transfigurationofelle · 5 months
He got me an apartment
The amount of amazing action that has taken place in my life recently is iconic. I've received everything I want and more with the utmost ease. Z came back from his holiday and business trip a few weeks back and has wasted no time making things happen. He has been taking me out on dates to the best restaurants in town multiple times a week, he also took me shopping for new boots and a bag. It's been so fun. Then, the most unexpected thing happened... He told me to look at apartments in his side of town so I could be closer which I didn't mind because he lives in my favorite area. It surprised me because I've only mentioned that I like the area few times in passing. I showed him the apartments that I liked and after that he said I book viewings so "we can get you where you want to be". Did someone say husband? He didn't even give me a budget or anything lol. I fell in love with this really modern home with great natural lighting throughout the day and floor to ceiling windows. It's so spacious and the owners left their piano there!! I was very visibly excited when we were in there, I can't lie. He seemed so proud of himself lol. He signed the lease and paid the rent for a year right then and there which made me feel soooo secure. This whole event was just so unexpected, I'm still in shock even though it's been a few days now. I can't wait to move in. (edit: oh, I'll still be keeping my current apartment, duh)
I didn't create this blog to talk about my career but it's relevant here because even though I feel like I'm really taken care of by the men in my life, I'm also enjoying growing my career. I started a new job last week and so far it's been great. The team is very chilled and the culture is wholesome. I managed to negotiate a salary of $8000 a month which is perfect. I can't wait for the month to end so I can be paid. I knew I'd be rich in 2024 and here I am already killing it. This is only the beginning.
P is also still around and things have been going steady too. I for sure need at least two more guys on my roster because I feel my self catching feelings for Z and P and idk how I feel about that lol... But I'm remaining trustful of the flow while keeping on my toes.
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transfigurationofelle · 5 months
You’re right, she was pure feminine sexuality and she knew it too.
Rossy Mendoza in ‘Santo vs. The Kidnappers’ (1972).
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transfigurationofelle · 5 months
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Footlight Parade (Lloyd Bacon, 1933)
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transfigurationofelle · 5 months
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Le Charme de la Soirée by Albert Joseph Pénot (1900)
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transfigurationofelle · 5 months
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transfigurationofelle · 6 months
oops! it seems i tripped and dropped several million free books, papers, and other resources
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transfigurationofelle · 6 months
Dating Diaries #2 ~ keeping my roster active
As much as I like Z, a girl's gotta keep her roster active! But quite frankly, I'm just having fun with it. I sort of have a love for meeting new people and having different experiences, it's interesting.
So I went on a date yesterday with a new guy, P, and he was straight to the point. I loved it. His sense of clarity and forwardness is really attractive. He's not in my social circle but I've bumped into him a couple of times at events and the attraction between us kept getting more and more intense each time. But attraction is just attraction without action and exploration, so I didn't really bother to think much of our interactions. He somehow found me on instagram on Monday and Dmed me. He greeted and got straight to the point that he'd love to take me out for dinner and I gladly agreed. He took me to a Japanese fine dining place and I had so much sushi loool. If a woman eating a lot is turnoff to him, I am so sorry 😂 (not). It was nice actually getting to know him in a quiet environment since we are always seeing each other in noisy places and having brief conversations. He totally gets my humor which is a major green flag. I found myself opening up wayyy too much which is something I don't usually do. I don't know why it was happening. But looking back, there was just a specific kind of comfort I've never felt before. I love it when I experience new, exciting and intense feelings on a first date. Makes it so much fun, even though I like to take things sloooooow.
After dinner he got straight to the point that he was instantly intrigued by me but had to slowly build up the courage to ask me out – then he saw me on insta and decided that was his shot. That annoyed me a bit but whatever. He says he hasn't been in a relationship in a long time but at this point he's just ready to settle down, so if things develop between us that will be his approach. I'm rather neutral about it. I'm open but that's to whoever makes a notable impact in my life.
And omg! of course he's super successful! I just love who I keep on attracting. He's a business guy but what caught my interest is that he's actually doing something on the creative side, it's refreshing.
In regards to my roster, there are two others that I haven't mentioned yet but that's because there isn't anything that exciting to say about them. There's short T and tall T. I'm not feeling it at all with tall T, we haven't spoken for a few days but when he does message I'll just let him know. Short T on the other hand is super fun but that's all I'm getting. I enjoy my time with him but idk if it will lead to anywhere. I'll probably give it another two dates and if nothing comes out of it I'd love to remain friends. I need some guy friends who are only friends lol.
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transfigurationofelle · 6 months
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transfigurationofelle · 6 months
He makes everything so easy...
My life has taken an amazing turn over the past years but I haven't really had an outlet to share mainly due to privacy concerns (and no friends lolololol). But today it got me thinking about all the diary blogs I used to read as a teen that inspired me and were outlets for the writers themselves... Blogs like that have mostly died out these days though because of the Googlfication of the internet. These days no small blogs or forums appear in search and it sucks soooo much. But anyway, I remembered tumblr was still around so here's me trying it out. I'm actually nervous. Now, to get to the main point of this post (lol). I've been seeing this new guy (going on dates, nothing more) since November 2023 and it's been so amazing. We first met on the first week of November and on the day I wanted to cancel because I wasn't feeling good (personal life challenges). In the end I decided to go and I can't express enough how glad I am I did because ever since then this guy has been making such an effort to make life easier for me. It's interesting because even the other guys I'm currently dating or have dated before have tried to do that in some way for me too but this one just does it on a different level. It's the way he does things and the things that he does, without hesitation.
On the night of our date I ended up getting really tired and was yawning a lot. Tell me why the next day he just sent me $1000? with the message "take yourself to the spa and get some waffles". The waffle part really got me because I'd only mentioned briefly that I hadn't eaten waffles in a long time. It was such a minor detail in our conversation the night before. It might not sound like a big deal but it really made me feel cared for especially with everything that's been going on in my personal life. I've also never had someone be so expressive after the first date but I love it and want more of it lol!! For our next date we had dinner at a French restaurant. The food sucked but I love how intimate the restaurant was, I liked the feeling of being "alone" with him. We were there for hours until they closed and then he found a little bar for us to go to and they had a rooftop which was empty!! At this point things started to get really heated. I don't usually kiss my dates until like the third or fourth date (or never) but I honestly wanted to kiss him the moment I saw him (help me). So when he went in for the kiss I didn't hold back lol. Of course I made sure to go home before anything went too far but then I didn't see him for weeks and it was so gruesome haha.
So I didn't get to see him for a while because I was dealing with a lot of personal things and then ended up having a bit of a financial challenge. I wasn't going to say anything but he told me I can't keep postponing on him and if I don't like him I should just tell him. Uh OMG NO, if only he knew how into him I am... But because of this I just sort of let him know what was going on and he responded so quickly asking how much I needed??? Not only that but then he sent double 😩 This is the life I was born for I swear hahaha. Naturally I let him see me that week and we played tennis then had lunch but I cut it short because I had to go fix my life. Things are much better in my personal life now and I haven't gotten to see him yet this year. He went to visit his family for the holidays and is away on business this week but he said when he gets back it's go time!!! I seriously can't wait to see what we get up to
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