its all about the comfort
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20 | she/they | ace/aro/biJust got a Tumblr and now I can finally write up all my analysis of cartoon shows! Multi fandom but currently really into DuckTales (especially Scroldie)
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tree-wizard · 1 month ago
You know what?
My ancestors would have wanted pasteurization, vaccines, antibiotics, disinfectants, birth control, psychiatric medications, pain management, anesthesia. My ancestors would have wanted to be able to keep their loved ones around longer, and not lose them too early/too soon to childbirths, injuries, bacterial infections, mental illnesses, and diseases that are curable and/or preventable in our modern day life.
Modern medicine saves lives.
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tree-wizard · 1 month ago
I have to go back and look through my books now. (This is why it’s so good I have physical copies now, I can just flip through them whenever hehe)
Does someone knows if Christelle Dabos is diagnosed with autism?
Cause like, the thing I like the most about the mirror visitor, is how important characters are depicted as disabled, autistic, or having ocd and other things.
Ophélie could be autistic, at least she has dyspraxia
One of her sisters is nonverbal
Victoire has a delay in development due to her power (don't spoil me if it's true or not, it's my theory so far, i'm not even half way book 3)
Other characters as well, but the most important being Thorn. Like. That's so obvious for him, he HAS autism and ocd. As a person being in the process of diagnosis for both autism and ocd, it's so wonderful to see a character like him.
So my question was, does christelle have thoses conditions? Is she just informed on the topic? Was writing such characters intentional or not? No matter what the answer is, it's still so cool having some representation
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tree-wizard · 1 month ago
Dabos is just playing with us. I thought the guy was like 5 different people
Wait wait wait wait.
The watch. Turning on when the old guy cleaning the Memorial is near Ophelie.
IS THE GUY THORN IN DISGUISE?? Don't answer that. I am 95% sure of it but still want to find out on my own
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tree-wizard · 1 month ago
Wait omg how is it that I’m Jewish but I did not make the connection to the Holocaust. They literally get marked too 🤦🏻‍♀️
(Unless I did make the connection and then suppressed it)
I know I had to brace myself to read horrors by reading the mirror visitor but I surely wasn't expecting a fucking Vel' D'hiv' roundup to happen in Babel
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tree-wizard · 1 month ago
Wait wait wait wait.
The watch. Turning on when the old guy cleaning the Memorial is near Ophelie.
IS THE GUY THORN IN DISGUISE?? Don't answer that. I am 95% sure of it but still want to find out on my own
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tree-wizard · 1 month ago
I’ve wondered this too. Like it’s just done so well!!
I relate so much to Thorn as someone who is autistic and has had ocd and eating disorders.
I don’t remember one of Ophélie’s sisters being nonverbal tho
Does someone knows if Christelle Dabos is diagnosed with autism?
Cause like, the thing I like the most about the mirror visitor, is how important characters are depicted as disabled, autistic, or having ocd and other things.
Ophélie could be autistic, at least she has dyspraxia
One of her sisters is nonverbal
Victoire has a delay in development due to her power (don't spoil me if it's true or not, it's my theory so far, i'm not even half way book 3)
Other characters as well, but the most important being Thorn. Like. That's so obvious for him, he HAS autism and ocd. As a person being in the process of diagnosis for both autism and ocd, it's so wonderful to see a character like him.
So my question was, does christelle have thoses conditions? Is she just informed on the topic? Was writing such characters intentional or not? No matter what the answer is, it's still so cool having some representation
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tree-wizard · 2 months ago
This was so funny
Learning that Farouk offers empty boxes to Artemis when they were young and realising that the box Thorn offers to her when he came on Anima is obviously empty too
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tree-wizard · 2 months ago
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“I warn you. The words you said to me, I won’t let you go back on them.”
“I love you,” she replied firmly.
a v rough drawing of these too bc they’ve been floating incessantly in my heart
I hope to draw more of them, they deserve so much more 😭
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tree-wizard · 2 months ago
Omg this is great
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tree-wizard · 3 months ago
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Darkwing Duck reboot by Frank Angones and Matt Youngberg
Aside from what I think about the Ducktales reboot as well as the Darkwing Duck reboot, which is a completely separate story, I found leaked Disney projects that talk about the Darkwing Duck reboot. Of course, this is Angones' plan to continue the Ducktales reboot in the form of Darkwing Duck, until Disney gave another man, Seth Rogen, to make a special Darkwing Duck reboot that will not look like this.
These are just the original plans for how Darkwing Duck was supposed to turn out, starring Drake Mallard, Launchpad McQuack and Gosalyn Mallard, and villains like Negaduck (Jim Starling), Quackerjack, Megavolt, Bushroot, Liquidator and Mark Beaks. And there would be Gizmoduck, Honker, Herb and Binkie Muddlefoot. Please enjoy reading and sorry if I disappointed anyone.
Yes, unfortunately for fans of Ducktales 2017, this project was not accepted in the end, so the Darkwing Duck reboot (the question of exactly when) will look very different.
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tree-wizard · 3 months ago
So Thorn had given Ophelia his watch, knowing that she can read it and read his feelings, thoughts etc.? AND he knew, that if she read it, she could realise, that he LOVES her and still he had given her the watch?… I’ m sobbing, he’s very brave, given his lack of experience in love… (Please, God, where to find such person?!)
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tree-wizard · 3 months ago
What’s Thorn and Berenilde’s timeline supposed to be? Like did Thorn know his cousins or did Berenilde’s kids all die before Thorn was around? Did Thorn know Berenilde’s husband?
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tree-wizard · 3 months ago
I bought the mirror visitor books!! I listened to them as audiobooks (the first time I ever listened to a fiction audiobook and I actually enjoyed it much more than I thought I would) and I wanted to have physical copies. They are just so pretty and I wanted to be able to hold them. I also like to flip around in books, esp in ones where there are many things being revealed and there are moments I want to reread.
I went to Barnes and Nobles and looked around the whole store before I found them. Like I didn’t know what section they would be in and checked fiction, romance, fantasy, mystery… ended up being in YA. But for some reason the YA section went through the alphabet twice? Like it went A-Z and then A-Z again. So when I checked the D section I couldn’t find them and was really sad but then I realized they go thru the alphabet again and there they were!!!!!
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I snatched all 4 books hehe
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THEY ARE SO PRETTY. I propped them up and have seen them every time I enter my room and that made me happy.
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I was not aware they had these extra info pages! They are so pretty and useful. I do wish the ark map was more accurate. Like isn’t the Pole the biggest ark? The compass roses don’t seem to match the patch Archibald took either.
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tree-wizard · 5 months ago
Watch this become a Mirror Visitor blog
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tree-wizard · 5 months ago
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i clearly have too much time on my hands
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tree-wizard · 5 months ago
Much to think about scenes in Clairedelune
• Thorn’s sarcasm intensely and rapidly increasing as the book progresses
- “when ms vice storyteller has honered engagements with every inhabitant of the Pole, might she deign to spare me, finally, a little of her time?”
- “Mr. treasurer i was wondering where you were” “here.”
•Christelle Dabos’ comedic timing honestly gold.
• Ophelia tugging on Thorn’s coat sleeve being totally unaware of the immense effect this has on him
• “Would you prefer to hear me say that I would like to be your reason for staying?”
• Ophelia feeling desire for the first time when thorn was checking her injured elbow
• Ophelia confronting Baron — “does that make you feel less like a doll yourself?” UGH QUEEN SHIT
• The last chapters of clairdelune is so climatic like Archibald being ostracized, berenilde begging, thorn verging on suicide, god appearing me realizing that ophelia was *redacted* when I tell u i wasnt breathing during those chapters oh my god
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tree-wizard · 5 months ago
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Just a bunch of (selected) sketches I’ve done in the past year for the Mirror Visitor saga (if you don’t know the story then; yes, it is as it’s pictured. All flowers and coziness. Trust me.) From newest (september) to the very first sketchpages I’ve ever done
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