One golden glance of what should be
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My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies
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treadthatfineline · 2 months ago
I didn’t want to ramble on this post too much, so I decided to make my own based on something mentioned there. People often cite Freddie dryly saying in an interview that he and Brian would fight like kids as soon as they got into a room together as “proof” that they hated each other, which is wrong for obvious reasons, and Freddie was pretty notoriously sarcastic in interviews so you don’t even know how serious he was being, but Brian did mention in an interview in 1986 that he would call up Freddie to resolve arguments like, “Look, this is stupid” because he felt like it was game over for the band if they didn’t make up.
Contrast this with Brian openly saying for decades that he fought the most with Roger in the band, and Roger backing this up in his own interviews. They’re upfront on disagreeing on most things and their relationship being full of ups and downs, with quite a lot of downs over the years. They readily admit to fighting the most, and yet people don’t use this as “proof” that they’ve hated and resented each other for years. I’ll digress on that point for now, but the difference between how Brian seems to have viewed his arguments with Roger and Freddie is interesting and, to me, representative of the differences in his friendships with each.
With Roger, Brian has more or less been like, “Yeah, we’ve fought over everything because that’s what brothers do, I guess”, and he’s called Roger his brother many, many times. Brian has called Freddie his brother once or twice, but not nearly as much as Roger, and I think that’s because their dynamic was less traditionally brotherly in the studio; they were the original songwriters of the band, the duo within the quartet with their white/black theme, the only ones who we have proof of writing songs for each other as emotional support. I think Brian probably fought less with Freddie than Roger, but their arguments were a lot harder to brush off because their dynamic was fundamentally different. Brian and Freddie seemed to have connected in the studio and through songwriting a lot (”Save Me”, “The Show Must Go On”, “Soul Brother”, the writing process of “It’s a Hard Life”, and that’s what we know of), and I really do think they were a unit within the larger band, a musical partnership that was the foundation of Queen’s early albums in particular, honestly. When asked what Queen meant to him, Brian’s immediate response was once, “A White Queen and a Black Queen.” It seems like he viewed his specific dynamic with Freddie as not only separate from the others, but pivotal to the existence of Queen and what the band meant.
And this is why Brian felt like they had to make up or else the band would break, because they weren’t just brothers getting on each other’s nerves in the studio, they were the White Queen and Black Queen who needed to be on the same wavelength, or else the house of cards would crumble. They weren’t just bickering brothers, they were each other’s first dedicated fans who pushed each other because they knew they could be great. It began with Freddie excitedly insisting to Brian in his parents’ house that they should be a band, and ended with Brian writing out lyrics for what he thought Freddie was feeling during “The Show Must Go On” and “Mother Love.”
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treadthatfineline · 2 months ago
My Favorite Chaotic Queen Moments Part 4
Penguin: *poops all over couch* Freddie: Roger, what did you do!!!
Roger: *flexes his vocal range* Freddie: I hate you, b*tch
Roger shaving one leg for the IWTBF video and then giving up in exasperation 
Band makes a song almost entirely devoid of instruments. It ends up being one of the most iconic songs ever
John throwing peanuts in Brian’s hair during his guitar solos
Freddie getting angry and spontaneously firing everyone in his vicinity in Garden Lodge, only to be reminded that he cannot, in fact, fire his partner, and then laughing and promptly reinstating everyone
That one time Roger and Crystal were in a bar, and when asked what they did for a living they said they were vacuum salesmen (to maintain anonymity I think). Except the guy then asked follow up questions and they found themselves having to make up shit about vacuums for like half an hour
Roger driving down a mountain in a blizzard while hanging out the window to clear snow off with his hand because the windshield wipers broke
Roger and John competing against each other in a car race (allegedly John beat him)
Freddie writing Crazy Little Thing Called Love in a bathtub 
John going out to buy a shirt and coming back with a beer (😭)
Hot Space taking so long to record that their producer’s (Mack’s) pregnant wife told them that if she has her baby and they’re STILL not done, they all had to be godfathers. They said one baby having four godfathers was ridiculous. She had the baby before Hot Space was done. Freddie and John ended up the godfathers and she named the baby John Frederick, aka “Little Freddie” (as opposed to FM, who was “Big Freddie”)
Rosemary Pearson and Freddie having an emotional breakup and Roger proceeding to run after her to ask her out. Read the room bro
Brian being stopped at HIS OWN BAND’S CONCERT because his backstage pass wasn’t visible (💀)
That one time Freddie and Jim were sitting together, and this lady came up and started flirting with Freddie, asked if he had a wife and Freddie proceeded to put his hand on Jim’s knee and say “yes, this is the wife” 
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treadthatfineline · 2 months ago
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treadthatfineline · 2 months ago
Thinking about how Brian sent a birthday message to Freddie that said that started with, "You there? Everything's okay," and how it implies that Brian has talked to Freddie when he wasn't okay...
Oh, it makes me so unwell.
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treadthatfineline · 3 months ago
"Here's a new drinking game! Take a shot every time Brian mentions how shy Freddie was in the early days."
"But we can't do that."
"Why not?"
"We'd die."
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treadthatfineline · 3 months ago
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Why do they keep accidentally making him look like the coolest person alive don’t they want us to hate him
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treadthatfineline · 3 months ago
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Top Gun Silliness
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treadthatfineline · 4 months ago
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treadthatfineline · 4 months ago
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treadthatfineline · 4 months ago
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treadthatfineline · 4 months ago
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Eyes on the road, Logie Bear!
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treadthatfineline · 4 months ago
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That's my job.
— Freddie Mercury
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treadthatfineline · 4 months ago
33 years ago on this day, you became immortal and wrote your name among the stars, where it'll shine forever. We'll never forget you! ❤️
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treadthatfineline · 4 months ago
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Somebody To Love (1976)
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treadthatfineline · 4 months ago
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Beautiful photo, too 🤩
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treadthatfineline · 4 months ago
I can't read, draw, or watch movies. Not that I can't, but I shouldn't, because I had laser correction surgery a week ago and I shouldn't strain my eyes with the mediocre activities that give meaning to my existence. I'm bored out of my mind.
Here's a drawing from before. I'm following Cloud in Fahlo and decided to draw the random bear they showed in the update
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treadthatfineline · 4 months ago
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You refuse to sacrifice the ones you hold close
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