dawntreader reads at dawn
54 posts
100% SanSan, 0% regrets // dawntreader on AO3// I follow you as mydarlingwhim
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treadthedawn · 6 years ago
GUESS WHO’S BACK!?! I know, I know, I took that story down last year, but hey, nothing like seeing a several beautiful character arcs butchered on the show to bring me back to the fandom. Several people have contacted me this week to tell me how much Cleganebowl reminded them of one of the pivotal points in “In Plain Sight”, a SanSan fanfic I wrote and posted in 2017 (and deleted in 2018): Gregor taking Sandor’s eyes during their final confrontation. Only that my story is set in modern version of Westeros, and my story wasn’t about utter nihilism but instead about growth and finding yourself after trauma.
So, for old and new readers and my own sanity, I’ll repost In Plain Sight and its sequel over the next few weeks. Tell your friends :)
Here’s the summary:
Alayne Stone lives a quiet life in Saltpans, Riverlands, hiding from her dark past. Sandor Clegane is trying to rebuild his life after the loss of his vision at the hands of his brother and the loss of Sansa Stark, the love of his life. One day, their paths cross. But what about the threat of the drug epidemic called "winter"? What about certain people disappearing without a trace?
Can our two heros find love and solve more than one mystery?
If you are in the mood for a fic that is all about people finding love after having suffered horribly at the hands of others, a strong Sandor and Arya friendship, Sansa and Dany working together in a grand finale, Jaime and Brienne happy and in love, a plot with unexpected twists that actually makes sense (or so commenters said the last time around) and lots and lots of SanSan... this fic is for you, too.
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treadthedawn · 6 years ago
Oh, ffs...
As if we needed further proof that DnD don't even know the meaning of the word character growth.
Also, I wrote a "Gregor gouges Sandor's eyes out, and despite that Sandor still manages to live happily ever after" fic, back in 2017, and I'm thoroughly tempted to put it back up on AO3 after last night's... whatever that was.
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treadthedawn · 7 years ago
Hey, everyone!
Yes, I took down my modern!AU stuff, and I have no plans of re-uploading. I started writing original fiction, and there are a couple of things (e.g. the plot twist in In Plain Sight, the 'let's renovate a house together' idea behind A Hint of Lemons and Fate) I want to use in my original stuff.
I'm currently 50 pages into a re-write of In Plain Sight, which at this point has deviated so much from the fanfic version (who would have guessed that a story changes when you switch out the protagonists for ocs??) ... but it's still essentially self-plagiarization because several core plot elements are recognizable, even if characters, locations, red herring side plots and themes have changed. Once I realized that, I no longer felt comfortable having the fanfic versions on AO3. And to be honest, I also thought people wouldn't miss them? I know how much it sucks when a favorite story disappears, but the SanSan tag on AO3 is stuffed with amazing stories and über-talented writers (#bestfandomever) with so much goodness to choose from!
"Steps", my only canon era fic and in my opinion my best fanwork, is still up on AO3 and will stay there.
Love you all,
Hi! I've seen that the fic 'A hint of lemon and fate' by dawntreader is not longer available on AO3; same as 'In plain sight' and 'In the blink of an eye'. Someone knows why she deleted them? Those were such wonderful stories! Thanks!
I’m sorry but I don’t know why she deleted them. Maybe another sansan fan knows.
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treadthedawn · 7 years ago
I'm so excited about the hockey one, so so excited!!
Sunday Six
Back! Better than ever! Still very in love with this couple. Read new stuff, up on Ao3!
WIP - Hockey/Dance AU
Sansa was just starting to relax and enjoy herself in the evening, thinking about finding somewhere to sit and rest her feet, when she turned around and ran smack into what was an immovable wall of muscle. She stumbled back, already spluttering her apologies, when the wall growled and a hand shot out to her waist, keeping her upright.
“Girl,” The voice was a deep rumble and Sansa, breathless, looked up into grey eyes. “Easy.”
“I am so sorry sir.” She apologized quickly, righting herself. “I wasn’t paying attention, it was all my fault, I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to, I am so sor—”
“Quit chirping.” He grumbled and she fell silent instantly. After a moment, he seemed to remember himself and his hand dropped from her waist. Sansa took a deep breath and tried to gather her senses. This could only be one man.
Sandor Clegane, the boys hockey assistant coach. Sansa knew a little about him, from the few hockey boys she’d befriended. He had played out west for a couple years, and he’d won a Stanley Cup. He was a massive defenseman, the last of the enforcers. The most distinctive thing about him was the scars that covered one side of his face. She’d seen him a few times in passing, conditioning with the boys or at functions like these.
“Sorry.” She said again, before she could help herself. His grey gaze, intense and angry, flicked down to her and his frown tightened. She broke eye contact with him, least he think she was staring at his scars. She went to step around him, before spotting the one person she was actively trying hard to avoid and hissed out her breath, darting back behind Clegane.
Gone North, To Die
Jon had to shout down who Sandor thought was maybe a Karstark. He watched as Yves Crewen bellowed until he was red in the face about the insults Starks threw at them on one night. Arya laid her dagger on the table when a lord came too close, shouting about loyalty and honor. Jon, Dany, Sansa, and even Brienne had to deal with, in turn, the accusations, the anger, and the betrayals.
It took hours and Sandor was impatient and tired. He wanted his bed, and he wanted Sansa in it. He wanted peace, but he stayed her at her side, as her intended, unhappily seeing this through. A few times Sansa’s hand squeezed his knee, an unspoken thank you for his being there. And finally, after what seemed like endless insults and more challenges to duels then he’d ever heard in his life, it was sorted.
The north would have Jon Snow—he grinned to think about their reactions when they heard his true parentage—as their king and Dany as their queen through the war. If they lived, Jon informed them they could argue it then. Phrased that way, most of the men quietly agreed to see how it played out. Still, it was deep into the night when the hall finally emptied of men and left them.
“Seven fucking hells.” Sansa swore, resting her head in her hands tiredly and Jon turned to look at her in astonishment while Arya smiled and Sandor chuckled. “I thought they would never, ever, shut up.”
“I take back my approval.” Jon muttered, staring at Sansa. “He’s clearly had a bad influence on polite, courteous Sansa.”
“It’s as much his as everyone else’s.” Sansa remarked, yawning and rising. Dany looked mildly dismayed at the breach of protocol and that made Sandor smile even more. “I’m off to bed. I get married tomorrow, and I intend to sleep in. Jon, don’t wake me. Think you can run things for a morning?”
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treadthedawn · 7 years ago
I love you, @maxbetta Thanks for the laugh!!
Need help finding a Sansan fic
Does anyone remember the title or author of the modern AU Sansan fic where Sansa and Sandor are at the Stark home for Christmas and Arya catches them banging in the laundry room during Christmas dinner and instead of walking away she keeps watching. Then she joins in and they have this big laundry room threesome and she’s seductively feeding Sandor Tide pods and they use fabric softener for lube and then there’s a questionable act involving a broomstick and Sandor sitting on the washing machine during the spin cycle. Ring a bell for anyone? Good god I hope not because I just made it up…thought you all could use a laugh, it being Monday and all.
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treadthedawn · 7 years ago
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Modern Sansa
by Anna Melnikova
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treadthedawn · 7 years ago
@hardlyfatal is the bestest.
I think I found the historical inspiration for our pal Sandor.
So, in the course of my weekend, I was reading up on King Richard III and how he was dug up out of a parking lot (as one does) when I found Sandor.
We all know that GRRM was inspired heavily by real-life events in history, primarily that of England. Well, I think I found the man who was the basis for Sandor Clegane: Sir John Cheyne.
- He was a younger son of minor nobility.
- He was the personal attendant of the queen before receiving an even more prestigious post.
- He was a member of the king’s personal guard.
- He switched sides from one faction to the other during a war (in which the two young sons of the dead king were declared illegitimate and usurped by their uncle).
- He had a nickname denoting his exceptional skills at battle, and was a noted jouster and swordsman
- He’s estimated to have been about 6′8″ tall.
- His device is black and gold and features 3 of an animal… which one? Well, see for yourself:
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treadthedawn · 7 years ago
“When you’re old enough, I will make you a match with a high lord who’s worthy of you, someone brave and gentle and strong” (AGOT, Eddard Stark)
““I … I should have come to you after,” she said haltingly. “To thank you, for … for saving me … you were so brave.”” (ACOK)
““Do as you’re bid, child,” Clegane said. “Dress.” He pushed her toward her wardrobe, almost gently.”” (AGOT)
“The Hound gave her a push, oddly gentle, and followed her down the steps” (ACOK)
“The Hound pulled her to her feet, not ungently.” (ACOK)
““Here, girl.” Sandor Clegane knelt before her, between her and Joffrey. With a delicacy surprising in such a big man, he dabbed at the blood welling from her broken lip.” (AGOT)
“Strong hands grasped her by the shoulders, and for a moment Sansa thought it was her father, but when she turned, it was the burned face of Sandor Clegane looking down at her, his mouth twisted in a terrible mockery of a smile.” (AGOT)
“Of late Ser Osmund had taken Sandor Clegane’s place by Joffrey’s side, and Sansa had heard the women at the washing well saying he was as strong as the Hound, only younger and faster” (ACOK)
“A stab went through her, so sharp that Sansa sobbed and clutched at her belly.She might have fallen, but a shadow moved suddenly, and strong fingers grabbed her arm and steadied her.” (ACOK)
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treadthedawn · 7 years ago
I second @hardlyfatal. What a great fic, holy crap.
Y’all bitches need to be reading this story, because it is fantastic.
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treadthedawn · 7 years ago
Alternate Songs: Round 2 Schedule
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ALTERNATE SONGS is an art/fic exchange for the ASOIAF/GOT fandoms focused on Alternate Universes. GOT and ASOIAF are being treated as separate fandoms.
The exchange is hosted on AO3 (requiring an AO3 account) and will be running a little earlier this year than last.
Schedule: Nominations: Feb 1-11 Signups: Feb 15-25 Assignments Sent: Feb 27ish Assignments Due: Apr 15 Work Reveals: Apr 22 Creator Reveals: Apr 29 Links: Alternate Songs on Dreamwidth Alternate Songs on Tumblr Alternate Songs on AO3
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treadthedawn · 7 years ago
Epistolary SanSan is the best SanSan. It is known.
“You’re blocking traffic, girl,” said a gravelly voice. “Got nothing better to do than flirt?”
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treadthedawn · 7 years ago
My entry for the Sansan Russian Roulette 2018.
Prompt: “Canon era, set in King’s Landing. Sandor wants to teach Sansa how to defend herself. The secret lessons don’t go as planned.”
I was prompted @tame-a-vagrant-lion and came up with a pure book!canon fic <3. I hope you’ll enjoy it!
(@maroucia​, @a-muscaria, and @aegenka, aka my book!canon lovers, I hope you like it, too!)
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treadthedawn · 7 years ago
Sweet Nothings
For the SanSan Russian roulette
(daisies-cats-and-spacemen) Prompt:  it’s morning and Sandor wakes up to find out he drunkenly poured his heart out to Sansa via texts the whole night through (he also included drawings)
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treadthedawn · 7 years ago
The second chapter! “THE SMITH: Building a Life”
Little Tyrion of Tarth - Tifflewiffle to his adoring parents, Ty to the rest of the world - is three weeks old when Sansa and Sandor drive up to Riverrun to visit for the first time. Brienne’s voice brims with pride, her movements are as fluid as ever, but Sandor can tell how tired she is, almost nodding off while Sansa happily coos and rocks the baby. Jamie hovers. A lot.
And smiths do make rings. Just saying...
(Read In Plain Sight first, if you haven’t yet!)
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treadthedawn · 7 years ago
"his hopes and his dreams and his eyelashes."😭😭😭😭😭😭
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Sandor Clegane, Past & Present. Art by Me. 
Sing me a song, why don’t you? Go on. Sing to me. Some song about knights and fair maids. You like knights, don’t you? - Sandor Clegane, ACOK
When I need a good cry, I think about tiny Sandor and his hopes and his dreams and his eyelashes. 
Please do not repost my work. Reblogs are welcome. Thank you.
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treadthedawn · 7 years ago
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Made this to recap my basic armour-parts knowledge. And as an excuse to stare at pron.
I learned that the famously dented piece of armour of his is a spaulder, not a pauldron. (Pauldron would cover the armpit and larger part of the shoulder in the front and back.)
Also, he has a katar here, which seems to be a great weapon for people who literally like to get their hands dirty and bathe their knuckles in blood and gore when killing someone.
((I don’t understand why he doesn’t wear better armour, though (a plate gorget and a breastplate would be nice, for example. And a helmet.).))
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treadthedawn · 7 years ago
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second chances
I get up, try my luck, it starts to call on me Never sure how it feels, so let it rain on me 
edit: I can’t figure out which version works better for me, so I’m posting both.
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