trackpadhell · 5 days
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trackpadhell · 5 days
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you dated stu?
gene belongs to @gemn1--b1sh
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trackpadhell · 5 days
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I didn't know tumblr allows mature contents :3
Also I didn't expect that Stu would wear collars by himself either uwu
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trackpadhell · 5 days
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Gene in Internet Friend Au(1/2)
I never posted Interfriend stuff on here, cause I drew bunch of NSFW, anyway here you go!
First post is about his info, next will be his detailed relationships with main trios
Gene in this au is more casual than OG Gene. He would be more honest and would unveil himself. Cause of a big spoiler, I cannot say what part of him he unveiled, but it will be an important part of a relationship between Stu and Gene, maybe Alan too.
Below is just silly proto one, I thought it would be fun if Gene never saw stu's face :3
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trackpadhell · 5 days
I should post something on here either...
What about this one? My first biggy achievement of this fandom yes
Sure is sort of proto but i still adore it a lot ///UvU///
+)oh yeah and also my headcanon version of carver yes
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trackpadhell · 5 days
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Sharing a drink with Alan <3
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trackpadhell · 5 days
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Alan in comfy clothes!
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trackpadhell · 5 days
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He's so in love with u
Song: Psycho by Mia Rodriguez
Inspired by a Angels of death animated video
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trackpadhell · 6 days
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Scary Dog Privileges
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trackpadhell · 6 days
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Mdhm gang in bunads (traditional Norwegian clothing) because they’d look fancy
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trackpadhell · 6 days
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trackpadhell · 6 days
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hey, Alan!!!
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trackpadhell · 6 days
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I promised to do this completely
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trackpadhell · 6 days
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When they argue... They don't argue.
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trackpadhell · 6 days
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Finally got to finish adult James Orion on the Buck-stayed!Au, where James and Alan are full-blooded-brothers cause of their father staying.
(Full body reference sheet under)
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I actually finished this since July- but I didn't end up liking adult James' design cause he still looks a lot like Alan. So, I drew those doodles to make myself attach to it.
Most of the major things in the actual story still happened, but with just some different actions and outcomes.
Random facts:
Talked to his mother a lot after the first incident happened, often relaying what Alan wants to say to her. Ophelia stayed with them until James was 15.
Doesn't remember much of Ophelia when he was young, so Buck told him every memory he had with her. Cherished his mother's memory by dyeing his hair the same color as her.
Wants to find Alan, he's still not near to his location though. He does visit forests a lot and even set up camp to stay overnight, just in case.
Generally a somewhat friendly yet strange individual- he doesn't have a filter, he's genuine on his actions and words, will help you bury a body if you give him something in return (like food or money). His personality is more akin to.. a bit of Wayne, and a bit of Dipper- I have an idea on his personality,I just don't know how to explain it.
He's been looking for Alan since he was 20. The 2nd incident caused by Alan left him ostracised. He stopped showing to class one day, and spent his time with his dad or alone in the forest.
Has bad memory, remembers people by experience/vibe, and often gets names mixed up, so he just settles on with nicknames.
Can feel pain, but he has a somewhat high tolerance on it- he does have a weird sense of taste.
Buck helped him get his own van when he told him that he wanted to find his older brother. He understood that his father's own van was special.
Talks to himself a lot. Will stare and mumble at a random object in the ground or in front of him for minutes if he feels like he forgot something important. The longest he stared was two minutes, and that's when he was supposed to go to Jules' house for Thanksgiving.
Will get a temporary job and stay in one place if he needs the money. Sometimes, he pickpockets and steals.
Will come back to a place if he likes it, or if he made a friend there.
Has a separate notepad for his doodles. Most of it are things he sees while driving. He lost seven of them.
Delusional and clingy when attached.
That's all for tonight- hope y'all like it.
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trackpadhell · 6 days
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someone told me this is Leon
#looks nothing like Alan
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trackpadhell · 6 days
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Mhm I heard you.
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