translatebleu · 9 years
Thank you for following me. Thank you for reblogging from me. Thank you for liking my posts. Thank you for sending me nice messages. Thank you for staying followed to me. Thank you for making my Tumblr experience amazing. Thank you.
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translatebleu · 9 years
Update News
Updates are on hiatus until December 27th. Two reasons why! First: I’m going to celebrate the holidays with my family. I care about them and like spending time with them, so the holidays are very important to me.
Second: I’ve caught a cold. Dear Santa decided this was a wonderful time of year for me catch something. Even when I was typing up the rest of today’s update, I just felt like resting and lying down. So I’m going to take some cold pills and maybe have a nap.
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Thank you all for the support! You’ve all made me very happy whenever I get a message or a like on this blog. It’s honestly cheered me up when I’ve been feeling down lately, so thank you! I hope your holidays are wonderful and I hope you have a lovely New Year as well! <3
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translatebleu · 9 years
Bad Apple Wars -Episode 1- Part 2 -Discipline-
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Episode 1: Bad Apple or Discipline Committee
Protag’s name: Rinka
Note: Doing this translation for fun and to help me learn/memorize Japanese! Please don’t repost and/or claim this translation as your own! My apologies for any mistakes/misunderstandings in text!
Important: White Hair Discipline Committee Member is just going to be White from now on. (I’m too lazy to type all that over and over again!)
Credit: Sakurableu  / Translatebleu
Rinka: (...I’ll apologize. Things might be okay if I do that... Though I didn’t know I broke any of the school rules, it’s still... my fault, isn’t it?) U-um......I’m sorry......
Bucket-sensei: Hey now, you don’t need to apologize.
Rinka: I didn’t know about the school rules... I’ll be careful and make sure I don’t break them again. So please...
Gasmask-sensei: ...............Hmph, very well then. I will overlook this just this once.
Bucket-sensei: You’re just gonna look down on us no matter what, aren’t you?
Gasmask-sensei: However, it’s only this once. If ever a time comes where you do this again... Kehehe... you understand, don’t you...? With this over with, I will return to my laboratory. I look forward to the day we meet again...Kehehe...kehehehehe...kehehehe......
Rinka: (......)
Bucket-sensei: ...Even the way he leaves is pretty freaky, huh? Well, in any case, this ended pretty well! That’s good. But if there ever is a next time with that guy, you might not end up getting another next time ever again, so watch out.
Rinka: Y...Yes sir.
Bucket-sensei: Mmm, good. Now, you should hurry and head back to the dorm--Oh, no. Wait a sec.
Rinka: ...?
Bucket-sensei: Before you do that, I need to have a talk with you and the other new student. I’ll wait for you in the student counsel room, so you go get that other freshman and meet me there together.
Rinka: Eh? Um...
Bucket-sensei: I’m counting on you. See ya soon.
*Bucket-sensei walks away*
Rinka: ...He’s gone... (Find the other new student and bring him to the student counsel room with me... that’s what he said. But...where is the student counsel room? I don’t know where my fellow freshman is either...) ...What should I do...?
Library Room (Satoru)
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Rinka: (The other freshman... That guy, huh? At the entrance ceremony, he wasn’t even fazed by the weird situation and just kept on studying. I hope he’s here. I’d expect him to be, at least...)
*She enters the Library*
Rinka: (......This is a pretty fine library... But even though school is over, no one is here...?)
Fellow Freshman: ...Great pains, but...
Rinka: Found him! (Thank goodness... If he wasn’t here, I would have no idea where else to look. That, and I’d be scared of walking around alone.) Hey, can I borrow you for a moment? You’re the other freshman...
Fellow Freshman: That’s wrong! That is... er, this! No-i-sy. Noisy...
*He flips through pages*
Rinka: Um...
Fellow Freshman: Ah, noisy. Erm, rowdy, loud...
Rinka: Excuse me, I’d like to have some of your time, please?
Fellow Freshman: Persistent, rude... No, this is wrong, erm... What is it, what is it...
*More page flipping*
Rinka: U-um... Excuse me...
Fellow Freshman: For crying out loud...!
Rinka: Eep.
Fellow Freshman: What do you want... Why are you interrupting my studies?
Rinka: I-I’m sorry. But, well. You’re the other freshman, right? A teacher told me to get the other freshman and bring them to the student counsel room, so...
Fellow Freshman: What. I don’t want to go.
Rinka: ......I don’t think you can do that. If you don’t go, then I’m pretty sure they’ll get angry at us... S-so let’s go? It shouldn’t be too long.
Fellow Freshman: Shut up. I am not going anyway. I’m staying here to study.
Rinka: Erm... Uh, if you say that, then... um...
*He flips through pages again*
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Fellow Freshman: ...All the trouble was for nothing. A synonymous phrase with ‘A waste of effort’.
Rinka: (For the love of... What in the world should I do? Since a little while ago, all I’ve done is be around strange teachers, gone to a weird entrance ceremony, and then met weird students... I’m exhausted. I just want to hurry and go home and get some sleep....)
*He is still flipping through pages*
Fellow Freshman: Bone...B-o-n-e...One of their main components is calcium phosphate...
*Rinka closes her eyes*
Rinka: (The sooner I sleep, the sooner I can wake up from this dream. And when I wake up, I can... When I wake, I can... go to the entrance ceremony...)
*Rinka dreams of the truck that hit her, the crash, and then...*
Headmaster: Congratulations are in order for your death admitting you here! Welcome to NEVAEH High!!
*Rinka wakes up*
Rinka: Ahh!! (Congratulations for my admission. Does that mean they planned to have me enroll to this school? Or am I wrong? Ahh, I’m so confused...)
Fellow Freshman: Rib, humerus, femur...
Rinka: (And then there’s this freshman, who is unfazed by anything and just keeps studying... He’s pretty weird too, but he’s in the same position as me. If I have to do anything in this dream, I might as well start by getting to an understanding with this guy.)
Fellow Freshman: Sacrum, skull, clavicle...
Rinka: Um... hey. Er, you really like to study, don’t you?
Fellow Freshman: ...............Huh?
Rinka: Well, I mean, you were studying even at the entrance ceremony... Ah, thinking about it, we haven’t introduced ourselves yet. I’ll start. My name is......!?
Fellow Freshman: What is it?
Rinka: (No... It can’t be... I don’t remember! My own name... my own...! Who... am I? My name is...!)
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Rinka: (That’s right! My name is... Rinka. Thank goodness, I remembered it... Of all things, I nearly forgot my very own name. Out of everything, somehow it was that. Weird, even in a dream, I’m strangely sweating somehow...)
Fellow Freshman: ...If you don’t write your name on a test, you get a zero you know.
Rinka: Eh... Ah, yeah, that’s right. Anyway, my name is Rinka. You?
Satoru: Satoru.
Rinka: I-I see. It’s nice to meet you, Satoru-kun.
Satoru: ............Great pains but all in vain. The meaning is... All that trouble was for nothing.
Rinka: Um... You know, Satoru-kun.
Satoru: Vain, gain...
Rinka: I’ve said this quite a few times already, but won’t you go to the student counsel room?
Satoru: ...You sure are persistent. Go alone. I’m going to stay here an study.
Rinka: I was told to bring you, Satoru-kun. Please, come with me. If you do, then I won’t interrupt your studies anymore.
Satoru: ......Really?
Rinka: Really!
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Satoru: .........Then it’s a promise.
Rinka: Th...thank you!
*timeskip to them walking in the hall*
Satoru: Past, past particle, past progressive...
Rinka: Satoru-kun, um. Hey.
Satoru: Someone, anyone, everyone...
Rinka: Hey, don’t you think studying while walking is dangerous...?
Satoru: What the--oh shut up. You said if I went with you that you wouldn’t interrupt my studying...
Rinka: Ah! I-In front of you!
*Satoru bumps into someone*
Rinka: I knew you’d run into someone! Are you okay!?
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Satoru: O-oww...
Rinka: Um, I’m sorry about that. Are you injured at all.........!!
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White: You two are the new students, yes? What exactly are you doing here?
Rinka: S-Sir Discipline Member...!
White: More importantly, school time is over. If you do not have any business here, then please return to your rooms at once.
Rinka: No, I’m sorry, um, but we’re trying to look around for the student counsel room, that’s why we’re walking here. Earlier, I was told to find the other freshman and bring him to the student counsel room by one of the teachers.
White: I see, so that is your situation. Very well, then I’ll accompany you.
Rinka: Thank you so much. (Thank goodness. He’s a nice person.)
White: However, before I do that. One of our school regulations has been seriously violated.
Rinka: !!
White: This. A reference book, similar to word cards as a study tool.
Rinka: That’s Satoru-kun’s...
Satoru: Oww... Er, now where was I reading again? Huh, my reference book...?
White: As per the violation of school rules, I will be confiscating this tool.
Satoru: Wh-what are you saying!? Give it back!
White: Even if it is a tool for studying, if it is something of use that was brought in from the outside, then it is prohibited in the school rules.
Satoru: Give it back! I need that for my studies!
White: ...If you will not comply, then it cannot be helped.
*sound of something being slashed*
Rinka: ......!?
Satoru: UwaaAAAAAGH...!?
*Satoru collapses*
White: ...The corrections are done.
Rinka: (What the hell did he just do!? As soon as the Discipline Member just hit him with the ruler, Satoru-kun started trembling, then he collapsed.)
Satoru: ......
Rinka: ...U-um... Are you okay......?
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Satoru: Haha... Studies... Even if I spend time doing that, it’s such a waste... Even if I do that, I’m worthless... Transparent... Just a stone on the roadside... A dropout... Haha, hahahaha...
Rinka: (Well this is clearly different from how he was a moment ago. What the hell happened!?)
White: Because he would not follow my advice, I had to enforce corrections.
Rinka: Corrections...?
White: On the authority of being a Discipline Committee Member, if you refuse to obey us then you are a Bad Apple, and we will force you to be Good Apples. The correction is only a temporary effect. After some time has passed, he will return to as he was.
Rinka: (Thank goodness... I wouldn’t like him staying this way.)
White: Now, with this over, let us go to the student counsel room. When he returns to how he was, he may attempt to rebel once again.
Rinka: Y-yes... (Though the correction is temporary, it still... It still shocked me when he suddenly hit Satoru-kun like that. I am worried about Satoru-kun, but is this guy alright too...?) Um...excuse me...
White: Yes?
Rinka: Erm... Well, I still haven’t heard your name yet... Could you tell me what it is?
White: .........
Rinka: Ah! P-please excuse me. My name is Rinka! Oh, and this guy is called Satoru-kun.
Satoru: Hi dee, hi dee, hi dee ho[1]...Hahaha... Even remembering a play on words...is just meaningless...
Rinka: (I-Is he really going to be okay?) Um, well, it’s nice to meet you. Please take care of...
White: Allow me to teach you one thing. So long as you are at this school, you do not need your name.
Rinka: Eh...? But...
White: Each of us have been assigned a separate number. That is enough to identify us. That is alright, yes? There is no need to ask for my name twice. Even if you did ask, it would be a waste of effort. After all, I have forgotten it.
Rinka: Eh? (Forgot? Your own name? You’ve got to be kidding me!? Is he seriously saying that...!?)
White: Did you hear me?
Rinka: Ah...Y...Yes... (How scary...)
Gangway Bridge (White Hair Discipline Committee Member aka White)
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Rinka: (The teacher told me to go to the student counsel room, but... I don’t know where the student counsel room is, and I don’t know where the other freshman is either. Not only that... but I’m scared and don’t want to go to there... But if I don’t go, that teacher will be mad, won’t he? What would be the right thing to do?)
*she bumps into someone*
Rinka: Kya...! (Oh no, because I wasn’t looking, I bumped into someone.) I’m sorry. I was too deep in my thoughts to...
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White: No. I was also lost in thought. My apologies for not noticing you sooner.
Rinka: (Ah... This guy is the one on the Discipline Committee...)
White: You are the new student, are you not? Orientation has been over for quite some time. What are you doing here exactly? Classes are over, so please hurry and return to your dorm.
Rinka: (What should I do. Could I have made someone angry again? Earlier, that teacher suddenly called me a Bad Apple. But if I explain the situation, he might have some mercy and not be mad at me...?) Um... I was told by a teacher to find the other freshman and to bring him with me to the student counsel room... But I don’t know where the student counsel room is. I don’t know where the other freshman is either...
White: I see, so that is your situation. Very well, then I’ll accompany you. Seeing as you are new to the school, you must not know left from right here, hm?
Rinka: Ah... thank you so much. (Thank goodness. He’s a nice person. But because he’s wearing a mask, I can’t tell what kind of person he looks like. And the way he talks is like a machine. When I think I might be talking to a robot, I feel kinda... scared. Oh, I know. If we hear each others name, we might get a bit closer to each other.) Um... Sir Discipline Member, what’s your name?
White: My...name?
Rinka: Yes. Saying Sir Discipline Member is kind of a mouthful, and I think it would be difficult as to who I’m calling for.
White: I forgot it. At this school, you do not need a name.
Rinka: Eh...? But...
White: Each of us have been assigned a separate number. That is enough to identify us.
Rinka: (So that’s it, huh. He really is looking more and more like a robot. ......Huh? Now that I think about it, what is... my name? No...I can’t remember. It’s my own name, so how? This is too weird. I don’t understand, it’s my own name. My-my name is...)
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Rinka: (Rinka...... Th-thank goodness. I still remember it… But, what’s my last name? And how do I spell it[2]…? Is it... because of this dream I’m in? It should be impossible to forget your own name. ...But, what if it’s not because of this dream?)
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Rinka: (Am I becoming like that girl and the students? Am I becoming like a robot?)
White: You do not look well. Is your health impaired?
Rinka: N-no... I’m fine.
White: I see. If your condition deteriorates, please let me know immediately. I will guide you to the infirmary.
Rinka: ...Thank you very much. (This Discipline Member just said that we don’t need our names. When you first meet someone, you need to introduce yourself, right? I mean, I’m under his care right now.) Um... my name...is Rinka. It’s nice to meet you.
White: ......
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White: I just said that they are not needed... Why did you intentionally introduce yourself?
Rinka: W-well, I...
White: You... are a Bad Apple, are you not.
Rinka: (What should I do. I made him angry. All I did was introduce myself, but for him to get like this over it. I don’t understand why it made him angry, but I should probably hurry and apologize, shouldn’t I?) ...I-I’m sorry...
White: ...If you intend to reflect on this, then that is good. Mistakes can be made by anyone, after all. There is no need to be frightened, all is well. To correct you over something of this degree would be insignificant. 
Rinka: ...Eh...?
White: You are, after all, still new to this school. So long as you take the time from now on to become a Good Apple, then it is alright.
Rinka: .........!
White: ...Let us be off. First, let’s go find the other freshman.
Rinka: ...Y-yes... (Earlier, this Discipline Member sounded so kind, but now... I’m terrified. Is it really okay to be with this guy?)
White: What is the matter? Aren’t we going together?
Rinka: ...It’s nothing. L-let’s go... (Am I thinking about this... too much? He’s taking me to the student counsel room, so I just have to get through this and not think too much until I’m there. That should be fine.)
Library Room (White)
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Rinka: (...Even though school is over, there’s no one here... It’s completely different than the library at my school. This place is so large, it makes me feel kinda lonely that no one is using it.) ......Ah.
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Fellow Freshman:  ...Hydrogen, H. Helium, He. Beryllium, Be...
Rinka: (It’s the other freshman! And he’s studying again.)
Fellow Freshman: Carbon, C. Nitrogen, N...
Rinka: Hey... You’re the other freshman, right? I’m Rinka. What’s your name?
Fellow Freshman: ......
Rinka: (...Is he ignoring me? Or is he like me, and he can’t remember his name?) Um...are you alright? Can you remember your name?
Fellow Freshman: ...Jeez!! Shut up! I was ignoring you, can’t you understand that!? There’s no reason I would forget my own name! Don’t say something so stupid!
Rinka: (...!? I only wanted to hear his name, and he got this mad at me... It’s because I interrupted his studies, isn’t it.) I...I’m sorry. I just wanted to know your name, please tell me.
Fellow Freshman: ...Haa, then if I tell you, will you stop talking to me?
Rinka: Y-yes...
Fellow Freshman: My name is...huh? My name... erm......
Rinka: (He sure is thinking hard on how to answer with his name. No, could he also have...?)
Fellow Freshman: ...............Satoru.
Rinka: ...Eh?
Satoru: I said Satoru. That’s my name.
Rinka: So you said your name. Nice to meet you, Satoru-kun.
Satoru: ...Why did it take so long for me to remember my name...? No way, amnesia...? Even though it was hard to remember, it’s not something I would have forgot, right? Well, whatever. Anyway, I have to get back to studying. ...Magnesium, Mg. Silicon, Si...
Rinka: (...And he’s gone right back to studying. I feel intimidated at the though of interrupting his studies again, but the teacher did ask me to get him... If I don’t tell him, it’ll be bad, right?) Excuse me, a teacher said that we have to go to the student counsel room.
Satoru: For the love of--shut up already. I’m studying right now. I don’t want to talk...
Rinka: (...He won’t listen to a word I say. Heck, he won’t even look at me.) But the teacher asked for us, so we...
Satoru: I said I don’t want to talk. If you have to go, then go alone.
Rinka: (Urgh... This is so hopeless... What am I going to do, I’m in a real bind here.)
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White: Not responding to the summons of a teacher is an action of a Bad Apple. Moreover, it appears that you are seriously violating another school regulation.
Satoru: Fluorine, F. Neon, N... Agh!?
White: As per the violation of school rules, I will be confiscating this tool.
Satoru: Wh-what are you saying!? Give it back!
White: Even if it is a tool for studying, if it is something of use that was brought in from the outside, then it is prohibited in the school rules.
Satoru: Give it back! I need that for my studies! Argh, shit! I was learning more and more of the periodic symbols, I don’t want to forget any of that!
White: ...If you will not comply, then it cannot be helped.
*sound of something being slashed*
Rinka: ...!?
Satoru: UwaaAAAAAGH...!?
*Satoru collapses*
White: ...The corrections are done.
Rinka: (What the hell did he just do!? As soon as the Discipline Member just hit him with the ruler, Satoru-kun started trembling, then he collapsed.)
Satoru: ......
Rinka: ...U-um... Are you okay......?
Satoru: Haha... Studies... Even if I spend time doing that, it’s such a waste... Even if I do that, I’m worthless... Transparent... Just a stone on the roadside... A dropout... Haha, hahahaha...
Rinka: (Well this is clearly different from how he was a moment ago. His eyes are vacant, kind of like he’s been overcome by lethargic feelings. What the hell happened!?)
White: Because he would not follow my advice, I had to enforce corrections.
Rinka: Corrections...?
White: On the authority of being a Discipline Committee Member, if you refuse to obey us then you are a Bad Apple, and we will force you to be Good Apples. The correction is only a temporary effect. After some time has passed, he will return to as he was.
Rinka: (Thank goodness... I wouldn’t like him staying this way.)
White: Now, with this over, let us go to the student counsel room. When he returns to how he was, he may attempt to rebel once again.
Rinka: Y-yes... (Though the correction is temporary, it still... It still shocked me when he suddenly hit Satoru-kun like that. Satoru-kun being in this state is just too strange. Is this really okay...?)
[1] - はいりはいりふれ背理法 =  Hairi hairi fure hairihō. I tried looking around for what it meant, someone linked Whigfield’s Big Time and explained it was like the hi dee’s in the song. So I used that instead of Satoru’s original line... No, I’m not disturbed by Satoru going off the deep end because White stabbed him with a ruler... not at all... Please give me back my ‘Shut Up’ guy soon, please *cries*
[2] - Rinka was actually asking what characters compose her family name. I would also like to point out that not a single character has their name spelled with Kanji, only Katakana. Not only do few characters only remember their name, they don’t know how to write them properly.
Next Update: -Episode 1- Part 3 -Discipline-
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translatebleu · 9 years
Bad Apple Wars -Episode 1- Part 2 -Bad Apple-
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Episode 1: Bad Apple or Discipline Committee
Protag’s name: Rinka
Note: Doing this translation for fun and to help me learn/memorize Japanese! Please don’t repost and/or claim this translation as your own! My apologies for any mistakes/misunderstandings in text!
Warning: Knife cutting a characters neck in text! (If playing the game while reading along, there are sound effects!)
Credit: Sakurableu  / Translatebleu
Rinka: (Yeah, I should run. For some reason, I think that it will be okay... at least, I feel that way.)
Gasmask-sensei: I’m telling you, move aside--!
Bucket-sensei: And I’m telling you, I’m not going to--!
Rinka: (...Now...!)
*Rinka runs away from the teachers*
Gasmask-sensei: Well then...
Bucket-sensei: Huh?
Gasmask-sensei: Ahem... It looks like she has escaped.
Bucket-sensei: Ah. She ran away, huh?
Gasmask-sensei: It’s all because you were too sweet on her... Aghhh, and just when I found myself a new laboratory table...
Bucket-sensei: What? You can’t seriously think I’m the one at fault here. It’s because you were too scary, you know? So whose fault is it really?
Gasmask-sensei: I assume you want me to say it’s not yours, correct?
Bucket-sensei: Geez, now you listen here--
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Rinka: (I was so absorbed in running away that I came to the rooftop... Of all the things I could have done, I just had to run to the one place where there’s no escape, didn’t I...? If they are chasing after me, I won’t be able to get away...... It doesn’t seem like anyone is chasing me, for now at least... It would probably be best if I return. But where do I go...? Earlier... no matter how many times I tried to go through the gate, I couldn’t leave. This really is a nightmare... I need to hurry and wake up... How can I make myself wake up from this dream...)
???: ...Are you really going to jump from here?
Rinka: Eh...
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Rinka: (Red hair. It’s that guy from earlier...! How did he get so close again...) W-what do you mean jump? I wasn’t going to do something like that...
Red Hair Guy: I see.
Rinka: (...Wh-what is with this guy? Suddenly appearing... and without a hint of kindness asking me if I was going to jump, what the heck... I don’t like this... Something about this guy...scares me...)
Red Hair Guy: It happens sometimes. Someone saying that this place is just a dream, then they come to the rooftop and jump off.
Rinka: (I... might be thinking that this is a dream, but to think I would jump is still...)
Red Hair Guy: ......However... no one here can run away from this place. You can’t even get away from here by dying. 
Rinka: Wha... 
Red Hair Guy: Whether you go through the gate, or over the fence, or dig through the ground... Whatever you do, you can’t get away from here. Even if you jump from the roof, or cut your wrists, or spend years of your life here, it’s impossible for you to die.
Rinka: .........U-umm... Is that... because we’re already dead?
Red Hair Guy: ......Maybe. At the very least, I’m certain that not a single person has a normal body here, you and me included.
Rinka: We don’t... have a normal body...
Red Hair Guy: You think it’s unlikely, don’t you?
Rinka:  Y-yeah...
Red Hair Guy: You were in an accident, right? But when you came here, you didn’t feel like you were in pain. ...Or am I wrong?
Rinka: Eh...how did you...
Red Hair Guy: I thought so. Well, it’s not like you would have realized it then either.
Rinka: (For him to just treat this like it’s somebody else’s problem...) ............Are you saying that you’re different?
Red Hair Guy: ......
*White flash, then Red is holding thread in his hand*
Rinka: (...? Wait, he has red thread in his hand...! He was able to manipulate those earlier when he was fighting the Discipline Committee--Where did he get them from? It’s like they just suddenly appeared... No, wait. More importantly, for what reason did he suddenly get them out for...?)
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Rinka: (...! What!?  An optical illusion? Just now the threads turned into a knife, right before my eyes-- Wha--he’s holding the knife to his neck...!?) !? ST-STOP....!!
*sounds of flesh being cut and blood spurting*
Rinka: No...!! .........
Red Hair Guy: Open your eyes.
Rinka: !? (What the hell...!? I don’t see a wound or blood anywhere...! I closed my eyes almost immediately, but I saw him. I saw him put the knife to his own neck without any hesitation. Red blood spurted out of the wound and--and hit my cheek. The blood still feels warm, alive... But how...)
Red Hair Guy: If you’d like to feel, you can do that as well.
Rinka: ...! (Th-there’s no way I could do that...!!)
*white flash, Red is holding thread again*
Rinka: (! The knife turned back into thread again...)
Red Hair Guy: In this place, even an injury like that is healed immediately. No wounds remain either. And so, you can’t die.
Rinka: (How is... How is he so indifferent about all this... Even if it immediately heals... Wouldn’t something like that... st-still hurt...?)
Red Hair Guy: It hurt.
Rinka: ...! Then why...?
Red Hair Guy: Compared to the pain itself, I’m more afraid of forgetting what pain is.
Rinka: ...Forgetting...?
*white flash, Red’s threads disappear*
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Red Hair Guy: Hey, what’s your name?
Rinka: Eh... Why are you asking that all of a sudden...
Red Hair Guy: Your own name... Do you even remember it?
Rinka: (...? What kind of question is that? Like I would forget my own name...) My name is......... huh? (My... my name... why can’t I recall what my name is...!? I-I need to stay calm...! If I calm down, then I’ll certainly remember it. After all, it’s my own name... It’s impossible for me to forget it...!) My... name is...)
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Rinka: It’s Rinka... (Th-thank goodness. I still remember it... But, what’s my last name? And how do I spell it[1]...? I can’t remember at all... Is this dream the reason why I can’t remember...? Even if that’s the case, forgetting my own name is...)
Red Hair Guy: Rinka... So long as you spend time here and follow the school rules, the more your memories and the person you are will be lost. The more you lose yourself, the closer you get to becoming the existence this school calls a Good Apple.
Rinka: Good Apple...
Red Hair Guy: You’ve seen them, haven’t you? The people that have their face covered. Those... are Good Apples.
*flashback to School Girl*
School Girl: Together, it will be easier-
*flashback over*
Rinka: ...!! (Following the school rules makes you like that? No...)
Red Hair Guy: After you finish losing yourself, you’ll completely become a student called a Good Apple, and finally end up ‘Graduating’ soon after. For the sake of not losing ourselves, for the sake of avoiding ‘Graduation’... is why we exist, why we continue breaking school rules. We will resist the school.
Rinka: (...We... He means the people who the teacher called Bad Apples...?)
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Rinka: (All of those people are members.. So they fight in order to not lose themselves...?)
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Rinka: (Resist this school... so that’s what he meant back then.)
Red Hair Guy: You too. If you don’t want to lose yourself, you have no choice but to resist this school.
Rinka: ...E-even so... (Even if I say I’ll resist... D-does that mean he’ll want me to fight by throwing bombs as well...? I can’t even imagine doing something like that......)
Red Hair Guy: ......Rinka, come with me.
Rinka: Eh... er... U-um... please wait! Where are we... um, excuse me!
Red Hair Guy: Alma.
Rinka: ?
Alma: That’s my name.
Rinka: ...Al, ma... (His name kind of has a strange ring to it...)
*Alma walks away*
Rinka: Ah, uh, wait! Please, wait up! Alma-san!
*Rinka runs after him*
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Rinka: Ha, haa... (...Thank goodness. It doesn’t look like anyone has chased after me yet. But where do I go from here...? This school, the students, the teachers, everything about them are strange...! Earlier... no matter how many times I tried to go through the gate, I couldn’t leave......)
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Rinka: (Maybe if I go over the fence, I can get out of here...?)
*Rinka climbs onto something*
Rinka: ...Here I go......What!? N-no way...!? (Just how high is this fence!? The more I climb and climb, the top of the fence goes further away! I’m not imagining this. The fence is growing higher...!) Why...!?
???: Oi.
Rinka: Aah...!? (Shit, I lost my grip...!)
???: Idiot, what are you...!
*Rinka falls onto ???*
???: Urgh...
Rinka: ... (...? I thought that would have hurt, but...? And I feel like I’m on something warm...) !!? (Someone is underneath me! D-did I...!?) I-I’m so sorry...! Are you alright!?
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Gang Clothes Guy: ......
Rinka: (This guy was at the rampage during the entrance ceremony...! Is he the one who broke my fall...!?) Did you hit your head? I-I’ll call for an ambulance...!
Gang Clothes Guy: ...No need.
Rinka: B-but...
Gang Clothes Guy: I’m not gonna get injured that easily. ‘Sides, even if I did get injured, even fatal injuries’ll be healed instantly.
Rinka: Eh...? You mean...
Gang Clothes Guy: More importantly, you’re heavy. ...Get off already.
Rinka: Ah...... I-I’m sorry!
*They both get up*
Gang Clothes Guy: Tch.........
Rinka: (Is he glaring at me...? I think he might be pretty mad at me...) U-um... are you alright? I mean, I did fall from a pretty high place...
Gang Clothes Guy: I just told you. I’m not injured so easily.
Rinka: (I guess there’s nothing more to say on that subject...) ...Um, thank you so much.
Gang Clothes Guy: ......The heck are you thanking me for... Hey, you were trying to climb over this fence a moment ago, weren’t you? Any chance you were trying to escape this school?
Rinka: W-well... (What should I say... would it be bad if I said I was trying to escape...?)
Gang Clothes Guy: ...’s fine if you don’t wanna tell me. But you can’t escape this place, y’know.
Rinka: Eh...?
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Gang Clothes Guy: Whether it’s climbing over the fence or going through the gate, it’s no use. No matter what you try, you can’t escape...... Well, saying that, it’s not like I believed that at first. I tried blowing up the gate, digging through the ground... I tried doing a lot of dumb shit... But in the end, none of it was any use.
Rinka: Is that so... (It’s true that going through the gate and climbing the fence doesn’t do anything... Erm...but, considering this entire setting is a dream, maybe that’s just how it is...? ......But the more I listen to this guy, the more anxious I get. I mean, for a dream... I can’t help but feel confined.) Um... were you also told by the teachers that we’re dead?
Gang Clothes Guy: ......Yeah. I was told that ages ago.
Rinka: T-then do you believe what they said? That you’re really dead--
Gang Clothes Guy: ......
Rinka: ...... (S-scary...! D-Did I offend him by asking that!?) U-um...
Gang Clothes Guy: I am not dead yet. And I don’t wanna die, so I’ll keep fighting here. For as long as it takes.
Rinka: (He doesn’t want to die, so he fights?) What do you... mean by that...?
Gang Clothes Guy: Ahh... I’m not good at explaining this stuff. You heard it at the entrance ceremony, right? That talk about ‘Graduation’.
Rinka: (’Graduation’ talk...)
Headmaster: If you follow the rules of our school then, given time, even dropout souls like you could instantly become Good Apples! Souls that eventually become Good Apples can ‘Graduate’. –In other words, you will be given a chance to ‘Redo your Life’ once more. Everyone, if you would like to ‘Graduate’ with ease, then please do not break the school rules.
*flashback over*
Rinka: (He means that talk, huh...) Yes, I heard it, but... I don’t understand what he meant very well.
Gang Clothes Guy: At this place, so long as someone follows the rules, then they’ll start losing their memories and the person they are.
Rinka: Their memories and...who they are?
Gang Clothes Guy: Did you see any of the students faces at the school?
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Rinka: No. Everyone wore the same masks and the same uniform, almost like they’re indistinguishable...
Gang Clothes Guy: That bunch are the Good Apples. ...Over time, people become one of them.
Rinka: ...!
School Girl: Together, it will be easier-
*flashback over*
Rinka: (Like her then...)
Gang Clothes Guy: After they finally lose themselves completely, students become a Good Apple, and they celebrate with a ‘Graduation’. To get outta this school, only those who ‘Graduate’ are free to leave. As for what happens to the people who leave this school, like where they go or whatever happened to them, I ain’t got a clue...... Honestly, I think they could have even died.
Rinka: ...!
Gang Clothes Guy: Me and the others, we don’t want any part of that. We don’t wanna lose ourselves for some ‘Graduation’, so we’ll keep on breaking the school rules.
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Rinka: (Every one of them... they fight so they don’t...)
Gang Clothes Guy: .........Hey, what’s your name?
Rinka: Eh? M-my name? (I wonder why would he suddenly ask for my name like that.) My name is......Huh? My name...... (I...Impossible. I forgot my name...!? No...There’s no way I would have forgotten my own name!)
Gang Clothes Guy: ......
Rinka: M-my name i-is... (I need to calm down, then I’ll certainly remember it!)
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Rinka: Rinka...... (Th-thank goodness. I remembered it... But, what’s my last name? And how do I spell it[1]...? I can’t remember at all... Is this what he meant by losing myself and my memories...? N-nevermind, it’s fine. The reason why I forgot is because I’m dreaming. When I wake up, everything will be how it always has been--At least...I think so. Why is my heart pounding so fast...? I hate this. My body is shaking...)
Gang Clothes Guy: .........So...Rinka... Come with me. I’ll take you to Aniki.
Rinka: Aniki...?
Gang Clothes Guy: It’s fine, just follow me. Let’s go.
Rinka: Eh, um... Who are you?
Higa: ......Higa.
Rinka: Higa-san... (Where are we going? And who is Aniki...? I have no idea what’s going on, but... Regardless, I should follow him.)
MAIN ENTRANCE (Shikishima)
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Rinka: Haa, haa, haa... (...Thank goodness. It doesn’t look like anyone has chased after me yet.)
*Rinka walks along the path and finds herself at the gate again*
Rinka: (...It looks like I’ve come back to this place. Earlier... no matter how many times I walked through, I couldn’t leave here, but... I’ll try it one more time.)
*She walks through the gate and gets teleported to the entrance*
Rinka: ...Eh... (I ran straight through the gate. Yet when I did, I found myself facing away from it and running towards the school...? I-I’ll try once more.)
*Repeat of the above*
Rinka: Haa, haa, haa! N-no matter how many times I do it... I find myself running in the opposite direction before I even notice...... This time, I’ll-
???: It’s useless you know.
Rinka: Eh...
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Rinka: (Ah. This guy was in the gym earlier... Does he have his sketchbook open right now? What could he draw in a place like this?)
Shosei[2] Looking Guy: You can’t leave this place.
Rinka: I can’t leave...? Why would you...
Shosei Looking Guy: Hm, I wonder why myself. Perhaps it’s to bring tension to the students and their roots in order to make their flower bloom. It could be something like that.
Rinka: (Roots... flower? What is he talking about...?)
Shosei Looking Guy: But there is no sun in the sky here. Even if they were to bloom in this place, they would surely wither before winter arrives.
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Shosei Looking Guy: ...It’s sad, isn’t it...
Rinka: .........Um. (What should I do? This guy is pretty strange himself... Is there even anyone normal at this school...?)
Shikishima: ...Ah, my apologies for suddenly talking to you like this. My name is Shikishima. It is a pleasure to meet you, New Student.
Rinka: ...Ah, yeah. It’s, uh, nice to meet you too, Shikishima-san... Erm... A moment ago, you mentioned that I couldn’t leave this place. What do you mean...?
Shikishima: Hm? It is as I said. Whether it’s going through the gate or climbing over a fence, you cannot leave this place.
Rinka: (True, I wasn’t able to escape, even though I’ve tried a few times now...) Um, then is there a way we can get out of here?
Shikishima: There is. I believe the fastest way to leave here would be becoming a Good Apple and ‘Graduating’. Once you ‘Graduate’, you should be able to leave through the gate. Once you pass through the gate, where you go and what becomes of you... Well, as someone who hasn’t ‘Graduated’, I wouldn’t know.
Rinka: I-I see... (I see. So ‘Graduating’ is the best way to leave here.)
Shikishima: But I would not recommend doing so.
Rinka: ...Eh? Why exactly?
Shikishima: Well, you see. Gradually, beautiful flowers lose their colour that way, and I do not wish to see that happen much.
Rinka: ...?
Shikishima: ...Hey, what is your name? I would like to hear it.
Rinka: Ah...! I-I’m so sorry! I haven’t introduced myself yet...! My name is.........huh? (My name... My own name... Why can’t I remember it...!?)
Shikishima: ......
Rinka: (I need to calm down. It’s my own name after all... there’s no way I would forget it...!) My...name is...
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Rinka: Rinka...... (Th-thank goodness. I remembered it... But, what’s my last name? And how do I spell it[1]...? I can’t remember at all... Can I not remember them because of this dream...? But if that’s the case, then I shouldn’t have been able to remember my own name...)
Shikishima: Rinka... Yes. That is a wonderful name. I’m glad I could hear it before it was lost for good.
Rinka: !! B-before it was lost... what do you...
Shikishima: Oh, that’s right. I am talking about this school. So long as you follow the rules that are meant to protect you, you will continue losing your memories and who you are.
Rinka: I lose my memories, and who I am...?
Shikishima: Yes. You saw the students who cover their faces, yes? The flowers who are trimmed to the same shape, the same length, and even the same colour.
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Rinka: (Does he mean the students I saw in class?)
Shikishima: Gradually, that is what one becomes. Once you lose yourself, you become an existence the school calls a Good Apple...
Rinka: (What!?)
Shikishima: Also, once every part of you is lost, once you finally, completely become a Good Apple is when end up... ‘Graduating’. See? It’s not something you would recommend, is it?
Rinka: ......
School Girl: Together, it will be easier-
*flashback over*
Rinka: (If I follow the school rules, I’ll be like her...? B-but this is just a dream, right? Even this conversation is just to fit the setting of the dream... None of this will matter once I open my eyes...... Right? T-then, there’s no need for me to be so anxious...) ......
Shikishima: ......You wouldn’t like that, would you?
Rinka: !
Shikishima: ...I see.
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Shikishima: In that case, allow me to take you to the Bad Apples. Everyone there fights so they don’t become like the Good Apples.
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Rinka: (Does he mean them...?)
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Rinka: (Resist the school...... Is that right?) Um, are you... not with them?
Shikishima: Yes. I am not a Bad Apple. Neither am I a Good Apple. I’m what the school calls an Odd Apple.
Rinka: (An Odd Apple... It’s true, I do think he’s kind of strange.)
Shikishima: I believe the Bad Apples will be at the Club House building. Because they can’t reside in the dorms, they have their base at the Club House.
Rinka: The Club House... Okay. Um, as for where it is...
Shikishima: ...I’m guessing you need a guide, correct?
Rinka: Y-yes! I’m sorry, but I would be grateful if you would take me there, please!
Shikishima: Yes, it’s fine. I may not be a Bad Apple, but I have gone there to have tea sometimes.
Rinka: You have tea there.
Shikishima: Yes. Ah, but I will need a little time first. I was in the middle of drawing a picture.
Rinka: Ah, yes! It’s alright. Sorry to be a bother.
Shikishima: Don’t worry, you’re not. Oh, wait. Just there. If you stand there, it’ll make me a little happy.
Rinka: Y-yes.
Shikishima: Time to draw today.
Rinka: Today...?
Shikishima: Today is the day that I met you, so I have to add your flower, otherwise the picture will not be complete.
*Time passes as Shikishima draws*
Rinka: (He can draw pretty fluidly. ......I know.) Um, I have a question I’d like to ask.
Shikishima: What is it?
Rinka: Earlier, at the gym... there were some strange petals raining down, that... was you, wasn’t it?
Shikishima: Ah, yes. That’s right. I just thought I would secretly have a peek at the entrance ceremony. But, well. ......I wanted it to look good.
Rinka: ...? Um, what exactly do you mean by that?
Shikishima: I wanted to paint a picture. A flower painting.
Rinka: A painting? Erm... I don’t think paintings come raining down often.
Shikishima: That’s right, they don’t. Mysterious, isn’t it?
Rinka: (Is that all he’ll say about that...)
*More time passes*
Shikishima: Ah, it’s done. I was able to compose beautifully today.
Rinka: (I wonder what kind of picture he drew. ..................This is...... I-I have no idea what this picture is...! He didn’t use any colour at all except black... Er, for that matter... where am I...?)
Shikishima: Well, let’s be off.
Rinka: Y-yes...!
[1] Rinka was actually asking what characters compose her family name. I would also like to point out that not a single character has their name spelled with Kanji, only Katakana. Not only do few characters only remember their name, they don’t know how to write them properly. 
[2] Shosei (Writing Student) is a general term for students in the late nineteenth to early twentieth century. (Source and more info here) (If the link is broken, please let me know and I’ll try to fix it!)
Next Update: Episode 1 Part 3 -Bad Apple-
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translatebleu · 9 years
107 screens left to translate, then the Bad Apple update will be posted! So it should be up later today or tomorrow!
Apologies for how long this is taking! 
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translatebleu · 9 years
Update News
The next BAW updates may take a few days to be translated. The reason being that soon after my last update, Rinka will get to spend time with one of her love interests, and there’s quite a bit of text til they get to a point where they connect. 
On the bright side, this gives more insight to the characters personalities! I’ll be starting with the Bad Apple update first because there is more text to translate due to having more character routes, but Discipline update will be translated soon after!
I hope you look forward to the updates, and I hope you all have a lovely day!
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translatebleu · 9 years
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Aaaah, thank you so much! I’m probably repeating myself here, but I am honestly happy that people like BAW this much and enjoy my translations! I almost feel like crying because of all the nice messages I’ve been sent. ;///;
You and every one of my followers have been so great! You are all so nice and lovely! *gives everyone BAW plushies* Thank you for your kind message! I hope you have a wonderful month and New Year! And I hope you continue to enjoy my translations!
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translatebleu · 9 years
Bad Apple Wars -Episode 1- Part 1
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Episode 1: Bad Apple or Discipline Committee
Protag’s name: Rinka
Note: Doing this translation for fun and to help me learn/memorize Japanese! Please don’t repost and/or claim this translation as your own! My apologies for any mistakes/misunderstandings in text!
Credit: Sakurableu  / Translatebleu
Rabbit-sensei: Alright kids, pay attention to TEACH-ER! Guess what!? We have some new students to introduce to you all!
Rinka: Er, um...
Fellow Freshman: ...mumble mumble...
Rabbit-sensei: Now everyone, be a Good Apple and get along with them~! Alright, applause time~ ♪
*clapping from students*
Rinka: (Wh-what is this... They’re all wearing the same mask and uniform... I can’t tell who is who here, they are all completely indistinguishable... What is this...)
Rabbit-sensei: Introductions are OVER~! Please go and take your seats, any vacant desk is fine!
Rinka: Y-yes, sir. (Introductions? But no one introduced themselves, no one said their names or anything... is it fine like this?)
*Rinka sits down*
Fellow Freshman: ...mumble mumble...
Rabbit-sensei: Hey, kiddo, that includes you too~! Take a seat, sit down~!
*Freshman does so*
Rabbit-sensei: With that over with, time for homeroom to start~ ♪
*time passes until the school chimes sound*
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Rabbit-sensei: Homeroom is O-V-E-R~! ‘Cause we happened to have an entrance ceremony today, that means you don’t have any more classes! What luck, huh~ ★ Good Apples, this means you should all head back to the dorms early for some good night sleeping~!
Good Apples: Yes, sir......
Rabbit-sensei: Well then, see ya tomorrow~! DISMISSED!
*students rise from their seats as Rabbit leaves, but then he stops*
Rabbit-sensei: Oh, that’s right. Sorry, it went out of my mind! I completely forgot! I need to give these to you new students~! Yep, this is for you. Present for you~ ♪
Rinka: ......?
Rabbit-sensei: This is NEVAEH High’s student handbook! It has so MANY important things written in it. Make sure give it a good read, okay~? ★
Rinka: Y-yes, sir.
Rabbit-sensei: Yes, and one for your fellow new student too. Present for you~ ♪
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Fellow Freshman: Oh, for the love of... Didn’t I tell you to shut up earlier...? What is with everyone interrupting my studies...
Rabbit-sensei: Well then! I guess I’ll just put it here for you~! See ya!
*Rabbit leaves*
Fellow Freshman: ...This place is no good... I need to go somewhere quieter to study...
*Fellow Freshman leaves as well*
Rinka: (...Looks like they both left. And all the other students have left as well. No one stayed here to talk. What should I do now? It’s not like it’ll do me any good staying here... He said we should hurry back to our dorm to sleep, but... where is the dormitory? When I go to sleep here, I might wake up from this dream...)
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Rinka: (Ah...! There’s one other person who stayed behind. I wonder if... I can even talk to her... I’m a little scared.)
*Rinka stands up and walks to the girl*
Rinka: Excuse me...
School Girl: What is it? [1]
Rinka: (Oh, thank goodness. She answered me like a normal person.) Could I talk with you for a little while?
School Girl: Why?
Rinka: (Wha-why...?) Well, I have a lot of questions to ask. I only just came to this school, so there are a lot of things I don’t know about...
School Girl: If you have questions, then you may talk to the teachers about them.
Rinka: Eh... Um, but...
School Girl: If you do as our teachers say, then there should be no problems. So long as you follow the school regulations like a Good Apple, all should be well.
Rinka: (Wh-what? This girl is...)
School Girl: It’s easy.
Rinka: !
School Girl: It’s good for things to be easy. That’s right. --Don’t you think so? Together, it will be easier--[2]
Rinka: ......!
*Rinka runs away*
School Girl: Bye bye.
Rinka: (What was with that girl...?)
School Girl: Together, it will be easier--
*flashback over*
Rinka: (I felt so cold. I’m scared...!)
*Rinka continues running down the hall, then bumps into someone*
Rinka: Agh....
???: Woah there! You surprised me. Hey, you. You shouldn’t run down the halls, you know! You could hurt someone!
Rinka: I-I’m sorry...! (! This guy is wearing a bucket on his head...!)
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Bucket Head Man: More importantly, it’s a school violation to run down the halls. If it was a Discipline Member who found you, you’d really be in for it y’know?
Rinka: Eh?
Bucket Head Man: It’s in your student handbook. Right under the school rules. You should read it carefully.
Rinka: Student handbook...?
*Rinka gets her handbook out*
Rinka: (Woah. There are a lot of school rules written down. There’s more than 100 rule articles here... There is no way I’m going to remember all this. Ah, found it. ‘It is forbidden to run in the hallways’...... this is what he was talking about.)
Bucket Head Man: Do you get it now?
Rinka: Yes...
Bucket Head Man: Yeah, that’s a Good Apple.
Rinka: (...Thank goodness. Maybe this guy isn’t so scary...?) Excuse me, who are you...?
Bucket-sensei: Hm? Oh. I’m called Bucket-sensei around here.
Rinka: (Bucket-sensei...)
Bucket-sensei: Nice to meet you, New Student.
Rinka: Yes. Nice to meet you too--
*door opens*
???: Ahem, so this why it’s been noisy for a few minutes... Talking in front of the science laboratory is forbidden, as stated in the school rules.
Rinka: (!! Now there’s someone wearing a Gasmask here...!)
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Gasmask Man: You, lend me your handbook.
Rinka: Eh...
Gasmask Man: Lend. Me. Your. Handbook.
Rinka: Y-yes, sir... AHH!?
Gasmask Man: Here...! Here here here here HERE! It is written right there! Read it, will you!? See, see!?
Rinka: (I-It really is. ‘It is forbidden to be noisy in the hall with the science lab’ is actually written here. What is with this pinpoint school rule...!?)
Gasmask Man: Ahem... That means you dared to do a forbidden act... Therefore! You must be prepared to receive any kind punishment! ......Isn’t that right?
Rinka: Eh...?
Gasmask Man: Kehehe... If you’re so resolved, what do you say to an experiment...?  ...Well, it might not be an experiment for you. No matter your resolve, before me you are but a brittle mud doll to be given pain and despair until you are left collapsed on the ground... Kehe...kehehehe...
Rinka: (Th-this guy is saying a lot of scary things...! No matter how resolved I am, I’ll just...)
Bucket-sensei: Your clothes and the way you’re acting are just too scary, Gasmask. Look, you’re freaking her out!
Gasmask Man: ...Oh, so you are here as well, Bucket...
Bucket-sensei: This girl is a new student, she doesn’t know the rules yet. Just overlook it this time. 'Sides, I was mainly the one doing the talking. In the first place, the ones taking care of the student should be the Discipline Committee, not us.
Gasmask Man: Those lot are such a tepid group though... Also, you are far too sweet to the student body... especially the females... It’s unreasonable, if they’re Bad Apples then they deserve more and more and more more more more more much much much MUCH MORE.... Intense pain, deep despair, until even the deepest part of their souls have been twisted, been filled with it... kehehe...kehehehe....
Bucket-sensei: Yeah... I should probably do the introductions here. This guy is--
Gasmask-sensei: AHEM... Please, call me... Gasmask-sensei.
Bucket-sensei: As you have seen, he’s a perverted sadist. He’s always cooped up in the science lab doing who knows what kind of dangerous experiments.
Gasmask-sensei: I’m a sadist? Kehe, you must be joking... I wouldn’t call myself a true sadist, not one bit. I’m a soft sadist...
Bucket-sensei: So you admit that you’re a pervert and some kind of sadist. Got it.
Gasmask-sensei: I admit that I would like you to move aside. I have been thinking how much I would like a new laboratory table recently...
Bucket-sensei: No, I’m telling you to wait a sec. This girl is...
Rinka: (Wh-what should I do... I’m being protected right now, but what will happen if I stay here like this... Now that he’s turned away from me, I might be able to escape, right...? But if I do run, I don’t even know where I could go... And if they catch me if I try to escape, will something much worse happen...? Instead of running away, would apologizing be enough? Though I don’t know if he’ll forgive me even after I apologize...)
School Girl: If you do as our teachers say, there should be no problems. So long as you follow the school regulations like a Good Apple, all should be well. It’s easy.
*flashback over*
Rinka: (......What should I do...)
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[1] - Good Apples, including this girl, all talk calmly. Calm, but monotonous, like they don’t feel anything. Their ‘Yes, sir’ was almost in time with each other, and with no enthusiasm at all.
[2] - Everything up to this line had calming music in the background. The moment she says ‘Together, it will be easier’ the music just stops. I am not surprised Rinka ran away, I would have too. Especially from Gasmask-sensei. Protect me, my darling Bucket-sensei.
Next Updates: 
Episode 1 Part 2 -Bad Apple- Part 1 Episode 1 Part 2 -Discipline Member- Part 1
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translatebleu · 9 years
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Aah, thank you so much! I’m so happy that people enjoy the translations, and I’m grateful for all your kind words! I honestly didn’t expect to get messages here for a while, so I’m happily surprised by the support! ^///^
I hope you continue to enjoy the translations! And dang, I like those emojis! :o I can also picture Rabbit-sensei drawing them on a blackboard as an explanation of ‘Bad Apples/Bad things’~ (Random, I know, but I can’t get the idea out of my head now that Rabbit-sensei drawing things on the blackboard as a lesson now.)
Thank you again for your message! I hope you have a wonderful month + new year as well! ♥
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translatebleu · 9 years
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Thank you so much for your message and kind words! I'm glad you're enjoying the translations! I was also excited for BAW's release, so it's nice to know that others were too and like the translations. And thank you, I am enjoying the game very much! (Though I have been punched in the feels a lot, haha)
Ooh, and it’s nice to know there’s a Shikishima fan! I should really play through his route soon (his smile in the EP 0 CG is too cute! >///<). 
Onto your question: Most of the text is voiced in the game! The only text not voiced are the Flashback-POV monologues (where you view your Love Interest’s past and their thoughts), and when Rinka is talking/thinking. 
Thank you again for your message! I hope you have a lovely month + new year and continue to enjoy my translations! ♥
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translatebleu · 9 years
Bad Apple Wars -Episode 0- Part 3 (End of Episode 0)
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Episode 0: Dead Admission
Protag’s name: Rinka
Note: Doing this translation for fun and to help me learn/memorize Japanese! Please don’t repost and/or claim this translation as your own! My apologies for any mistakes/misunderstandings in text!
Credit: Sakurableu  / Translatebleu
Rabbit-sensei: --With this, the NEVAEH High entrance ceremony is O-V-E-R~ ★ Freshmen, please follow the instructions from your homeroom teacher and go to your class!
Rinka: (Finally, it’s over.....)
Rabbit-sensei: Hello~ ♥
Rinka: Wha!!? (H-he keeps surprising me...!)
Rabbit-sensei: With everything cleared up, you two are now students of this school now, aren’t ya? Congratulations~!! By the by, your darling homeroom teacher is meeee~! Ufufu, what luck~ ★
Rinka: (Wha--this guy our homeroom teacher!? I-I really don’t like this...)
Rabbit-sensei: Now then~! Time for me to guide you to the classroom~ C’mon c’mon, follow meeee~ ♪
Fellow Freshman: ...mumble mumble...
Rabbit-sensei: Yes, that includes you, kiddo! STAND UP~! C’mon, let’s GO~ ♪
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Fellow Freshman: ...mumble mumble mumble...
Rabbit-sensei: Ahaha. You’re still studying even while we’re walking! You really are an odd duck, aren’t you? How interesting~
Rinka: (......)
Rabbit-sensei: Haa. While we’re talking, those Bad Apples sure gave us a hard time. I mean, interrupting our Headmaster when he was gracious enough to talk - doing something like that is such a wasteful action~ ★ You make sure not to follow their example, mmkay?
Rinka: Y-yes...
Rabbit-sensei: Huehuhu, I knew it, you are a Good Apple! Ah, but thinking about it, if it’s you, I think you would be a surprisingly good member of our Discipline Committee too.
Rinka: ...Haa... (I don’t really have any interest in joining those scary people and fighting with weapons though...)
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Red Hair Guy: Do you want to go? If you want to go, then come with us. -Resist this school.
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White Hair Discipline Member: You, myself, and everyone here, we are already dead. If you have any desire to go, it would be meaningless and foolish. We will enforce corrections.
*flashback over*
Rinka: (......)
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Rinka: (I was certain that nothing would change. That nothing could have been changed. The ‘empty’ me was just going to live through the same old and repeating days, just floating, drifting through them forever. --Yes, that’s what I thought would happen. But then, something far from changing happened...... No. That’s wrong. This is just a dream. After a while, I’ll wake up. Then, after I get up, I’ll forget everything that happened here and return to my same old, never changing days. ...There’s no doubt...)
Note: English Lyrics for Mirror Mirror are up on Lyrical-Nonsense! Link~
Next Update: Episode 1 -Bad Apple or Discipline Committee- Part 1
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translatebleu · 9 years
Okay, just a heads up for everyone: The next update for BAW is the end of Episode 0. The problem is that I left just 30 or so text boxes to translate, so it’s going to be a short update.
On the bright side, that means Episode 1 is up next, which I am really looking forward to! I’ll try and get the rest of Episode 0 done in a few days, so I hope you enjoy it! And thank you for all the likes and follows! It really makes me happy to see them, and I’m glad that you all enjoy what I’ve posted so far!
I hope you all have a lovely day! <3
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translatebleu · 9 years
Bad Apple Wars -Episode 0- Part 2
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Episode 0: Dead Admission
Protag’s name: Rinka
Note: Doing this translation for fun and to help me learn/memorize Japanese! Please don’t repost and/or claim this translation as your own! My apologies for any mistakes/misunderstandings in text! (Especially with Headmaster, who mainly speaks in katakana)
Credit: Sakurableu  / Translatebleu
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Rabbit-sensei: We have ARRIIIIVED!!!
Rinka: (In the end, I was brought here... I don’t know much about this school, but I don’t really want to attend this entrance ceremony... But it’s not like there is anywhere I can escape to, huh...)
Rabbit-sensei: Alright alright~ The freshmen are all set~ ♪ Now, p-l-e-a-s-e take your seat.
Rinka: (My seat... Even though this room is so wide, there are only two chairs here. There is one person already seated here.)
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Rinka: (Is he also a new student here...?)
Rabbit-sensei: You are already dead...
*end flashback*
Rinka: (Was he also told that before he was brought here...?)
Fellow Freshman: ...S-tran-ge... Strange... Odd... Weird... S-T-R-A-N-G-E. [1]
Rinka: (...?) Excuse me...
Fellow Freshman: T-rus-t... Trust... Reliable... Believe in... Trust, trust...
Rinka: (...Is he studying?) Um, excuse me...
Fellow Freshman: Shut up.
Rinka: Wha-
Fellow Freshman: Be silent... Otherwise, I’ll forget these words I’m trying to memorize...
Rinka: I-I’m sorry...
Fellow Freshman: Theory... theory... T-H-E-O-R-Y... Hypothesis, a doctrine... Theory, theory...
Rinka: (...I-I’ve made him angry...)
*cheerful music plays, then slows down and cuts off*
Rinka: !
*people walk onto the stage*
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Rinka: (Those people... Are they our teachers...? Why are they all hiding their faces...?)
Rabbit-sensei: Ah ahh. Mic test, mic test.
Rinka: (This voice, it’s that guy...!)
Rabbit-sensei: Aw yeah, this your host, Rabbit-sensei, speaking! It’s NEVAEH High’s entrance ceremony, so let’s hurry and get this show started! First off first off, let’s be grateful and listen to the wise words our Headmaster has to offer. Everybody, keep quiet now~
Rinka: (The Headmaster......?)
*Despite no steps being heard or anyone stepping to the podium, the microphone squeaks*
Rinka: !?
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Headmaster: There is nothing left for you to see. To you students, who have finished your worthless, meaningless, wasteful lives -- Congratulations are in order for your death admitting you here! Welcome to NEVAEH High!!
Rinka: (Wh-what’s with their voice? It sounds so old and mechanical. There’s no one behind the microphone...... They could be talking from somewhere else, but... It’s like someone invisible is talking...... It’s creepy...)
Headmaster: Here is where the souls of those who have failed and died without accomplishing any of life’s challenges gather, like you dropouts. A ‘Consolation Chance’, a place of merciful salvation; those are the reasons why this school was created.
Rinka: (A consolation chance...?)
Fellow Freshman: ......A dropout? ...No, I can’t be... that’s wrong... I’m different... I’m nothing like that... *grabs book* Imagination... Creative mind... Impact... A collision... Intelligence... Intellect... Intelligence... Intelligence... Intellect... A fine mind...
Headmaster: If you follow the rules of our school then, given time, even dropout souls like you could instantly become Good Apples! Souls that eventually become Good Apples can ‘Graduate’. --In other words, you will be given a chance to ‘Redo your Life’ once more.
Rinka: (So if I follow the rules here, I can ‘Graduate’... So I can leave this place? But ‘Redoing my life’...)
Headmaster: Everyone, if you would like to ‘Graduate’ with ease, then please do not break the school rules. Also, if you ever encounter a ‘Rotten Apple’, you must never--
Rinka: !?
Rinka: (Wh-what the hell!?)
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Rinka: ( ......Is it over? What the hell just.... !! T-the back wall has been blown to pieces!? The explosion did that!?)
???: If you encounter a ‘Rotten Apple’, you must never approach them -- That what you were gonna say!? What a dumbass rule!! ‘Rotten Apples’ sounds way too fancy!! We’re called the ‘BAD APPLES’, get it right ya creeps!!
Rinka: !
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Rinka: There are people behind all this bomb smoke! Are they the ones who blew up the wall?
Goth Loli Girl: Geez, shut up! Don’t yell when you’re so close to me, got it? And the way you introduce us is always so tacky. Absolutely no sense of style. Not even the slightest bit cute.
Gang Clothes Guy: What!? If we’re the bad guys, then we should make a bangin’ entrance scene, right!?
Goth Loli Girl: Oh? When did ‘bad guys’ start making an entrance like that!?
Red Hair Guy: ......The new students must be... those two.
Modern Guy: Awesome. Ooh, one of them is a girl! Doesn’t she look like a cutie? Don’t see someone like that often~
Cool Girl: And where exactly are you looking? That’s sexual harrassment, you perv.
Modern Guy: Wha-even though I’m just looking!?
Guy in Kendo Clothes: I-is there a samurai!? Are there any fellow samurai here!?
Modern Guy: Ah. I don’t really think there are any here?
Guy in Kendo Clothes: Ha......
Gang Clothes Guy: None of them would even be here, man.
Red Hair Guy: ......Stay alert. ‘They’ will be here soon.
Rabbit-sensei: Oh dear! Those Bad Apple brats are at it again! Breaking a school building is a VIOLATION~ ★ Interrupting our Headmaster’s speech is a VIOLATION~ ♥ C’mere and get them GET THEM! Hurry up and get off your butts, Discipline Committee, okay!?  GO GO~!!
Rinka: (Those people are Bad Apples? And Discipline Committee, what? What the heck is going on aga--?)
*sound of running footsteps*
Red Hair Guy: ...They’re here.
Rinka: !!
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Rinka: (So those people are the Discipline Committee? They’re also covering their faces... Is that a sword in their hands!? Wait, no. There are scales etched into the blade. So that... is a ruler? .........What kind of ruler is that?)
Discipline Member: Bad Apples, you need to be corrected. For disturbing the discipline here, Bad Apples, you will be corrected. You must all be corrected.
White Haired Discipline Member: ......Such a distorted, ugly soul they have. If they are not corrected soon, then--
*Red draws a dagger*
Red Hair Guy: Let’s go, guys. --Time to start a war.
Gang Clothes Guy: Hell yeaaaah!! Let’s go!! ORAAAAGH!!
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Rinka: (!!! D-did that ball just explode like a bomb!? The hell!?)
Rinka: AAHHHH! (What now...!? What is this? What’s going on? I can’t see well through this smoke. Is this a battle? Wh-what should I do...!?)
Fellow Freshman: Mistake... an error... Moment... a brief time period...
Rinka: (Even at a time like this he’s studying!?)
Rinka: (Agh!! Nevermind that, we’ve got to get out of here. If we stay here, we’ll get caught up in this mess...!) Hey, this really isn’t the time for studying. We need to run away...!
Fellow Freshman: Huh? ...What are you saying?
Rinka: What am I--what. Look around you, this place is a--
Fellow Freshman: Who? ....Who, exactly, is going to run away from here? It’s not me. I’m not going to run away. If I run, then my studies will be...
Rinka: ...W-what are you saying...?
Fellow Freshman: I-I-I can’t run away. I won’t be able to study if I do. I am not... going to run. I will not. I will...
Rinka: (It-it’s no use. My words aren’t getting through to him...)
Rinka: AAHHH!!
*Rinka is knocked over from the explosion*
Rinka: (Geez, what else is happening now!?)
???: Hey, you--
Rinka: (...!!)
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Rinka: (Wha-how long as he been there!? Bright red hair... Almost like burning flames...)
Red Hair Guy: Do you want to go?
Rinka: Eh...? (Eh? Er, what did he say? Did he say if I want to go? ...Go where? Ah, does he mean go outside the gym? Or go outside of this school? Does he know how to escape from this place?)
Red Hair Guy: .........That goes for you too, Study Kid. What about you? Do you want to go?
Fellow Freshman: ...mumble mumble...
Red Hair Guy: If you want to go, then come with us. --Resist this school.
Rinka: (...This school...?)
Red Hair Guy: ........Ah!
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White Hair Discipline Member: Do not listen to him.
Red Hair Guy: You are...
White Hair Discipline Member: You, myself, and everyone here, we are already dead. If you have any desire to go, it would be meaningless and foolish.
Rinka: (Ah... That’s right. Even if I do want to go...)
White Hair Discipline Member: We will enforce corrections.
*White is about to attack with his Ruler-sword*
White Hair Discipline Member: ----
Red Hair Guy: Tch...
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Rinka: (!!? Threads!? Where did they--!? This guy stopped the Ruler with his Threads. I-is this some kind of acrobatic skill or....?)
*Red and White fight*
Rinka: (...Ugh! Fighting... with Thread and a Ruler. What is this scene......Eh?)
*Black Petals start floating down*
Rinka: (N-now something weird is falling from above us...!? What... are these? .......Black petals?)
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Rinka:  (Ah...! There’s someone standing in the gallery. Are they coming from him? Is he making them fall?)
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Rinka: (! He’s smiling...)
Guy in Kendo Clothes: Hm, these flowers--
Cool Girl: ...Heh. Showering flowers on an entrance ceremony, he’s got one heck of a style, huh?
Red Hair Guy: ...Him, huh.
White Hair Discipline Member: ...Once again, doing something meaninglessly...
White Hair Discipline Member: Ugh!!
Red Hair Guy: Time to pull back.
Gang Clothes Guy: Got it! Did ya manage to recruit any of them?
Red Hair Guy: ‘White’ here came earlier than expected. I was only able to say the bare minimum, but... well, nothing we can do. We’ll have to rearrange the conditions again.
Gang Clothes Member: Got it. HEY!!! Time to get outta here, you bunch!! Fall back!!
Bad Apples: On it!!!
*The Bad Apples retreat*
White Hair Discipline Member: We won’t let you leave.
*Discipline Committee goes after them*
Red Hair Guy: ......
*Red looks at Rinka+Study Boy, then joins his fellow Bad Apples*
Rinka: Ah... (Wow, at the same time, every one of them--)
Rinka: (All of them are gone now... What was all tha-huh... What!? No way, I don’t know how I didn’t realize this sooner, but the wall they blew up is back to normal now! It’s like nothing even happened...)
Headmaster: Ahem...
Rinka: !
Headmaster: As I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted... if you would like to ‘Graduate’ with ease, then please do not break the school rules. Also, if you ever encounter a ‘Rotten Apple’, you must never - ever - approach them... That is all.
*clapping from the teachers*
Rabbit-sensei: Yes, thank you for your wise words, Headmaster! Next on the program--
Rinka: (The teachers are acting like nothing happened and are continuing the entrance ceremony... Geez, I can’t keep up with this place at all...)
[1] - He’s learning English and then saying the word in Japanese. Instead of having him repeat the same word over and over, I decided to add synonyms in their place. It also seems like studying is something that helps him calm down from stressful situations (like when Headmaster called him and Rinka ‘dropouts’...and when a battle breaks out).
Next Update: Episode 0 -Dead Admission- Part 3
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translatebleu · 9 years
Bad Apple Wars -Episode 0- Part 1
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Episode 0: Dead Admission
Protag’s name: Rinka
Note: Doing this translation for fun and to help me learn/memorize Japanese! Please don’t repost and/or claim this translation as your own! My apologies for any mistakes/misunderstandings in text!
Credit: Sakurableu  / Translatebleu
*Alarm beeps*
Rinka: Mmm...... Jeez, morning already...............I should get up...... (Cherry blossoms......That’s right, today is the school entrance ceremony. I should get ready.)  I’m heading out.
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Rinka: (Entrance ceremony, huh? This is also the day I become a high school student. Hmm...I don’t really feel like anything has changed though. ...Also, other than my uniform, the only thing that’s different is where I’m going to. Everything from the moment I got up to now I have done over and over before. Just a repetition from when I went to Junior High. The same as always. I’m sure it will be the same from now on as well. Even when I’m older, nothing will change. These days that are never changing will continue repeating over and over. Forever and always......Yep, it happened again too.)
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Rinka: (No matter what I do, I’ll always feel this wind as well. I want something more, something exciting, something that makes my heart pound. Is there anything that could actually make me feel that way? Why is it like this; why do I always feel so “empty”? I’ve tried to be discreet about this, but I’ve felt like this for a long time. The reasons why my feelings never change is because I myself do not change. Yeah, even though I understand that, I...)
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Rinka: Ah. (...Not good, the signal changed. I have to hurry and cross over--)
*Rinka tries to run across, then she bumps into someone*
Rinka: Ugh! (M-my shoe came off. Oh, that’s right. Along with this uniform, I got brand new shoes for today as well--)
*A car drives on the road, then screeches*
Rinka: Eh?
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Rinka: ...Huh...? Where...am I...? It’s so dark... I can’t see a thing... My body feels light... Swaying, softly...shaking...floating...? Am I underwater...? No, this feels different. I don’t have any difficulty breathing... I’m......I am...
???: ---I found you~ ★
Rinka: ...! Eh...? (This is...? Er... What... what am I doing here? What is going...)
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Rabbit-head Man: Goooooood morning~! ★
Rinka: GAH!?
Rabbit-head Man:  Oh my my, did I surprise you~? For-give me~? So~? You still half-asleep? Or awake? Feeling okaaaay? How are ya~?
Rinka: Wh-who ARE you!?
Rabbit-head Man: Huh? AhaHA. Who am I? Who indeed~? What do you see??
Rinka: (W-what the? What do I see? ......) A r-rabbit...?
Rabbit-sensei: Bing bing BOOM, that’s riiiight! Rabbit-sensei at your service~ ♪ Welcome to NEVAEH High~! Welcome~ Aw yeah, HANDSHAKE! Nice to meet ya, let’s get along~!
Rinka: Um, wait... (What the heck? This guy is so suspicious... Rabbit-sensei? What the... And this place...He said it’s called NEVAEH High? Where the hell is it? What am I even doing here...?) Um, what am I... doing here...?
Rabbit-sensei: Ah yes~ Now, one moment~ Time to put a flower on your chest! Face this way. No moving, please!
Rinka: Huh? Wha...
Rabbit-sensei: Done and DONE! Yes, with this you’re good, yeah! Woo, time to go now.
Rinka: Wait, what... time to go...what?
Rabbit-sensei: Gotta hurry, the entrance ceremony is about to start~  C’mon c’mon, don’t wanna be late for a very important date!
Rinka: WHAT...!? Hey, please, wait a minute. An entrance ceremony... I’m... (! That’s right, the entrance ceremony... I was on my way to my high school. So how the hell did I get here so suddenly? Did he bring me here? He said something about an entrance ceremony... Wait a sec, is he trying to initiate me into a malicious cult or religion of some kind...?) Um, er... I don’t want to be admitted to this school.
Rabbit-sensei: Ehhh?
Rinka: You see, today is my high school entrance ceremony. It’s an important day for me. That’s why I’ll be leaving now...
Rabbit-sensei: Huuuuh?
Rinka: P-please. Please, take me back to where you found me.
Rabbit-sensei: Hmmhmmmm. Hmm, oh, I get it! Ah, yes yes, now I understand, I understand your feelings COMPLETELY!
Rinka: Ah... than you will...
Rabbit-sensei: But I can’t.
Rinka: Agh!
Rabbit-sensei: See, taking you back to where you came from is something I can’t do at all~ Heheh, for-give me~?
Rinka: L-like I’ll just...
Rabbit-sensei: Aha. Well, you see~? You see, you see, you, my dear -- you died~ ★★
Rinka: ............What?
Rabbit-sensei: Oh my? Did you not hear me~? Should I say it again? You are already dead... Is what I said~ ★ ALRIGHT, want me to repeat that a second time?
Rinka: ............ (......What is this guy saying... Is he messing with me?)
Rabbit-sensei: Upupu, that face!! I get it, oh do I get it!! It’s unfortunate, right? So regrettable, riiiight? But but, it’s a-ok, it’s alright, you don’t need to worry, see? NEVAEH High will take you in with open arms~ ★
Rinka: No... no matter what you say, I don’t want to go to this school... Please, stop saying such outlandish things.
Rabbit-sensei: Oh my my? What a cold response~ Do you not believe the words of your beloved sensei? Don’t you remember your death? Or did you forget because you were unconscious for a bit? The moment that you died-
Rinka: (No, that’s... Eh...? Ah............That’s right. I tried running across the intersection to get out of the road. But my shoe came off... then......!? H-huh...? I don’t remember what happened... after that... I... don’t feel like I have an injury, right? Why.........What happened to...?
Rabbit-sensei: Do you remember now?
Rinka: ......
Rabbit-sensei: ......Hm? Uh, hello hello? Hey heeeeey? See me here? Hear me there? Gonna reply to your teach at some point? Or are you ignoring me??
Rinka: ......!
*Rinka runs away*
Rabbit-sensei: Oh my?
Rinka: (There’s no way. It’s impossible, right? I’m certain, that place and that ‘teacher’ had such a weird atmosphere, as if they were trying to swallow me whole while I was confused.)
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Rinka: (I’ve just got to think calmly and get the hell out of here--)
*White flash, then Rinka is teleported back to the school entrance*
Rinka: Eh? (This is the- What am I doing here again? I was just about to run through the gate.)
Rabbit-sensei: Welcome baaack~  ★
*screen shakes*
Rinka: !!
*Rinka runs away again*
Rabbit-sensei: Oh my?
Rinka: (H-how did that happen...!? Why did I go back to where he was?)
*Rinka runs through the gate again, but the same white flash happens and she is teleported again*
Rabbit-sensei: Heeey~ ♥
Rinka: !!?
Rabbit-sensei: Oh my my?
Rinka: (What is this, what’s going on? I can’t pass through the gate...! I know, if I call someone to the gate, then they’ll come to help--) ...Agh! (I don’t have my bag...! Why? Did I drop it somewhere? At the intersection? No way...What should I do...What can I do?)
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Rinka: (The sky is bright red... I’ve never seen a sky this colour before. ...It’s creepy... Like I’m looking at a nightmare... Oh, that’s it. This is just a dream. It’s impossible for something like this to happen in reality. But when did I begin dreaming? When I had the accident? After I woke up this morning? Or is it even before then? ......At a time like this, I should pinch my cheek. ......It hurts. ...Isn’t that supposed to be enough? But it’s no good, I don’t understand anymore...)
Rabbit-sensei: Are you done?
Rinka: AAAAHH!! (H-how long has he been there...!?)
Rabbit-sensei: Satisfied now? Then LET’S GO! Time for the entrance ceremony to start~ ★
Rinka: Ah...
Rabbit-sensei: It’s okay, it’s all alright~ ♥ You don’t need to worry, you seem like a Good Apple~
Rinka: ...Uu...
Rabbit-sensei: If it’s you, I’m certain you’ll “graduate” very soon~ ♥
Next update: Episode 0 -Dead Admission- Part 2
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translatebleu · 9 years
Bad Apple Wars -Prelude-
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Protag’s name: Rinka
Note: Doing this translation for fun and to help me learn/memorize Japanese! Please don’t repost and/or claim this translation as your own! And my apologies for any mistakes/misunderstandings in text! (???/Rabbit-sensei confuses me ;-;)
Credit: Sakurableu  / Translatebleu
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???: Ah, it’s worthless, it is really so worthless!★ It‘s so worthless that I just want to laugh!! Aha~!! For example, like when you have a break at your job and you spend that time leisurely~? Perhaps you even try to brew some tea... Oh crap, I haven’t had anything to drink yet! I’m the one who understands nothing! WHY HAVE YOU INTERFERED WITH ME, MY MIND!? Well anyway, now that we’re talking about it... Shouldn’t I get a spoon and start stirring the cup round and round and around?
*sounds of ??? getting a spoon*
???: Round and round and around and around, round and round and around and around, turning and turning, just repeating the same thing~ ♪ Yes, aaand? What is the meaning in doing so~, what is this nonsensical question I ask!? What is the meaning of this world, if there even is a single meaning to be found? No matter where, what, who, why, or how, it’s all completely absolutely meaningless.
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???: Ahaha, AHAHAHAHA! What a worthless world!★ But, don’t you see, that’s what makes it so hilarious!!★★ ............Haaaaaaah. But, irresponsibly, it’s also going to get boring real soon. ...Oh? Oh my oh my~?
*??? breaks something*
???: This. Is. TERRIBLE!! Once again, are the soon-to-be ripe adorable apples  just going to fall from the tree!? I cannot just let something like that rest~ ★ I must go and pick them up at once! I wonder, what kind of students will these apples be~? Lala, tralala~ ♪
Next update: Episode 0 -Dead Admission- Part 1
17 notes · View notes
translatebleu · 9 years
Just got Bad Apple Wars!
Guess what’s getting added to my translations~
After I play some of it myself, I mean *cough*
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translatebleu · 9 years
I DOLL U - Track 0 Part 2
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Protag’s name: Aika Amane
Note: Doing this translation for fun and to help me learn/memorize Japanese! Please don’t repost and/or claim this translation as your own!
Credit: Sakurableu  / Translatebleu
Aika: ...Big brother!
I came back to my senses thanks to my voice.
Aika: (A dream...? Wait, when did I change my clothes...!?)
I’m in my room, where everything looks the same as always. I probably had that dream of my past because I was looking at these old photographs.
Aika: (...Oh no, it’s already time. I need to hurry!)
Aika: ...Daddy, Mommy. Please, watch over brother today from heaven.
After talking to my Father and Mother, who are no longer with me, I place the old photo back on the shelf. Today is a very important day.
Aika: (Today is the the day Big brother’s dream finally comes true...!)
Father died early in our lives, so my brother and I were raised single-handedly by our Mother, who died one year ago. The home they left us is the reason why we’re still alive. During high school, I saved up money from my part-time jobs for the purpose of attending a fashion college. As well as working at several jobs, there were also painful times too, but I did my best to work towards my dream.
Aika: (Big brother is showing me that you can reach your dreams. That’s why I’ll do my best and work hard too! Brother, you have to work hard to achieve your dream, that’s what you taught me!)
...That’s right, my brother has really become a ‘singer’. Today, my brother, Manaka Amane... will debut at his first event with the stage name Aika Amane.
Aika: “Since I’m going to live away from you, I’ll be lonely. This way, I’ll feel like we’re always together”.  To think my brother would have that stage name for such a simple reason. ...The more I think about it, the more it sounds like a sister-complex.
Aika: (I still can’t believe he passed the apex of the audition, “The reason you want to be an idol group leader”, and got his debut. When they asked for the reason, I got a little worried, but it was no problem for my brother!! Under the circumstances, the other group members were probably transferred from a different office...)
Still, the other idols are already popular, so I’m very happy and proud that my brother was chosen to be in the same group as them. My brother, who has been dependable and able to accomplish things since childhood, is my pride. After his debut, I won’t be able to meet him at his dorm for quite a while.
Aika: ...But I’ll still be able to see him from the audience today.
Aika: (Like I was saying, I’m definitely going to see my brother. I’m going to cheer him on!)
Even though I tried to get my hands on more, I only ended up with one ticket to see my brother’s group, ReRise, and their debut event.
Aika: (Especially for today, I bought a black and blue phone strap in their group image. Though, I had better hurry and leave the house soon...)
*doorbell ding dong*
Aika: (Hm? Looks like someone is at the door.)
Aika: Yes, who is it?
Courier: Hello! Er, clothes delivery from Manaka Amane.
Aika: (Clothes from Brother? On the day of his important event...?)
Aika: Alright, I’m coming.
Aika: (...This package really is from my Brother. I could never mistake his handwriting. But to have it arrive specifically on this day...)
*opens the package*
Aika: ...What the...!? A wig with the same hairstyle as Brother, clothes, shoes... even a smartphone...! What is going on!? ...! Dear Aika... a letter for me...!?
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Manaka: I’m sorry. I know this wasn’t asked for, but I need you to be my scapegoat. There isn’t much time. I know I’m giving you a lot of trouble, forgive me. I’m begging you. I don’t have anyone I can rely on but you. I’m so sorry, really. ...From, Manaka Amane.
Aika: His scapegoat....
Aika: (No...)
Aika: ......For his first event, today!?
It’s then I’m reminded that the idol group Brother belongs to, ReRise, is having their event.
Aika: (Is Brother saying he wants me to go to the event in his place!? No...! Today is supposed to be Brother’s debut event!!)
I can’t believe it. I didn’t want to believe it. What in the world happened to my brother? Wanting to hear an answer, I held his smartphone in my hand.
Aika: (Why...!?)
Not understanding anything, all I could do was clench my hands around my event ticket and Brother’s clothes.
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