The team is back in full force, and we have another success riding on their heels: we are now completely hidden from the UR servers-invisible. Meanwhile, our people are sorting the data that the team took from the clinic. It appears mostly to be patient records, which could be useful.
Our next mission, from what we’ve learnt from this operation, is to enlist Cutthroat’s newly discovered cartography skills and combine it with whatever inside information the team has to provide, and create our own maps of the UR. This will help to facilitate our next operation.
Log 12-2207-1323
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Returning from the Ashes
They’ve done it. Clinic 5A in the Southern Upper Ring has been razed to the ground, and Trinity’s report indicates the team managed to recover information from the clinic.
Even if she had not sent her update, we would have known anyway. The alarms that went off in the UR could be heard from the LR, and the relief was palpable. The only thing now, and quite possibly just as difficult as the bombing, is to escape the UR without being detected.
Log 11-2107-0700
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After days of nothing, Trinity has broken through again. The team is at full force and ready to finish what they went in to do. Our surveillance technology needs updating; we have only her words to rely on, but it seems they are close to success. 
Log 10-2107-2348
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Trinity has gone off the grid, and although operations in the LR continue as normal, tensions are rising within Transience. Frostbyte is doing her best to source out the information leak, but if the informant has any intelligence at all, they will be long gone. 
Domino has called a temporary blackout: no rallies, no activity on the street, and staying indoors as much as possible. It’s a policy of self-containment. We have locked our enemies out, but also locked ourselves in.
Log 9-2007-2330
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A Slight Delay
They know more than we realise.
Letting slip the codename Domino would hardly have had any effect. But like the eponymous game, it was only the first in a very long chain-and we’re only just beginning to topple.
The team has been held up. They’re keeping quiet-gone radio silent, except for the updates Trinity is somehow putting out. The op was meant to be over today; it seems as though they will be biding their time a little longer. Concern is spreading-Trinity speaks of suspicion and stares. They are watching. 
They are too far in to back out; we all know that. They will either complete their mission or, god forbid, die trying.
Log 8-1907-0900
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Transience manifesto
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This transmission was delivered by our UR contact. The timing is unfortunate, given the undergoing operation, but it seems that they are not yet on high alert. Be careful and stay under the radar. Do not give them any reason to suspect.
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Poster Series 3
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Poster Series 1: White
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Poster Series 2: Red
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Security Breach
This is an urgent update. There has been a security breach-an informant. The codename Domino has been released. Although currently not significant, the potential damage that could be done is immeasurable. Security will be tightened and we will do our best to seek out this informant. Until then, refrain from using any actual names. Use aliases instead. The less they know, the better. Stay alert.
Log 7-1807-1113
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Updates from the Upper Ring
The team has arrived safely and securely at the safehouse in the Upper Ring, and are now undergoing preparations and reconnaissance. Trinity will be sending updates as soon as she is able, but until then, our most recent information indicates that our team went in unnoticed and successfully bypassed the security checkpoints.  
Transience is barely gaining traction; or rather, it is barely stirring ripples in the Upper Ring. That is to say, they remain blissfully ignorant of our very prominence, and, once again, their oversight will be their downfall. This mission will certainly draw attention to us, but we are fully prepared for such a scenario. Until then, the team will attempt to disguise the fire as a gas leak.
Log 6-1707-1002
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Aelyn Daniel
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Lee Awen
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Tang Tze Yi
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Shana Leon
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Misha Lang
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Linn Way
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Top of our game.
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The lineup for the mission has been announced:
1. Tang Tze Yi (team leader) aka Trinity 2. Maria Santiago aka Rose 3. Vladimir Lenin aka Butin 4. Dennis Wang aka Steam 5. Mao Zhen Ting aka Smoke 6. Margaret Fletcher aka Stag 7. Michelle Clinton aka President 8. Ridler Franklin aka Fireman 9. Robert Lost aka The Poet 10. Nyambura Muthoni aka River
Their mission will begin tonight at 1158.
  Log 5-1507-1324
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We may have made a breakthrough: infiltration into the Upper Ring. We have reestablished contact with one of our Upper Ring contacts, who for her safety’s sake has been aliased Elizabeth. She has been in the Turritopsis Corporation for several years. She has since met with Aelyn and a plan to inject small stealth forces of Transience members into the Upper Ring to begin more drastic action against Turritopsis, starting with the city branches of the clinics where the procedures are carried out and people go to for booster jobs.
Elizabeth thinks we could safely get six to ten Transients in. Ten will be a stretch, but it’s also the number Aelyn insists on sending for the plan she’s drawn up. It had to be voted on, and Aelyn just won the vote as the decider. It was a close win. We are rarely this divided. 
Ten it is-including Tze Yi-but the rest of the lineup is undecided. 
Log 4-1007-1140
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The Rise of a Revolution
That’s the number that we broke today. It exceeded our greatest hopes, and for one reason only: the youths.
People say youths are impressionable; maybe that’s true and maybe it isn’t. Either way, they’re the most fired up, they’re the most angry, they’re the most passionate, and they’re the most willing to stand up and take a risk. They showed up in droves. Somehow or other, without even focusing on them, we really got through.
The crowd breakdown by age was something like-
Youths: 65% Working Class: 30% Retired and Children: 5% 
The rally lasted two hours, with an official speech from Aelyn. She was the most passionate-she’s always been-but never like this morning. She swayed the people with every word she declared. If this is the riptide of heat and hatred that has been coalescing within the Lower Ring all these years, then it won’t be a problem to drown Turritopsis and return those jellyfish to the watery graves they rose from.
Log 3-0407-2028
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Welcome to the Gamma Sector Square. In twenty-six hours, this will be the location of the newest milestone in Transience’s journey. 
We’ve spent a significant amount on promotional material and keeping everything under the UR radar. The fact that they barely look past the Sub-Lower Ring helps. They figure no one in the Lower Ring, so far from their pinnacle of modern technology and civilisation, will have the resources to organise anything substantial. We can’t wait to prove them wrong. 
Log 2-0307-0832
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