Owner/Writer for Tricias-List.com. I love writing and reviewing product for companies of all types. Healthy eater, ambassador and writer for various online blogs and communities.Mom of 3 wonderfully talented children.
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Can You Lose Relationships Because Of Social Media?
Can You Lose Relationships Because Of Social Media?
Ahhh… good ole Social Media. You know it, you use it. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. As an online writer and Blogger, I use many social media platforms. And not because I necessarily want to, but because I have to. Social Media is a part of my job.
I’m a product of what may be called the 1st wave of the internet. I’m from the age of Dial-Up internet and AOL messaging. You know, where you had to…
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Roadtrippin' With The Kiddoes? Here's Some Tips To Keep Your Sanity!
Roadtrippin’ With The Kiddoes? Here’s Some Tips To Keep Your Sanity!
Road Trip Tips for Traveling with Kids
The American road tripis practically a rite of passage for most kids. However, when you’re busy planning the details of one, it can seem like an impossible task. You have to keep the kids entertained in the car for long periods of time, keep track of your navigation, and develop a great itinerary. However, by following our helpful tips below, you can…
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Looking For Amazing Holiday Outfit Ideas? Look No Further!!
Looking For Amazing Holiday Outfit Ideas? Look No Further!!
Outfit Ideas for the Holiday SeasonThe days are getting shorter and the temperature’s slowly dropping, which means the holiday season is just around the corner. As December rolls around, it’s time for you to begin thinking about your wardrobe. Shorts and a t-shirt aren’t going to cut it unless you want to be covered in goosebumps. However, dressing stylishly can be difficult if you’re trying to…
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Once Again: Amazing Tasting Almond Butter Choices
Once Again: Amazing Tasting Almond Butter Choices
Have you ever had Almond Butter? Years ago, I was introduced to almond butter. At the time, I didn’t like it. As a matter of fact.. I hated it. Those days are far behind me now,and I actually participate in the consumption of almond butter and other almond products frequently.
So much so,that I asked to be a part of a new review for an almond butter product. The product you ask? Once Again…
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Natural Toothpaste: How To DIY A Batch!
Making Natural Toothpaste Using Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has become incredibly popular and it’s celebrated for its many health benefits, both when used in cooking and in cosmetics. Coincidentally, it is also the go-to ingredient for those who want to make their own natural toothpaste. After all, coconut oil has been used for oil pulling, a traditional Ayurvedic method for maintaining oral hygiene,…
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Probiotic Hand Sanitizer? Desert Essence Gives Us One
Probiotic Hand Sanitizer? Desert Essence Gives Us One
prow·bai·aa·tuhk a substance which stimulates the growth of microorganisms, especially those with beneficial properties (such as those of the intestinal flora).
People have been talking about probiotics for quite some time now. I admit, when these things first came out, I was excited to use them… but I didn’t really know what they were. So, in laymans terms… here’s what the word…
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Hershey, Pennsylvania: One Of The Best Places To Visit For Family Vacation #DiscoverPASeries
Hershey, Pennsylvania: One Of The Best Places To Visit For Family Vacation #DiscoverPASeries #Travel #Blog
Summering In Pennsylvania!
Hello, Everyone! I’ve just spent almost the entire summer traveling with my family and going to so many amazing places. One of the places that I’ve made numerous trips to is the state of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is only 2 hours away from me (driving), so being able to visit “Keystone State” every weekend was a breeze. It allowed me to get to know the state and its…
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Why Lake Tobias In Pennsylvania Is "Must See"!
Why Lake Tobias In Pennsylvania Is “Must See”!
Now entering, PENNSYLVANIA!!
So last week, The family and I went on a road trip to Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is 1 state over from where I live in Maryland. Why did I go to ? Well, we went to go visit Lake Tobias!
What IS Lake Tobias?
Located in Halifax Pennsylvania, Lake Tobias is a 150 acre wildlife park. No, there’s not a lake there for you to go swimming in. The park has an open air…
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I Use Hemp Products On A Regular Basis. Here's Why
I Use Hemp Products On A Regular Basis. Here’s Why
There’s A Not So New Alternative Medicine In Town, & It’s Called HEMP
I’m sure you have been hearing the buzz about Hemp and CBD products. Whether it be in oil, salve, or edible form… it’s making itself be known hardcore now. Suffice to say, I am big proponent for the use of Hemp based & CBD products. Hell, I’m even okay with the use of marijuana for some treatments. Now before you start to…
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Family Night Out- Cirque du Soleil Cortero
Family Night Out- Cirque du Soleil Cortero
Cirque Du Soleil Is Amazing
Have you ever been to a Cirque Du Soleilshow live and in person? If you haven’t,let me tell you something… you need to splurge a little and go see one. Like, now. Just go open another tab in your computer screen right now, do a search for Cirque Du Soleil, and buy a ticket for yourself. Yes, the performance/show is that awesome. I have the opportunity to see 5…
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Sometimes we all have a time where we need money in hand... QUICK. Here are 5 Options for When You Need Money Fast. #money #finance #blogging #family In A Cinch And Need Cash Quick? Try One Of These Money Bearing Methods Let's face it: being alive requires money, sometimes lots of money.
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How To Plan For Your Next Big Home Move!
How To Plan For Your Next Big Home Move! There's some great tips in this one!
Things you Need to Need to Consider Before Moving Your Home
Moving your home is thought to be one of the most stressful experiences you will encounter. And, it’s no wonder as it comes with a never-ending to-do list. When there is so much you need to do and think about, you could end up with lots of stress and anxiety. You may even end up forgetting important things that need to be done. Before…
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Hotel vs Vacation Rental ... Which One is Better?
Hotel vs Vacation Rental ... Which One is Better? Read on to find out! #Vacation #travel
9 Real Reasons Seasoned Travelers Pick Vacation Rentals Over Hotels
If you are someone who loves luxury and food being delivered to the room, then there is no beating the convenience of a modern hotel. However, a lot of travelers are choosing vacation rentalsover hotels to get a more authentic travel experience. Veteran travelers routinely look for vacation homes and Airbnbs instead of booking…
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Looking To Move To A New Area? Vancouver Could Be A Good Choice!

5 Reasons to Move to Vancouver
If you’re thinking about making a move, searching through Vancouver real estate options should really be on your must-do list. There are many reasons people move here, with The Starreporting that a University of British Columbia demographer revealed that “so many millennials are making the move that young people are making up a significant percentage of its booming…
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