trailsandstars · 5 years
weak for her
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trailsandstars · 6 years
im a fool
ive been in love with you for
for far too long
my darling
ive been infatuated
with your mind
the words you speak are too soft
they ring in
my ears
when the silence becomes too
oh, where do i go from here
when you seem okay
but i, i am not okay
my heart is aching
and i, i just want it to be
okay, but it’s too
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trailsandstars · 6 years
i love you homie. you have been quite a rock in my life and i will forever appreciate you. i’d tell you to never change but i’m slowly realizing, through you, that change is inevitable and you grow through change. so yknow stick around in my life so i can continue to learn and grow through your knowledge. i love you Tay ❤️
Natalie I cannot begin to express my love and gratitude towards you! You’ve been an unexpected rock in my life, and to think it all started with a twitter dm 💛 I love little baby Nat, I’m so excited to see you grow continuously and become the woman I know you’re going to be
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trailsandstars · 6 years
you are beautiful and i'm sure will make lasting friendships that make you feel happy :)
Thank you, I very hope this is true (: likewise to you, my friend
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trailsandstars · 6 years
good luck with the tumblr apocalypse . I will miss seeing you on my blog (i'm deleting on the 14th or 15th)
Oh nooooo we’ve been mutuals for so long!
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trailsandstars · 6 years
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Hi someone send me anons or message okay I need friends ok bye
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trailsandstars · 6 years
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trailsandstars · 6 years
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Winter lockscreens
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trailsandstars · 6 years
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trailsandstars · 6 years
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It me, a very depressed and slightly chaotic with a dash of anxiety and just a pinch of quiet G A Y.
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trailsandstars · 6 years
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trailsandstars · 6 years
It sure says something when a rock’s love life is more active than yours
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trailsandstars · 6 years
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trailsandstars · 6 years
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trailsandstars · 6 years
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trailsandstars · 6 years
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trailsandstars · 6 years
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