traumasombra · 4 years
cute that you wont reply to my ask hon! ❤ anyways fuck you too. you literally have it stated on other blogs that u ship norIce && you’ve been really weird with minors... wanting to get into an underage wlw server? So?? HAHA? 
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also that was under your other blog, askthenordic2ps! but i noticed that you took down your hetalia ships on your main blog, and also the hyperlink to your other blogs doesn’t work anymore! you trying to hide something? it’s okay, that won’t work. just one search on your blog and i found soooo much norice content lmao https://happyflappymoscowbirbpleyyn.tumblr.com/search/norice AND denice?! https://happyflappymoscowbirbpleyyn.tumblr.com/search/denice damn.. haha. you wild. 
Don’t be like @traumasombra and claim people are shipping siblings when you don’t know the person or what they ship. They’d rather send asks claiming I ship NorIce and they have no idea who I am.
And don’t claim people are generally creepy towards minors either.
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traumasombra · 7 years
They’re like, 12
— The correct way to refer to anyone younger than you (via guy) @cannibalsteeth
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traumasombra · 7 years
I shitpost when I’m feeling down
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traumasombra · 7 years
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Reblog if you’re not afraid to have a picture of God on your dash
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traumasombra · 7 years
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traumasombra · 7 years
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43K notes · View notes
traumasombra · 7 years
first things first: where the FUCK is my tablet pen
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traumasombra · 7 years
I need to make a commission sheet and sell some art or something until i get a stable job so i can bring money in,,, adding this to my to-do list
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traumasombra · 7 years
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i love heater chandelier
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traumasombra · 7 years
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Find your name with the gif button and add the one that is the most relatable
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traumasombra · 7 years
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traumasombra · 7 years
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For only $47 you too can own a hentai girl in a swimsuit
233 notes · View notes
traumasombra · 7 years
88 is such a chandlmara palette omg
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332 notes · View notes
traumasombra · 7 years
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2K notes · View notes
traumasombra · 7 years
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43K notes · View notes
traumasombra · 7 years
everyone quick!!!! reblog this with your pet(s)’s name(s) in the tags
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traumasombra · 7 years
me: i’m gonna go to bed early tonight
me at 4am on the cryptids wikipedia page:
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