Trend Setter
135 posts
Here to set trends. The puppeteer is fully grown.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
trenderman-trending · 1 year ago
[[Hi everyone, it's the Puppeteer. I'm very sorry to inform you all that I will be closing these blogs permanently & leaving tumblr. My main got termed a few weeks ago & despite all my emails, even making a new email address to contact support I've gotten no response, this is the 4th ot 5th time this has happened for seemingly no reason with no email to even tell me why, which makes me assume I didn't break any rules in the first place & I've been removed by spam reports.
I just don't want to deal with this anymore. I've worked very hard to create a community here & it's been dismissal trying to get interaction with my work or characters. So these blogs will be closing. I won't delete them, but I will be closing the ask box in the next few days & changing the blog titles to 'Disbanded'.
Thank you all for coming on this journey with me, it's been wonderful, but I'm leaving for safer and greener pastures elsewhere. <3]]
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trenderman-trending · 1 year ago
Trendy! Darling, dear, buddy.
How are you?
Starting a new project this weekend, I've been sketching constantly but there is just something it's missing... not sure what
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trenderman-trending · 1 year ago
You. Are. A very. Lovely person.
Thank you darling
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trenderman-trending · 1 year ago
No. I am in fact not good. Despite that, how are you so far?
I am lovely, I took my proxies to display their latest works over the weekend. Maddie is already getting offers from designers and David already has his work in several galleries. They'll be finished with their training soon, I am so proud of both of them.
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trenderman-trending · 1 year ago
.... are you good?
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trenderman-trending · 1 year ago
Hey Trender! How’ve you been?
I am absolutely lovely, I'm fabric shopping today!
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trenderman-trending · 1 year ago
I see.. I’m sorry to hear that. I can switch the topic if it upsets you in anyway. Just know these anons appreciate your work for us.
It's fine, my relationship with my brothers is, often strained, but they're my family and I wouldn't wish anything bad for them.
I appreciate you all too! You're all lovely individuals.
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trenderman-trending · 1 year ago
Have me sniffling. What do you think of your brothers?
Oh do I have a lot of thoughts about my brothers.
Slender is, well he's Slender. He thinks I'm a failure of the species because I don't eat humans and I'm very small and my magic is weak. He never made another of our kind because he was so disappointed with how I turned out. Which stings I won't lie, but it's not something I care about much anymore. I don't need his approval. He does respect my work however, and comes to me when he needs my services. I respect him as well, if I didn't he'd kill me, I don't talk to him much.
Splendor is more complicated. He's very genuine, he loves me as his brother, I love him as mine. But I know he's jealous of me, that I can survive without eating the entire soul, and he can't. Guilt hangs around him from every single life he's taken in the name of caring for others. I feel bad for him, honestly, he didn't choose this.
Offender... oh Offender... He's so young, he's in so much pain. I should have said something sooner, I wish I'd been told he survived the change, I'd have taken him in. I feel like it's my fault, he ended up like this, if I could have just said something, if I wasn't a coward too scared to stand up to Slender, maybe I could have stopped it.
I know it's not my fault, I didn't even know he existed, and yet I feel so guilty every time I see him. He became a monster, he didn't know anything else, and now it's just too late for me to help him.
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trenderman-trending · 1 year ago
I might talk to you for a bit since I’ve got nothin’ else interesting going on, if that’s okay with you. But, what do you think about people (i.e; friends, parents, peers, teachers, co-workers, etc) who restrict creativity among the said person?
I don't mind at all
I think restricting the creativity of a person is like declawing a cat, unnecessary, unnatural, and it causes life long struggles.
Humans need to be creative, it's in your bones, in your genes!
You've all made art before you even had a spoken language! You made art before writing, you made art before farming, before the wheel!
Art is so important to your lives and development! You're made to sing and dance and tell stories and paint your walls with mud and ocher!
The people and institutions that see that as a problem are pushing against fundamental aspects of humanity, which way you all get depressed and anxious and angry when you can't express yourselves!
If I could just snap my fingers and make all those barriers disappear I would...
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trenderman-trending · 1 year ago
So you work for what you can get? That’s real dedication right there. Apologies if I take time responding. Also, what are your opinions on crocs?
I work on whatever has my attention at the moment!
No worries darling, I'm a busy bee myself, always doing something.
As for my opinion, personally I don't like them, I like classy footwear, but I know other people find joy in them or find them practical so I wouldn't say anything to them, my opinions have no bearing on what other people like or do.
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trenderman-trending · 1 year ago
Stop being so nice, holy shit- it’s tearing me up- making me giggle. Even then, you said you’re good in all forms of arts? Is that a natural talent you’ve gained or did it just.. appear, out of thin air?
Most of my talents took time, I love learning new art forms, I've been practicing digital art, it's very different than pencil and paper, but I love that! Learning it have been very nice! I can now plan several versions of the same outfit in different colors or such! Wonderful in my opinion!
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trenderman-trending · 1 year ago
You call me kind, bitch, you’re beyond kind. I’ve gained a new liking to you-
Aren't you sweet! You can come around anytime you like! You doors are always open, I can make you your preferred warm beverage
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trenderman-trending · 1 year ago
Of course, man. But I do have a question; when did you discover your creativity for making clothes for others and studying the patterns for certain clothing material?
I always have, it was just something i knew from the moment I woke up. I must have been someone working with clothing as a human, I don't really remember, but I just, know certain things.
I don't only do clothing however, I'm an artist of many talents! I paint, I draw, I love architecture, sculpting, glass blowing, scrapbooking, photography, I just enjoy art and creating of all kinds.
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trenderman-trending · 1 year ago
You’re a sweetheart is what you are. Cannot change my mind.
I don’t have favorites, but when it comes down to it; Slender is cool, I guess. He’s a bit stern, I understand why. Offender is.. concerning in his own ways. Splendor is overly nice and sweet. You’re like the only one who doesn’t have a specific drive other than creativity.
I don’t know why, I just felt like letting out my opinion. My apologies-
You're fine, and I agree with you in most ways.
They say that becoming a slender makes you just more of what you were before. I must have been a very creatively driven person. I hope, I was nice as well.
Thank you again, you're very kind.
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trenderman-trending · 1 year ago
Setting me in tears. That’s actually admiring.
You are precious, I'm here anytime you need a pick-me-up, you just let me know honey <3
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trenderman-trending · 1 year ago
In all, plain honesty. Some people like you, like, who make models, fancy clothing, etc.
They’re all bitches who care about money and bodies, I was honestly flabbergasted for a moment when you sent that. Not saying you aren’t a good person, but I’m just used to seeing people like you think in that kind of way that things always need to be perfect.
I understand that.
I do a lot more than make clothes, though it certainly is one of my favorite past times. I am an artist and I want my work to make people happy, make the feel confident and comfortable in their skin.
My idea of perfect is seeing someone smile when they see what I've made them, when they put it on and look and the mirror and they say "that's me, that's who I am, I look like me and I love it"
Perfection isn't some unattainable clinical sterile idea, it's everything, it's messy and different for everyone.
I don't want to dress everyone in something that looks good to me, I want to put you in what feels good for you.
That's what I find perfect.
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trenderman-trending · 1 year ago
The fact that it actually made me cry- that was so damn sweet.
Oh honey, of course, I'll be here rooting for you!
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