by his phone.
“Don’t worry, babe. But I’ve gotta go. Duty call.” When he leans in now he kisses her lips, far too deeply for the setting, and she wonders if he can tell that she’s thinking about kissing someone else. “See you both later, don’t do anything stupid!” And with that he’s out the door.
She glances at Trick, reaching out a hand to wave off some of the smoke. “You’re not a fucking dragon you know that right?” Lena questions before holding up a finger to signal the bartender she’s ready for much more vodka.
“You know you didn’t have to invite me to watch you make out, right?” He snaps back. Fangs grazing his tongue as he does, it’s way too revealing of his anger. Of emotions he isn’t suppose to have but it’s fucking hard. Watching Craig once again, be the hero. The boy wonder. It never stung, Trick never wanted to be a hero in anyone’s eyes...but he wants her.
“Sorry.” Trick tacks on, a second too late. Shoving his blunt into his plate and attempting to appear distracted by the menu. Even if they both know he has already ordered. “It’s just. Ya know. Weird.”
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trick-murphy · 4 years
“I don’t, but when the hell has that ever stopped him?” Trick replies, face hidden by a thick layer of smoke. He’s a fuckin’ Victorian factory chimney, that’s the level of fumes he’s putting out. It’s all on purpose, and not to just annoy the fuck outta the people sitting next to them. It’s to his anger. 
-it’s foolish, impotent anger, and he has absolute no right to it but it’s there never the less, a vicious little prick in his dead heart. 
Craig is an idiot, but he’s a good lad and his best friend. There’s no reason Trick should want to rip his arm off and beat him with it.
but he does, and it’s all because of who it touches.
Trick risks a glance at Lena, and notes her distraction but does not comment on it. Oh he rages, but he also mourns. It’s not his right. He might have had a crush of the golden hair goddess since day one, but he’s also dumbly never made a move, and that’s on him. Craig did, and she accepted and so he needs to get his panties untwisted and fucking accept it too. 
Dancing After Death
Lena sits at the bar in between Craig and Trick. It’s not a new thing, except now Craig keeps his arm around her waist and occasionally leans down to kiss her hair while she’s talking. He’s an exceptionally affectionate creature, and she is not. Well…she doesn’t know if that’s actually true, she’s just not with him and it’s because there’s a little ball of acidic guilt that churns away in her stomach. Because she knows this dating thing they’re doing is her way of trying to get over someone. Someone sitting close enough that their knees have knocked together a few times and somehow that’s felt more intimate than the palm pressed tight against her waist.
“So I was sure this place would be completely booked,” Craig recounts their first date, pausing only for a sip of his beer, “it’s brand new and everything. But everyone seems to love it so I had to try. And then it turned out I didn’t have to try hard at all. I’d saved the head chefs daughter last week. Free food at the hottest spot in town. Wasn’t it great, babe?”
“Huh?” Lena looks up and puts on a smile, “oh, yeah, it was great.” It was fancy food and she’d gone home and ordered curry immediately which she’d wolfed down. “But I really don’t think Trick gives half a shit about how our date went.” She points out in an effort to get to any other topic at fucking all.
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trick-murphy · 6 years
Lena manages to get her shirt off before his lips are on hers in a kiss that lights her up in way she thought was lost. She kisses him back just as fully, as if her heart’ll stop if they disconnect. 
“Why does this feel like I never left? How?” He confesses against her lips, broken and confused at the feelings flowing through him. They shouldn’t be, not this easy or quickly; nothing in his world ever did but fuck she kisses him like it does.
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trick-murphy · 6 years
“I missed you,” she confesses between kisses, “so much, Trick.” Her hold on him tightens though instead of trying to drag him to the couch nearby or even the bedroom, she pushes him towards the bathroom. “Also lets shower, yeah?” 
He goes willingly, not even pausing in his attempts to lose clothing as they door. Losing his shirt and shoes just before they got into his bathroom. Trick takes the time to cup her face in his and just soak her up via a crushing kiss. 
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trick-murphy · 6 years
It’s been so long since she could get this close to him without worry. Too long since she’d had his arms around her like this. It feels like she really is finally home and she’s almost so happy she could cry. “I love you,” she says before covering his cheek in kisses.
Trick returns the kisses, hard and demanding, wanting to make up for all the times he couldn’t. “I love you so fucking much.”
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trick-murphy · 6 years
Lena’s lips tug into a smile, small at first because she’s not sure if she should focus on the fact that people tried to kill him today. But she’s also happy. So happy she tosses her arms around his neck in a big embrace despite the fact that he’s covered in blood.
There is a balloon blowing up between his ribs, it leaks warmth through out his limbs as he brings her closer. Locking her in with his arms and cuddling her close. Uncaring, what presses against what, bloody or otherwise.
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trick-murphy · 6 years
“You’re covered in blood and seeming a little…well crazy I think is the best word I’ve got here. What happened, Trick?”
“I got jumped by some pack of wankers, killed ‘em and I didn’t even drink from one.” He spills, nearly bouncing. “I was too pissed, it wasn’t till I was about to put on pants did I realize that I had no thirst. Nothing.”
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trick-murphy · 6 years
The sight of him covered in blood is jarring. If only because it takes her too far back. Usually any blood on him was some random woman’s and there was the one time it was her own. But it doesn’t seem like that now and she steps in, setting the food down on a table. “Are you…alright?”
“Huh, Oh, yeah.” He gets that this might be a bit weird, and attempts to be cool about it. And he is, there’s no urge to rip out her throat or anyone’s for that matter. He was however unable to hide his manic joy at the idea. “I’m great.”
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trick-murphy · 6 years
Lena thought her entire night would be spent at dress rehearsals. But then five of the dancers were sick as well as half of the backstage crew. It was complete and disgusting chaos and she got the hell out of there as quick as possible. Stopping quickly for Chinese, she gets it all to go and decides to surprise Trick. Knocking, awkwardly ( hesitantly ), she hopes she’s not bothering him.
He’s so captured by his thoughts that he doesn’t even notice Lena is near until she’s knocking on his door. It takes a shake of the head to be brought back down to earth, away from his racing thoughts and what this means. -but his body has no need of such moments, it runs on instinct and throws the door open for Lena. Eager and desperate to see her, that by the time his thoughts have caught up too much time has passed. Oh. And he’s still covered in blood. “Sorry, was about to change, you can come in.”
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