tracinglights · 10 years
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"Ok.... I think I get it."
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"Yay! Thanks! Heheh, your cake is the best!"
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"Yeah, in fourth!"
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He set up the plate with the cake and the fruit, “Okay here! Enjoy!”
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tracinglights · 10 years
//I’ve sort of lost my Pokemon muses for some reason, so I’m going on semi-hiatus. Replies may or may not be done in a timely manner. If you need me for anything, I’ll be on my other rp blog.
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tracinglights · 10 years
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tracinglights · 10 years
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"Mm-hm!" She nodded. "Fruit please!"
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"Yeah, looks like you get to move in…" he watched the dice roll
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"You want the Ice Cream with it?" he pulled out his mango ice cream, "I could also put some of the leftover fruit pieces as well!"
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tracinglights · 10 years
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//I'm kind of tired, so I'm not going to do anything on this blog today. Just saying, in case anyone cares.
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tracinglights · 10 years
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"I want cake!" She dropped the remote and ran up to Arashi.
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"Second! And Minami, try punching your remote up to hit the dice."
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"Who wants some cake?!"
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tracinglights · 10 years
//No tumblr, I do not want to follow my other blog, why are you even showing me that, it's not even a pokemon blog.
0 notes
tracinglights · 10 years
Meeting Memes!
For characters who haven’t met mine yet, or those looking for AU introductions, send me one:
"Do you mind?"
"Excuse me, I think you dropped something."
"Do you have the time?"
"Hey! I’m walking here!"
"Can you spare a moment to talk about our lord and savior?"
"Can I use your bathroom?"
"Do you have a phone I could use?"
"Hey! Oh, sorry… thought you were someone else."
"Spare change?"
"Do I… know you from somewhere?"
"Are you lost?"
"Are you my mummy?"
"Quick, no time to explain! Run!"
"Can I buy you a drink?"
"Want to buy me a drink?"
"Watch where you’re going!"
"I’m lost."
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tracinglights · 10 years
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"Ooh! What'd you get?"
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"I don't understand any of this..."
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He rolled the dice, “Yeah! Third!” he sent up and started frosting the cake
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"Calm down Arashi," he rolled and hoped for the best
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tracinglights · 10 years
//it's funny, I haven't started school yet, but I'm already slacking off when it comes to rping.
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tracinglights · 10 years
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//Please like this post if I owe you a reply.
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tracinglights · 10 years
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"Phew, that was a tiring mission.... I thought we'd never find that Chimchar!"
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tracinglights · 10 years
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"I understand.... I'm sorry if that question was too personal."
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"…It reminds me of my past… It reminds me how I don’t have my old partners with me and it sometimes makes me sad…"
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tracinglights · 10 years
     Minami released her breath as the other moaned. She's alive. Thank goodness. There was still some bleeding from Kris's head, but it wasn't as bad as it had been when the ranger first arrived. The wound was still serious, though, and would need proper treatment.
     She panicked a bit as the girl attempted to sit up and flinched as she fell back down. It was still too early for Kris to be getting up. Minami grabbed a cold pack and held it to the lab assistant's head while gently patting her in an attempt to calm her down.
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"Shh, try not to move. I'm not quite sure, but I think you fell off a chair while trying to reach something. Try to relax, you might have a concussion."
             ”…up! …. wake up!”
     Ugh. Kris groaned, the only sign she could give that she was conscious. Her head was pounding, and - was she bleeding, or was it just her imagination? What the hell did she do? 
     Trying to sit up, she only found she hadn’t enough energy; she flopped back again, letting out another groan. God, her head hurt. Whatever she did, it must have been pretty stupid to end with her hitting her head hard enough that she didn’t even remember. 
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    “…what…?” Her voice was weak - she winced just at the sound. “…what happened…?”
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tracinglights · 10 years
Here is a pokemon egg for you, please take good care of it.
{click here to see the pokemon inside}
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"Oh, thank you! I promise that no harm will come to the precious Pokemon that hatches from it!"
0 notes
tracinglights · 10 years
astutedeception replied to your post://GREEN BEAN.
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tracinglights · 10 years
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