for some reason, I've gotten a few more 5*, but they only come when I internally say "please Starclan". ...okay then.
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quite unfair.
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*comes back to civilization after school retreat* *on the bus back* oh boy I can't wait to play soccer spirits again and get my bonus! "a new version has been released!" *internally screams*
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Ah, I definitely need to make it longer... If it's like that, then I definitely need to make it more extensive and try to avoid ties. I just added a question that should hopefully be a real tiebreaker. Mobile doesn't cooperate with me. D;
A WIP Gatekeeper Quiz.
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You are meant to be a secret Bara- Anyway, did it say how many answers towards each GK you get? The old server kinda allowed it but not anymore... If you still remember your answers I can see what made you a Littre or pulled you away from everyone else.
A WIP Gatekeeper Quiz.
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A WIP Gatekeeper Quiz.
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4 y/o bro: *sees a soccer field* soccer spirits.
Me: *gasp*
bro: soccer spirits!
Do it again.
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I made a "what gatekeeper are you" quiz, but I only have three questions, halp.
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How did they get here? To this point where someone like Malcolm, obnoxious and outspoken, barely spoke above a whisper.
Malcolm's low mumbling made it slightly difficult to understand.
'Oh, so 'Kardrad' is how you say it...'
"I've never heard of Kadrad, let alone the Knights of Kardrad."
'But it sounds intriguing. I guess I really haven't stuck head around enough.' He thought as he stared at Malcolm intently, waiting for him to speak.
Perhaps after the League, he could pack up his bags again and get to know every territory he could, in case if he were to fight for them. Instead of constantly training to kick balls and people down.
Hesitant to answer, Jess admitted softly, “No. Not at all.”
But regardless of how much Malcolm knew, Jess’s hopes wouldn’t be dashed. At least, not until he truly witnessed the gore himself.
“You asked for a story and I gave you a story.”
Who did Malcolm mean by… They? Well, it didn’t matter since they wouldn’t know each other soon enough on anywhere but the battlefield.
“If you insist that you can, then do it. Make something better.”
‘You look like you’re falling apart.’
A single thought came to his mind, something one of his team members mentioned to him that was especially relevant now.
“The Galaxy League is a war in itself that everyone here seeks. Isn’t it?”
‘You’re doing it too. Chasing after it.’
He nodded as he spoke, fully sure of his point.
“It’s even worse than a regular battle.”
‘Everyone charges at each other and fights ruthlessly, like barbarians, over and over again, as if no one’s going to sustain any damage afterwards.’
[Teeth gritting, a critical, burning stare went to the man.]
[He doesn’t even know what he’s talking about, and he makes a story about it!]
“The league is different!”
[Expression pulled in a grimace Malcolm’s arms crossed as his voice suddenly sunk into nothing more than a furious mutter.]
“If you’ve never even been in a war then don’t pretend you know what’s it like.” 
[The soft edge of his voice exposed a buried sorrow, Malcolm’s eyes sliding off the man and onto dirt, his mind fleeing with his focus.]
[Gunshots popped and startled his heart, invisible cannon blasts flashing with each blink that rushed his blood through his veins.]
[Corpses- stiff cadaver that melted into the gray ash and dyed it black, the nauseating smell of death constantly surrounding the scene to make his head spin.]
[Face pale, Malcolm sucked in a breath of stale air before choking it down with memories.]
[’A better story.’]
[This wasn’t better.]
[It was worse, so much worse, but it was real.]
[No stupid lies about gold and glory and people coming home to families.]
[No sickening falsities that would send any veteran into a rampant fit.]
[Malcolm’s head silently shook.] 
[Nobody looks for war.]
[With a bite of his lip, teeth tearing off a spot of skin as he began to spoke, Malcolm’s voice had finally lowered into a barely comprehensible mumble.]
“Have you ever heard of Kadrad?”
[A swift glance shot through the man before Malcolm slid his view away once more.]
[Kadrad is small as is, and you don’t look like someone who would know about it.]
[Tch, who am I kidding?]
[Nobody ever knows about Kadrad.]
“The Knights of Kadrad, that is.”
[Crouching, a finger sliding through dirt, Malcolm’s head lowered to hide his expression as he waited for an answer.]
[I’ll give you a real war.]
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Time to write a what if the moron actually went to a war scenario for no reason whatsoever.
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Hesitant to answer, Jess admitted softly, “No. Not at all.”
But regardless of how much Malcolm knew, Jess’s hopes wouldn’t be dashed. At least, not until he truly witnessed the gore himself.
“You asked for a story and I gave you a story.”
Who did Malcolm mean by… They? Well, it didn’t matter since they wouldn’t know each other soon enough on anywhere but the battlefield.
“If you insist that you can, then do it. Make something better.”
‘You look like you’re falling apart.’
A single thought came to his mind, something one of his team members mentioned to him that was especially relevant now.
“The Galaxy League is a war in itself that everyone here seeks. Isn’t it?”
'You’re doing it too. Chasing after it.’
He nodded as he spoke, fully sure of his point.
“It’s even worse than a regular battle.”
'Everyone charges at each other and fights ruthlessly, like barbarians, over and over again, as if no one’s going to sustain any damage afterwards.’
“Well. I know that having a crown doesn’t instantly make you a king.”
Why did he have to tell him a story? Of all people? What did he want? A bedtime story? A fairy tale? A feel-good story?
…Perhaps his own story? In third person, hopefully, Malcolm wouldn’t poke holes in it.
“I’ll tell you a story, but it’ll cost you. Surely, you won’t mind since winning the League will give you everything and- You’re so sure of winning, right?”
He took a breath before telling the story from as far a perspective as he could.
“Once there was a child. A child of average standing, too young to live independent, but old enough to understand enough of the world. He had been born at just the right and worst time. The land’s people had been enthralled in a war, but he couldn’t take a part in it.”
To be rather honest with himself, he didn’t even remember exactly what those battles fought over.
“Some died, and they were mourned. But enough came home. The survivors came with glory, gold, pride, and everything that w- they ever needed. What they brought back was worth more than whatever those deceased could ever bring working their entire lives for. Might I say, the result was… Glorious to the child. The child watched the precedent and the antecedent of the war, and truly, nothing could compare.”
His face faded into a dreamy smile.
“The child wanted to be a part of that glory. However, there would be no war during his days and in the land. So he left to find a war to sate his desires and traveled far and wide, not to find a single one. Weary of the lack, he decided to do what he needed in the days to come until then. He certainly couldn’t give up. Not entirely.”
Darkening, Jess frowned in disappointment at a bitter memory.
“The last person he knew to give up was useless. The coward had no confidence, no strength, and eventually no worth. It made sense that he died. So he agreed to be everything that the coward wasn’t.”
He shook his head and muttered lowly under his breath, “Even if we share blood, there’s no way I’ll be anything like him. I won’t give way and lose my chance of the glory like only a fool would…”
“Do you have a better one…?”
He didn’t even know the decorated shorty’s name.
[Malcolm’s grin had faded, eyes glazed and brow furrowed.]
[Hot breaths welled in his chest, barely pushed out in frantic huffs as his hands gripped, cheeks flaring like the red of a kettle.]
[Gold? Pride?]
[The result was glorious?]
“Have you ever even been in a war?”
[Temper flaring and erupting, Malcolm’s voice was quick to raise into an unrestrained roar.]
“That’s the worst story I’ve ever heard!”
[I would laugh!]
[I would laugh if I wasn’t so angry!]
“They’re both dead!”
[Palms gripping the side of his head, Malcolm’s eyes drilled holes into the ground at the stranger’s feet.]
[Each breath was a struggle to force himself to relax, exertion clear by the sweat beading on the boy’s forehead.]
“What’s the point of that? That entire story? Anybody like that is just going to die right away! Who chases after war?”
[It was nonsense!]
[Nonsense that offended him, that pricked every pore of skin and raised the hair on his neck into a point.]
[Asking for a better story, what a joke!]
“I don’t know any stories, but anything I could make would be a thousand times better than all that junk you just said.”
[A hand scrambled to the top of his head and groped for his crown.]
[Flesh landed on a point, Malcolm wincing as the metal fended off his hand before he slowly closed around it, easing himself.]
[No, it’s fine.]
[It’s just a story.]
[A stupid, stupid story.]
“I’m not giving you anything for a story like that.”
[Voice in a growl, Malcolm glared from behind strands of purple hair.]
[He’s stupid, but what he said at first is right.]
[It’s not the crown, it’s everything that comes with it.]
[And I know that the last place all that stuff comes from is war.]
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I just challenged it to a fight. Wish me luck. I'm going into battle with an inflatable Pocky stick and a holiday wrapping paper tube.
Why are there so many green things attracted to me lately?!
A bug just came into my room and appeared on my curtains after letting out a high clicking noise from practically nowhere and the screens are too small for it to fit???
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I asked it to climb on my book so I could carry it, but it just fkin panicked and rammed into the light so hard it fell back down to the ground. ...Good job moron.
Why are there so many green things attracted to me lately?!
A bug just came into my room and appeared on my curtains after letting out a high clicking noise from practically nowhere and the screens are too small for it to fit???
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Why are there so many green things attracted to me lately?! A bug just came into my room and appeared on my curtains after letting out a high clicking noise from practically nowhere and the screens are too small for it to fit???
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“Well. I know that having a crown doesn’t instantly make you a king.”
Why did he have to tell him a story? Of all people? What did he want? A bedtime story? A fairy tale? A feel-good story?
…Perhaps his own story? In third person, hopefully, Malcolm wouldn’t poke holes in it.
“I’ll tell you a story, but it’ll cost you. Surely, you won’t mind since winning the League will give you everything and- You’re so sure of winning, right?”
He took a breath before telling the story from as far a perspective as he could.
“Once there was a child. A child of average standing, too young to live independent, but old enough to understand enough of the world. He had been born at just the right and worst time. The land’s people had been enthralled in a war, but he couldn’t take a part in it.”
To be rather honest with himself, he didn’t even remember exactly what those battles fought over.
“Some died, and they were mourned. But enough came home. The survivors came with glory, gold, pride, and everything that w- they ever needed. What they brought back was worth more than whatever those deceased could ever bring working their entire lives for. Might I say, the result was… Glorious to the child. The child watched the precedent and the antecedent of the war, and truly, nothing could compare.”
His face faded into a dreamy smile.
“The child wanted to be a part of that glory. However, there would be no war during his days and in the land. So he left to find a war to sate his desires and traveled far and wide, not to find a single one. Weary of the lack, he decided to do what he needed in the days to come until then. He certainly couldn’t give up. Not entirely.”
Darkening, Jess frowned in disappointment at a bitter memory.
“The last person he knew to give up was useless. The coward had no confidence, no strength, and eventually no worth. It made sense that he died. So he agreed to be everything that the coward wasn’t.”
He shook his head and muttered lowly under his breath, “Even if we share blood, there’s no way I’ll be anything like him. I won’t give way and lose my chance of the glory like only a fool would…”
“Do you have a better one…?”
He didn’t even know the decorated shorty’s name.
Inconvenienced by the scratchy leaf, Jess removed it as soon as he could before flicking it to the ground.
‘I’m pretty sure a king wouldn’t stoop as low as doing that.’
“I’m here as long as I’m needed in the group.” He sure wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction if he could.
Well, really, if was until he found something better to spend him time on. Like a real war, where he should shine, and not… Anger management-intended version of a ball game.
“Unless if you were hiring me or the group, I don’t care how intimidating you are when you’re throwing a fit. Besides, other than winning the Galaxy League and your royal pride, aren’t you worse off, having nothing but those to look forward to?”
Maybe he could start a small fight, just a smidgen of conflict. Just a bit of practice so he could shine later. The others weren’t really as important as his dream anyway.
“As long as they need you? Sounds like you better leave now.”
[With a final flourish of leaves at the man, Malcolm laughed.]
“I wouldn’t hire you to shine my boots! Look at how dumb you sound!”
[’Having nothing to look forward to,’ as if!]
[Laughter settling into a depraved grin, Malcolm’s eyes burned at the man as he crossed his arms.]
“Winning the League is everything.”
[It gets you everything.]
[If I don’t win, then I really do have nothing.]
“What would you know about royalty, anyway?”
[Malcolm’s grin faltered, steadily lowering.]
[Hands gripping, Malcolm took in a quick breath, huffing it out in an instant.]
[This guy really is below me.]
[Shoulder lifting as his grin broke out once more, Malcolm’s focus returned.]
“At least tell me a good story, graham.”
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RNG hath blessed me and answered my prayer. First came Mikael, who I turned away because I already have Qiyou, but then Malcolm came. And I still don't have space for him.
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I think you missed the unnecessarily expensive bling which is probably the real reason Jess didn't have enough money left to buy a shirt.
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