tri-veca · 26 days
It’s day 9 of my new exercise and the day’s goal was to get my heart pumping hard and fast.
This file was recorded just after I finished. Starting with 30 seconds at Mitral, then moving to Tricuspid , then Aortic for a minute, then Pulmonary for a minute (since I don’t usually give those valves the attention they deserve). After that I move back to Tricuspid for the rest of the file while I sit down and recover.
Comments always welcome. Let me know what you think, or if you have any suggestions :)
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tri-veca · 26 days
This file is a recording of a HBP user (joliecoeur) during a livestream. It was recorded and posted by her request.
Featuring an incredibly irregular heartbeat with very frequent skips. A great recording from an amazing stream <3
Audio slightly edited to reduce background noise, and a few loud audio distortions have been cut out.
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tri-veca · 26 days
Another short irregular heartbeat audio
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tri-veca · 29 days
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tri-veca · 1 month
maybe someone can use this
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tri-veca · 1 month
beautiful girl’s skippy irregular heart
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tri-veca · 1 month
Through my steth I hear a very noticeable murmur
Tried to capture it on recording, I also feel an extra movement in my heart after each "lub dub".
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tri-veca · 1 month
Holy smoke..
Smoking (and 30 squats at 6:55 min) really made my heart pound 🩺❤️
I could not count the bpm, but at least it was over 170.. this picture is from the recovery fase
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tri-veca · 1 month
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tri-veca · 2 months
You guys asked so here’s another view of him squeezing away inside me 😝
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tri-veca · 2 months
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tri-veca · 3 months
violent breathold heartbeat (skippy)
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tri-veca · 3 months
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tri-veca · 3 months
And She Keeps Getting Faster...
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So I recorded this one a few weeks ago but haven't felt very connected to my little lady recently. Finally drew the motivation to edit this gem. I thought we hit 197,beating the last record by 1.. but a look back over the Pulseoid (which I sometimes will stream her rate to a couple of people) shows she's maxed out at 198.
198!! that's 3.3 beats a second! 3 1/3 strong contractions pushing blood to the rest of my body where needed from the sprint she just endured.
Listen to her strong pounding and my lungs gasping for precious oxygen as they work in tandem to deal with the stress I have given them and listen to when they both come together and recover beautifully.
I tried just after this to get her to go over 200 but she was too tired and didn't make it past the 180's. When I get to editing that I will post it too.
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tri-veca · 3 months
A 1st For Friends
I've met a bunch of awesome through Tumblr. We connect over the love of hearts, but there are a few that you that I have more in common with. This is the heart of one of those people.
She slid into my DM's, not many females do, but we hit it off straight away. We bonded over our ADHD and how our stories were so similar. We shared the joys of meds (not) and RSD. But there was something about her heart that when she sent me recordings...without telling me I knew how she was feeling. My brain recognised the rhythms.. ones I had heard many times before in my own chest. That racing wasn't excitement...it was fight or flight nerves and that heart was gearing up for a battle. And that one was exhaustion, trying its best to slow down, but not being able to. It was great to be so in tune with someone so similar and amazing to have a new friend that just got me.
So where does this heart recording come from? Well...we all know that my heart is an attention hoe. She was feeling game but was too nervous to post herself, so I offered. This recording is actually the first one she sent me. I remember her being both so excited and nervous. Us ADHDers don't have slow hearts... we take stimulants, are mostly living with some sort of anxiety at all times, we're empaths and I feel like that makes our hearts more reactive... I remember the first time I posted my heart was beating so hard I thought it was going rip through my chest.. hearing this rec reminded me of that. The fear and the excitement and the adrenaline making her beat so hard it was the perfect way for her heart to say "Hello".
So I hope you enjoy her beats, I think they are just like mine... except no split.
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tri-veca · 3 months
She's so powerful 😍. Sometimes she shakes everything.... even my hand holding the camera lol
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tri-veca · 3 months
So Irregular
I'm a bit lost. I leave you an old video, one of my favorites.
My heart shaking and losing control while I squeeze it and force it to beat
At one point I could hear the blood passing through the chambers of my heart and through my veins. In the end each beat was a jolt inside my chest and my heart couldn't take it anymore and started racing...
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