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trapacity · 8 years ago
Happy hour a tema sushi: l’ultima moda milanese
La nuova tendenza del sushi? Conquistare gli appassionati italiani durante l’happy hour. Non solo cene e pranzi, formali o con amici. Non ci sarà più il classico aperitivo generico in città, ma si potrà anche scegliere quello a tema, a base di stuzzichini tipici e cocktail di fama mondiale. E tutto questo sarà in stile giapponese!
 L’aperitivo si rinnova e apre al gusto giapponese
 Salutiamo così il solito “appetizer” per spaziare all’interno di un vasto menu di scelta. Il popolo italiano si è particolarmente avvicinato alla cultura e alla cucina giapponese. Profumi e sapori del Sol levante sono andati man mano diffondendosi. In città arrivano nuovi ristoranti di qualità, come quello che sorge in Via Urbano III, 3, 20123 Milano MI, pronto a offrire una sempre più vasta, abbinando qualità e prodotti freschi. Ma perché limitarsi a un ristorante quando le barriere possono essere abbattute?
 L’obiettivo è quello di proporre continue novità, trovando idee azzeccate, al passo con le tendenze del momento. Non ci sarà da stupirsi se capiterà di trovarsi di fronte a un buffet di sushi a partire dalle 18 in poi . Per dargli un tocco più orientale si spazierà così dalle posate al finger food fino alle tipiche bacchette divenute simbolo d’oriente.
 Il sushi aperitivo alla conquista di Milano
 Si tratta sicuramente di una scelta azzeccata, che potrebbe rivoluzionare ulteriormente il mondo dell’happy hour. Indubbiamente, oltre a fornire profumi incredibili permetterà di dare un grande impatto a livello artistico e visivo in fase di allestimento. Perché il sushi è sinonimo di buon cibo, ma è anche design e fascino che stimola prima di tutto lo sguardo.
 L’idea è quella di introdurlo per accompagnare la tendenza dello show cooking, ovvero la cucina dal vivo. Del resto preparare sushi e delizie giapponesi di fronte al cliente è già una delle attività che più affascinano.
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trapacity · 8 years ago
Shi'S Jap Fusion Restaurant Via Urbano III, 3, 20123 Milano
Shi’s, Urban Japanese Restaurant Il sushi per tutti, la qualità giapponese incontra il gusto europeo, dando vita ai piatti di Shi’s. Ristoranti giapponesi take away e sushi delivery dal menu ricco e curato preparato esclusivamente con pietanze fresche all & origine. Impressum SICUREZZA Sui nostri prodotti vengono effettuati i controlli più accurati e tutte le pietanze sono trattate con la procedura di abbattimento di temperatura, in ottemperanza al regolamento europeo 853/2004 in materia di igiene alimentare. QUALITÀ La preparazione delle pietanze avviene manualmente, i nostri cuochi preparano il piatto solo dopo la vostra ordinazione. Nonostante la preparazione avvenga sul momento, noi cerchiamo sempre di fornire il servizio più veloce e preciso possibile. CELIACI, VEGETARIANI E VEGANI Per i clienti celiaci o per coloro che adottano una dieta vegana o vegetariana, tutti i piatti a loro dedicati sono segnalati sul menù con le apposite icone. Chiediamo comunque di comunicare eventuali intolleranze o regimi alimentari per adottare la procedura più adeguata alle vostre esigenze. ASPORTO Le ordinazioni possono essere effettuate telefonicamente o dall’area personale My Shi’S, nella quale vengono memorizzati i vostri ordini. Le ordinazioni possono essere sia ritirate al ristorante che consegnate direttamente a casa. Business Name : Shi'S Urban Japanese Restaurant Address : Via Urbano III, 3, 20123 Milano MI, Italy City : Milano State : Lombardy ZIP : 20123 Phone : 02-5811-0988 URL :
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trapacity · 8 years ago
What is BIM? | Building Information Modeling | Excelize BIM services Still wondering what is BIM and the benefit of BIM services?
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BIM (building modeling information) is the much talked about topic these days in the AEC industry. You may get different definitions of BIM from various sources. While some people say BIM is a type of software, others say it is the3D virtual model of buildings. According to some experts, it is nothing but collecting and organizing all building data into a structure database. In short, we can say BIM is all the above and sometimes some more. But, in simple sentence, BIM is the means by which everybody can understand a building through the use of a digital model.
BIM is a new way of approaching the design and documentation of construction projects.
Building: BIM consider the entire life-cycle of the building such as design, build and operations
Information: It includes all information about the building and its life-cycle
Modeling: BIM defines and stimulates the building, its operation using integrate tools and its delivery
BIM model, if explained in layman’s term, consists of the virtual equivalents of the actual building parts and pieces that are used to build a building. BIM elements have both the physical and logical characteristics of their real counterparts. In other words, BIM elements are the digital prototype of the physical building elements like columns, windows, walls, doors and stairs etc. These elements help us to understand its behavior in a computer environment way before the real construction work starts.
BIM can be called as an intelligent model-based process, as it helps you plan, design, construct and manage buildings and infrastructure more accurate and precise. BIM services enables the construction industry more innovative and competent by providing the right information at the right time. The construction industry is nowadays undergoing its very own digital revolution with the help of this unique way of working with BIM. But what is very important is that all team members should be working to the same standards as one another, as the complete benefit of BIM gets only from the combined efforts of people process and technology.
The users list several advantages of BIM services for various stages of a construction work such as scheduling, estimation, risk analysis, more collaborative process and effective facility management. With the help of BIM services, project parties can understand and review the design more easily, visualize and evaluate alternatives in terms of cost and other project parameters. As it gives the opportunity to find out solutions in advance prior to building the structure on site, the construction firm can ensure guarantee in accuracy and completeness. It also enhances communication between project parties.
Even though the use of BIM in engineering and construction is not new, its growth rate becomes clear, when you look at the increasing number of construction firms who use this new system. It is not only the number of project teams who adopt BIM, but the size of the average model has also increased over the past five years.
The advent of mobile technologies like iPhones/iPads etc. expands the accessibility of BIM to a wide area out of the close circle of professionals. Today, clients, operators and building owners get more and more access to BIM models through their mobile devices.
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trapacity · 8 years ago
What is BIM? | Building Information Modeling | Excelize BIM services Still wondering what is BIM and the benefit of BIM services?
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BIM (building modeling information) is the much talked about topic these days in the AEC industry. You may get different definitions of BIM from various sources. While some people say BIM is a type of software, others say it is the3D virtual model of buildings. According to some experts, it is nothing but collecting and organizing all building data into a structure database. In short, we can say BIM is all the above and sometimes some more. But, in simple sentence, BIM is the means by which everybody can understand a building through the use of a digital model.
BIM is a new way of approaching the design and documentation of construction projects.
Building: BIM consider the entire life-cycle of the building such as design, build and operations
Information: It includes all information about the building and its life-cycle
Modeling: BIM defines and stimulates the building, its operation using integrate tools and its delivery
BIM model, if explained in layman’s term, consists of the virtual equivalents of the actual building parts and pieces that are used to build a building. BIM elements have both the physical and logical characteristics of their real counterparts. In other words, BIM elements are the digital prototype of the physical building elements like columns, windows, walls, doors and stairs etc. These elements help us to understand its behavior in a computer environment way before the real construction work starts.
BIM can be called as an intelligent model-based process, as it helps you plan, design, construct and manage buildings and infrastructure more accurate and precise. BIM services enables the construction industry more innovative and competent by providing the right information at the right time. The construction industry is nowadays undergoing its very own digital revolution with the help of this unique way of working with BIM. But what is very important is that all team members should be working to the same standards as one another, as the complete benefit of BIM gets only from the combined efforts of people process and technology.
The users list several advantages of BIM services for various stages of a construction work such as scheduling, estimation, risk analysis, more collaborative process and effective facility management. With the help of BIM services, project parties can understand and review the design more easily, visualize and evaluate alternatives in terms of cost and other project parameters. As it gives the opportunity to find out solutions in advance prior to building the structure on site, the construction firm can ensure guarantee in accuracy and completeness. It also enhances communication between project parties.
Even though the use of BIM in engineering and construction is not new, its growth rate becomes clear, when you look at the increasing number of construction firms who use this new system. It is not only the number of project teams who adopt BIM, but the size of the average model has also increased over the past five years.
The advent of mobile technologies like iPhones/iPads etc. expands the accessibility of BIM to a wide area out of the close circle of professionals. Today, clients, operators and building owners get more and more access to BIM models through their mobile devices.
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trapacity · 8 years ago
What is BIM? | Building Information Modeling | Excelize BIM services Still wondering what is BIM and the benefit of BIM services?
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BIM (building modeling information) is the much talked about topic these days in the AEC industry. You may get different definitions of BIM from various sources. While some people say BIM is a type of software, others say it is the3D virtual model of buildings. According to some experts, it is nothing but collecting and organizing all building data into a structure database. In short, we can say BIM is all the above and sometimes some more. But, in simple sentence, BIM is the means by which everybody can understand a building through the use of a digital model.
BIM is a new way of approaching the design and documentation of construction projects.
Building: BIM consider the entire life-cycle of the building such as design, build and operations
Information: It includes all information about the building and its life-cycle
Modeling: BIM defines and stimulates the building, its operation using integrate tools and its delivery
BIM model, if explained in layman’s term, consists of the virtual equivalents of the actual building parts and pieces that are used to build a building. BIM elements have both the physical and logical characteristics of their real counterparts. In other words, BIM elements are the digital prototype of the physical building elements like columns, windows, walls, doors and stairs etc. These elements help us to understand its behavior in a computer environment way before the real construction work starts.
BIM can be called as an intelligent model-based process, as it helps you plan, design, construct and manage buildings and infrastructure more accurate and precise. BIM services enables the construction industry more innovative and competent by providing the right information at the right time. The construction industry is nowadays undergoing its very own digital revolution with the help of this unique way of working with BIM. But what is very important is that all team members should be working to the same standards as one another, as the complete benefit of BIM gets only from the combined efforts of people process and technology.
The users list several advantages of BIM services for various stages of a construction work such as scheduling, estimation, risk analysis, more collaborative process and effective facility management. With the help of BIM services, project parties can understand and review the design more easily, visualize and evaluate alternatives in terms of cost and other project parameters. As it gives the opportunity to find out solutions in advance prior to building the structure on site, the construction firm can ensure guarantee in accuracy and completeness. It also enhances communication between project parties.
Even though the use of BIM in engineering and construction is not new, its growth rate becomes clear, when you look at the increasing number of construction firms who use this new system. It is not only the number of project teams who adopt BIM, but the size of the average model has also increased over the past five years.
The advent of mobile technologies like iPhones/iPads etc. expands the accessibility of BIM to a wide area out of the close circle of professionals. Today, clients, operators and building owners get more and more access to BIM models through their mobile devices.
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trapacity · 8 years ago
American Limousine Sales 323-209-8510
LIMOS FOR SALE TODAY READY TO GO. WE ARE LIMOUSINE DEALERS. WE BUY LIMOUSINES NEW OR USED. WE SELL LIMOUSINES NEW OR USED. WE BUILD LIMOUSINES TOO. Here you can buy luxury limousines, SUVs, and Party Buses at great prices withexceptional, personal, customer service. You can search from a long list of auto makes, including Dodge, Lincoln, Chrysler, Mercedes Benz, Lexus and Ford. You can easily browse limos by features, fuel economy, price range, and body type with our gorgeous photo galleries." 5250 W Century Blvd #212,Los Angeles,CA,90045,USA
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trapacity · 8 years ago
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trapacity · 8 years ago
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trapacity · 8 years ago
Understanding Internet Traffic and Targeted Web Traffic
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What do we need to know about internet traffic...
From traditional prospects to internet traffic - In today's world of technology and the internet, many business owners have followed the current trends and have migrated their trading experience to the internet. One of the main reason is that their prospects; potential customers for traditional or internet traffic for the web; are much wider and they have all made the effort of getting their own website to better serve their customers. The advantage of the internet is well worth than traditional business as we can be more effective in providing information and support and at the same time it is less costing.
Understanding the power behind internet traffic
There is definitely a great power lying behind website or internet traffic. First, let me give you a clear introduction of what internet traffic is about. It refers to web surfers that will eventually comes to your website. These internet surfers are human beings looking for something on the internet whether it be information, products or services. This means that if we are willing to provide information, sell our products or services online, we will need web traffic or internet surfers to come to our site to get what they are willing to. Saying this will also means that the more web traffic I receive on my website, the more will be my potential to offer and sell my products and services.
Targeted web traffic
Now what is targeted web traffic? Targeted traffic are website visitors that are willing to buy or made an action that site owners want them to do. These actions might involve asking for more details and/or eventually buy something. Targeted internet traffic refers to the actual people who are simply looking for what the site owner is trying to offer. This means that the more targeted traffic a site receive, the more conversions to sales will occur and hence more profit.
Where does site traffic and targeted traffic comes from?
Well, this is a vast questions as there are so many sources of online traffic. Needless to say that some sources may bring just web traffic as others may bring targeted traffic to the website. Some of the common sources of traffic might come through the search engines, forums, blogs, social networks, banner advertising, viral, emails, AdWords, PPC and many other sources. Note that all the above can also be used as internet marketing techniques to drive targeted traffic instead of just internet traffic to your website.
That's all I will share in this introductory article about website traffic for now. I will be writing more advanced topic soon.
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