track6album5 · 5 months
my wife can stab me a little bit i dont care
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track6album5 · 5 months
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track6album5 · 5 months
One day you meet someone and your heart understands why it didn’t work out with anyone else.
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track6album5 · 5 months
i've been trying to write an intro for this to perfectly summarise and convey my complete and total love and adoration for you but to be frank there is no way for me to accurately describe the way i love you so deeply i want it to permeate your bones to infiltrate your veins to weave my love for you so deeply into your human being it has no choice but to become intertwined with your soul for the rest of eternity even when im no longer of this earth. there has always been something connecting us even when i tried to be aloof and distant, partially out of a place of respect but also out of a place of fear; afraid that somehow, if i gave into this, into us, that it'd open me up to be hurt in a way i never had been before. every single part of you and us is worth that risk, and i have trust in you that i never thought was fathomable. allowing you into my heart and having that reciprocated has been one of the greatest honours of my life and im thankful every day that you never stopped trying with me. i know you dont view yourself the same way i do for the most part, but there are so, so many beautiful parts of you that are deserving of love, of me. you have the most gorgeous soul and it's expressed in the way you remember the smallest details, how you show love both casually and deeply through your words, through your physicality, how you care for others around you, the reassurance and adoration you provide, how deeply you feel even though you fear vocalising it, how passionate you are. you've become a safe haven for me in ways you dont even know, and i dont think ill ever be able to speak - you're the other half of me in so many ways. you're stubborn, a little aloof and quiet in your own way, but that's all part of why i sit here waiting for you to come home, counting down the minutes until i can kiss you again, in love with every part of you. you being away has been hard, but at the same time i don't think i would change it - it's taught me patience, but also just how much i love you, how i need you, how our relationship is worth enduring anything in our way, knowing that you'll come back to me eventually, and vice versa. we can't be kept apart and I can't wait to see you. i love you more today than i did yesterday and a little less than i will tomorrow, and i cant wait for the next 50 years and beyond irritating the life out of you, and adoring you with every breath i take.
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track6album5 · 5 months
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track6album5 · 5 months
i will never get tired of learning new ways to tell someone i love them. whether it be actions, languages oh my god, new songs, new sayings, inside jokes. god- i love love
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track6album5 · 5 months
i wanna be kissed it's actually that simple
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track6album5 · 5 months
i nearly just called you my soulmate but i feel that would've been too intense so i'm putting it here instead for whenever i decide to let you see this
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track6album5 · 5 months
wdym personal space i'm gonna make a home inside your rib cage
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