trapanr0t · 2 years
I haven't seen anyone posting about this and I think it's important to spread.
George Floyd's 4-year-old niece, Arianna Delane, was shot in her sleep after bullets were fired into her father's apartment.
IT TOOK 4 HOURS. 4. HOURS. for the Houston police department to arrive.
Arianna has a punctured lung, a punctured liver, and 3 broken ribs and she's now recovering.
Here's an article about this situation, if you want to read more.
There's no excuse for the police to take so long to arrive...
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trapanr0t · 2 years
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Not much focus on rehabilitation
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trapanr0t · 3 years
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AND a race one since the most affected regions will be Africa, Asia and Oceania
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trapanr0t · 3 years
hey so i never thought id have to make a post like this and i dont know how to really but my dad passed away a few days ago and my family is struggling to afford a funeral if anyone happens to have some extra money to blow uhh i have a gofundme here and it would be incredibly greatly appreciated
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trapanr0t · 3 years
As this article points out, TERFs don’t speak for most women in the UK. In fact… well, let’s look at the data collected in this article, shall we? 
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Based on these stats, TERFs not only don’t represent most women in the UK, they represent the majority of men’s perspective on trans rights. Which, when you consider how TERFs have created a gender binary based on women = good, men = bad, would be ironically hilarious if their bigotry wasn’t literally costing trans lives. The overlap in the venn diagram between patriarchal oppression and TERFs co-opting it is made up of whatever the color of anti-trans violence is.
It’s important, however, to do all we can to make sure more people are aware of this information because not only are misogyny and patriarchy a threat to trans people’s safety as much as TERF ideology is, but for all the women out there who are middle ground because they don’t know enough about the issue, for all the women out there who are confused because it seems like the dominant social conversation is coming from TERFs and they aren’t sure they can do anything, they need to know with confidence: TERF ideology is the minority. Take away the mirage that they represent a silent majority and you take away their power. Mirrors and smoke is all they’ve got, but unfortunately with the right marketing, that can still get people killed.
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trapanr0t · 3 years
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if your work is stalking you to such an extent that you have to download an 'illegal' software that jiggles your mouse a little bit so that you can pee without having it docked from your wages or getting written up i don't think the workers are in power yet
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trapanr0t · 3 years
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trapanr0t · 3 years
Reminding you that with a single click you can:
feed the hungry
provide a free mammogram 
give food and care to a shelter animal
provide a homeless veteran with a meal
fund alzheimer’s research 
fund diabetes research 
provide books for children
protect wildlife habitat
It’s completely free.
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trapanr0t · 3 years
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Support the artist ➡️ Jonathan Harris
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trapanr0t · 3 years
The Air That Trees Breathe: Translating climate science into Ojibwe | International Institute for Sustainable Development
the Ojibwe translation of some of the terminologies we encountered was based on the function, the action, and the observer’s understanding associated with these terms.
For example, carbon dioxide in Ojibwe is mitigoo-inanaamowin, meaning “(the air that) the trees breathe.” You will find many more such neologisms created in the lesson plans.
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trapanr0t · 3 years
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trapanr0t · 3 years
Man, when I was like 16 I got so sick of being made fun of for being the fat kid that I took an axe down inna woods, chopped down a tree, and started doing log-lifts all the time. I got strong as fuck, but I didn’t lose no weight. I actually got bigger.
Same thing happened when I got into fighting. I got even stronger, and I got *fast*, man, and nimble, like a cat. Still chubby.
Body-building culture is a bunch of crap, my dude. Functional muscle is not necessarily toned or lean. You can be swole as hell and still be heavy. And that’s cool.
Embrace your inner barbarian. And when fatphobic little gym twinks try to body shame you, you should DESTROY THEM with your MIGHTY AXE
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trapanr0t · 3 years
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trapanr0t · 3 years
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after jenny holzer: trans body under fire in greenville
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trapanr0t · 3 years
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trapanr0t · 3 years
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trapanr0t · 3 years
my new roommate said that her last roommate had an eating disorder and then talked to me about her clean eating and weight loss goals and how she buys clothes that are a little snug to motivate her to lose more
and like honestly? i have anorexia but this is why i constantly talk about the dangers of the “health and fitness” industry and diet culture bc we have essentially normalized certain symptoms of disordered eating but it’s ok if it’s under the guise of health i guess???
like how is calling it “clean” eating NOT a way to moralize food
how is intermittent fasting NOT the same thing as skipping meals
how come when i buy clothes that don’t fit, it’s something i have to tell my therapist about because it means i am putting pressure on myself to fit into them, but if a “normal” person does it then it’s just motivation for them?
where is the fucking line???
and more importantly when are we going to start acknowledging that the entire world is pro-ana but that’s too harsh of a description so we slap some health buzzwords on it to make it palatable
when are we going to take responsibility for encouraging disordered behavior instead of labeling those of us with EDs as the crazy/imbalanced ones
your fucking Whole30 or keto or whatever “clean” diet you’re on is just as restrictive as the diets we create for ourselves due to our disorders. but we are the crazy ones, right
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