tranquilseams · 8 years
Fuck. Partner work. Two words Yuri absolutely hated. First of all, he hoped this was simply an in-class exercise, because anything else would be pure torture. Yuri was a good student, he did his work (mostly), and he studied for his tests, though most of his focus went towards his skating, which is usually what he did after school. A partner or group project meant wasting his skating time, something he did not approve of.
And second of all, he barely knew anyone in this class because Yuri really hadn’t taken the time to get to know anyone yet. Actually he wasn’t really sure if he planned on getting to know anyone. School was for school, not friends.
He didn’t even like this class, some random general requirement class he was forced to be in, so he had chosen to get it out of the way now, rather than deal with it later. He was still feeling a bit undecided about what he wanted to major in, but his grandfather had been adamant about wanting Yuri to finish school, so he’d kept it up, though he knew the only thing he really wanted to do was skate.
They were going to be working with the people directly next to them, and directly next to him was a girl he’d never talked to. He’d seen her glance over at him a few times, but that wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. He was a well-known figure skater, and even if people weren’t familiar with the sport, most people knew who he was simply because of rumors, which seemed to spread fast around the campus. Unfortunately, he had no idea who she was; he never thought to ask.
He flicked his green eyes in her direction. She was smiling, though it seemed forced? No, that wasn’t right…worried perhaps? Yuri was terrible at reading people so he really couldn’t tell.
The worksheets were handed out, and he was about to ask what topic they had, when she turned to him and asked him what he thought about friendship.
“HAH?!” Yuri yelled, probably the loudest he’d been in class thus far. Reaching out, he grabbed the worksheet off of her desk and scanned it himself, his brow twitching. What a horrible topic!
Well, it wasn’t all that terrible, it was more that Yuri didn’t have a great deal of experience with friendship. How the hell was he supposed to answer a question like that?!
“Friendship, huh…” he grumbled, placing the paper back on her desk. He rest his chin in his hand, puffed out a large puff of hair.
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“It’s fine or whatever…if you know good people,” he scoffed. This girl seemed much nicer than he was, and he could tell from her smile that she had to have at least a few friends, so she was most likely far better suited to answer this question than he was.
“You look like you have a better answer to this than I do,” he grumbled.
Shiki was thrown off guard when the response to her question was a loud “HAH?!” and all she saw was Yuri lunging towards her desk to grab the prompt paper.  A peal of laughter left her lips and a wider, more candid smile formed on her mouth at the sight, for she found his extremely animated actions funny.  She had never seen the boy act so animated like he was at the moment.  Some of their classmates stared at them, curious about what caused the outburst, but Shiki ignored them, hand slightly over her mouth to stifle the giggles.  She more worried that Yuri would take her the wrong way, honestly.  “Sorry...ahaha...not laughing at you...that was just...your reaction...pfft!”
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As Yuri puffed up his hair with a sour look on his face, Shiki removed her hand, a smile still present on her lips.  Despite his appearance, Yuri was quite funny (to her, at least).  She was sure that the friends he had enjoyed his company despite the fact of who he was and how he he was presented.  
Shiki’s smile slowly faded into an expression of seriousness and contemplation when Yuri scoffed out an answer and grumbled at her about looking like she had a better answer to the prompt.  She rested her left cheek on her left hand, lips pursed.
“I don’t think I have a better answer necessarily.  Your answer’s completely legit.  I agree that it friendship’s better with good people.” Shiki pointed out.  “Or for me personally, the right people.  I’ve had friendships turn out to be really toxic and vapid.  I don’t think I can even really say they were friendships, actually.”  She thought back to some of her ‘friends’ from high school.  They were more interested in building a connection for appearances, rather than legitimately wanting to be friends with her as a person.  She would’ve thought it was for networking, if not for the fact that networking wasn’t as extremely personal as they tried to be.  There were also some friendships where she saw her friend’s friends try to destroy them despite the fact that they were friends.  Could they say that was really friendship?
Writing down their responses on a looseleaf paper, Shiki continued to talk.  “What about you?  Have you ever had really bad friendships or are yours generally good friendships?  If you don’t mind me asking, of course.”     
Friendship || Shiki & Yuri
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tranquilseams · 8 years
The day was long and busy for Shiki.  She had the bulk of her classes in the morning and early afternoon, and then when she came back from class, she had a long shift at the bakery.  In fact, she was still on shift when dusk fell upon Bellevue because for some reason, today was awfully busy.
She had been wiping down tables near the display window when she realized someone was looking in - or rather...sleeping in?  Shiki slowly straightened up in surprise as she inspected the girl standing in front of the display window.  Sure enough, the girl was, for some reason, dozing off against the window.
Slightly concerned - okay, maybe very concerned, because she doubted the girl wanted to be napping against a window like this - Shiki put down the washrag, wiped her hands on her apron, and slipped outside and approached the girl.  Upon a closer look, she realized she had seen this girl at Enyo and Bayside.  It was possible that the two were neighbors and potential classmates, but Shiki had only seen her around, not interacted with her.  She had heard of a once-extremely prominent family moving into the neighborhood with a daughter, but she wasn’t sure if this was the daughter.  This was understandable, as Shiki was not around the Bayside neighborhood as often as she once used to be because of school; so she wasn’t as aware of what was happening there nowadays.
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Regardless, she tapped the girl lightly on the shoulder.  “Um, hey, are you okay?  I knew my brother’s sweets are pretty good, but I didn’t think someone would sleep on them - literally.”  Shiki tried to ease the mood with some light humor.  “If you want to, why don’t you come inside and relax on the couch and I can brew you up some tea or coffee?  You look exhausted and that’s a tad worrisome.”  
Hiyori was exhausted. The day had been a long one – with classes in the morning and then spending the afternoon looking after patients at the hospital, it was no wonder she felt tired. Tired didn’t even describe it.
Her hair was in an unkempt bun, bangs getting in the way of her eyes as Hiyori walked down the dark streets of Bellevue. Even at nighttime the streets were lively, with the stores lit up brightly and people going about their way. Something in one of the store’s windows caught her eye and Hiyori walked up to take a look.
Or she would’ve, if it wasn’t for the fact that dozed off, head pressed against the glass.
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tranquilseams · 8 years
Friendship || Shiki & Yuri
“Today, we will be working in partners.”  Today, Shiki heard the one thing she kind of didn’t want to hear.  She didn’t really like doing partner work all with people that weren’t friends all that much.
Like most universities, Enyo had its set of general education requirements.  For Shiki, she had knocked out most from classes in high school.  However, she hadn’t cleared all the requirements, and so the class she was in right now was for that.
The class wasn’t bad at all.  Shiki thought it was an okay class; she liked what she was learning.  She didn’t have anyone she knew well or was goods friends with in this class, though, so she made sure she never missed class.  There wasn’t anyone she could contact, and Shiki was sure that if she asked the professor for a summary of what she missed, she would be asked why she hadn’t asked any of her classmates first.  And the suggestions to make connections after would not be something Shiki wanted to listen to.
It wasn’t that she didn’t recognize anyone either.  She recognized a few people from other classes she had or from seeing them often on campus.  Some even lived in her housing community.  Some were just well-known students.
Kind of like the guy that sat next to her.
Yuri Plisetsky was pretty famous on campus for being a professional figure skater.  His achievements were known campus-wide, and most students knew who he was.  Shiki knew about him before she had discovered that he would be attending Enyo, as she followed the figure skating scene and he was one of the few skaters that was her age.   But sitting next to him in class was something that she did not account for; and so when he sat down in the seat next to her the first day of class, Shiki had been totally unprepared to handle it.  She soon found out that she didn’t even have to worry about dealing with him, though, because, well...
The boy was totally unsociable.  Or at least, he came off that way.  His face varied from serious to frowning; there was no venture into the positive spectrum and he came off strongly whenever he participated, a combination of intimidation and confidence.  Shiki was not surprised, as Yuri was infamous for his “punk” attitude.  Some of the students in her class had tried to socialize with him and appeared to be blown off, so Shiki kind of steered clear of him.  The most “socializing” she did with him was passing papers.  
“You will be working in partners, with the person sitting to your right.”  Shiki’s back stiffened when she realized who her partner was.  Her eyes darted sideways briefly to the figure skater.  It was one thing to just sit next to him, but now she had to talk to him.
Would she make it out alive?  She didn’t even know.  But one thing was for sure.  She was going to do this no matter what.  There was no way she was getting out of this, so she had better suck it up and deal with it.
Receiving the worksheet, she stared down at the instructions.  They were to discuss the topic listed and write down their thoughts.  For her and Yuri’s topic, it was friendship.
Great.  Here goes nothing!
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Turning sideways, she faced Yuri so she could speak to him.  Everyone else around her did similarly, chatter filling the air as they began to discuss.  She gave a small smile to him, hoping to be amicable as possible.
“So...uh...what do you think?  About the topic.  What do you think about friendship?”  Shiki asked, wincing inwardly at how stilted she sounded.
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tranquilseams · 8 years
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Hello everyone!  This is Shiki-mun.  I wanted to make a post earlier, but alas, I was finishing up midterms when I got accepted.  But now I’m done and ready to RP!  It’s nice to meet you all!  If you would like to RP with Shiki, feel free to like this or hop into my inbox so we can plot together!  :)
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tranquilseams · 8 years
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cute, and smart, and perfect… that’s eri. i owe her everything.
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tranquilseams · 8 years
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Tiny animation for my cousin’s birthday :^)
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tranquilseams · 8 years
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tranquilseams · 8 years
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expand your world (lockscreen-sized)
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tranquilseams · 8 years
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the gang. first i drew neku in the mask and then i had to draw everyone else.
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tranquilseams · 8 years
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eri/shiki saves my soul
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tranquilseams · 8 years
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The World Ends With You  ✖  Happy 9th Anniversary! 
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tranquilseams · 8 years
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My copy of the @anotherdayzine came in yesterday so here’s my finished piece. I’ve loved TWEWY since high school, so it was exciting to get to be part of this project so many years later!
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tranquilseams · 8 years
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it’s a wonderful world 
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tranquilseams · 8 years
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A piece I did for @anotherdayzine!! I wanted to do a Def Märch drawing because I loved their subplots and group drama lol and I always wanted to see them perform. Feels like I drew this so long ago but I’m still pretty happy with it. Thanks to MED for organizing!
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tranquilseams · 8 years
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Thanks, Riku.
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tranquilseams · 8 years
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video game challenge    ➢  [1/7 video games] 
The World Ends With You
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tranquilseams · 8 years
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- the world ends with you fanzine -
Proud to show my full piece out for the ANOTHER DAY TWEWY fanzine! Missing the times where we could snack at Ramen Don in Dogenzaka! So happy to be apart of this zine with the other amazing 50+ artists! Congrats everyone and happy new year! 
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