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travelingpari-blog ยท 7 years ago
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Allen Lambert Galleria at Brookfield place, Toronto. Since it was Sunday, this office building was relatively less crowded and we could capture this image. . . . #brookfieldplace #Torontodowntown #toronto #canadalife #canada #architecture #amazingarchitecture #dametraveler (at Brookfield Place)
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travelingpari-blog ยท 7 years ago
Check out my revamped travel blog! What do you think of the new design?ย  I would love to hear some feedback!
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travelingpari-blog ยท 7 years ago
Canoeing on Oxtongue lake near Algonquin Provincial park. It's only 2 hrs away from the hustle bustle of Toronto city. I wish I could buy a cottage there and canoe every day of the summer. For now, a week away to this beautiful place in a rented cottage will have to suffice ๐Ÿ˜Š. . . . #oxtongue #oxtonguelake #canadarocks #canadalife #canada #Toronto #torontodaytrip #trip #canoe #canoeing #algonquinpark #algonquin #travel #nature #lakes #lake #canoelake #landscape #travelblogger #travelingpari #travelingislife #globelletravels #globetrotter (at Oxtongue Lake)
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travelingpari-blog ยท 7 years ago
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Throw back photo to a whale watching tour in Baie-Sainte-Catherine. Here I am waiting to board the boat that would take me into the Atlantic ocean. . . To get to the town of Baie-Sainte-Catherine, you can catch a bus from Quebec City. It's an all day tour with a 3-hour cruise to watch Belugas, Minkie, Blue whales and seals. Dress warmly as it can get very chilly on the ocean. I wasn't and I regretted it. We didn't get to watch Blue whales but got to see some amazing Minkies that resemble dolphins, seals and some glimpses of Beluga. It was a fantastic experience and I plan to do it again sometime. I will also post a video of the whales we spotted as a instastory. Check it out! . . . #baiesaintcatherine #whalewatching #whale #quebeccity #quebec #canadalife #canada #travel #travels #travelblogging #travelblogger #adventure #adventurer #instraveling (at Baie-Sainte-Catherine, Quebec)
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travelingpari-blog ยท 7 years ago
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Humans of Cuba #4 : Musicians on the streets of Old Havana. I love their style : red scarves, sunglasses and hat! ๐Ÿ˜Ž . . . #Havana #havana #cuba #music #muscian #musician #musicians #buskers #busking #streetmusic #travelblog #travel #travels #travelingpari (at Havana, Cuba)
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travelingpari-blog ยท 7 years ago
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Humans of Cuba #3: Flower Girls. You can find women dressed up in colorful Caribbean attire with baskets of artificial flowers on the streets of old Havana. These women are known as Flower Girls. They are street buskers of Havana; they will pose with you or for you for a dollar. Looking at how well the picture turned out, I say dollar well spent! . . . #cuba #havana #busking #streetart #flowergirls #flowergirl #buskers #sheisnotlost #passportready #travel #travelstroke #travels #travelunites #travelblog #travelblogger #travelblogging #instatraveling #travelingpari #travelblogging #visualsoflife #visualambassadors #instavacation #instago #girlslovetravel #girlstravel #globelletravels #globetrotter #humaninterestphotography #wanderlust (at Havana, Cuba)
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travelingpari-blog ยท 7 years ago
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Humans of Cuba: Why is that when you visit a foreign country even scenes from everyday life seem so interesting? . . . #cuba #everydaylife #everydaybeauty #everyday #havana #humaninterest #humaninterestphotography #humansofcuba #human #travelblog #travel #travelstroke #travels #traveler #travelblogger #visualambassadors #visiting #visualsoflife #passportready #travelingpari #instago #instagood #globelletravels #girlslovetravel #girlswhotravel #instatravel #instraveling (at Havana, Cuba)
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travelingpari-blog ยท 7 years ago
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Continuing my Humans of Cuba series. I just love this picture of a father and son (assuming) on a boat. What do you think? Do you like it? . . . #cuba #havana #fishing #boat #humaninterestphotography #humansofcuba #human #guysfishingtrip #travelblog #travel #travelblogger #travelblogging #visualambassadors #visualsoflife #visiting #passportready #instraveling #instavacation #instago #instagram #instagood #photography #wanderlust #wandering #wander #travelingpari #varadero #cubalife (at Havana, Cuba)
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travelingpari-blog ยท 7 years ago
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A view of Arc de Triomphe from the top of the Eiffel Tower. Can you spot it? . . . #arcdetriomphe #eiffeltower #eiffel #topofeiffeltower #paris #passportready #iamatraveler #visiting #visualambassadors #travelstroke #travelingpari #travel #travels #traveling #travelunites #travelblog #travelblogging #travelblogger #travelunites #traveler #wandering #wanderlust #instatravel #instraveling #landmark #landmarks #instago #Europe (at Arc de Triomphe)
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travelingpari-blog ยท 7 years ago
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He sells sea shells by the sea shore ๐Ÿ˜. When I was in Varadero, I met a local man who was selling two of these sea shells on the beach for 10 CUC (about 12 Canadian dollar) each. I chatted with him for a while and he asked me if I had any soaps or shampoos from Canada that I could give him for free. Apparently Canadians who visit Cuba often take gifts for the locals (usually toiletries) because of the economic conditions over there. Since this was my first time in Varadero I hadn't got any gifts as I was unaware of this practice. I spotted him everyday on the beach and he always said hi when he saw me. By the end of my trip he had managed to sell one of the shells. . . . #cuba #varadero #beach #beautifulcities #cubabeach #seashells #travel #travels #travelblog #travelblogging #travelblogger #travelust #wanderlust #wandering #wanderer #iamatraveler #passportready #instago #instatop #instagood #instatop #instatravel #instagram #travelingpari #girlslovetravel #girlswhotravel #globelletravels #globetrotter (at Varadero, Cuba)
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travelingpari-blog ยท 7 years ago
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This is a photo I took of Canmore in the summer. My husband and I stayed at a motel in Canmore as all the hotels in Banff were fully booked. At first glance it appears that there is nothing to do here... However, during my stay I discovered this small town has a charm of it's own. Since it is not crowded by tourists, specially during the weekdays, you can enjoy the beauty of the Rockies by yourself undisturbed. I can still recall a peaceful morning I spent on a bench by the Police creek overlooking the three sister peaks disturbed by nothing but chirps of birds and quaking sounds of ducks. This has become the happy place in my mind that I escape to when I am stressed or sad. . . . #canmore #canadalife #canada #alberta #albertacanada #travel #travelblog #passportready #traveler #travelunites #travelingpari #traveller #travelersnotebook #travelblogger #ilovetravel #ilovecanada #iamatraveler #visualambassadors #wonderful_places #dametraveler #instatravelling #ourmoodydays #passportready #visiting #instatravel #instagood #wanderlust #instagram (at Canmore, Alberta)
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travelingpari-blog ยท 7 years ago
Happy New Year Everyone. I wish you loads of love and happiness this year. . . . #happynewyear #happynewyear2018๐ŸŽ… #happynewyears #happynewyearseve #newyear #newyearseve #newyeareve #traveller #travel #travelstroke #travelstoke #travelblogger #travelblog #traveler #travelust #wanderlust #wandering #wander #wanderer #instatop #instatravel #instavacation #instagood #happy #2018 #travelingpari (at Quebec City, Canada)
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travelingpari-blog ยท 7 years ago
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Bye bye 2017! For me it's been an interesting year full of new beginnings, some mistakes and many happy moments... Here is my best and worst of 2017: Best of 2017: Decision to quit an undesirable job to become a travel blogger Worst of 2017: Too many to count ๐Ÿคฃ. Most recent ones are..Spending a lot on unnecessary Black Friday and Boxing Day deals, Eating a lot of unhealthy food on a recent trip.. How was your 2017? What was your best and worst of 2017? . . . #byebye2017๐Ÿ‘‹ #bye2017 #bye #travel #travels #traveller #travelblog #travelblogging #travelblogger #traveler #travelingpari #traveling #traveldiary #travelust #wandering #wanderlust #wander #wanderer #instatraveling #instatop #instatravel #instagood #instago #girlslovetravel #travelstoke #girlswhotravel #happynewyear #best2017 #worst2017 (at Toronto, Ontario)
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travelingpari-blog ยท 7 years ago
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Here's wishing you and your family a Happy New Year 2018! ๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿฝ May your year be filled with joy, love and laughter! . . . #happynewyear #happynewyear2018 #happynewyear2018๐ŸŽ… #newyear #2018 #byebye2017๐Ÿ‘‹ #travel #travelstroke #travelstoke #havana #flowergirl #flowergirls #cuba #Cuba #traveller #travelblog #travelingpari #travelphotography #photography #photo #colorfulphotography #traveling #instagram #instatravel #instatop #girlslovetravel #girlstravel #girlswhotravel #globelletravels (at Havana, Cuba)
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travelingpari-blog ยท 7 years ago
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These cocotaxis are a common sight in Cuba. These rickshaw-like vehicles are called cocotaxis because they resemble half a coconut ๐Ÿ˜ƒ. I think they look very cute. What do you think? Do you like them? Comment below. . . . #cuba #Cuba #cocotaxi #coconut #havana #varadero #travel #traveller #traveler #travelersnotebook #travelblog #travelblogger #travelust #travels #travelingpari #traveling #travelphotography #travelust #sunholiday #wanderer #wanderlust #trip #instago #instagood #instagram #instatravel #instatraveling (at Havana, Cuba)
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travelingpari-blog ยท 7 years ago
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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone. Have a great time with your friends and family ๐ŸŽ„โœจโœจโœจ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ . . . #Christmas #christmastree #christmasdecorations #christmaseve #christmastime #christmaseve2017 #christmasparty #christmas #christmasday #christmas2017 #travel #traveler #happyholidays #holiday #holidays #travelblog #traveller #traveler #travelingpari #traveling #travels #instago #christmascheer #instatravel (at Toronto, Ontario)
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travelingpari-blog ยท 7 years ago
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I had a great time exploring Bellamar caves with a local guide in Matanzas, Cuba. Local legend says that an American woman stepped into the tunnel, that I am looking at in this pic, and disappeard forever. The guide joked that he led his wife into the tunnel in hopes that she would disappear too but it didn't work ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ #Cuba #BellamarCaves #matanzas #bellamar #cuba #cave #caves #travel #travelblog #traveller #travels #travellersnotebook #travelingpari #travelblogging #travelblogger #traveler #travelust #wanderlust #wandering #wander #island #instavacation #instago #instatravel #instagood #instavacation #phtography #photography #photo #photographylife (at Matanzas, Cuba)
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