treacherousglaive · 3 years
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oh look whos back.
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treacherousglaive · 7 years
The glaive recieves a large cash bonus along with a gift of serval expensive cuts of meat.
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—❝....❞Doesn’t trust said gift, seeing the bonus as a bribe and the meat most likely poisoned.
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treacherousglaive · 7 years
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“Right. I’m sure it was a bit chaotic. Don’t worry about it right now. Let’s get you somewhere safe first. I’m surprised you made it this far with all those wounds..”
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—❝Safe would be good, I haven’t slept in a few days.❞ Luche began, though the moment Gladio mentioned his burns. The former glaive tensed, while sapphire optics shifted to look at his own arm. ❝I can only explain me being alive as Divine intervention, I must be blessed by the Astrals.❞ He commented, before finally meeting Gladio’s gaze once more. ❝Least one of them, though safety and a change of clothes might be nice.❞
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treacherousglaive · 7 years
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“Truly no one could ever dream of knocking you off that throne, Luche. Nor would they want to.” He laughed and shook his head. “Drautos is more fun than you.”
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—❝Okay now, you really did wound me with that one. We both know, Drautos doesn't have many funny moments. And if he did, he wouldn’t be wasting them on us. Besides, I’m far more amusing then him, especially when I’m not aiming it at you.❞ Luche replied, shaking is head a moment later.Only to take a seat, while passing the other a drink.
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treacherousglaive · 7 years
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“One can only hope. Maybe you can tell us what actually happened.”
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—❝I suppose I can tell you what I remember, but I’m sorry to say I only remember bits and pieces.❞
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treacherousglaive · 7 years
tiiamate replied to your post: Do you really believe anyone can trust you anymore...
u tell them son
i will mama snek I will.
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treacherousglaive · 7 years
cont from here.
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—❝I am, well was I guess. I’m sure there are more out, there has to be....❞
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treacherousglaive · 7 years
Do you really believe anyone can trust you anymore for the rest of your life, Luche? Let’s face it. You betrayed everyone and everything for power… and even if people don’t know, you give off that dark vibe. You can try all you want, it will never go away.
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—❝Oh? Are you some kind of fortune teller? Can you see the future? Maybe that’s why you’re too scared to show your face. Whatever the reason, your words mean nothing to me/ How could they, when you cant even speak without hiding your face.❞
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treacherousglaive · 7 years
cont. from here.
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—❝Aww, you wound me Nyx. Truly you do, I don’t think I’ll recover.❞ He snipped, though there was no hostility in his tone.❝You know you’d be bored without me, no one is as much of a buzzkill as I am.❞
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treacherousglaive · 7 years
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“Not a very nice welcome for a big hero.”
est. jul 2016.
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treacherousglaive · 7 years
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Libertus is back and he is grumpy – aka this is a new Libertus Ostium RP Blog from Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV and I’d really appreciate it if you reblogged and // or liked this post if you’re interested in interacting!! Thanks youu–
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treacherousglaive · 7 years
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treacherousglaive · 7 years
“Up in the fresh air”
Send “Up in the fresh air” for my muse to find yours sitting up on the roof.
Send “What are you doing up there?” for my muse to be the one on the roof.
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—He had kept his distance from her for a time, finding ways to remain busy. Be it mercenary work or hunter work. But, like the old saying went, time had healed his wounded heart. And now as he returned to the town once again, he glanced up to see Selena sitting alone upon her roof. She was staring up at the moon, most likely lost in thought. Which of course, caused the male to grow a wicked little grin. With stealth and agility, Luche made his way upon on top of her roof. Only to crouch down next to here, before speaking in his normal tone.  
❝I thought I taught you to be more aware of your surroundings.❞ 
He commented, while remaining coursed next to her. He wore semi baggy pants with matching black combat boots, his shirt was a bit thin, along with having only one long sleeve and side sleeveless. 
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treacherousglaive · 7 years
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“In your dreams, Lazarus.”
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— ❝Hmm, possible. I’ll let you know tomorrow, Crowe.❞
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treacherousglaive · 7 years
@treacherousglaive replied to your post:
 I read that as tit tuna, im ashamed of myself
Luche please …
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treacherousglaive · 7 years
spineshattered replied to your post: ❖ + *birb voice* lemme smash
yes fallin 4 u
omg woman behave
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treacherousglaive · 7 years
Regis ruffles his hair.
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— ❝With all due respect, your majesty. I’m not some child that needs coddling nor a pet that needs praising.❞
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