words to use when writing
craving, demand, gluttony, greed, hunger, inclination, insatiable, longing, lust, passion, ravenousness, relish, taste, thirst, urge, voracity, weakness, willingness, yearning, ardor, dedication, desire, devotion, enthusiasm, excitement, fervor, horny, intensity, keenness, wholeheartedness, zeal
agitate, awaken, electrify, enliven, excite, entice, foment, goad, incite, inflame, instigate, kindle, provoke, rally, rouse, spark, stimulate, stir, thrill, waken, warm, whet, attract, charm, coax, fire up, fuel, heat up, lure, produce, stir up, tantalize, tease, tempt, thrum, torment, wind up, work up
attack, advancing, aggressive, assailing, charging, incursion, inundated, invasion, offensive, onset, onslaught, overwhelmed, ruinous, tempestuous, strike, violation, ambush, assail, barrage, bombard, bombardment, crackdown, wound
admirable, alluring, angelic, appealing, bewitching, charming, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enticing, exquisite, fascinating, gorgeous, graceful, grand, magnificent, marvelous, pleasing, radiant, ravishing, resplendent, splendid, stunning, sublime, attractive, beguiling, captivating, enchanting, engaging, enthralling, eye-catching, fetching, fine, fine-looking, good-looking, handsome, inviting, lovely, mesmeric, mesmerizing, pretty, rakish, refined, striking, tantalizing, tempting
atrocious, barbarous, bloodthirsty, callous, cruel, feral, ferocious, hard, harsh, heartless, inhuman, merciless, murderous, pitiless, remorseless, rough, rude, ruthless, savage, severe, terrible, unmerciful, vicious, bestial, brute, brutish, cold-blooded, fierce, gory, nasty, rancorous, sadistic, uncompromising, unfeeling, unforgiving, unpitying, violent, wild
able-bodied, athletic, beefy, big, brawny, broad-shouldered, bulky, dense, enormous, great, hard, hardy, hearty, heavily built, heavy, hefty, huge, husky, immense, large, massive, muscular, mighty, outsized, oversized, powerful, powerfully built, prodigious, robust, solid, stalwart, stocky, stout, strapping, strong, strongly built, sturdy, thick, thickset, tough, well-built, well-developed
animalistic, bodily, impure, lascivious, lecherous, lewd, libidinous, licentious, lustful, physical, prurient, salacious, sensuous, voluptuous, vulgar, wanton, , coarse, crude, dirty, raunchy, rough, unclean
alarming, critical, fatal, formidable, impending, malignant, menacing, mortal, nasty, perilous, precarious, pressing, serious, terrible, threatening, treacherous, urgent, vulnerable, wicked, acute, damaging, deadly, death-defying, deathly, destructive, detrimental, explosive, grave, harmful, hazardous, injurious, lethal, life-threatening, noxious, poisonous, risky, severe, terrifying, toxic, unsafe, unstable, venomous
atrocious, corrupt, forbidding, foul, infernal, midnight, morbid, ominous, sinful, sinister, somber, threatening, twilight, vile, wicked, abject, alarming, appalling, baleful, bizarre, bleak, bloodcurdling, boding evil, chilling, cold, condemned, creepy, damned, daunting, demented, desolate, dire, dismal, disturbing, doomed, dour, dread, dreary, dusk, eerie, fear, fearsome, frightening, ghastly, ghostly, ghoulish, gloom, gloomy, grave, grim, grisly, gruesome, hair-raising, haunted, hideous, hopeless, horrendous, horrible, horrid, horrific, horrifying, horror, ill-fated, ill-omened, ill-starred, inauspicious, inhospitable, looming, lost, macabre, malice, malignant, menacing, murky, mysterious, night, panic, pessimistic, petrifying, scary, shadows, shadowy, shade, shady, shocking, soul-destroying, sour, spine-chilling, spine-tingling, strange, terrifying, uncanny, unearthly, unlucky, unnatural, unnerving, weird, wretched
enticing, exquisite, luscious, lush, rich, savory, sweet, tasty, tempting, appetizing, delectable, flavorsome, full of flavor, juicy, lip-smacking, mouth-watering, piquant, relish, ripe, salty, spicy, scrummy, scrumptious, succulent, tangy, tart, tasty, yummy, zesty
delectation, delirium, elation, euphoria, fervor, frenzy, joy, rapture, transport, bliss, excitement, happiness, heaven, high, paradise, rhapsody, thrill, blissful, delighted, elated, extremely happy, in raptures (of delight), in seventh heaven, jubilant, on cloud nine, overexcited, overjoyed, rapturous, thrilled
delirious, enraptured, euphoric, fervent, frenzied, joyous, transported, wild
amatory, amorous, aphrodisiac, carnal, earthy, erogenous, fervid, filthy, hot, impassioned, lascivious, lecherous, lewd, raw, romantic, rousing, salacious, seductive, sensual, sexual, spicy, steamy, stimulating, suggestive, titillating, voluptuous, tantalizing
catch of breath, choke, gulp, heave, inhale, pant, puff, snort, wheeze, huff, rasp, sharp intake of air, short of breath, struggle for breath, swallow, windedÂ
ardent, avid, excited, fervent, fervid, fierce, fiery, frenzied, furious, impassioned, intense, passionate, raging, scalding, scorched, stormy, tempestuous, vehement, violent, ablaze, aflame, all-consuming, blazing, blistering, burning, crazed, explosive, febrile, feverish, fired up, flaming, flushed, frantic, hot, hot-blooded, impatient, incensed, maddening, obsessed, possessed, randy, searing, sizzling, smoldering, sweltering, torrid, turbulent, volatile, worked up, zealous
appetite, ache, craving, gluttony, greed, longing, lust, mania, mouth-watering, ravenous, voracious, want, yearning, thirst
avid, carnivorous, covetous, craving, eager, greedy, hungered, rapacious, ravenous, starved, unsatisfied, voracious, avaricious, desirous, famished, grasping, insatiable, keen, longing, predatory, ravening, starving, thirsty, wanting
forceful, severe, passionate, acute, agonizing, ardent, anxious, biting, bitter, burning, close, consuming, cutting, deep, eager, earnest, excessive, exquisite, extreme, fervent, fervid, fierce, forcible, great, harsh, impassioned, keen, marked, piercing, powerful, profound, severe, sharp, strong, vehement, violent, vivid, vigorous
damp, cream, creamy, dripping, ichorous, juicy, moist, luscious, melted, moist, pulpy, sappy, soaking, solvent, sopping, succulent, viscous, wet / aqueous, broth, elixir, extract, flux, juice, liquor, nectar, sap, sauce, secretion, solution, vitae, awash, moisture, boggy, dewy, drenched, drip, drop, droplet, drowning, flood, flooded, flowing, fountain, jewel, leaky, milky, overflowing, saturated, slick, slippery, soaked, sodden, soggy, stream, swamp, tear, teardrop, torrent, waterlogged, watery, weeping
agile, lean, pliant, slight, spare, sinewy, slender, supple, deft, fit, flexible, lanky, leggy, limber, lissom, lissome, nimble, sinuous, skinny, sleek, slender, slim, svelte, trim, thin, willowy, wiry
beef, cry, gripe, grouse, grumble, lament, lamentation, plaint, sob, wail, whine, bemoan, bewail, carp, deplore, grieve, gripe, grouse, grumble, keen, lament, sigh, sob, wail, whine, mewl
(exciting,) affecting, effective arousing, awakening, breathless, dynamic, eloquent, emotional, emotive, expressive, fecund, far-out, felt in gut, grabbed by, gripping, heartbreaking, heartrending, impelling, impressive, inspirational, meaningful, mind-bending, mind-blowing, motivating, persuasive, poignant, propelling, provoking, quickening, rallying, rousing, significant, stimulating, simulative, stirring, stunning, touching, awe-inspiring, energizing, exhilarating, fascinating, heart pounding, heart stopping, inspiring, riveting, thrilling
compulsion, demand, desperate, devoir, extremity, impatient longing, must, urge, urgency / desire, appetite, avid, burn, craving, eagerness, fascination, greed, hunger, insatiable, longing, lust, taste, thirst, voracious, want, yearning, ache, addiction, aspiration, desire, fever, fixation, hankering, hope, impulse, inclination, infatuation, itch, obsession, passion, pining, wish, yen
ache, afflict, affliction, agony, agonize, anguish, bite, burn, chafe, distress, fever, grief, hurt, inflame, laceration, misery, pang, punish, sting, suffering, tenderness, throb, throe, torment, torture, smart
aching, agonizing, arduous, awful, biting, burning, caustic, dire, distressing, dreadful, excruciating, extreme, grievous, inflamed, piercing, raw, sensitive, severe, sharp, tender, terrible, throbbing, tormenting, angry, bleeding, bloody, bruised, cutting, hurting, injured, irritated, prickly, skinned, smarting, sore, stinging, unbearable, uncomfortable, upsetting, wounded
aberrant, abnormal, corrupt, debased, debauched, defiling, depraved, deviant, monstrous, tainted, twisted, vicious, warped, wicked, abhorrent, base, decadent, degenerate, degrading, dirty, disgusting, dissipated, dissolute, distasteful, hedonistic, immodest, immoral, indecent, indulgent, licentious, nasty, profligate, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, shameful, shameless, sickening, sinful, smutty, sordid, unscrupulous, vileÂ
charming, gratifying, luscious, satisfying, savory, agreeable, delicious, delightful, enjoyable, nice, pleasant, pleasing, soothing, succulent
bliss, delight, gluttony, gratification, relish, satisfaction, thrill, adventure, amusement, buzz, contentment, delight, desire, ecstasy, enjoyment, excitement, fun, happiness, harmony, heaven, joy, kick, liking, paradise, seventh heavenÂ
avaricious, ferocious, furious, greedy, predatory, ravening, ravenous, savage, voracious, aggressive, gluttonous, grasping, insatiable, marauding, plundering
bliss, ecstasy, elation, exaltation, glory, gratification, passion, pleasure, floating, unbridled joy
adamant, austere, definite, determined, exact, firm, hard, rigorous, solid, stern, uncompromising, unrelenting, unyielding, concrete, fixed, harsh, immovable, inflexible, obstinate, resolute, resolved, severe, steadfast, steady, stiff, strong, strict, stubborn, taut, tense, tight, tough, unbending, unchangeable, unwavering
abrupt, accelerated, acute, fast, flashing, fleeting, hasty, headlong, hurried, immediate, impetuous, impulsive, quick, quickening, rapid, rash, rushing, swift, brash, brisk, brusque, instant, instantaneous, out of the blue, reckless, rushed, sharp, spontaneous, urgent, without warning
(forward) advance, drive, forge, impetus, impulsion, lunge, momentum, onslaught, poke, pressure, prod, propulsion, punch, push, shove, power, proceed, progress, propel
(push hard) assail, assault, attack, bear down, buck, drive, force, heave, impale, impel, jab, lunge, plunge, press, pound, prod, ram, shove, stab, transfix, urge, bang, burrow, cram, gouge, jam, pierce, punch, slam, spear, spike, stick
amazed, astonished, aghast, astounded, awestruck, confounded, dazed, dazed, dismayed, overwhelmed, shocked, staggered, startled, stunned, gob-smacked, bewildered, dumbfounded, flabbergasted, horrified, incredulous, surprised, taken abackÂ
agony, anguish, hurt, misery, pain, punishment, suffering, afflict, angst, conflict, distress, grief, heartache, misfortune, nightmare, persecute, plague, sorrow, strife, tease, test, trial, tribulation, torture, turmoil, vex, woe
(physical) - blow, brush, caress, collide, come together, contact, converge, crash, cuddle, embrace, feel, feel up, finger, fondle, frisk, glance, glide, graze, grope, handle, hit, hug, impact, join, junction, kiss, lick, line, manipulate, march, massage, meet, nudge, palm, partake, pat, paw, peck, pet, pinch, probe, push, reach, rub, scratch, skim, slide, smooth, strike, stroke, suck, sweep, tag, tap, taste, thumb, tickle, tip, touching, toy, bite, bump, burrow, buss, bury, circle, claw, clean, clutch, cover, creep, crush, cup, curl, delve, dig, drag, draw, ease, edge, fiddle with, flick, flit, fumble, grind, grip, grub, hold, huddle, knead, lap, lave, lay a hand on, maneuver, manhandle, mash, mold, muzzle, neck, nestle, nibble, nip, nuzzle, outline, play, polish, press, pull, rasp, ravish, ream, rim, run, scoop, scrabble, scrape, scrub, shave, shift, shunt, skate, slip, slither, smack, snake, snuggle, soothe, spank, splay, spread, squeeze, stretch, swipe, tangle, tease, thump, tongue, trace, trail, tunnel twiddle, twirl, twist, tug, work, wrapÂ
(mental) - communicate, examine, inspect, perception, scrutinize
bathe, bleed, burst, cascade, course, cover, cream, damp, dampen, deluge, dip, douse, drench, dribble, drip, drizzle, drool, drop, drown, dunk, erupt, flood, flow, gush, immerse, issue, jet, leach, leak, moisten, ooze, overflow, permeate, plunge, pour, rain, rinse, run, salivate, saturate, secrete, seep, shower, shoot, slaver, slobber, slop, slosh, sluice, spill, soak, souse, spew, spit, splash, splatter, spout, spray, sprinkle, spurt, squirt, steep, stream, submerge, surge, swab, swamp, swill, swim, trickle, wash, water
abominable, amoral, atrocious, awful, base, barbarous, dangerous, debased, depraved, distressing, dreadful, evil, fearful, fiendish, fierce, foul, heartless, hazardous, heinous, immoral, indecent, intense, mean, nasty, naughty, nefarious, offensive, profane, scandalous, severe, shameful, shameless, sinful, terrible, unholy, vicious, vile, villainous, wayward, bad, criminal, cruel, deplorable, despicable, devious, ill-intentioned, impious, impish, iniquitous, irreverent, loathsome, Machiavellian, mad, malevolent, malicious, merciless, mischievous, monstrous, perverse, ruthless, spiteful, uncaring, unkind, unscrupulous, vindictive, virulent, wretched
agonize, bend, jerk, recoil, lurch, plunge, slither, squirm, struggle, suffer, thrash, thresh, twist, wiggle, wriggle, angle, arc, bow, buck, coil, contort, convulse, curl, curve, fidget, fight, flex, go into spasm, grind, heave, jiggle, jolt, kick, rear, reel, ripple, resist, roll, lash, lash out, screw up, shake, shift, slide, spasm, stir, strain, stretch, surge, swell, swivel, thrust, turn violently, tussle, twitch, undulate, warp, worm, wrench, wrestle, yankÂ
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Does It Hurt? : Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Sex Pollen Fic
Summary: Bucky never would've gone out of his way to help you if he knew that HYDRA was still watching his every move, if he knew that it would shift their focus to you. When you're targeted and taken, it's his fault and he'll do anything to save you. Anything.
Warnings: angst, sex pollen, unprotected sex, fingering, restraints, abduction, violence (b/c Bucky is protective as fuck), profanity, voyeurism/exhibitionism (if you look hard enough), no use of y/n, only pet name use is random mentions of princess (facetiously)/baby/sweetheart, mention of SA of unknown characters from an old HYDRA experiment, MINORS DNI, 18+!!!
Word Count: 24.3k
A/N: This is very lengthy, I know, but I thought you all deserved one long post that you could read at once (or at your own pace) vs. me committing to and failing at maintaining a posting schedule for a multi-part series. I hope at least a few of you find it to be an interesting read.
           You lived in the tower for two months before you ever formally met Bucky Barnes. Once youâd met him, you knew you didnât want to work with him. You were sure that he was good at his job, you could tell that just from the fact that Sam was his partner. But it wasnât about that. It was the way he looked at you with such an unsettling gaze, the way the hair on the back of your neck would stand up as soon as he was in the same room as you, even if you hadnât yet laid eyes on him. Everything about him kept you on edge. So, instead of being sent on missions with Sam and Bucky, you did a lot of solo missions. Itâs as if Fury sensed your apprehension about working with them and decided to give you a reprieve.
           After three months of living in the tower, you ended up on the same training schedule as Bucky. You found yourself frequenting the gym at the same times as the steely, unreadable super soldier. When you were sparring in the ring, heâd be just a few meters away, lifting weights like he was worried the serum would one day dissipate from his system. When you were stretching on the mats after a long run, he would be doing an ungodly number of pull-ups. Of course, this meant that youâd be hitting the showers around the same time as well. At first, Bucky made a valiant effort to be a gentleman. You always beat him to the gym showers and he felt it would be disrespectful for him to use them at the same time, even though each shower is afforded plenty of privacy behind a locked stall-style door. So, he would sit around and wait in the gym until you left, leaving a vanilla-scented trail in your wake. It wasnât until youâd been on the same schedule for a week straight that you finally spoke to him.
           âYou know there are multiple showers in there, right?â Youâd asked as you walked past him one day, smelling of something sweet and looking perfectly refreshed after a shower. Bucky cocked his head and narrowed his eyes at you, and you took that as a sign that he didnât quite catch your lighthearted tone. He didnât say anything in response, which is why you were so surprised to hear the locker room door swing open and then click shut as you showered the next day. From then on, you and Bucky showered at the same time, just a few stalls apart, after every early morning in the gym.
           It was three weeks after that when you ended up on the radar of an organization that never shouldâve caught sight of you. Bucky likes to blame himself for that. They were watching him, after all, and if he hadnât taken that one assignment that night, if he hadnât answered that one call from Fury, HYDRA never wouldâve profiled you. HYDRA never wouldâve looked into you and found out that you were the perfect candidate for their operation.
           Both you and Bucky can recall that one mission perfectly, though you each have very different perspectives on it. It was a solo mission for you, one that shouldâve been fairly low risk and easy to handle without any backup. There was virtually no danger, not a single red flag came up during your recon in the days prior to the mission. Thatâs why you were caught so off guard when you started to get an uneasy feeling around midnight. That was when you realized just how persistent your target was, just how set he was on getting everything he wanted from you. You had only needed to get close to him for a few minutes, but somehow you ended up in a private room with him. As the scent of your perfume soaked into his button-up shirt and your lip gloss left a trail of glitter down the side of his neck, you knew you werenât going to get out of this one easily. When his hands started kneading the curve of your ass, slipping beneath the hem of your short black dress to get a good feel of your skin, you knew you needed help. So, as you kissed and sucked on the skin of your targetâs neck, you used one hand to press the panic button on your necklace. You had no idea that Bucky Barnes would be the one sent to save you.
           Bucky was wide awake before he ever got the call from Fury that night. Heâd always had trouble sleeping, but lately the trouble seemed worse than usual. He never once pieced together that his struggles with insomnia were worsened on the nights that he didnât hear you across the hall. When he got the call from Fury, he was on his feet and headed downstairs to his bike in less than thirty seconds. By the time he was on his bike, his thoughts had already veered into dangerously homicidal territory. As he sped down the darkened highway, skillfully weaving in and out of Friday night traffic, he could hear Dr. Raynorâs rule echoing in the back of his mind. No one gets hurt. In that particular instance, Bucky chose to apply the rule to you, rather than to the piece of shit that had you feeling unsafe enough to press a panic button.
           After that night, Buckyâs gaze never felt unsettling to you again. Though a shiver might still run down your spine when he was in your vicinity, you found that you liked having his eyes on you. He was watchful in a way that made you feel safe and seen. Maybe it was the way he tried to be civil when he first showed up at the club that night. He acted as if heâd merely stumbled into the private room accidentally, profusely apologizing as the door swung shut behind him and he ran a hand through his slightly messy brown hair. For a man that hadnât been drunk in at least eighty years, he sure as hell was good at pretending that he was.
           âI was looking for the menâs room, but I guess this probably isnât it.â He said, slurring his words slightly and shifting his eyes back and forth between you and the man you were straddling on the couch. The manâs hands remained firmly on your ass, which had Bucky ready to put a bullet right between his eyes. He probably wouldâve done it too if you werenât right there on his fucking lap. Heâs a good shot, but it was a risk he wasnât willing to take.
           âItâs the second door on the right, down the hall.â Your voice was unexpectedly soft and gentle for a girl whoâd just finished putting on a show for some of the cityâs most questionable men.
           âSecond door on the right.â Bucky repeated, mumbling the words as he took a couple of unsteady steps further into the dimly lit room. âYou work a pretty dangerous job, donât you?â He focused his blue eyes on you. One thing about making eye contact with Bucky Barnes is that itâs simultaneously intoxicating and sobering.
           âShe told you where the menâs room was, now you have five seconds to get there.â The man between your legs said coldly, letting his hands slide away from your ass to rest on your thighs. Bucky chuckled lowly, in a way that had goosebumps rising on your skin and anticipation building in your gut. He took another step closer to the couch, but this time it was clearly steady and purposeful. You swallowed hard, suddenly a bit worried that you were the only thing between the two men.
           âI know you were being generous with the five seconds butâŠâ Bucky began calmly, reaching into the back of his waistband and pulling out his firearm. You felt the manâs muscles stiffen beneath you instantly. âIâm going to give you exactly one to get your hands off of her.â
           From then on, things were different. Though you still didnât work together on anything directly, Bucky always seemed to know what missions you were on. You learned that his timing is impeccable, that heâs always the first one the show up when you put out a call for help, and he shows up faster than should be possible. You learned that he has rules, rules that he doesnât follow but that he seems to cling to anyway, as if they give him some kind of comfort. The most important rule is that no one gets hurt. He broke that one when he pistol-whipped your target in the club that night. You also learned that he has a dark past, the kind that keeps him in constant danger. If youâd known that his past would introduce you to that same kind of danger, you mightâve done things differently.
           Bucky likes to think that he wouldâve done things differently, that he wouldâve turned down Furyâs call to be your backup that night, that he wouldâve let someone else save you if heâd known. If heâd known that HYDRA was still breathing down his fucking neck, watching his every move outside of the tower, waiting for the right time to get their bloodstained hands on the Winter Soldier once more. If heâd known, he wouldnât have put you in harms way. He mightâve saved you from one handsy lowlife, but he sealed your fate when he pushed your hair away from your face and pulled his helmet over your head that same night. That was the exact moment that HYDRA got a glimpse of you.
As fucked up as it is, HYDRA could see the connection between the two of you long before you or Bucky ever could. Thatâs why they chose you.
Thatâs why, unbeknownst to you, youâre currently less than twenty-four hours away from falling right into their hands.
           The soft pattering sound that raindrops make when they fall onto the roof of a parked car has always been one of your favorite melodies. Itâs whatâs lulling you into such a sleepy state right now as you try to make it through hour five of your solo stakeout. Glancing over at the screen in the center of the dashboard, you see that your target is doing exactly what heâs been doing since you first arrived outside of his building a few hours ago. Through the view of a heat-signature camera, you see his tall, lanky form hunched over at his desk. You never thought youâd wish for someone to break the law, but god, here you are now, wishing heâd do something, anything, to warrant you bringing in a strike team to bust down his door and drag his ass out. Youâre just so damn bored. Maybe thatâs why your mind starts wondering into territory it doesnât belong in.
           Bucky Barnes. The man who lives across the hall from you, the man who showers just two stalls away from you in the gym every morning, the man who saved your ass in such an attractive way that you havenât been able to get him out of your head since. You hate that he always seems to have that indecipherable look on his face. You hate that half the time you canât even tell if he even cares that you exist. You really hate that you find him so fucking fascinating. You like to tell yourself that if he was more open, more extroverted, you wouldnât give him a second thought. Itâs the fact that heâs so quiet and mysterious, thatâs what draws you to him. You canât help but want to figure him out, him and his dark, brooding ways.
           A few minutes pass before you take another look at your target on the screen, noting that heâs still right there at his desk. You let out a soft sigh as you type out a quick message to Fury.
You: No movement for the past 5 hours, ready to get out of here. Send in a surveillance team for the rest of the night.
           Furyâs quick to respond, letting you know that a surveillance van is being dispatched and that you can leave when it arrives.
           So many things couldâve been done differently to prevent what would happen next. Fury couldâve given you a clear description of the van, he couldâve given you an exact ETA, he couldâve told you that the van would signal you with their lights when they arrived. You couldâve been a little less stubborn and let him assign you a partner so you werenât sitting in such a remote part of the city all by yourself.
           When a large black van starts approaching your car just ten minutes later, you get an uneasy feeling. You watch in your rearview mirror as it approaches from behind, driving slowly, with the headlights off. You shouldâve known the surveillance team couldnât have arrived on scene so quickly considering the area you were in.
           It all happened too fast. It happened too fast and you donât remember any of it. You donât remember how hard you fought against them. You donât remember hitting the panic button on your necklace before it was ripped from your neck and left in the street. You donât remember taking out three men before the fourth one put a bag over your head and gave you an injection that put you into the deepest sleep youâve had in years. You donât remember a damn thing.
           Bucky remembers it all as if he was there. He watched the footage of your attack and capture so many times that itâs burned in his brain. He shouldâve been there. Thatâs why heâs doing what heâs doing now, losing sleep what little sleep he mightâve gotten over the last three nights and putting all of his energy into finding you. Itâs why the second he found out it was HYDRA who put their hands on you, he became a version of himself that he swore was dead.
           One-hundred and twenty hours. One-hundred and twenty fucking hours since Bucky last heard the sound of your door closing softly across the hall, since he last heard the sound of your triumphant laugh as you get a good hit in on your sparring partner, since he last heard the sound of your voice. Your voice. A sound he didnât know was giving him life ever since it first graced his ears. Bucky throws another solid punch at the bag that hangs in front of him in the gym, not in the least bit surprised when the chain suspending it from the ceiling snaps and the bag goes flying into a wall at least twenty feet away.
           âIâve only ever seen one other person do that to a punching bag.â Furyâs voice rings out, interrupting the silence surrounding Bucky and breaking through the thick fog in his mind. âAnd he was going through some shit too.â
           âIâm fine.â Bucky lies straight through his teeth as he hangs another bag, barely giving Fury a sideways glance as he approaches from the shadows.
           âOh, youâre fine? And here I thought you might be at least a little upset that your across-the-hall neighbor was taken by the same people who ruined your life. Or do super soldiers not have feelings?â Bucky shoots Fury an annoyed look before throwing a few light punches at the new bag.
           âIsnât that what people want when they create super soldiers? Mindless soldiers who take orders and feel nothing?â
           âYou feel nothing?â Fury leans against the wall next to the previously airborne punching bag, glancing down at it with a look of familiarity. âDo you feel nothing for her?â Buckyâs fist collides with the bag almost hard enough to snap the chain, and though Fury is standing in the danger zone, he doesnât flinch.
           âWhat do you want?â
           âI want to know why this is affecting you so much. Is it who was taken or is it who did the taking?â
           âDoes it matter?â Buckyâs tone conveys every bit of his exasperation as he steadies the punching bag with both hands and raises a furrowed brow at the director.
           âIt does.â Bucky could lie. He could lie or he could just refuse to answer. He never signed any contracts saying he had to be forthcoming with Fury at all times, he never so much as promised that heâd be honest with him. But for some reason, he tells the truth.
           âWhat lengths would you go to to save her?â
           Buckyâs hands remain on either side of the punching bag, squeezing it hard enough to leave imprints in the tough canvas fabric. Images of you being taken in such a violent way swirl around in his mind, playing on repeat with Furyâs last question as the soundtrack.
           âLengths I havenât been to since my arm had a fucking star on it.â
           Your life has been reduced to brief moments of consciousness and flashes of things that your drugged mind is trying so hard to piece together. You remember the flash of a butterfly needle piercing your left arm and the cool sensation of saline entering your circulation from an IV drip. You remember someone swiping at your forehead with a wet cloth, leaving a stinging pain right above your left eyebrow and around your bottom lip. You remember harsh Russian words being spoken over you as you lost your grip on reality and went tumbling into the oblivion of a heavily sedated sleep. You remember waking up a second time and seeing nothing but gray concrete walls all around you. The air was stagnant and chilly, making you wish you had more than what felt like a small paper gown covering your skin. The sound of a metal door creaking on its hinges and a gruff voice barking orders at someone in Russian was the last thing you heard before your eyes closed and your head fell back once again. The third time you awoke from your medically-induced slumber was this morning, when the drugs were finally clearing your system. You found yourself still in that small concrete room, strapped to some kind of exam table, covered from your toes to your shoulders by a thin white sheet. Not a single thing has happened since then. Youâve laid on that exam table for hours, alternating between staring up at the dim light hanging from the ceiling above and staring at any one of the four gray walls around you. Thereâs a rusted metal door immediately to your left, but you found your neck too sore to turn and stare at that for very long.
           You canât seem to remember how you got here, or much less where the fuck here is. Youâve wracked your brain repeatedly, trying to piece it together, but the only thing you remember is your last interaction with Bucky Barnes.
           You donât usually wash your hair in the gym shower. You remember that on the morning of the day you were taken, you spent an extra two minutes in the shower washing your hair. Itâs how you ended up in front of the mirror, with your towel wrapped tightly around your body, working the tangles out of your hair with your bare hands. Itâs why Bucky took one step out of his shower, with his own towel slung low on his hips, and froze. You caught a glimpse of him in the mirror, the reflection perfectly capturing every detail of him. Drops of water clung to his tan skin, rolling down the ridges and valleys of his toned abs. The curve of his right shoulder couldâve been crafted by a master potter, sloping down to a defined bicep and forearm, accentuated by apparent veins holding such a steady balance of blood and super soldier serum. But his left shoulder? Your eyes were drawn to what was left of it. The skin there looked so painfully marred and fused to his black and gold vibranium arm. You stared a moment too long before you realized you were the one who messed up, you were usually gone by now. Bucky never wouldâve stepped out of his shower if he knew you were there, right there in nothing more than a small white towel that was threatening to reveal where your thighs curve upward into your ass.
           âMy hairâŠâ You had said softly, your voice coming out timid and gentle. Bucky remained frozen, watching as your eyes slowly moved away from his scars and settled on the dog tags that hung around his neck. When you finally looked him in the eye in the reflection of the mirror, you seemed to find your voice again. âMy hair got tangled.â Bucky only nodded, giving you an unreadable look as he took a slow step forward to head to the locker room for his clothes. You donât know why you didnât leave it at that.
           Bucky doesnât know why you didnât leave it at that either, but everything that happened after that is exactly why heâs taking your disappearance so fucking hard.
           âDoes it hurt?â You asked so quietly that Bucky thought he mightâve imagined it. He was a mere foot behind you when the question left your lips. You felt your cheeks blushing pink as his feet stilled and he met your gaze in the mirror once more.
           âDoes what hurt?â You couldâve just said it. You could have just fucking said it, you didnât have to do what you did. You turned around slowly, letting your fingers slip out of your hair before reaching a hand out and letting your fingertips ghost over where skin meets vibranium on Buckyâs left shoulder.
           Bucky couldnât fucking breathe. As your soft fingers traced his scars, he drew in a deep breath and seemingly forgot how to exhale. You didnât notice the way his eyes closed as you studied his skin beneath your touch, you didnât even notice the way his chest stopped rising and falling. Your touch was so light and gentle, so innocent and yet it changed something in the atmosphere. The air in the room grew so thick that Bucky felt as though he might suffocate, you felt it too, but you didnât withdraw your hand. It was the contrast between his rough scars and your soft fingers, combined with the warm, steamy air, and the water droplets rolling down Buckyâs back that had him growing overstimulated. When he opened his eyes and looked down at you, he watched as the towel clinging to your chest had begun to lose its grip, slipping down an inch to reveal a little too much skin while simultaneously not revealing damn near enough. He didnât even realize what he had done until he had your wrist clamped in his flesh hand and your palm was flat against his scarred shoulder. You were looking up at him, and though he expected to find fear or apprehension in your eyes, he found nothing of the sort.
           âYouâre not wearing your necklace.â He said matter-of-factly, narrowing his eyes at you, but keeping his grip on your wrist, preventing you from taking your hand away from his shoulder.
           âShould I be?â You asked, tilting your head to the side. Bucky shrugged, the action moving your hand slightly but still, he held it in place.
           âYouâre standing here in nothing but a towel with a guy you barely know and you donât think you should have your panic button around?â
           âEvery time I press it, you show up.â You pointed out. Bucky dropped your wrist and you pulled your hand back to your side slowly, but didnât take a step away from him.
           âIâm starting to think you only press it when you want to see me.â His tone was taunting, almost playful, and you picked up on the smirk that was threatening to take over his features.
           âWhat happens if I press it one night when Iâm not on a mission?â Your boldness came out of nowhere. Bucky cocked his head to the side and raised an eyebrow, wondering to himself if you were just playing along with his little game or if the entire exchange had a hint of something real in it.
           âPress it sometime and weâll find out.â
           As you lie on the uncomfortable exam table with restraint straps digging into your arms, legs, and torso, you have to wonder if you pressed your panic button the night you were taken. You canât seem to remember a single thing about that day after the tense moment in the shower room with Bucky, everything after that is simply gone. Surely you didnât get the chance to press the button, because if you did, you have no doubt that Bucky wouldâve shown up. He might not have been close enough to show up before you were taken but youâre sure he wouldâve showed up to the scene, found evidence that you were taken, and he wouldâve been able to track and follow whoever took you. Wouldnât he? He always shows up.
           But if Bucky Barnes always shows up, then why are you here now? Why are you alone, in unknown territory, surrounded by thick concrete walls and the sinking feeling that no one is coming for you?
           Bucky has gotten himself into some deep shit. Heâs fully aware of that as he tilts his head back and rests it on the hard metal behind him. Itâs the only part of his body that he can move with the restraint system that HYDRA has him in right now. Itâs the same type of reinforced glass-walled system that has once held Loki, the Hulk, and even Bucky when the threat of descending into the Winter Soldier still loomed. HYDRAâs afraid of him when heâs in control of his own mind, so heâs here, locked away and feeling fucking helpless.
           Bucky getting taken in by HYDRA was part of the plan to rescue you. Youâre in a concrete bunker so deep underground that any attempts to infiltrate it and extract you wouldâve only endangered both yours and countless other lives. There were too many unknowns. Truthfully, it was unknown if you were even in this bunker, when SHIELD found out that HYDRA has at least three within this state alone. The only reason they were able to narrow it down to this bunker was because of one double agent on the inside. They took a chance on his intel. They took a chance, allowed Bucky to fall into HYDRAâs hands, and now everything is stalled. Until he lays eyes on you and figures out where theyâre holding you and what kind of shape youâre in, nothing else can happen. Youâre both sitting ducks at HYDRAâs mercy.
           He thought you were taken because of him. Bucky thought you had been targeted by HYDRA because they found out you were connected somehow, because they thought that taking you would be an affront to him. It made sense, if what they wanted was their hands on the Winter Soldier, then all they needed to do was touch something, someone, that he cared about. They knew it would drag him out into the open and give them a shot at having their prized possession back under wraps. Bucky was only partially right. They did indeed use you to draw him out, but you most definitely were never meant to be a simple means to an end.
           They chose you because of what they saw that night when you climbed onto the back of Buckyâs bike. They chose you because every interaction they observed after that night was charged with indescribable tension, an obvious chemistry that was palpable even through surveillance cameras and monitors. They knew that you were the key to everything they were planning. So now here you are, sitting up on the side of the exam table, feeling weak and honestly, ready to accept death. As gloved hands move carefully against your upper back, removing a few stitches from a wound there, you wish that youâd died in the scuffle of your kidnapping. The sedation and drugs have fully cleared from your system and youâre trying hard to ignore the aches and pains raging beneath your skin and the dark thoughts clouding your mind. You clutch the white sheet over your bare chest and grit your teeth as the gloved hands tug on a particularly tight stitch in your back.
           âI canât give you any pain medication today.â The man behind you says in a hushed tone, noticing the way your muscles tense every time he touches you. âIt would interfere with tonightâs test.â He continues working on your wound as you sit in silence, refusing to engage with him. Tonightâs test. Questions start swirling through your mind at warp speed, begging to be asked, but you press your lips together tightly. âYou donât know it yet, but Iâm the only friend you have in here.â His confession comes as a hurried whisper.
           The man finishes up removing your stitches and then takes a few steps around the side of the exam table, coming to stand in front of you. Finally meeting his gaze, you see a tall, thin man, probably a few years older than you, with warm brown eyes. He doesnât offer a reassuring smile or anything of the sort, but something in his eyes makes you feel like there might be some truth to his claim.
           âLie back, I need to see your ribs and your left hip.â You donât really know why you do as he says, but you listen. You lie back on the exam table, thankful that he doesnât move to use the restraints, and you shift the white sheet so it covers your breasts but allows him to view your ribcage. You cast your eyes downward, taking in the sight of the blue and purple bruises decorating your left side. That must be why it hurts so fucking much to take a deep breath. What the hell did they do to you? âI did x-rays when you first got here, you have a couple of hairline rib fractures, but nothing major.â He runs his cold gloved fingertips over the bruises, palpating lightly and listening for the sounds of any crepitus, which would indicate much more than just a little hairline fracture or two. He hears nothing, and skims his fingers down to your left hip. Itâs the worst of what youâve seen so far. The bruising there is much darker and more expansive than the bruising over your ribs. Even just his featherlight touches there elicit a pain that has your eyes screwing shut and your teeth clenching. âItâs not broken.â He tells you, as if thatâll suddenly resolve your pain. As soon as he retracts his hand, youâre covering yourself with the sheet once more and moving to sit back up on the side of the table. Your bodily movements are slow and careful, to avoid aggravating all of these injuries that you didnât know you had.
           âHow long have I been here?â You almost choke on the words as they slip past your lips, the dryness in your throat making it painful to speak. Your voice is so raspy that you barely recognize it as being your own. Maybe you shouldâve started with asking for a sip of water.
           âToday is your seventh day here.â The man answers in his softest whisper yet, as if he isnât supposed to tell you. Seven days? Seven fucking days youâve been lying on this exam table, sedated to the point of losing nearly a week of consciousness? Your nails dig into the side of the exam table as rage begins to course through your veins. âDonât do anything stupid.â You look up to find the man standing still before you, his eyes darting from your white knuckles and then to your face. Inhaling deeply through your nose, you will yourself to calm the fuck down and focus.
           âWhere is here?â  You ask shakily, your rage spilling over into your raspy tone.
           âThat doesnât matter. Thereâs something else we need to talk about, but itâs not the right time yet.â  Suddenly, you hear what sounds like footsteps and a bit of commotion somewhere outside the rusted metal door of your concrete room. Itâs not yet very close, but you can tell whatever it is, itâs getting closer to you. The manâs expression grows nervous and he quickly begins cleaning up the tray table beside him, wrapping his mess of old stitches and bloody gauze up in a small plastic sheet. âIâll be back here tonight, but someone will be with me. Theyâre going to make me give you an injection. Donât fight it, please. It will wear off by the time morning comes.â
           âWhatâs in it?â You ask, matching his hurried tone and low volume. Heâs moving to the door in an instant, with sweat beading along his hairline and his cheeks flushing pink. âWhatâs in the injection?â
           âSomething that wonât kill you, but youâll wish it would.â
           Heâs going to snap every piece of metal and shatter every fucking inch of glass thatâs holding him in place right now. Buckyâs seething, his face flushed and his chest heaving as he calculates how many concrete walls stand between him and wherever the fuck youâre being tortured right now. Another pained scream reverberates through the bunker and it reaches Buckyâs straining ears, making his blood boil. Itâs you. Heâs sure itâs you. Though heâs never heard you scream before, he has no doubt that itâs you. Buckyâs curling his fingers into fists and scrunching his eyes shut when he hears the electronic lock to the room that heâs in beep a few times and then click. The door slides open quickly, revealing a handful of guards and a pair of electronic handcuffs.
           âAre you ready to see your little girlfriend?â One of the guards spits the words out as if theyâre venom, his thick Russian accent clinging to each word. âI think she needs you.â
           What the fuck is this? Buckyâs mind is reeling as he tries to keep his cool, refusing to blow the entire op by losing his temper and bashing a few heads in. As long as theyâre really taking him to you, he wonât kill anyone â not yet anyway. He stays silent as the guards get into formation around the entrance of the chamber heâs in. He doesnât breathe a word as the head guard places the electronic cuffs around his wrists and presses a few buttons to release the full body restraints that heâs been in for hours. He thinks about how he could easily kill every single waste-of-breath in this tiny concrete room, even with the handcuffs on, but when another scream rings out, and much louder this time with both the chamber and room door being open, Buckyâs only thinking about one thing: getting to you.
           âYou recognize her screams, donât you? Is that how she sounds when you fuck her?â Bucky starts counting down in his head.
Three. Heâll give the man exactly three seconds to shut the fuck up.
âI bet her pussy is as pretty as her moans, yeah?â
           Two.  Â
           âMaybe Iâll find out for myself, she wouldnât be able to fight me off when sheâs restrained.â
           One. The sound of the manâs skull cracking as Bucky effortlessly knocks him to the concrete floor is sickening. Before any of the other guards have a chance to save him, his head is between Buckyâs tactical boot and the ground. A second cracking sound echoes in the room and the man is dead. Truthfully, he sealed his fate the moment he had a single untoward thought about you. None of the other guards make a move. Theyâre all frozen, staring at Bucky with mixes of fear, anger, and uncertainty. They donât know what to do without their fearless fucking leader.
           âTake me to her or I will kill every single one of you without lifting a fucking finger.â
           He showed up. Bucky Barnes showed up. With the amount of pain flooding your nerve endings and making you see stars, your first thought is that he isnât real. The tall, broad-shouldered man standing before you, with his black and gold arm reflecting the dim light that hangs from the ceiling, canât be real.
           Bucky stares at you from across the small concrete room. Youâre sitting in the farthest corner, with your back against the rough wall and your knees pulled up tight to your chest, wearing what looks to be a tattered hospital gown. Itâs fucking heartbreaking. The way your eyes flit up to his, looking at him as if heâs a figment of your imagination, it shifts something within him. A shudder racks through your body and a torturous moan leaves your lips. Buckyâs feet are carrying him forward in an instant, closer to you. Youâre dropping your head to your knees and biting down on your forearm, refusing to let yourself watch as he grows closer. He isnât real. This isnât real, you tell yourself. The pain is making you hallucinate.
           Cold, smooth metal ghosts along the side of your face, pushing your hair behind your ear and then following the curve of your jaw down toward your chin. Buckyâs clenching his teeth together as you let him lift your head, as you lift your eyes to meet his.
           âYou showed up.â Your voice breaks him. It breaks him into a million little tiny flesh and vibranium pieces. It breaks him in a way he doesnât think heâs ever been broken before. When you lean into his touch, he wants nothing more than to pick you up and draw you into his lap, to cradle you against his chest and tell you that heâs going to get you out of this hellhole. But he doesnât.
           âI showed up.â He says softly, brushing his thumb over a bruise on your cheek. âWhat have they done to you?â His eyes part from yours as he takes in the full sight of you. His fingers move up to trace the healing cut above your eyebrow, then down to graze along the cut at the corner of your mouth.
           âIâve been sedated until today. They gave me something not long ago, an injection.â Your muscles tighten involuntarily as another wave of pain surges through you, forcing you to drop your head to your knees again as the room spins around you. The scream that erupts from you, that rips through your chest, is enough to rattle the metal tray table across the room. By the time the surge begins to pass, youâre shivering. You let your head fall back against the concrete wall behind you and find Bucky staring at you, his brows pinched together in concern and a sheen of sweat forming across his forehead. You donât have the strength to fight when he grabs your hands and tugs you to your feet, lifting you into his arms with ease and carrying you bridal-style to the exam table in the middle of the room. He lays you on it carefully, but your thin gown shifts to reveal your heavily bruised hip and he feels a fresh serving of rage filling him up.
           âWhat the fuck did they do to you?â He demands to know, pushing your gown a little further to reveal the entirety of the deep purple and blue bruise. âTorture?â
           âNo, I think this is the first round of torture.â You groan, trying to roll onto your side so you can curl back up into a ball. Bucky places his flesh hand on your lower stomach and his vibranium one on your thigh, holding you still. âThey said it isnât broken.â
           âAnd you believe them?â He questions. His mistake comes when he finally touches your skin with his flesh hand. When he presses his warm palm flat against your bared hip, you suck in a sharp inhale and your eyes open wide. âDoes this hurt?â He asks, but you donât respond. You donât say anything because it doesnât hurt. It feels like stretching your muscles after a long nap, like laying in the summer sun to dry after swimming for hours. He notices the look of relief taking over your face, so he keeps his hand right where it is. âThis doesnât hurt.â He says incredulously, narrowing his eyes as he looks down at the swollen, angry skin. Leaning into his touch again, you take another deep breath. âWhat did they give you?â
           âI donât know. It was a liquid in a syringe, looked like about ten milliliters of something cloudy and white.â Another twinge of pain shoots through your body but it feels muted this time, just a fraction of its previous intensity. Bucky knows what they gave you. His breaths come in quicker, the slight hyperventilation making him a little lightheaded as HYDRAâs plan begins to unfold before him. He doesnât remove his hand from your bruised hip, but begins to curl his fingertips against your skin instead. His eyes study your face, watching how it contorts, but not in pain. It contorts with the faintest promise of pleasure. He unfurls his fingers and begins sliding his hand upward, dragging his palm and fingers flat as he nears your waist. A soft whimper escapes your lips and he halts his movements. Your eyes flutter open and you meet his gaze with a furrowed brow as pain lingers in your nerve endings. The further up he moves his hand, the less relief you feel. After giving each other a charged look, he continues his upward movement. He's trying to confirm that this is what he thinks it is, while simultaneously checking you for any other bruises. Heâs tallying them up in his head. Each bruise he finds is one more of HYDRAâs men that will be dying a slow, painful death at his hands.  He uses his vibranium hand to push your gown further to the side, revealing the dark bruises along your ribcage just before his hand glides over them. Â
           âJust hairline fractures.â You whisper, speaking the words through a shaky exhale. Heâs going to kill someone. Probably more than one someone. Itâs already settled, the certainty of that fact taking up residence in his bones. He will kill anyone who laid a finger on you. Actually, heâll kill anyone who has so much as looked in your direction with ill intent over the last seven days. As soon as he gets you out of this damn concrete bunker and back to safety, heâs going on a fucking rampage. âBuckyâŠâ His name falls from your lips in a way that has his body physically reacting. He feels sick over it, over feeling even the tiniest bit of pleasure when youâre in such a state.
           âIt felt better when I was touching your hip.â He already knows. You nod in response. Slowly, you reach down with your left hand, watching him cautiously as your hand comes to rest over the top of his thatâs still lingering over your bruised ribs. He lets you guide his hand down your skin, inching closer and closer to your hip as your face relaxes and your eyes fall closed once more. âYou donât know what this is?â
           âJust tell me.â You plead, scrunching your nose up when another muted surge of pain pulses down the back of your spine, shooting down to your fingers and toes like lightning. Still, with Buckyâs touch, itâs so much more bearable.
           âItâs a chemical compound that HYDRA designed when they realized that recreating the serum from a super soldierâs DNA would take years. They wanted to shift into researching super soldier stem cells instead.â As soon as the words stem cells leave Buckyâs mouth, you know where this is going. A sheen of sweat is glistening across your forehead now, and you wipe at it with the back of your hand as Bucky continues to drag his palm in circles over your hip bone, trying to keep the worst of your pain at bay.
           âWhat does the chemical do, Bucky?â Exasperation is evident in your tone, but it doesnât even register in Buckyâs mind. He zeroes in on the way his name sounds rolling off of your tongue, trying his best to ignore the tent forming in his tactical pants. This is not the fucking time nor the place. He grits his teeth for a second and his hand stills on your hip, which earns him a displeased whimper from you and another noticeable hardening twinge in his cock. Heâs quick to start rubbing circles against the skin of your hip again.
           âIt does a lot of thingsâŠcauses pain that gets worse and worse over the course of about eight hours, makes you wish you were dead.â
           âYeah, I got that part.â You groan, considering curling into a fetal position. âBut whatâs the purpose of using it on someone? Why are they doing this?â Thereâs a long pause after your question, and you study the side of Buckyâs face as he watches his hand moving over your bruised hip. âBucky?â Would it be wrong of him to tell you to stop saying his fucking name? Heâs considering it.
           âThey used to inject super soldiers with it and then lock them in rooms with women. It enhances all of this reproductive shit, sends their sex drive into overdrive, all they can think about it getting off.â Itâs crude, the way he describes it, but its effective in giving you a clear mental image of HYDRAâs depravity. Your heart is beating out of your chest as things start to make sense in your mind, as you realize the true gravity of the precarious situation that youâre in right now.
           âWhy havenât I heard about this before?â You have to ask, but youâre sure you wonât like the answer. Bucky hesitates for a moment, sucking his bottom lip in between his teeth and biting down, avoiding your gaze.
           âIt wasnât effective.â
           âWhy not?â His hand pauses again, and this time, he withdraws his touch completely, taking a step back from the exam table you lie on.
           âThe women never survived.â A sinking feeling settles deep in the pit of your stomach, almost overwhelming the cramping pain you already feel there. He isnât saying the women didnât survive the dose of the drug. Thatâs not what heâs saying at all. Heâs saying they didnât survive being fucked by feral super soldiers. Heâs saying these women were violated and then discarded like single-use plastic, all as part of HYDRAâs attempt to have at least one of them end up pregnant so they could harvest potentially super soldier serum-laden stem cells. Bucky can see the wheels in your head turning, he can see the panic rising up inside you before itâs even reached the surface. He doesnât reach out to touch you, but god, he wants to. He wants to reassure you. âSomething about this is different though. As far as I know, they never gave the women a dose of the drug. Only the men.â You take a few deep breaths, the mixture of sheer panic and an oncoming wave of pain quickly growing to be too much for you to handle.
           âTouch me.â You choke out, just as another bolt of what feels like supercharged electricity shoots down your spine and raises your body temperature. You cry out in agony as you tremble on the exam table, barely noticing when Bucky steps forward and rests his hand on your hip again. You need more than that, so much more than that, and you both know it. When the wave of pain subsides and your breaths begin to come in slower, you peel your eyes open and find Bucky already focused on your face, concern, worry, and a good bit of rage etched into his features. âWhy would they give this to me and not you?â
           âI donâtâŠâ His voice trails off as his eyes roam over the small bits of exposed skin, as he takes in the tattered hospital gown and the bruises and cuts littered across the expanse of your body. He knows why. He was going to lie to you, to tell you he doesnât know. But whatâs the point? âThey know I wouldnât lay a finger on you just to save myself.â
           There it is. Theyâre dosing you to force his hand. He wouldnât act on the torture if it was aimed at his body alone. He would suffer through the pain or die before he would touch a woman against her will, before heâd ever even think to ask that of someone. But when itâs you? Heâd do whatever you ask of him, and somehow HYDRA found that out. HYDRA found that out long before even you did, and theyâre using it against you both now.
           âHe saidâŠthe man whoâs been treating my wounds, who gave me the injection earlier, he said tonight would be a test.â You whisper, your eyes roving over to the small camera mounted in the far upper corner of the ceiling. Bucky follows your gaze and thinks about ripping the camera right out of the fucking concrete.
           Buckyâs trying hard to keep his composure. Youâre the one weakness he didnât even know he had until it was being exploited. What did he do to lead HYDRA right to you? Where did he go wrong? How the hell did everything go to shit so quickly?
           He spends the next three hours doing everything he can to ease your pain and suffering without taking it too far. The camera captures everything. It captures the shift in the room when the drug really started to ruin you, when you turned into a moaning, trembling mess on the exam table. It captures Bucky trying to soothe you by running his single flesh hand along your thigh, your lower stomach, and at times even sitting you up to rub deep circles into your lower back. You still needed more. Itâs not the first time that Buckyâs resented his vibranium arm, but itâs the first time heâs resented it for a reason totally unrelated to his own trauma. The only thing thatâs offering you any relief right now is the feel of his skin against yours, and he can only give you 50% of what anyone else could, because he only has one fucking hand. After half an hour, your pain worsened to an unbearable degree and Bucky took matters into his own hands. Thatâs when the camera captured Bucky stripping the clothing from his upper body. It was a single cry that you tried to stifle that did it. His top was crumpled on the floor within seconds, his arms wrapping around your quaking body and lifting you from the table. Instead of carrying you bridal style this time, he guided your legs around his waist and let you collapse on his shoulder.
           He took you right back to that corner of the room, the corner he first found you in. This time, he sat on the floor with his bare back pressing against the concrete wall. He turned you around in his lap as if you weighed nothing, twisting you until your back was to his chest and you were seated on the floor between his legs, and untied your gown to fully bare your back to him. The moment he placed his hands on your forearms and pulled you flush against him was the moment you knew you were fucked. It felt like coming up for air after tumbling around beneath crashing waves. When he slipped both arms under the fabric of the gown, wrapping them around your stomach and keeping you pressed against him, you felt relief and yet you only wanted â no, needed â more.
           âBucky, itâs not enough.â You whimpered, letting your head fall back onto his shoulder.
           âI know, baby, I know. Iâm so sorry.â The sweet name hung in the air like smoke, swirling around in the corner of that concrete room. You felt a fire begin to build low in your stomach, replacing the agonizing ache youâd previously been feeling there. Bucky noticed the way your shoulders relaxed a little and the way a serene look briefly took over your features when he slipped up and called you that name. He doesnât even know where the fuck it came from, but heâll sure as hell keep using it if itâs doing you any good.
           An hour later, the camera captured your thighs squeezing together as you continued to lean back into the super soldier behind you. It captured the internal struggle written all over his face as you fought the desire to straddle him right there on the floor and grind yourself against the sizable bulge in the front of his pants. He knew you needed it, but until you asked, until you vocalized it, heâd hold out. Though you didnât know it, he was completely at your mercy.
           When you started slipping in and out of consciousness, your heart beat rising to a dangerous rate, sustained well over two-hundred beats per minute, HYDRA watched on through their monitors as Bucky started to drag his lips over the skin of your neck. He pressed his lips to your pulse point, seeming to count the beats with the tip of his tongue as your eyes fluttered closed and a broken moan fell from your open mouth.
           âWhat can I do? Tell me what I can do, please.â His plea registered in your mind but the ramifications of your response didnât. There wasnât a thought in your head when you reached beneath the gown and gripped his flesh hand, not a single damn thought when you guided his hand down between your legs.
           The camera didnât faze either of you. Though it was a consideration in the back of Buckyâs mind, his fingertips had already felt the wet fabric of the black panties you were sporting beneath the gown and his hand took it upon itself to do anything and everything you needed. With his vibranium hand holding your thighs apart and skilled flesh fingers pulling your panties to the side, Bucky was dipping two digits into your dripping cunt almost as soon as youâd spread your legs for him.
           Bucky Barnes used nothing more than one hand and a few words of praise to draw two orgasms out of you, singlehandedly ending your suffering and lulling you into a state of semi-consciousness. He himself was in a daze when a team of guards swept into the room suddenly, four of them aiming their guns at his head as two of them pulled your limp body from his embrace and laid you back on the exam table in the center of the room. Bucky was left sitting in the corner, with sweat glistening along his exposed chest and abs, his dog tags sticking to his skin, and his elbows resting on his knees. His eyes were fixated on his fingers, the two that were seated deep inside you just moments ago. The two fingers that worked your pussy until Buckyâs name was falling freely from your lips, until you wrapped your soft hand around his wrist and dug your nails in, leaving little half-moon shaped bruises in his skin. Until the power of your second orgasm took away almost all of the pain youâd been suffering through for the last three hours, and you went slack against Buckyâs chest. He left those two fingers buried in your cunt until the guards tugged you away from him, taking a piece of his already shattered soul with your weak body.
            As the guards place Bucky back in electronic cuffs, not even bothering to have him put his shirt back on, he feels something rising up inside of him. Itâs a part of him that he worked so hard to bury, to crush down into nothing more than dust and ash, never to see the light of day again. He feels a type of uncontrollable rage that he hasnât quite felt since a time when he didnât even know his own name.
Bucky feels the Winter Soldier clawing its way to the surface, scratching at the layers of his skin, begging to be set free. The only differences this time being who heâd be killing for and whether or not heâd be doing it willingly.
You. Heâd be killing for you. And he would kill so fucking willingly.
            Bucky is no stranger to nightmares. Heâs no stranger to waking up in a cold sweat, his heart nearly beating out of his chest as he struggles to ground himself and remember that it isnât real. Heâs no stranger to being haunted during his waking hours, plagued by memories of what heâs done, or of whatâs been done to him. What he is a stranger to is being haunted by you.
           The little pants and gasps that fell from your lips so freely at the skilled work of his hand are engrained in his mind. They taunt him with every draft of filtered air that wafts around the chamber. He can still feel your back pressed against his chest, your thighs spread and leaning into his own, the soft tresses of your hair brushing against the side of his neck as you let your head fall back on his shoulder. Heâs so fucking thankful that you let your head fall back that way. His control wouldâve been in danger of slipping if youâd chosen to look down between your legs and watch as he slid his fingers in and out of you. Hell, his control was teetering on the fucking edge regardless. He hates that he knows how it feels to have your cunt gripping his fingers, your body begging him not to pull away, how it feels to have you relying solely on him for your release. He hates even more that he only has HYDRA to thank for it.
           Bucky lets his head rest back and his eyes close tightly as a memory makes its way to the forefront of his thoughts.
           âIâm not wearing your jacket.â You said defiantly, shaking your pretty little head and crossing your arms over your chest. Bucky was such a gentleman, keeping his gaze averted instead of taking in the way your stance was accentuating the shape of your breasts. Your breasts that were already threatening to spill over the black dress clinging to your curves. Gritting his teeth, he willed himself to stop picturing your soft skin marred with road rash. He didnât know you very well, but he knew that if you said you wouldnât wear his jacket, then you damn sure wouldnât be wearing it.
           âThen youâre wearing my helmet.â He said coldly, turning to face you with his black helmet gripped in his flesh hand. âOr you can go back inside and leave a little more glitter on one of New Yorkâs most upstanding men.â The hesitation that flashed across your face only frustrated him more, as if you were really thinking about going back into that damn shithole. âItâll keep the wind from messing up your hair, princess.â
           You stepped forward suddenly, coming close enough that your arms almost brushed against Buckyâs chest as your eyes narrowed in disdain. You looked up at him through your lashes in a way that had him feeling like he was on the edge of a rocky cliff, seconds from falling.
           "Put it on for me then, soldier.â You said softly, your voice barely above the whistling of the wind. A low chuckle rumbled past his lips as he shifted the helmet to his vibranium hand and did something so unexpected. He reached up with his flesh hand and gently, so fucking gently, pushed a perfectly placed stray lock of hair behind your ear. The helmet was on two seconds later, and he only had to fasten the strap beneath your chin before youâd be ready to ride.
           âLook up for me.â His tone was even, unwavering, even when his words were suggestive. The energy between you was electric. It felt like the sharp, crackling atmosphere youâd feel right before lightning strikes right at your feet. A chill spread throughout your body, and because of how close Bucky was standing and how focused you were on everything he was doing, you didnât stop to think that the chill was really your sixth sense kicking in. You were being watched. You were being chosen by HYDRA as Bucky fastened the strap under your chin and met your gaze for a moment too long. Your fate was being sealed.
           The electronic lock outside of Buckyâs concrete room beeps, dragging him out of his head and back to the present. His head snaps forward as the door slides open and a slew of guards pour into the room, followed by a tall, thin man with gray hair and dark, empty eyes. His skin looks as if it would slough off and turn to dust if a strong breeze hit him just right.
           âThe girl made it through the night, thanks to you.â The man says, keeping his eyes cast downward at an illuminated tablet in his hands. Bucky narrows his eyes, refusing to let relief cloud his focus. âSheâs had almost twenty-four hours to recover so sheâs about to get her second injection now.â Buckyâs muscles tense within the restraint system, but he maintains his composure, biting down on the inside of his cheek nearly hard enough to draw blood. âWe need to go over some ground rules before tonightâs session begins. Are you going to cooperate with me?â The old man looks up now, his hollow eyes meeting Buckyâs without fear.
           âIâm listening.â He spits the words out like venom.
           âBased on the conversation the two of you had last night, you already know why weâre doing this. You were pretty spot on, really, I was impressed.â The man pauses, waiting for Bucky to respond. Bucky bites down a little harder on the inside of his cheek before inhaling deeply.
           âWhat are the ground rules?â He asks tensely, growing more and more impatient with every passing millisecond.
           âShe stays in restraints. If you so much as look like youâre going to remove them, weâll find another super soldier to pair her with.â Just the thought of any other man being near you after the injection theyâre giving you right now has Bucky clenching his teeth. âYou finish inside of her. If you donât, youâll have a front row seat to watch someone else do it next time.â
           Finish inside of her.
           Bucky knew what they were plotting, but itâs only hitting him now that heâs hearing it said aloud. Some part of him was assuming the team wouldâve swooped in and staged a rescue before things got this far, before anything really happened. That part of him is sweating now.
           âConsider this your one chance to get what you want from her.â The man taunts, turning on his heel and heading for the door. He stops right before reaching the exit, looking back over his shoulder at Bucky. âShe might feel something for you but she never wouldâve given you a chance in the real world. Youâre a cold-blooded killer, a ruthless assassin with a dark past. She wouldâve only ever feared you.â
           Somethingâs different about the man with the warm brown eyes, the man who gave you the first injection. He seems almost as uneasy as you are about being here. He doesnât quite belong.
           âThis will burn at first, just like last time.â He says quietly, flicking the tip of his gloved finger against the side of a syringe in an attempt to pop the air bubbles inside of it. You stare at the ten milliliters of white cloudy liquid with disdain. You remember what it did to you last night. Memories of searing pain mingle with memories of a familiar face. Bucky Barnes showed up. He came to your rescue and gave you exactly what you needed to survive the torture HYDRA chose to inflict on you. âTonight is going to be different.â
           âHow so?â You ask, forcing your mind to abandon all thoughts of the man whose fingers were curled inside of you less than a day ago. You canât think about that right now.
           âThere will be expectations, and if they arenât met, things will get very bad for you very fast.â The manâs warning makes your blood run cold. You tense up as he runs an alcohol swab over the skin of your upper arm.
           âThings arenât already bad?â You ask sarcastically, glancing around the concrete holding cell youâve lived in for days now.
           âThey want you pregnant. Whether thatâs by your friend or not is up to the two of you.â
           âOh, we get choices now? Does HYDRA have a catalog of captive super soldiers that I get to choose from?â The man shoots you a callous look as he sinks the needle into your arm and pushes the plunger down, administering the drug quickly. You feel the burning sensation all around the injection site as he retracts the needle and drops it on the metal tray table beside him.
           âDo you trust me?â He asks, turning away from you and peeling his gloves off. You watch him closely as he begins to clean up the various items on the tray table.
           âFuck no.â
           âThatâs fair, you donât know me. But I know you. I know that you have all of SHIELD and a few other big-name agencies scrambling to rescue you. I know that you wonât be here for very long, and that Bucky Barnes being here was part of the plan to bring you home. I know that when I tell you Iâm on your side, you wonât believe me for one second.â
           His claims catch you off-guard. Youâre frozen, sitting on the side of the exam table with your knuckles turning white as your grip on the edge of it tightens. The man doesnât spare you a glance as he finishes wrapping up his trash from the tray table and places it in a small plastic bag at his feet.
           âHe killed a guard yesterday.â You process his words quickly, your eyes following his every move as he lifts the bag and heads for the door.
           âWhy?â You ask quickly, keeping your tone low. Youâre tempted to look over your shoulder and see if the camera is on, but if it is, you donât want to draw attention to the fact that this man is giving you information you shouldnât be getting.
           âBecause apparently, youâre worth killing for.â
           âHe wouldnât have done it just for me, there wouldâve been a reason.â
           âThe guard was talking about fucking you.â
           An unfamiliar feeling settles in the pit of your stomach as the implication of the manâs words sink in. Bucky killed someone for you?
           Bucky killed someone for you.
           Bucky could reduce the metal restraints around him to fragmented pieces on the floor. He could shatter the walls of this damn chamber with a single punch, without even using his vibranium arm. Heâs envisioning himself kicking down the door to the room violently, ripping the electronic keypad lock from the wall, and shoving it up any one of the guardsâ asses. Sweat is beading across his forehead and dripping down his hairline as he struggles to hold onto reality. He can see you when he closes his eyes. He can feel your head against his shoulder and the soft skin of your thigh against his palm. Youâre so unreachable, locked in your own cell with multiple concrete walls and a few hundred meters between you and Bucky, and yet, itâs as if youâre right in front of him. The image of you is taunting him, daring him to lose control.
           He doesnât know how his touch soothed you in any way last night, not when the drug is wreaking this level of havoc on his own body. He canât imagine finding relief in anything. Heâs a trembling mess when a large team of guards descend upon the chamber. He doesnât put up a fight as they remove him from the chamber restraints and place electronic cuffs around his wrists. The only thing that stops him from killing every single one of the men in the room right now is the fact that heâs sure theyâre taking him to you.
           His brain is fuzzy, his thoughts jumbled and hard to sort through by the time heâs positioned in front of another metal door with an electronic lock. He has a brief moment of clarity when he sees one of the guards key in the code: 0371. Even with the swarm of bees buzzing around in his head, he commits the number to memory, just in case he needs it later.
           Buckyâs shoved forward into the room as soon as the door slides open, but with the lights low and his eyes not yet adjusted, he canât see shit. He feels one of the guards moving to stand in front of him, removing his electronic cuffs, and then moving away. Thereâs a rush of cool air against his bare back as the door whooshes shut behind him. They never gave him his fucking shirt back.
           You see Bucky before he ever sees you. As you lie on your back, with your hands restrained out to the sides, you let your eyes roam over his disheveled body. His hair is messy and his scruff is a little more grown out than youâre used to seeing. Sweat glistens across his bare torso and forehead. His eyes are narrowed as he searches the dark room for any sign of you. Youâre about to call out to him when the room is suddenly cast in a pale, dim glow, and his eyes land on you, lighting your skin on fire. You feel vulnerable as his blue eyes rake over your body, taking in the sight of you restrained and only partially covered by a thin white sheet. They let you wear a black sports bra and pair of black underwear beneath the sheet, but that does little to make you feel any more covered.
           A sharp pain starts to build in your lower stomach, spreading quickly down to your thighs and causing you to tense up beneath the sheet, bending your knees upward and letting out a soft groan. Buckyâs moving forward within a second, reaching the side of the bed and resting one knee on the mattress as he reaches for your restraints.
           âDonât.â You choke the word out, shooting him a warning glance. Your eyes fall to the right, looking just past him, and he turns his head to follow your gaze. The wall behind him is made entirely of mirror, a two-way mirror, presumably. Fuck HYDRA for that. He can hear those fucking ground rules replaying in his head like a broken record as he turns to look at you once more, as his eyes take in the ropes tied tightly around your already bruising wrists. He knows whatâll happen if he touches those restraints.
           Bucky pulls his hand away from the restraints but leaves his knee propped on the side of the bed, looking down at you with concern as your face contorts with pain. He reaches down with his flesh hand, letting his fingertips ghost along your jawline, watching as your eyes flutter open to meet his gaze. He canât stand seeing you this way for the second night in a row. Fury and the rest of the team shouldâve had you out of here by now. What the hell are they waiting on now that they have Bucky on the inside?
           âBuckyâŠâ His name is a near whimper when it leaves your lips. Hearing you say it in such a way has him pulling his hand back and retreating from the bed quickly, like you have something he doesnât want to catch. âI donât know how weâre supposed to get out of this.â
           You watch as Buckyâs eyes scrunch shut and his flesh hand moves to wipe a bit of sweat away from his forehead. You take a moment to let your eyes rake over the entirety of him. They definitely gave him the injection. You can tell by the way his pulse is visible in his neck even from a few feet away, by the way his chest rises and falls so much quicker than usual, and by the slight tent forming in the front of his tactical pants. You donât let your gaze linger for long, not when you feel your pain and restlessness increasing just at the sight of him. You want him. You want him bad, and youâre afraid if you werenât in restraints right now, youâd already be all over him. Itâs fucking shameful.
           When Bucky lets his eyes focus back on you after taking a minute to gather himself, he finds you staring up at the ceiling, biting down on your bottom lip hard enough to leave an indentation of your teeth. The bulge thatâs already straining against the fabric of his pants only grows, and he wants to bang his head against the concrete wall for that. He can only hope you havenât noticed it yet, but heâs sure you have.
           âWhat are our options here?â You ask, a slight rasp breaking through your normally smooth tone. Bucky can only assume itâs from all of the screaming you did the night before. He casts another glare in the direction of the two-way mirror wall, trying his best to look anywhere but at you.
           âI donât think we really have options here.â He answers honestly, rubbing the palm of his flesh hand against the back of his neck. His eyes are coasting over the concrete wall behind the bed now, still avoiding you. He feels a dull ache throbbing at the base of his skull and slowly spreading down his spine the longer he remains standing.
           âI think we have a few.â Bucky raises an eyebrow at your statement, finally looking back at you. âWe could refuse to do anything and see how long it takes for them to come in here and kill me.â Bucky narrows his eyes at your stupid suggestion, shaking his head slightly. You might think theyâd just come in and kill you for refusing to cooperate but Bucky knows what theyâd do. Theyâd take him out of the equation and bring in some other super soldier who wouldnât think twice about taking everything from you. âWe could do what they want, suffer through it, and pretend it never happened when we get out of here.â
           Suffer through it. Bucky feels physically ill just from hearing you describe it that way. You think youâd suffer through sex with him. And almost worse than that, you seem to think heâd suffer through sex with you. Heâs ready to bring the concrete bunker to the ground with just a few punches in order to get you out of here so you donât have to suffer through a damn thing.
           âOr weâŠâ The words die on your lips as you watch Buckyâs muscles tensing and rippling with whatever pain or emotion heâs currently feeling. He looks pissed, honestly, and youâre not sure if thatâs because of the situation youâre both in or because of something you said.  You swallow hard, audibly enough that Bucky can hear it from across the room. âOr we could fuck.â
           Youâre not thinking straight, you canât possibly be thinking straight. If you were, you wouldnât have said that to Bucky just now, heâs sure of it. Heâs holding his breath and keeping his brow furrowed as he stares at you, at the mouth that just said something to unhinged it sent heat flooding through his body. Heâs staring at the mouth that he wants so badly to feel against his own, and for some reason, he canât think of a damn thing to say to you. You shift under his gaze, repositioning your wrists so the ropes donât pull as hard on your already bruised skin.
           âSay something.â You press, hating the silence thatâs weighing heavy on your shoulders.
           âI donât know what to say to that.â
           âI gave you three options.â A distant pain rumbles through your body, making your bones tremble.
           âAnd you want me to just pick one?â Bucky asks, sounding more and more on edge with every word. You inhale deeply and let out a sigh, choosing to stare up at the ceiling instead of staring at him any longer.
           âWhat the hell even are those options? The first one, refusing to do what they want, that wonât end like you think it will. The second option just makes me feelâŠâ Bucky starts pacing at the foot of the bed, letting the dim lights highlight his toned body perfectly with every jarring step he takes. âThe second option makes me feel like shit. Suffer through it?â He casts you a sideways glance that makes you feel bad for the way you worded things just a moment ago. âYouâve been suffering since the night you got here and Iâm not going to have a hand in adding to that. But the third option? What the fuck are you thinking?â
           âIâm thinking it might be the only thing under our control.â You say softly, the meekness of your voice freezing Bucky mid-step. Heâs at the center of the foot of the bed, slowly turning to face you head-on. He looks like a god from this angle and it makes you want to draw your knees up to your chest and close your eyes like a cowering child. He should look like shit. He should look as bad as you probably look right now after being held captive for so many days.
           âWhat do you mean?â
           âNot only are they behind that mirror watching us right now, but you know theyâre recording every second of this.â Buckyâs blue eyes flit over to the mirror wall on his left and he scowls at it, as if he can see the horde of despicable men gathered behind it, just waiting for a glimpse of some action. âI donât want there to be some video floating around one day where Iâm just lying here beneath you in this bed, looking helpless while you just...Iâll be damned if I die down here and a video like that is the last anyone sees of me.â
           Bucky wants to reassure you, to tell you that thereâs no way in hell heâd let that be the last people see of you. But he knows reassurance isnât what you need right now. You need to feel like you have some semblance of control over your situation. He can see how that third option you listed is the only way you can fathom feeling like you have that control. Fuck. Is this really what itâs come to?
           âSo, you want me to justâŠâ His voice trails off, as if heâs scared to finish his sentence. The only thing you can think about is the way the fear doesnât reach his eyes at all. Thereâs something else behind his blue irises, rimming his dark pupils as he stares back at you. Itâs something so real that it causes a chill to spread along the surface of your skin, threatening to erupt into a tremble if you donât tamp it down.
           âFuck me.â You say, your voice a little shaky but still sure. âFuck me like itâs something you actually want to do, like itâs something you wanted to do long before we ended up here.â
           Oh, you have no idea. You have no idea that it really is something he wanted to do long before you ended up here. You donât have a fucking clue that Bucky has laid in bed more than one night in a row, listening across the hall as you get ready for bed. Heâs waited until youâve fallen asleep more times than he can count, before replaying a few key interactions with you in his head, letting his hand drift lower and lower down the front of his sweats until he wakes up the next morning full of shame. He looks you over carefully, from head to toe this time. His eyes rake over the shape of your body outlined beneath the white sheet, taking in every dip and curve in your form.
           With the way heâs looking at you, studying you, it feels like the concrete bunker has suddenly warmed up by fifteen degrees. Your tongue darts out, wetting your bottom lip nervously as you await some kind of response from the man that you just practically begged to fuck you. Buckyâs eyes track the small movement, and he finds himself wanting to feel your tongue against his own. God, heâs going to feel so ashamed after this, isnât he?
           âYou want me to fuck you.â He says slowly, bending forward at the waist until his hands come to rest on either side of your covered feet at the end of the bed. Your heart is beating out of your chest as he holds that position and looks into your eyes. He didnât phrase it as a question, but itâs obvious heâs waiting for you to confirm it again. He isnât going to a damn thing without confirmation. You nod quickly, swallowing hard and trying to look more sure of yourself than youâve ever been. Bucky moves forward again, this time lifting one knee and placing it on the bed. Then the other, then the first leg moves again. Heâs crawling over you in a way that has the entire atmosphere changing around you. It feels like the room is spinning, like the air is thinning out and the oxygen percentage is dropping dangerously low with every inch between you thatâs lost.
           âI need to hear you say it.â He speaks lowly as he hovers above you, dropping his head down so his nose brushes against your jawline while one of his knees moves between yours gently, nudging them apart just enough for him to fit comfortably against you.
           âI want you to fuck me.â You answer breathlessly, letting your eyes flutter closed as his lips begin to ghost over your neck, moving closer and closer to your ear.
           âAgain.â He rasps, taking your earlobe between his teeth like heâs done it a million times before and knows itâll get a reaction out of you. Your back arches in the slightest as he bites down on your earlobe softly, causing your covered chest to brush against his bare torso.
           âI want you to fuck me, please.â
           âThatâs it.â The words rumble in his chest and you feel the vibration against your skin. Suddenly you resent the sheet thatâs acting as a barrier between the two of you. âJust keep reminding me.â Buckyâs pressing his lips against the skin of your neck, right over the spot where he used his lips to check your heartbeat just one day ago. In one swift move, heâs tugging the sheet down and to the side, slipping himself beneath it letting the skin of his upper body collide with everywhere that yours is exposed. Instant relief floods through his body at the simple feeling of your warm skin against his. Whatever pain he was feeling is suddenly gone, diminished almost entirely. Youâre all he needed. He positions one knee between your legs again, but a little higher this time, nearly letting it press against the fabric of your black panties.
           âI want this.â You whisper, your tone laced with need. He drags his lips from your neck, over the curve of your jaw, and along your cheek until heâs hovering right over your mouth. He wants to kiss you. He wants to kiss you more than heâs ever wanted anything, but he wonât. He decides that now, as heâs staring down at your lips, wishing he knew what it felt like to bite down on one of them, what it felt like to slip his tongue between them. If he kisses you, he wonât ever be able to listen to you speak again, to watch the way you tug that bottom lip between your teeth when youâre thinking hard. He wonât be able to look at you without wanting your lips all fucking over his own every second of every damn day. So, he wonât kiss you.
           Youâre sure heâs going to kiss you. As he hovers above you, his mouth just an inch away from yours, youâre expecting it. Youâre a little disappointed when he dips his head to the side instead, dropping his forehead down toward your shoulder and nipping on the exposed skin there. But every trace of disappointment flees when he positions himself fully between your legs and grinds down, pressing the hardened front of his tactical pants against your clothed cunt with just the right amount of pressure.
           âYou want this?â He asks, scraping his teeth along your shoulder as he grinds against you in small circles. A tortured moan escapes you and you tug against the restraints, wanting nothing more than to wrap your arms around him and pull him even closer. Your knees bend on either side of him but you resist the urge to entrap him with your legs around his waist. You wonât let yourself seem that desperate, that starved for his touch.
           âBucky.â His name leaves your lips as a sultry moan, and he stills instantly. Though he doesnât pull away from you, he stops grinding entirely. He bites down on your shoulder, a little too hard, leaving a little red mark in the shape of his perfect teeth.
           âYou canât do that.â He groans. Heâs speaking so quietly that you doubt the cameras in the room will be able to pick up a word. You kind of like thinking that his words are only for you to hear. âYou canât say my name like that, not when they put this shit in my veins. I donât want to hurt you.â
           âYou wonât.â You donât really know why youâre so sure, but you are. He wonât hurt you.
           âBut I could.â He reminds you, slowly starting to grind his hips again. You can tell that your thin black panties are already soaked through with arousal. Can he feel it through his tactical pants? Can he smell how wet you are for him?
           âBut you wonât.â You say again. Bucky reaches beneath the sheet with his right hand and slides it under your bent knee, moving your leg out to the side to spread you even more and give himself a better angle. Another moan falls from your mouth and he feels his body temperature rising to a dangerous degree. Youâre right, he wonât hurt you. Heâd never, but it doesnât mean he doesnât fear that not-so-distant part of him that was always so capable of inflicting bodily harm. Especially this week, with everything thatâs happened. That part of him is so much closer to the surface than usual. He fears that any little thing could make him snap and the Winter Soldier will take over before he has a chance to force it back down to the depths he keeps it locked away in. âLook at me.â Your command is soft but stern, easily earning you Buckyâs attention. He stills his hips against yours and lifts his head from your shoulder, doing exactly what you want when he looks into your eyes. âI trust you.â
           âYou shouldnât, not with this.â He argues, fighting the urge to drag the hardened length of his cock against your damp panties again. Heâs starting to itch to get his tactical pants off, to remove some of the layers keeping him from fully feeling you.
           âI do, and you canât really change that. I trust you to do this.â He almost growls at your words, hating the power youâre giving him. Itâs only making things harder for him, in more ways than one. âWhatâs so wrong about me saying that I trust you to fuck me?â
           âEverything.â Heâs grinding into you again, but more fervently this time. Your head presses back into the firm pillow behind you and the soft sigh you let out has Buckyâs cock twitching in its confines. âEverythingâs wrong. Youâre tied to a fucking bed, covered in bruises and cuts, with a chemical influencing every thought in your mind right now, and youâre telling me that you trust me to fuck you. ShitâŠâ His voice trails off for a moment as he hitches one of your legs around his hips and drives down against you a little harder, needing so much more of you than heâs taking right now. âThat same chemical is influencing me and you think I can control myself? Enough to keep from hurting you?â
           Bucky lets his flesh hand slide up your waist beneath the covers, skipping over the curve of your breasts in an attempt to be respectful before traveling up the side of your neck. He grips your chin in that hand, holding your face still and forcing you to look at him.
           âWhat makes you so sure I wonât hurt you?â He has to know. When you search his blue eyes, you find so many things. Need, lust, desperation. But you also find fear, apprehension, and doubt. He needs to be sure that youâre really and truly okay with this or heâll never be able to live with himself after itâs done. That much, youâre sure of.
           âIs this the first time youâve ever thought about touching me?â Your question comes out as a whisper against his lips. His hips falter, but you arenât going to let him stop this time. Keeping your leg hitched over his hip, you start grinding your hips upward, maintaining the pace heâd been setting. He narrows his eyes at you, his grip on your chin tightening for the quickest second before releasing. That same hand slides across your cheek, moves between your head and the pillow, and tangles tenderly in your hair.
           âEvery other time you thought about it, did you ever imagine hurting me?â
           âNot once.â
           âIf I told you that you were hurting me, would you stop?â
           âYes.â He breathes the word out with ease. He doesn't even need to think about it.
           âDo you trust me to tell you if youâre hurting me?â The pause that ensues is loaded and the tension is almost crackling in the air around the bed. Bucky nods slowly, his eyes still narrowed and his hips still unmoving as you grind up against him yourself. âThen why do I feel like I have to beg for this right now?â A playful smirk tugs at the corners of his mouth and you know youâve gotten through to him.
           âYou would beg?â He asks, the smirk taking full form now. He leans down and takes your earlobe in between his teeth just like he did moments ago, but instead of biting down, he sucks on it gently. He releases it from his mouth after a second and starts dragging the tip of his tongue up the shell of your ear.
           âIs that what you want?â A tremble shakes your body as he lowers his full weight onto you.
           âIâd love to hear it.â He admits, whispering his answer so only you catch the words. âBut if you do that in front of the men behind that glass, Iâll cut their ears off and shove them down their fucking throats before I kill them. I try not to do shit like that anymore, so donât force my hand.â
           Youâre reminded of the possibility that he mightâve killed someone for you last night, for talking inappropriately about you. You were unsure of it at first, but hearing Bucky talk this way makes it so much more believable. Youâre stuck in your head when he rolls off of you, breaking the physical contact and leaving you both yearning for more. Heâs lying beside you, tugging his tactical pants down and off in one swift move beneath the sheet, trying to figure how the hell heâs going to make it through this.
           Nerves are bubbling up in your stomach as you start to question everything. This is all just the influence of the chemical coursing through your veins, like Bucky said. But if thatâs true, why does it feel so real? Heâs back on top of you in an instant, now with only his boxers and your panties creating space between the two of you.
           âYou get to have some control here too.â Bucky promises, sinking between your legs and placing his forearms on the bed on either side of your head. âIf you want something, need something, tell me.â You nod just as heâs lowering his head down and attaching his lips to the column of your throat. The sweet combination of him kissing, licking, and sucking on your skin like itâs the best thing heâs ever tasted has your back arching off the bed and your wrists fighting the restraints. What makes it even worse is the way his scruff combats the soothing actions of his mouth, leaving a light burn everywhere his face travels. You wish you could kiss him back the same way and show him how damn near insufferable it is to be the helpless one. âAre you sore from last night?â He asks as his flesh hand begins ghosting down your side. He traces the waistband of your panties with the tips of his fingers, back and forth slowly, teasing you as he waits for an answer.
           âA little.â You rasp, your throat feeling dry and tight with the building anticipation. You swear he almost smirks at your answer. His hand slides beneath your waistband and youâre having flashbacks to the night before. The pain was worse than anything youâd ever felt but Buckyâs hands between your thighs was the perfect antidote. Just as a new wave of pain is beginning to shoot down your spine, Bucky drags his fingertips along your wet folds, teasing just outside of your entrance, before dragging them up to your clit and applying a firm pressure there. You gasp, pushing down into his hand as much as the restraints will allow as the pain in your back instantly subsides.
           âThatâs it.â He coos, taking in the way your pupils dilate at his touch. Your cheeks are flushed pink beneath him, and though he knows itâs mostly from the drug in your system, he canât help the tiny bit of pride that swells in his chest. Bucky starts rubbing slow, steady circles against your clit, staying focused on your face the entire time. âThere you go, just like last night.â He dips his middle and ring fingers downward until theyâre threatening to slide inside of you, and you want nothing more than to buck against them, but you fight against the urge. Bucky notices your resistance and chuckles lowly, sliding his two fingers in to the first knuckle. âYou wanted control, so take it. Donât hold back on me.â He encourages, with his lips lowered down to your ear again.
           With his words echoing in your head, you let your eyes fall closed and your head press back into the firm pillow as he starts slowly dragging his fingers in and out of you. In and out, in and out. He peppers your neck with kisses before sliding his fingers in as deep as he can, and then curling them against your walls on the way out, coaxing a sultry moan from you with ease. With every pretty sound Bucky earns from you, heâs one step closer to losing his shit. He hates that his resolve crumbles more and more every time you so much as take a breath beneath him. He hates even more that thereâs probably a room full of men that get to hear and see you this way, that itâs not just for him.
           Bucky can feel the effects of the drug growing stronger, sending repetitive pangs down his back and throughout his bones. He knows you must be feeling it too. It hasnât reached its peak yet and he can only hope that what heâs about to do will be enough to keep that peak at bay for a while. His flesh hand continues on between your legs, with his middle and ring fingers thrusting in and out of you at a steady rhythm and his palm applying pressure to your clit. He rolls slightly to his side and uses his vibranium hand to start tugging his boxers down. Heâs pushing all thoughts out of his mind when youâre on the brink of your first orgasm. When itâs tearing through you, bringing stars into your vision and a rush of heat where his hand is connected to your clit, heâs watching as you bite down on your bottom lip and lose touch with reality. You look painstakingly beautiful this way, so fucked out and vulnerable in a way that should be reserved for his eyes only.
           âSay my name.â He whispers, as your orgasm ravages your body. Before you even have a moment to think, his name is rolling off of your tongue and filling the concrete room. He feels like some kind of two-pump chump now, having to bite the inside of his cheek and damn near draw blood just to hold off his own orgasm. Precum coats the tip of his hard cock, threatening to drip onto your bare thigh if he doesnât hurry up and do something about it. As your orgasm tapers off and aftershocks begin to work through your muscles, Bucky draws his flesh hand out from between your legs and hooks his index finger in the wet fabric covering your pussy. Youâre barely recovered from the first orgasm when you feel him tugging your panties to the side and pressing the shaft of his cock against your wet cunt.
           âShit, Bucky, let me catch my breath.â You pant, but the feel of his hard length gliding back and forth between your legs already has you wanting more. It has you wanting everything.
           âCatch it.â He encourages you, pressing his lips against your cheek in a chaste kiss. âBut there isnât really much sense in that when youâre just going to lose it again as soon as I start fucking you.â He has a point. You focus in on the way heâs grinding against you, dragging himself against your arousal-slickened clit from balls to tip repeatedly, but slowly. You donât have to see him to know heâs well-endowed, and that scares you a little.
           âItâsâŠit might not fit.â You whisper. Concern is etched in your features as you blink your eyes at meet his gaze head-on.
           âItâll fit.â He assures you. With another drag of his hips, the tip of his cock is brushing against your entrance before sliding right back up to your clit. Heâs teasing you, teasing himself.
âItâs been a long time for me.â You admit. A soft blush colors your cheeks as he slows his hips to a stop and drops his head to your shoulder. You feel him sigh against the bare skin there and for a second, you fear youâve said something wrong. Should you not have told him that? Does it make you seem weak? Afraid?
Buckyâs really struggling to hold himself back. He wants to grab the backs of your thighs, push your knees up toward your chest, and sheath himself within you so fucking hard and fast that you donât remember what itâs like not to have all of him inside you. And now knowing that you havenât been with another man in so long? It almost makes him giddy. He almost wishes youâd said youâd never been with another man, but thatâs unrealistic, considering youâve probably had a greater number of men begging at your heels than the number of men heâs killed over the years.
âWhatâs your favorite color?â He asks suddenly, catching you off guard. Bucky reaches down between your bodies with his flesh hand and wraps it around his shaft, stroking up and down slowly and carefully as he kisses your shoulder. God, even your skin tastes good.
âIt changes all the time.â You answer, just as heâs using his hand to line himself up at your entrance. Your eyes scrunch closed in anticipation, knowing his size is going to be more than enough to cause a bit of pain.
âWhen I get you out of here, whatâs the first thing you want to eat?â He drops more of his weight onto you, letting the head of his cock press much more firmly against your entrance. You feel it slide in just barely, so slowly that youâre unsure if itâs even moving forward.
âWhatever I can get my hands on.â You canât think straight enough to come up with any specific answers, but he doesnât care. Heâs just trying to distract you enough so that you donât focus completely on the stretch of him sliding inside you for the first time. He pushes his hips in a little more, feeling your cunt start to draw him in. So fucking tight. He groans lowly, needily, and nips at your shoulder.
âDo you remember that solo op you had in the club?â Bucky shouldnât be getting so real, but as he sinks his cock into you inch-by-inch, his mind is drifting into dangerous territory. Heâs starting to feel a little too animalistic with the way your cunt is practically weeping for him, begging him to go further. Bucky feels you nod and he pulls back from your shoulder, bracing his weight on his forearms on either side of your head again. He peers down at you just as his cock is reaching the halfway point within you. A loud moan escapes you as the stretch grows to be a little too much to bear. âI couldnât stand to see that guy with his hands all over your ass.â He confesses. Suddenly, the burning pain his cock is causing you dampens significantly. Youâre staring up at him, your lips parted as panting breaths fall from them, as his hands slide over the pillow to smooth out your hair.
âYou barely even knew me.â
âI still barely know you.â He points out, giving you another inch, breeching that halfway point. Though your cunt is greedily pulling him in, he still feels the resistance within your tight walls. You werenât lying when you said it had been a while for you. âBut that didnât change the fact that I didnât like him touching you.â
âBend one of my knees up, around your hip like you did before.â You whimper the request as he nearly bottoms out inside you. You know that angle will make it a little easier to take such an impressively sized cock. Buckyâs quick to comply, gripping your left thigh and crooking your leg over his hip. He holds it there with his flesh palm pressed flat against your skin and his fingertips digging into the back of your knee. There it is. With one gentle thrust, heâs balls deep inside of you and frozen in place.
Bucky imagines that this is what it would feel like if he had the privilege of going to heaven. Hell, just being buried inside of you like this, feeling your chest heaving beneath him and your back slightly arching off the bed is enough to kill him and send him there right now. He holds himself still, wanting to give you a chance to adjust while also giving himself time to calm down so he doesnât start filling you up before heâs even really fucked you. Itâs a feat, trying not to blow his load so soon with the way your pussy is gripping the entirety of his length. He feels your breathing slow and after one deep inhale, you relax beneath him.
âGood girl.â The pet name rolls off of his tongue the moment he feels you relax. Suddenly, youâre tense again, and one moan from you has him dragging his hips backward and pulling his cock halfway out. You scream his name as your wrists tug hard on the restraints, threatening to break the ropes. He hated hearing you scream last night, but this is different. Hearing you scream his name this way makes him fucking feral. He snaps his hips forward, thrusting into you so hard that all you can do is cry his name out over and over. âAnd you didnât think you could take me.â He says lowly. He starts to set a steady rhythm with his thrusts, in and out, in and out. He alternates between pulling his length halfway out and occasionally pulling it almost completely out before slamming it back into you a little harder each time. The sounds of his skin slapping against yours beneath the sheets fills the room, echoing off of the concrete walls and surely reaching whatever audio recording devices are around.
âThis shouldnât feel so good.â You groan, bending your right knee and hooking it around Buckyâs hip to match your other one. The new angle gives him access to go even deeper and with every thrust, you feel yourself dripping all over him and the sheets beneath.
âYeah? It feels good, huh?â He punctuates his question with a particularly deep thrust and you cry out again, struggling against the restraints. âIf you werenât tied up like this Iâd have you on all fours right now.â Thatâs it, the drug has to be peaking for him to be talking like that. You have no doubt. âIâd be watching you take every fucking inch of me over and over.â
âStop saying shit like that.â You need him to stop talking, because if he doesnât, HYDRA is going to have one fucking loud sex tape on their hands. Dirty talk is a weakness of yours, and every time Bucky speaks your moans are growing louder and even more filthy sounding.
âJust keep taking my cock.â Bucky groans out, as if you have much of a choice in the matter. You know you do, but with the way youâre feeling, your body wouldnât give you one. You think your body might actually implode if you stopped taking his cock right now. âYouâre doing so good for me.â Â He reaches that specific spot inside you, one that men have rarely reached before, and it has your toes curling and your lungs gasping for air.
âRight there, oh my god, right there.â You whimper, straining just to get the words out whole. If he didnât already know how pretty you sound when youâre close to an orgasm, heâd be scared he was hurting you. The tension in your voice, the gasping breaths you keep taking when he bottoms out inside you, and the way you keep trying to twist out of those damn restraints could easily be mistaken as the actions of a girl in pain. But Bucky knows you. Youâre going to cum on his cock.
âIf youâre ready toâŠfuck, baby.â Bucky grunts, fisting a hand in the hair at the back of your head and driving his cock into you impossibly harder. âIf youâre ready to cum, just let go.â
âYou first.â You say through gritted teeth. He chuckles, though you can tell his resolve is steadily slipping.
âOh no, sweetheart, thatâs not how this works.â His tone is almost condescending and if he wasnât giving you greater pleasure than youâve ever known right now, you might tell him to fuck off. âYouâre going to cum on my cock, and Iâm going to fuck you through your orgasm.â
âWhat happened to you get to have some control here too?â You ask, repeating his earlier words back to him as he continues rutting into you at a devilish pace and depth.
âI found out how good it feels to have you wrapped around my cock and I got greedy.â He responds, looking and sounding wholly serious. The most pathetic sounding whimper erupts from your chest as he pulls all the way out and slams back into you, almost too roughly for you to handle, but it feels so damn good. Itâs like he somehow knows exactly how much you can take, and he pushes that limit just enough to blow your mind. âIâm going to do that one more time, and youâre going to cum on my cock.â Itâs not a question. Itâs a command. Knowing this is a fight you wonât be winning, you nod desperately and tighten your legs around his waist. He pulls fully out of you one more time, leans down and presses a kiss right at the corner of your mouth, and then snaps his hips forward. He buries himself to the hilt and starts grinding his hips into yours in circles, gifting you a type of pleasure that youâve never felt in your life. As your orgasm washes over you and your pussy clamps down on his cock, threatening to hold it hostage inside of you indefinitely, you canât help but feel a little sad. Your back arches off the bed and his fingers curl against the back of your scalp as a needy growl climbs up his throat, as he tries hard to fuck your unrelentingly tight pussy. Your heart aches with the thought that you wonât ever get to feel this again, that heâs just ruined you for every other man out there. Fuck him.
Fuck Bucky Barnes.
Buckyâs a mess in more ways than one as he presses his forehead against yours and his thrusts grow sloppy and lose rhythm. With one final deep thrust, his balls are flush against your ass and heâs cumming so deep inside you that he fears heâll be giving HYDRA exactly what they want. He only feels a fleeting moment of relief before a sickening feeling settles in the pit of his stomach. He only got to have you this way, to experience you like this, at the hand of the organization that ruined his life. As much as he enjoyed it, and he thoroughly enjoyed it, it feels like itâs tainted. Shaking the negativity from his mind, he slowly starts to pull out of you, watching your face with concern as you wince.
âDid I hurt you?â He questions softly, peering beneath the sheet. He doesnât see any blood on his cock, thankfully. He never wouldâve forgiven himself if he drew blood from your sweet little cunt. You murmur a nearly silent no as his eyes fall on the white stream of his cum dripping out of you. Donât do it. Donât do it. Sheâs had enough.
Bucky slips two fingers between your folds, gently circling your clit twice before dragging them down and scooping up his cum. He fucks it back into you as tenderly as he can, with his brows pinched together in concentration. You lay there and take the moment in. It feels possessive. Though youâre sure everything that just went down only happened because HYDRA mandated it, something about the way heâs looking at you and making sure even a single drop of his cum isnât wasted on the bedsheets has you biting down on your bottom lip. This right here feels like itâs real, like itâs just you and Bucky. You decide to cling to that feeling to keep from descending into a pit of shame and sadness.
           âShould we take him back to his cell now?â One of the guards asks. He stands tall beside the two-way mirror with his hands on his hips as he stares at the scene before him. He studies the super soldier, who looks so normal and humane lying next to you in bed. Itâs difficult to look at him and imagine the Winter Soldier that the guard has heard so much about over the years. This man seems so different than the gory tales. As Bucky brushes your hair away from your face and rolls over to the side, the guard wonders just how far removed this man is from the legendary assassin.
           âNo, leave them together. The drug will peak again in a couple of hours, I want to see how they handle it a second time.â
           âBut we were told thatââ            âI said leave them together.â
           You wake suddenly, disoriented and in a cold sweat. Your shoulders ache something fierce and when you try to roll over onto your side to figure out where the hell you are and why itâs so dark, you find your wrists tied to the corners of the bed. Shit. You know exactly where you are now. When did the lights get turned off? When did you even fall asleep? God, itâs just like last night, when Bucky fingered you to two orgasms and then you woke up hours later with no recollection of the events that occurred after the last bit of pleasure you felt. The soreness between your thighs and wetness seeping into the fabric of your panties is the only reminder you need of what happened earlier.
           You had sex with Bucky Barnes. Panic begins to set in and you start tugging against the restraints hard enough to break your skin, hard enough to draw blood. You donât even realize that Buckyâs in bed next to you until you feel the mattress shift beneath you and hear his raspy voice break through the thoughts swirling around your head.
           âItâs okay, youâre okay.â He speaks to you softly, but sits up quickly and places both of his hands against the skin of your shoulders. You focus in on the contrast between his cool vibranium hand and warm flesh palm. âJust breathe.â
           Even in the dark of night, Bucky can see the thin trail of blood dripping down your arms, threatening to stain the white sheets beneath you. He thinks quickly, refusing to sacrifice the only piece of material fully covering you from HYDRAâs view. Bucky slides his flesh hand behind your head, curling his fingers in your hair and lifting up slightly so he can tug the pillow out from under you. Within two seconds, he has the pillow back under your head and is using the pillowcase to soak up the blood on each of your forearms. She stays in restraints. Bucky can hear the rule repeating in his mind, even as his fingers trail over rope cutting into the skin of your left wrist. If he squints, he can make out the bruises that have already formed from how tight they are and how hard youâve been fighting against them tonight. He follows the length of the rope with his index finger, noting where itâs attached near the upper corner of the bed, to a metal loop bolted into the concrete wall. Fuck HYDRA. With one solid tug, the metal loop is flying out of the now cracked concrete wall. Relief takes over your features and your breathing begins to slow as Bucky grabs your wrist and moves your arm to your chest. He does the same thing to the metal loop on the other side, and then brings that sore arm in closer to your body as well.
           He stays close to your side, hovering over you protectively, waiting to see if anyone is going to burst through the door and whisk him away for breaking a rule. A few silent seconds pass and he starts to relax. When he focuses on your face again, youâre looking up at him, studying him closely.
           âWhat?â He asks, watching as you alternate between rubbing each of your wrists. Bucky lets himself fall back into bed beside you, switching to staring up at the ceiling instead of at your face. The drug hasnât worn off yet and when he looks into your eyes, heâs reminded of what he did to you just a short time ago. It makes his dick throb in the worst way. He reaches down beneath the sheet and adjusts himself in his boxers, letting out a frustrated sigh.
           âI donât think you were supposed to do that.â You whisper back. You maneuver the lengths of rope around so that theyâre in a pile beside you on the edge of the bed. You wish you had a way to cut them off entirely, but still, this is so much better than how it was before.
           âIâve done a lot of things I wasnât supposed to do tonight.â The guilt is evident in his tone and it feels like a literal punch to the gut when you hear it. You want to reach over and grab his hand, to tell him that he did what had to be done and you donât resent him for it, but you stay still. You can feel his body heat radiating and seeping into your exposed skin with how close the two of you are.
           âIâm sorry.â Why the hell are you sorry? None of this is your fault, yet youâre apologizing. Anger flares in Buckyâs chest and he sits up abruptly, turning away from you and swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. He assumes a sitting position, with his hands gripping the edge of the mattress and his head hanging low.
           âDonât do that.â He says through gritted teeth. When he glances up, he sees his reflection in the mirrored wall. He can see his own heaving chest, his rippling abs, and his tensed flesh bicep, all of those things coming together to give off a vibe that says fuck off.
           âDo what?â You ask apprehensively, moving to sit up in bed as well. You keep the sheet draped over your lap but turn your body to peer over Buckyâs shoulder, catching his gaze in the mirror. His stare burns you up, and you quickly avert your line of sight, choosing to stare at the tense muscles of his bare back instead.
           âApologize.â Bucky responds stiffly, screwing his eyes shut and inhaling deeply. He doesnât want to risk seeing you in the reflection, not when the drug seems to be gearing up for a round two within his bloodstream. The room is starting to feel too small and too hot around him. âYou know you didnât do anything wrong, so donât apologize.â
           âI feel like I did something wrong.â He doesnât like hearing you so unsure, it doesnât suit you. âI shouldnât have asked you to fuck me like that earlier, I shouldâve justââ            âShouldâve what? Said no and waited around for them to bring in someone who wouldnât care if you wanted it or not?â He can hear the sound of his vibranium arm whirring as he squeezes down on the mattress a little harder just at the thought of you with someone else, specifically with someone who doesnât give a shit about you. âYou needed to feel like you had control over the situation, so you asked me to do it andâŠâ His voice trails off, the rest of his sentence lost in the dark room.
           âRight, I asked you to do it.â You repeat his phrasing slowly. âSo, why does it seem like you feel guilty?â
           âBecause I do.â He grumbles, dropping his chin down to his chest again and breaking the staring contest he was having with himself in the mirror.
           âWhy?â You press on, needing some kind of explanation. What could he possibly have to feel guilty for? He did what you asked, and only what you asked of him. He didnât take it too far, he didnât take advantage of you in any way. Bucky doesnât answer. How does he even begin to explain why he feels guilty? Should he say that he feels guilty because itâs his fault that HYDRA targeted you in the first place? Should he say that itâs because he shouldâve found a way to get you out of here long before they ever tied you to a bed and made him touch you?
           You watch the toned muscles of his back tense more and more in the dark. You notice the way his flesh bicep flexes and his vibranium one whirs louder with each passing second. You were the one panicking a moment ago, floundering in the dark before Bucky reached out and comforted you. Now itâs your turn to comfort him. You reach out a cautious hand, watching as the rope drags along the bed. When your palm collides with the skin of Buckyâs back, you feel him tense even more and freeze, as if heâs holding in a breath. You peek over his shoulder into the mirror as you push your hand firmly against him and start to drag it down toward his lower back. He doesnât so much as lift his eyes to meet your gaze, and you take that as good sign. You shuffle forward on your knees, moving to sit right behind him with your thighs on either side of his hips and your chest close to his back.
           âWhat are you doing?â He asks lowly, keeping his head and eyes cast downward but sensing your movements. You continue to drag your right hand down until itâs nearing the waistband of his boxers. Youâre trying not to think as you then turn your hand and slide your palm around his side and start feeling over the ridges of his abs. Your front is pressed flush against his back now and instead of pulling away, you swear you feel him lean into you the tiniest bit.
           âStop talking.â You whisper back, moving your left hand beneath his vibranium arm and around his torso to meet your right hand over his abs. When Bucky feels your hands still and your chin pressing down on his right shoulder, he finally tilts his head up and steals a glance at your collective reflection. Shit. He can feel his heartbeat pounding in his cock just from the way youâre wrapped around him and looking into his eyes.
           Bucky starts peeling your hands away from his skin slowly, moving them away from his torso before pushing off the bed and rising to his feet. Rejection stings. You stay right where you are, resting on your knees with your legs slightly spread, facing the mirror. You watch the man before you as he runs a hand through his already tussled hair and turns around to look at you.
           He canât stand it. When he sees you sitting like that, looking up at him with such a gentle expression on your face, his cock twitches within the confines of his boxers.
           âShit.â He groans, quickly turning away from you and scrunching his eyes shut. âYou have to stop looking at me like that.â Realization dawns on you as your eyes land on the bulge behind the black fabric of the only item of clothing he has on.
           âDonât.â Heâs speaking through gritted teeth again, and with your current view of his side profile you can see the muscle of his jaw ticking. âDonât say my name.â
           âYou liked hearing me say it earlier.â His eyes are back on you in an instant as a playful smirk threatens to spread across your lips. Thereâs a flashing image of those same lips gracing the shaft of his cock, but he shakes it out of his head as suddenly as it appeared. âWhatâs different now?â
           âThey only needed us to fuck once.â Bucky points out, continuing to stare at the concrete wall. âWe donât have to do this a second time. You let your eyes roam over his body, taking in every detail you can make out in the dark room. Itâs not over for him. The drug hasnât cleared his system, and if anything, it looks as if itâs having an even stronger effect on him than before. Yet, for you, itâs dampened. Youâre a little warm and you feel a bit of an adrenaline rush, but no waves of pain or agony are ripping through you right now. Your suspicion is confirmed when Bucky reaches up and grips his flesh shoulder with his vibranium hand, squeezing it as though his trapezius muscle is cramping up.
           âYouâre in pain.â You say quietly, analyzing the way he reacts to your observation. He drops his hand from his shoulder and takes in a shaky breath before turning his head to make eye contact with you.
           âIâm fine.â
           âYouâre not a very good liar.â He scoffs at your insult, reaching up to rub his shoulder again. Youâre right. His shoulders are starting to feel like heâs been holding two-ton weights for hours and his back has been aching ever since he stood up from the bed and refused your touch. âLet me help you.â
           âYou really want another round on camera for HYDRA? The first one wasnât enough?â He spits the words out like venom, like you chose to give the enemy a sex tape. Anger surges within you and you cross your arms over your chest. Buckyâs eyes flit down, settling on your suddenly accentuated breasts as they threaten to spill over the top of your sports bra.
           âYouâd rather them have footage of you cowering in the corner with a hard-on? Looking like a beaten down puppy?â He scowls, lifting his eyes from your chest to focus on your face.
           âIâd rather not take advantage of you twice.â His expression is serious as he speaks.
           âYou didnât take advantage the first time.â You argue. He stares at you with narrowed eyes and a fiery look behind his eyes. You canât tell who he hates more right now, you or himself. âStop looking at me like you want to kill me.â Your demand causes him to falter momentarily, his stern look and narrowed eyes shifting to a confused expression. Kill you? He wants nothing more than to either fuck you six ways to Sunday or get as far away from you as possible, heâd take either option right now. But killing you? Itâs almost laughable that youâd think thatâs whatâs going through his head right now.  Â
           âIf I wanted to kill youââ
           âIâd already be dead, right? Save the tough guy shit for someone else, that line is really overused.â Youâre dismissive now, moving to sit with your legs crisscrossed in front of you, still facing a very on-edge Bucky Barnes. His eyes glaze over as he takes in the sight of your legs against the white sheets. He knows exactly what those legs feel like in his hands, hooked around his hips, wrapped around his lower half. Fuck.
           You watch as a million thoughts seem to be running rampant through Buckyâs mind. Seeing the way his eyes dart around and his tongue sticks out to wet his bottom lip makes it seem like he might actually be hearing voices or something. He clenches his fists and then unclenches them. He turns away from you and the bed, choosing to stare at the concrete wall for a few seconds before turning to the mirror and contemplating shattering it with the flick of his wrist. He turns away from the mirror and faces the only door in the room. There isnât even a handle or keypad on the inside, thereâs no way out of it unless he punches through the fucking concrete wall. He could do that, probably with even less effort that he imagines, but what would that get him? He might end up back in his own concrete cell, which is what he really needs right now, but what would happen to you? Theyâd find someone else to do what Buckyâs currently refusing to do. He clenches his teeth so hard that he wouldnât be surprised if he heard every single one of his molars crack under the pressure.
           âDoes it hurt?â Itâs as if a time machine has suddenly appeared and is sucking Bucky into a swirling vortex, dragging him back in time. The trigger being the question thatâs just left your lips in such a soft whisper. You asked it just like you did the first time, the first time in the gym showers when you caught Bucky so off-guard that he thought about you for days.
           âDoes what hurt?â He asks, remembering every single moment of that little conversation as if it was a script. Him remembering and repeating his line in such a slow, hushed way is what has warmth spreading beneath the surface of your skin. He listens to the rustling of the bedsheets as you push yourself off the mattress. He listens to the sounds of your ropes dragging across the floor as you make your way across the room, drawing nearer and nearer to him and effectively sucking all of the air out of his lungs as you do so. Your fingertips, so gentle and soft, dance across the scars where his vibranium arm meets his flesh. His eyes close tightly as you drag those fingertips down over his shoulder blade, and then further over to the right to trace his spine. Down, down, down you drag those fingertips, until heâs shuddering beneath your touch and all he wants to do it turn around and face you. Your fingers still right above the waistband of his boxers, and thatâs when he decides to make a move.
           Bucky turns around as your hand falls away from him, and he finds himself only a couple of inches away from you. His mind is screaming at him to close the gap, to wrap his arms around you and eliminate the space between your bodies. But the memory of that night in the gym showers tugs at him even more than that resonating mental scream. A shiver runs down your spine as Bucky lifts his flesh hand to your face. He traces the curve of your jaw, from your right earlobe down to your chin with his index finger. His touch is so light and careful, so calculated and thoughtful as he meets your burning gaze. Your breath hitches in your throat when he starts trailing that same finger down, over the front of your neck and straight to the notch between your collarbones. His eyes follow the movement of his finger, setting your skin on fire with the combination of his touch and his watchful scrutiny.
           âYouâre not wearing your necklaceâ. Thatâs what he said next that night, when he didnât want to answer your question about his scars. Itâs true again now. As his eyes settle on your chest, that little necklace with the built-in panic button is notably absent. Though you know that you could keep carrying on the little charade, that you could keep reading off of the script that you both seem to have memorized, your gaze falls to his chest. You study the silver chain hanging from his neck, following it down until you zero in on the two metal plates resting over his sternum. He lets his hand fall away from your neck as you reach up and hook a finger around the chain of his dog tags.
           âGive me yours.â
           Thereâs no more hesitation or apprehension when Bucky rushes forward, letting both of his hands capture the sides of your face and guide you in to meet him. He wasnât planning on kissing you. In fact, he was specifically avoiding doing exactly that. He feels every nerve, every sensory receptor in his body firing at once when his lips press against yours. Itâs like the fourth of fucking July beneath his skin as you part your lips to let his tongue delve into your mouth. Youâre stumbling backward in an instant as Bucky begins taking steps forward, moving you in the general direction of the bed. He kisses you harder and harder with every step he takes, surely leaving your lips pink and your nose a rosy shade of red. You donât even get a chance to break for breath until you feel the edge of the mattress hitting the backs of your knees. Your hands move to his abs and you push against the firm muscles there, fighting for balance so you wonât go crashing onto the bed.
           As Bucky pulls back, keeping his hands on the sides of your face and his gaze trained on your widened eyes, he realizes that heâs been fighting a losing battle not only with the drug coursing through his veins, but with you as well. He can tell by the look in your eyes that youâre having the same realization. Heâs tugging the dog tags from his neck without giving the action a second thought. When he stands before you, with the silver chain clutched in his flesh fist and the two metal tags suspended in the air, it feels as though all of the oxygen has been sucked out of the room.
           âIf I let you wear theseâŠâ Bucky takes a deep breath in and shifts his gaze to the decades-old dog tags in his hand. âYou donât take them off until you have your necklace back.â He looks to your face, waiting for any sort of confirmation. You nod slowly, not even thinking about his request. Youâll do it. Youâd do anything he asked of you right now with the way heâs looking at you, with the way he just kissed you. He slips the cool chain over your head gently, ensuring it doesnât get tangled in your hair as he settles it around your neck.
           Seeing his name around your neck awakens something feral, something so fucking primal inside of him. Bucky bites down on his bottom lip as you reach up with your right hand and grasp the tags, running a thumb over the indentation of his name.
           âBucky.â Your voice is always a little different when itâs his name being spoken. He canât quite describe in what way itâs different, but it always does something to him. He bites down on his bottom lip a little harder and lets his hands move to your waist, smoothing over your skin and tugging you forward against him. âLet me take advantage of you.â Every single muscle in his body stops working, all except for his heart. He canât even fucking swallow as his heart beats against his ribcage like itâs gone into overdrive. Heâs sure even you can feel the rapid thrumming of it, vibrating against your own chest with how close heâs holding you to himself. If you canât feel that, you can sure as hell feel the outline of his hard cock pressing against your lower stomach right now. He sees nothing but sincerity and lust written across your face and swirling around in the color of your eyes. So, he responds with the only sentence his brain can come up with.
           âTake advantage of me.â
           Though things happen so quickly, HYDRAâs cameras capture everything. When the two of you fall backwards into bed, the man observing you both from behind the two-way mirror is on the edge of his seat. Out of all of the ways the second round couldâve started, he didnât expect it to start quite like this. He watches with his mouth hung open as the Winter Soldier presses you impossibly further into the mattress, kissing you with a fervency not many people have had the privilege of experiencing before. The man pushes out of his chair and moves to stand closer to the mirror when Bucky starts rutting against you, grinding himself between your legs in a desperate attempt to find relief. But when you hook a leg over Buckyâs hips and skillfully flip positions so that heâs on his back and youâre straddling his lap, with the flimsy bed creaking beneath you both, the man behind the mirror is truly shocked. This isnât what he expected at all. He nearly put a stop to things the moment Bucky ripped your restraints out of the wall, but seeing this now, heâs glad he didnât. Hell, if HYDRA doesnât get the stem cell experimentation capabilities that they want out of tonight, they could get a big payday with the video footage of this alone.
           Covering up with the sheet doesnât cross either of your minds as you hook a finger in Buckyâs waistband and start pulling his boxers down his thighs. You only pull them down enough to free his dick, and watching it spring up toward his stomach is enough to have you wanting the boxers on the damn floor. But still, you wonât go that far, not here. You donât give yourself much time to admire his impressive length as you wrap your hand around it and start stroking from base to tip, spreading his precum along the shaft. Buckyâs lost in the feeling, so lost that he doesnât even realize how many times your name has fallen from his lips, and youâre not even fucking his cock yet. When he groans your name in an especially needy way, youâre already tugging your panties to the side and pressing your wet cunt against his shaft, dragging your hips back and forth in quick succession.
           âShit.â Bucky groans lowly, gripping your hips with both hands and pulling you down harder against him. âJust like that.â He learned yesterday just how far encouragement goes in getting you off. You grind against him like that, alternating between quick movements with your hips and slow, lazy circles, until you canât stand it anymore. You feel empty and your pussy is aching for him. His face is contorted with pleasure and his eyes are screwed shut, but you can read him well enough to know that he needs more too. Your gaze travels down to where youâre seated against the shaft of his cock, noting the way the head of it glistens with a mix of his precum and your arousal. God, itâs such a sight. Your head is swirling with dangerously horny thoughts as you lift your hips and wrap your hand around his length once more. Giving it a few strokes, you line it up with your entrance.
           âDonât hurt yourself.â Bucky warns, watching you with narrowed eyes and a slightly concerned look on his face. You know you should listen to him and take it slow. Heâs so big and as if his length wasnât enough, his girth alone could take a girl out entirely. You laugh softly, thinking about how he was telling you take his cock just a couple of hours ago. You sink down, taking the tip in painfully slowly, focusing on the burning pain as your walls stretch to accommodate him. Then, just to spite him, you sit down on the entirety of his cock all at once, crying out at the mix of pain and pleasure. âFuck, what did I just say?â Bucky groans out, digging his fingers into the skin of your waist as he tries to lift you back up. You fight against him, staying seated on his cock as tears form in your eyes. âGet off, itâs too much for you.â
           âNo.â You say defiantly, willing the muscles tightening around his length to relax as much as they can. With each passing second, it burns less and begins to feel more tolerable, more enjoyable. âI can take it like this.â
           Heâs going to lose his shit. Buckyâs seconds from either cumming so hard that itâll be spilling out of you for days or picking you up, pressing your back against one of the concrete walls, and fucking you until you canât even take a breath without feeling the ghost of him inside you. He watches through hooded eyes as you start circling your hips, as you let your head fall back and your hands brace against his bare chest. He catches sight of his name draped around your neck, hanging between your breasts, marking you as his and he canât help himself. He thrusts upward just once, feeling you clench around him and memorizing the pretty sound that erupts from your chest. Again. He needs to feel and hear that again. So, he thrusts a second time. Then a third. Then, heâs meeting every bounce of your hips with one of his own.
           âThatâs it, take advantage of my cock.â He coos, matching your pace as your fingers curl against his chest and leave red marks in their wake. He wants more of you, he wants you closer. His eyes land on the ropes still tied around your wrists, and without thinking, heâs moving his hands from your waist and gripping one rope in each palm. He tugs on them hard, pulling you down abruptly so you fall against his chest. Youâre skin to skin now, with his cock buried so deep inside of you that you think your pussy might be molding to the shape of it with each passing second. âDo you have any idea how good this feels for me?â He whispers the question against the skin of your neck, pressing his lips to your pulse point right after heâs spoken. âDo you have any idea how perfectly your tight little cunt wraps around my cock? How badly it makes me want to cum?â The volume of your moan would be almost embarrassing if everything he was doing and saying didnât make you feel an unmatchable level of pure bliss.
           âPlease,â you plead through panting breaths, working hard to keep bouncing your hips in your current position. âPlease cum inside me again, Bucky.â You sound desperate but donât give a single fuck. âIt felt so good the first time.â
           âFuck, you need it, donât you?â He asks, thrusting up into you a little harder and sliding his hands down your sides. He grips your ass with both hands and puts even more force behind each upward snap of his hips. The sounds in the room are obscene and borderline pornographic as he fucks you senseless. âWhose name is around your neck right now?â
           âYours.â You cry out, dropping your head to his half flesh-half vibranium shoulder. His right hand disappears from your ass, but only before a second before itâs slapping back down with a resounding smack, earning him a gasp and arched back from you.
           âSay it.â He orders, massaging his palm against your reddening ass cheek. You scream his name out only a moment later, as your orgasm is turning your brain to mush and your pussy to a fucking ravine. Youâre barely aware when he rolls you over and starts fucking you into the mattress like his life depends on it. You feel the warm gush of his cum filling you up, the few sloppy final thrusts as he empties himself entirely, and then the weight of his body collapsing on top of yours. The only thing your brain seems to be thinking about is how deeply fucked you are. Youâve never been more sure of anything than you are of this, right now: Buckyâs gotten so far under your skin that you wonât be able to shake him when all of this is over.
           Youâre fast asleep beside him when the world tilts on its axis. When the explosion happens, Bucky doesnât even have a moment to reach over and grab you, to pull you to his chest and try to protect you from the rain of concrete and debris. He can only watch as youâre thrown violently against the far wall, crashing against the concrete with a silent thud as a sharp ringing sound takes over Buckyâs hearing. Heâs tossed in the opposite direction, feeling every little cut and rip of his skin as his body is cast through the two-way mirror on the other wall. Itâs the last thing he remembers before blacking out, that he didnât protect you when everything came crashing down.
           âIâve got something over here!â A deep male voice calls out. Itâs grating to your ears, almost like nails on a chalkboard. Everything sounds too far away yet too close at the same time, and your head is throbbing in the worst way. You want to yell out and tell everyone to be quiet, to let you sleep a little longer. Something tugs against your neck, and you want to reach out and swat away whoever is nearby, but you find yourself too weak to even move your arms. Your eyes remain closed and your body remains still. You just want a little more sleep. âDog tags!â
           âIs it Bucky?â A second voice sounds, this one a little higher pitched and quieter. You try to blink your eyes open at the familiar name, but it feels like theyâre covered in sand and it burns the second your eyelashes flutter, so you stop. Swallowing thickly, a cough creeps up your throat and barely manages to scrape past your lips.
           âNo, no itâsâŠâ Thatâs when you feel a warm hand wrap around your own, intertwining its fingers with yours and squeezing once. âItâs her. I think sheâs alive. Weâve got her.â
           âSomeone get a medic crew down here now!â The higher pitched voice grows louder and your head throbs more intensely. If everyone would just take it down a notch you could get a little more rest. âLet Fury know sheâs coming home.â
           Home. The word sends a fuzzy feeling, something like relief maybe, buzzing through your mostly numb body. Youâre going home.
BONUS PART (will be linked here June 7th, 2024)
@sunnyhummingbee @gyokujyn @jenniferpendragon @siciliano13 @ordelixx @crist1216 @twlkdead @claireelizabeth85 @charmedbysarge @blackhawkfanatic @kentokaze @eecummingsandgoings @nyashonality @h2oaffirmations @sadeyes61 @aka-tua-braindump @immortalfangirl @valenftcrush @andrometda @sillysillygoose444 @gracescor3 @hellsenthero @mistressmkay @shortnloud @stellarburritos @hazbin-h0etel @mostlymarvelgirl @lesleurs @lillianacristina @frombkjar @witch-lemon @edelweissbarnes @glowstickfluid01 @its-daydreamer23 @sadiechar @hallecarey1 @hhiggs @steeph-aniie @lilipiggytails @ladyvenera @theallknown213
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Me if reading Rafe Cameron fanfics all day was illegal
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⧠entwining hearts bucky may be your dads best friend but thatâs wonât stop him from making you his own. the only trouble is that you have a boyfriend already and bucky is newly out of a divorce, trying to get full time custody of his four year old son, jamie. (warnings: ⌠⟠â and dbf!bucky)
one shots:
⧠isnât she lovely bucky spots you at the bar and orders you a drink (warnings: slight ⌠and beefy!bucky)
⧠two lines two lines on a stick appear and you freak out - thinking bucky will hate you. (warnings: ⌠and implied ⟠)
⧠my good girl the winter soldier plays with you (warnings: ⟠â and tws!bucky)
⧠a little flirt you and bucky have a little chat (warnings: âŒ, very shitty and short)
⧠beginner itâs your first time having sex ever and your boyfriend bucky is there to help. (warnings: ⌠and light âŸ)
⧠coming soon -> the kings queen thor is set to marry. his father thinks he knows whatâs best for him but as the time goes on, his feelings for his younger brothers bestfriend change. once sworn enemies, they know have to hide their love in secrecy - scared for the reprocussions. (warnings: royal au, brothers bestfriend, enemies to lovers tropes and ⌠⟠â)
one shots:
⧠enchanted thor catches himself thinking about you all the time, so he sets off on a - very short - mission to make him yours. (warnings: âŒ)
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<- back to the bookshop
one shots:
one shots:
⧠call me ? eddie is caught staring at you in class, so you give him something after! (warnings: âŒ, very shitty and short)
⧠always for you eds you and eddie in his bed, just âplayingâ around with each other ⊠(warnings: âŸ)
#stranger things 4#eddie stranger things#steve harrington#jim hopper#strangerthings#steve harrington x reader#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson#eddie munson smut#steve harrington smut
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⧠always for you eds eddie munson
warnings: smut :) dom!eddie / cumplay? / slight breeding kink / pussy slapping / nipple stimulation / literally just rough sex (yay!) also jason carver is mentioned (boo!)
an: i was bored okay? (this is just a short imagine & havenât checked grammar)
posted: 25/07/22
your fingernails drag down his back, leaving red scratch marks as you gasp. the roll of hips causing his whole length to hit that sweet spot inside you.
âeddieâŠâ you moan out, mouth hung open as your luscious sounds make there way to his ears.
âgod, you so tight baby. fuck!â he curses out, his whole body starting to pound into you more and more, faster and faster.
his bed creaks from every snap of his hips. âthis pussy is heaven, you know this right?â
he slaps your pussy, once, twice⊠again and again, âwhos pussy is this baby?â
âyours eddies, itâs always been yours.â you moan out, your legs wrapping around his body tightly, your feet pressing into his arse and your hands finding their way into his hair - pulling at his long strands.
âgood baby, this pussy is mine and will always be mine. that carver boy will never get whatâs mine, iâll make sure of that.â he spits out, groping your breasts and biting your nipple.
the pleasure you feel completes you, your vision going blank and curses leaving your bruised lips as you cum on eddies dick, spazzing out around him.
eddie releases your nipple and bites down on his own lips, hips stammering and his cock squirming in your warmth.
his dick shots cum into you, filling you whole as he breaths out and lays both of you limp onto his mattress.
when he finally pulls out of you, he shoves his fingers into your tight, abused hole and stops any of his cum from dripping out. once heâs sure nothing will come out, he grabs his hellfire top (that he was previously wearing) and cleans you up before cleaning himself up.
he throws the cum-stained shirt onto the floor onceâs heâs done and presses a light kiss to your lips. âwell done baby, your such a good baby for me arenât you?â
you sleepily smile, kissing him back gently and nodding your head, âalways for you ed⊠love you too eddie.â
âlove you too my sweets, now rest up, donât want you to be tired for tomorrow.â
#eddie my beloved#eddie munson#eddie x reader#eddie stranger things#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson smut#Eddie smut#stranger things 4#stranger things#stranger things smut#st4 eddie#eddie munson fanfic
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⧠call me ? eddie munson
warnings: fluff
an: after around 6/7 months of not posting someone inspired me too! this is just a little imagine and very short but i still hope you enjoy! there will also probably be another 6-12 months wait for another short imagine / one shot or something⊠sorry not sorry.
posted: 25/07/22
he watched you from the back of the classroom. he watched you twirl you hair and bite on you pencil - scribbling down words upon words. he was supposed to be writing an essay for his English class but why would he do that when your there sat so perfectly?
âmr. munson please refrain yourself from staring at ms.y/l/n and carry on with your work.â the teachers voice split through the silence of the class, with everyone (including you) turning to stare at the rocker boy.
he turned to the teacher and sent them a short smile before looking down at his empty page, grasping his pen.
he sneaked another look at you before he started his work to see you staring at him now, rose blush spotting at your cheeks. he saw you turn back to your filled pages of work only to stare blankly at them, like your mind had forgotten what you were doing. he secretly watched you sitting there for what felt like ages, forgetting about his for, again.
once the bell rang, the teacher dismissed the class âeveryone may leave, we will continue with this tomorrow.â eddie watched as you packed up and made your way out however instead of walking away, you stood to left of the door ⊠waiting for him?
you nodded your head at the boy, with a shy smile and motioned him to hurry up. scrambling, he packed his stuff up hurriedly (his empty page now shoved, crunched in his rucksack) and made his way towards you.
âwatching me were you?â you bravely tease, smiling.
eddie couldnât believe you were talking to him, god he had always found you pretty but didnât think you would wanted to be associated with someone like him. âsorry, i know itâs creepy.â he apologised, âbut your just so pretty.â
you bit your lip, your small amount of confidence leaving, shaking your head your replied âyou think so?â
he nodded and you turned red.
you couldnât believe a eddie munson, one of the coolest boys at hawkins (not that people knew you thought this) had just called you pretty! all your other friends had always gotten attention rather than you, so you didnât know how to react.
âi ⊠thank you eddie.â you blushed even more.
he laughed and courageously pushed a strand of your hair out of you face and behind your ear. eddie took a deep breath and asked, âi was wondering, do you maybe want to hang out sometime?â
your couldnât believe that eddie munson was asking you out!
âif you donât want too, donât worry. i know that Iâm a bit weir-.â eddie mumbled.
âi would love to eddie.â you grin happily, grabbing his hand and the pen tucked away behind his ear, scribbling on his skin. âthis is my number, call me tonight, okay?â
he nodded and you did a little hop before walking away towards your next class excitedly.
oh god was he gonna call you as soon as he got home. he even cancelled hellfire later that day just so he get home earlier to call!
#eddie munson#eddie munson x reader#eddie stranger things#eddie x reader#eddie my beloved#stranger things#hawkins#stranger things 4#joe Quinn#joeseph quinn#joseph Quinn
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⧠beginner bucky barnes
warnings: light smut, virgin/innocent reader, some foreplay, penetration sex, fluff - both 18+ characters.
an: hope you enjoy! all posts will be 18+ even if they donât contain smut, angst, fluff, etc. underage people do not interact.
posted: 10/12/21
butterflies swarmed in your stomach as you held buckys hand, walking him through the door and into your bedroom.
he glanced around, seeing the posters of your favourite singers, the pile of art in the corner and your sock draw half open filled with colours and smiled - it was so you.
a coat of blush covered your cheeks as you realised he was looking around. you had never had a boy, well in fact, anyone in your room before.
âso⊠do you like my room?â you coughed out, your skin tingling from nerves.
âyeah, itâs sweet⊠like you.â he smirked, turning towards you and slowly placing his hands in your hips, to pull you forward.
you reached up to his face, standing on your tiptoes and kissed his lips, âthanks bucky.â
âyour welcome,â he pecked your lips, âso, what do you want to do?â
trying to be confident, you dragged your finger down his chest and smirked, âyou.â
buckys eyes lit up, âyour ready? i donât want you to rush into this if your not sweets.â
you sighed, walking away and sitting onto your bed, tapping the pillow next to you, âim ready bucky, i promise. i even brought uh⊠protection.â
bucky sat next to you, and threaded his fingers through your hair, âyou swear on my life, that your ready? i donât want to take advantageâŠâ
âi swear bubs. just you and me.â you giggled, rolling onto his lap and kissing his lips passionately, the butterflies doing laps in your stomach.
he reached for your thighs and pulled you closer, bunching your your summer dress so your knickers where touching his bulge. he began to slowly move his own hips up and helped you roll yours onto him, a loud moan escaping your lips.
âoh my god.â you let out, roughly moving your hips faster.
ânot god, bubs, me.â bucky smirked, causing you to giggle and peck his lips.
you wrapped your arms around bucky shoulders and accidentally knocked the both of you down, an apology escaping your lips quickly.
bucky laughed at your awkwardness and flipped you both over, his whole body pressed on top of yours.
he slid his hand up your outer thigh and kissing you once, he looked into your wide eyes, âare you ready? do you want to continue? you can say no if you not ready bubs.â
âbucky,â you gasped as his hand moved to the inside of your thigh, âim so ready, just put it in already!â
bucky smiled - a small giggle escaping from your neediness. he moved his fingers inside of your pants and slowly dragged them down your pussy.
a mewl escaped your tongue. âhurry up, please.â
bucky grabbed the sides of your knickers and pulled them all the way down, air finding your soaking wet clit.
two fingers began massaging your cunt, before slowly widening your small hole and pushing them inside causing your own eyes to roll backwards.
âoh myâŠâ
bucky began kissing your lips as he thrusted his fingers into your pussy and out, his other hand pulling your hair, âgood girl.â
you moaned at his words, dragging your fingers down his back - making scratch marks.
you whole stomach began to tighten up, and bucky felt your throbbing pussy squeeze his fingers, so pulled out and shoved them into your mouth, âsuck.â
you whined at the loss but sucked his fingers anyway, using your own hands to bunch your summer dress up to your chest and find buckys belt, undoing it.
bucky grunted as he felt your delicate fingers brush over his length and pulled his own from your lips.
he helped you undo his own trousers, pulling them, and his boxers included, off.
your saw the size of buckys dick and your eyes widened, âhow is that going to fit!â
bucky laughed and calmed you down, âit will trust me, i did the prep.â
you reached out to touch it, gently swiping the droplet of pre-cum off and sucking it off your thumb - bucky saw heaven, watching you do that made him even more hard.
âoh my god, sweets.â he let out, taking a long and deep breath, grabbing the foil packet and ripping it, before sliding it in his own length, âi- im, fuck, your so hot.â
you giggled and gently tugged on his wood more, âfuck me now?â
âyeah. yeah.â he breathed, âjust, so you know, itâs going to hurt a bit at first but after it will be fine, okay?â
âokay bucky.â you blushed, kissing his lips one more time before he pushed his cock in - carefully and slowly.
a gasp ripped from your throat, your whole pussy throbbing at the cock entering - a weak ache growing bigger.
he stopped, resisting the urge to push it all in, and looked at you. you nodded, understanding him and he went further inside - his whole dick getting squeezed by your soft, little pussy.
you both moaned together as he finally pushed his whole cock in, kissing one another.
âi love you buck.â you let out, stroking his hair.
âi love you too bubs. so much.â he replied, slowly pulling back out before thrusting in at a steady pace, your whole mind going blank in pleasure.
as his movements increased in pace, the swirling in your tummy increased and the more you squeezed on his hard dick.
the bed creaked under the weight of you two, plus your movements and then bucky began to go faster - recognising you were nearly there.
he slid one of his fingers down your bodies and flicked your little nub.
the feeling in your stomach blasting out, a whole new sensation leaking out of your pussy and onto buckys wrapped-up cock.
sighs, moans and âi love youâsâ left your mouth as you came, bucky thrusting faster until he joined you in the pleasure.
his lips kissing yours as he came into the condom.
âthank youâ you gasped, all blissed out.
âyour welcome.â bucky chuckled, heavily breathing as he pulled his length out, removing the condom and grabbing a cloth to gently clean you both up.
the rest of the evening, you both spent cuddled up with each other.
#beefy bucky#bucky smut#bucky barnes#bucky x y/n#bucky x reader#bucky x you#marvel au#marvel#the avengers#the winter soldier x reader#avengers smut#bucky barnes x you
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⧠enchanted thor odinson
warnings: fluff and prince thor - extremely short as always, oops :)
an: this is my first thor one shot! hope you enjoy and love him as much as i do! all posts will be 18+ even if they donât contain smut, angst, fluff, etc. underage people do not interact.
posted: 9/12/21
ethereal. thatâs how thor would describe you. he thought you were stunning. his eyes always trying to find you in battle training, balls or just crowds full of people. he couldnât get enough of you. god, he wished you thought the same about him.
and you did, you thought he was mighty and brave and confident. of course you thought he was extremely attractive as well. however neither of you showed your liking for one another - thor never talking to you and you were too shy.
but thor wanted to change this, so one day, he made it his mission to make you his.
at dawn, he trailed off to the dining hall. he had put on a charming suit, styled his hair and even brought a bunch of flowers (which he stole form his motherâs room).
you were already there when he came through the wide doors, sat down next to frigga and engaging in a - what it seemed - enjoyable conversation, your giggles bouncing of the dinning room walls.
âthor?â odin, from the head off the table, questioned, his eyes directed at the flowers, âwhat brings you here with those, i hope they arenât for me!â he laughed.
frigga turned her attention to the roses too, a smirk upon her lips, knowing they were from her room and realising thors plan. âoh, how beautiful they are son. they almost look recognisable, who must they be for?â
you turned too, facing the demi-god, shocked at how he had looked at you. loki laughing in the corner at the blatancy.
âi think they must be for you y/n.â loki chuckled, earning a glare from thor.
âyes, they are, indeed.â the man himself mumbled as he walked to you, gently holding the flowers out.
you took them in your nimble fingers, âoh! they are so beautiful, why thank you very much your highness.â
you smelt them, bliss shooting through your body.
âthey smell wonderful.â you sighed, standing from your chair, âmay i ask why i deserve them?â
âwell iâŠâ thor mumbled, settling the flowers down for you on the table and grabbing your hands in his. finding his confidence and bravely saying, âi find you enchanting y/n. youâre on my mind all the time and i can never seem to get you out. your the light of my life.â
âoh thor!â you blubbered, squeezing his hands, âyour words are so kind and hold so much love.â
âwell of course they do y/n, i- i love you and have always wished for you to be mine. so will you?â
âof course!â you wrapped your arms around shoulder, placing an excitable kiss on his cheek. âa million times yes!â
frigga and odin erupted in applause while lokis mouth was hung open in shock. âi must say brother, i didnât expect this outcome.â
thor laughed at lokis disbelief, all the while still staring at you. âme neither.â
softly, he placed his lips upon yours, cradling your head and kissed you deeply.
#thor odinson x you#thor imagine#thor x reader#thor#thor odinson#thor odinson fluff#thor odinson smut#marvel au#marvel#bucky barnes#captain america#loki fluff
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⧠a little flirt. bucky barnes (au)
warnings: charming bucky and fluff!!
an: this will only be short and probably very crappy since im rushing it before college! hope you enjoy anyway, tpwk! all posts will be 18+ even if they donât contain smut, angst, fluff, etc. underage people do not interact.
posted: 8/12/21
the diner was busy, bustling crowds entering one by one as you wiped away at the turquoise tinted tables. even though you had worked your ass off this evening, a bright smile still lingered on your lips since you always found it hard to be miserable when everyone around you was happy⊠well maybe except the odd crying baby but whenever you went over to give them a little toy, they reciprocated your smile and giggled away.
weekend nights like these always were entertaining. a band would be hired to sing upstage or a karaoke battle would happen. you were never bored, probably why you loved your job so much.
you dusted your hands of on your slightly creased and dirty apron, and looked around for any empty tables to seat your guest at.
you walked them over to the table, one of the guest speaking up, âmy friend bucky should be here soon, heâs a little late, would you mind bringing him over here-â he read your badge, â-y/n.â
âsure I can-â
âsteve.â he offered you his name.
âsteve.â you smiled, âcan i get you any drinks as you wait boys?â
one perked up, âsure, steve and i would love a beer and please can you get our late guest the most girliest drink you have?â
âthat would the âbarbie fizzerâ, sirâ you laughed, jotting down there order, âdo you know what youâd like to eat or would you like me to come back when your friend gets here?â
âweâll order now, sam gets the jerk chicken burger, bucky will have (when he gets here) a plain cheeseburger with extra gherkins, and I will have⊠the number 77.â
âi get it order through now,â you smiled, âhave a good evening.â
you walked away, to the cashier, placing in their orders before giving it to the chefs. grabbing there drinks, you made an extra sparkly pink cocktail and placed all three onto a tray, carrying it over to the booth.
you noticed the third member, bucky, had arrived by the back of his head - long, shaggy hair to his shoulders. stepping in front of the table, you placed the two beers down in front off the men then turned to bucky, secretly noticing his attractiveness (gulping), and placing his frilly drink down with a smile.
âenjoy your drink buck.â sam laughed, snorting.
bucky just shrugged, looking directly at you, âoh sam, how you think a girly drink would hurt my ego. i hope you know, y/n, that i would never be so stuck to a stereotype like his.â
you lifted your eyebrows, as he took a sip. he let out a long sigh, âdelicious, y/n.â
you let out a small giggle (taking yourself by shock) and heard the ding of the bell. âyour food ready, ill get it now for you guys.â
âthanks doll.â the brunette winked.
as you walked away, his stare wavered from your juggling hips to your swishing hair.
âthis drink is shit.â
when you come back to give them their food, steve and sam have gone and the manager is talking to bucky.
âgood news y/n,â your boss starts, âyour boyfriend here, told me that you feel ill, so im giving you the rest of the night off. enjoy.â
you raise your eyebrows confused, and place the three burgers on the table, âuh, what happened?â
âme and you are now officially on a date doll.â bucky announces. âobviously you can leave if you feel hncomfortable, or have a boyf-â
âi donât have a boyfriend,â you awkwardly laughed, âand i donât feel uncomfortable, this is actually very sweet, no one has ever done this before.â
âokay, good.â he breaths out.
throughout the whole night, bucky charms you, using - actually good - pick up lines and flirting, picking out all of your favourite features and complimenting them. he even added you on every social and got your number, even going so far to take a picture for the profile pic.
and at the end of the night, he walks you out of the diner, his hand on your back and opens your car door.
âthank you for a wonderful evening and taking a chance with me.â he smiles, his eyes lingering on your lips.
âi would love to see you again buckyâŠâ you shyly speak.
âme too doll.â
you both stare at one anotherâs mouth, both moving in the same time until they touch.
his hands splays itself on your back, the other on your jaw/neck, angling you backwards. his tongue slowly enters your mouth, your teeth clashing and and his fingers digging in.
you smile into the kiss and peak his lips a couple more times before moving your head back, âgoodnight buck.â
ânight doll.â
#bucky x y/n#bucky fluff#tws bucky#bucky smut#bucky x reader#bucky barnes#bucky x you#beefy bucky#marvel au#marvel#captain america#the avengers#the winter soldier x reader#bucky imagine#bucky angst#bucky x female reader#bucky fanfic
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⧠my good girl tws!bucky
warnings: just overall smut with hardly zero plot, unprotected, p in v (penetration), male oral, face fucking, cream pie, dub-con (due to both being brainwashed), pet name (Ń
ĐŸŃĐŸŃĐ°Ń ĐŽĐ”ĐČĐŸŃĐșĐ° = good girl), a fluffy line at the end.
an: this is my first ever written piece of smut, so if any of you are smut masters, please give me some tips! also, thank you so much for the interaction, iâve only been doing this for one day so itâs mad how much love Iâve gotten already! all posts will be 18+ even if they donât contain smut, angst, fluff, etc. underage people do not interact.
posted: 7/12/21
grey, grungy, grim walls caged you in like a wild animal in a zoo. a small camera, in the corner of the cubed room kept flashing a red light, until it didnât and turned to face the walls instead.
this had happened every two weeks for what you think has been a few months. and before you knew it, he walked in.
usually he would scan the room for an exit, but recognising the cage, he stepped in and peered directly at you. a minuscule smile faintly appearing over his smooth lips.
the heavy door behind him slammed shut, shoved by his metal hand.
you knew it was time, so slowly stood up from your enclosed crouching position and shyly walked up towards the man in the mask.
once you reached him, you stood up on your tiptoes and gently placed your hand on his cheek, causing him to gulp. you removed his mask and trailed your fingertip across his jaw, feeling his lips and softly tapping them.
he knew what it meant and pressed his lips gently onto yours.
but in a matter of a seconds, his metal hand splayed itself across your back while his other hand picked up your thighs - carrying you over to the small cot besides the wall. he threw you onto it and stood between your legs, grabbing your hair tightly and wrapping it around his fingers. you quickly undone his trousers, yanking them down and reaching inside his boxers to grab his thick length.
pumping a few times before taking it out, you smeared the pre-cum over the head and started licking it like a little kitten until you reached the end, where you opened up your mouth and let him push his dick inside. your eyes finding one anothers.
as you bobbed your head up and down (with the help from him), a gag escaped caused you to choke. he grunted deeply, fastening his hips back and forth - making your nose touch the hairs of his pubic area every time.
his whole long, thick length was in your mouth.
however before cumming into it, like he usually would, he released your hair from his hold and moaned loudly as he slowly dragged his harden length from your lips.
ĐŸŃĐŸŃĐ°Ń ĐŽĐ”ĐČĐŸŃĐșĐ°â he spoke gruffly, leaning down and tasting himself on your lips, passionately laying a kiss to them.
a rose-coloured blush teased your cheeks as you wrapped your fingers round his hand and softly pulled him onto the bed - his built body resting over the top of you.
âplease.â you asked, holding his cock and bringing it down to your cunt.
he understood your ask, and roughly shoved it in, a pained moan leaping from your tongue. his eyes went up in alarm at the pain within your moan causing him to go softer as he went in and out - placing small, individual kisses all over your face.
âiâm sorry, my Ń
ĐŸŃĐŸŃĐ°Ń ĐŽĐ”ĐČĐŸŃĐșĐ°â he grunted out as he moved your thighs onto his own hips, âi did not mean to hurt you.â
your fingers splayed across his cheek, gently rubbing it as he softly moved his hips into yours, hitting the pleasing spot.
âitâs okay soldier, d-donât stop.â you gasped, âgo rougher, itâs okay, i promise soldier.â.
he nodded quickly as he began to pound into you more, the knot in your stomach winding itself up - even more pressure building up as he teasingly pressed his metal fingers against your clit.
with one last kiss to the mouth, white fuzziness blurred your vision, an overwhelming sense of happiness spilling from your gut.
however your breaths sharpened as the soldier quickly thrusted once more before filling you with his cum, a swear droplet from his forehead joining yours as he rested his head against your own.
you both laid there for a while, but the buzzer cut your time together off and the soldier peeled his body off of yours. he got changed and left the room however not before whispering to you, âiâll see you soon my Ń
ĐŸŃĐŸŃĐ°Ń ĐŽĐ”ĐČĐŸŃĐșĐ°, you make my heart fill warm.â
#tws bucky#bucky smut#beefy bucky#bucky barnes smut#bucky barnes#bucky x reader#bucky x you#bucky x y/n#the winter soldier x reader#the winter soldier x you#the winter soldier smut#the winter soldier#marvel au#marvel#the avengers
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⧠two lines bucky barnes
warnings: just some good old fluff - implied smut - pet names (baby, honey)
an: this is really short but I hope you enjoy, none the less! :) all posts will be 18+ even if they donât contain smut, angst, fluff, etc. underage people do not interact.
posted: 7/12/21
you couldnât believe your eyes. two pink lines were on a stupid stick you had done only twenty minutes ago. you didnât think this was necessarily bad - you just didnât want bucky to be mad and leave you.
you loved him with your whole heart and finding out you were pregnant, only after seven months of dating, scared you. endless possibilities were scattered in your brain, would he kick you out? would he block your contacts? would he not want the baby and let you raise it as a single mother?
all your thoughts were bad. eventhough, in some aspect, you knew it wouldnât be like him. you knew he would probably be excited and welcome the baby with open arms but your nerves and tiredness (after throwing up several times) prevented you from thinking these good things.
tears ran down your face. an overwhelming sense of guilt filling your body, causing you to turn in to yourself and huddle against the bathroom cabinet. waterfalls down your cheek left your skin stained by mascara, your ears clogged up with the intense beating of your own heart.
the beating was too loud for you to hear bucky walking in the bathroom, after hearing your cries from the kitchen. you didnât realise he was there until his warm hand rubbed your shoulder.
your eyes peered up to find his blue ones.
âhoney, why are you crying?â he gently asked, rubbing your skin softly. âare you okay?â
bucky hated seeing you upset, his protective side breaking out.
âwhat happened? did someone hurt you? who was it, baby?â he softly spoke, kissing the top of your head.
you sputtered put a few words, but none made any sense.
âitâs okay, just breath - copy me.â
your breathed in and out, copying your boyfriend until you could talk. âiâm pregnant.â
a glimmer of happiness appeared in his eyes.
âis this a bad thing?â he asked, trying his best not to make you feel guilty in case you didnât want to keep it.
âyou tell me.â you mumbled, scanning his face for a horrible reaction.
âi⊠i think this a good thing.â he let out, smiling and kissing your lips softly. âbut⊠if you think this is too much and donât want to keep it, itâs okay. i would rather have you happy and healthy instead of miserable.â
a small smile rose on your lips, âso weâre going to be parents?â
a little laugh (mixed with a âfewâ) left his mouth, âweâre going to have a kid, honey!â
you both wrapped your arms around one another, buckys lips teasing you as he placed multiple on his lips.
âthis is all your fault, you know.â you mumbled onto his shoulder.
bucky gasped jokingly, âhow!?â
âyou forgot to put a condom on before bending me over the dining table.â
#sebastian stan x you#sebastian stan#beefy bucky#bucky barnes smut#bucky barnes#the winter soldier#the winter soldier smut#marvel au#marvel#bucky smut#tws bucky#bucky fluff#bucky x reader#bucky x you#the winter soldier x you#the winter soldier x reader
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⧠isnât she lovely beefy!bucky
warnings: just bucky being super flirty and cute, mentions of frisky time activities at the end :)
an: this is my first post ever! hope you enjoy and i would love to hear your thoughts and opinions. constructive criticism would be amazing! all posts will be 18+ even if they donât contain smut, angst, fluff, etc. underage people do not interact.
posted: 6/12/21
he ominously stood at the back of the bar, a bottle of beer placed in his gloved, metal hand. lifting it up, he took a confidently large swig and swallowed it down as his eyes peered across the room to find you.
a ruched, satin, red dress clung to your curves tightly - your fingernails matching perfectly. your eyes stared down at the dirty bar ledge - dust coating your fingertip as you ran it across the edge. the whole place was covered in muck, a gag rising in your neck.
old men with beards coated in crumbs surrounded the place - the only difference was a long-haired fellow at the back, the lights creating a shadow of his muscular outline.
you looked him up and down, your eyes finally landing on his own. his icy blue orbs staring back.
a gasp caught itself in your throat. he was the most handsome man you had ever seen before and, before you knew it, he was strolling over. his tongue moving the wooden stick within his mouth.
ââello dollâ the stranger muttered as his eyebrows rose, noticing your fingers were empty. he tapped the bar and held up one finger pointing it to you - within seconds a cocktail you had arrived. âwhatâs a beauty like you doing in a place like this?â
your eyes began to roll on the over-used pick up line, however some redness had started to blotch on your cheeks. âi was meeting my friend,think she ditched though.â
âgood thing im here to keep you company then, ainât it doll?â he murmered lowly, his eyes tearing your body apart.
you hummed quietly, grasping the frilly, pink straw in your drink and sipping on it. âguess it is⊠mr?â
âjamesâ he shrugged off his jacket and placed it on a stool before offering you his hand, letting you shake it, and sitting you down on his coat. âyou, sweet thing, can call me bucky though. all my friends do.â
âyou can call me y/n then.â you smiled. âand thank you, for the coat.â
âyour welcome, didnt want you to ruin that dress. you look like a million bucks in it, i tell ya.â he replied, grabbing himself a stool to sit on, after throwing his wooden stick into the bin. he necked the rest of his beer and looked around the place, spotting a jukebox. âyou a good dancer, doll?â
you laughed quietly, âonly in private, why, want me to show you some moves âcause I think you need to buy me a few more drinks to get that happening.â
he grabbed your hand and pulled you up suddenly, taking his jacket and pulling your arms through the holes before resting them on your hips - your whole body inbetween his thighs.
âchoose a song.â bucky whispered into your ear, his fingertips playing with the back of your dress. âsomething slow.â
he lets go of your waist and pulls you over to the jukebox, slipping a coin through the machine.
as you scroll through the disks, stevie wonders song pops up - bucky and yourself, staring at one another.
âi choose this oneâŠâ you smile, clicking the button, hearing âisnt she lovelyâ playing from the dirty machine.
âgood pick doll.â he grins, grabbing your hands and pulling you towards himself. Letting his hands firmly rest against your ass as your own wrap around his neck.
you both dance slowly together, the calming song blurring out the background noise - the two of you seemingly by yourselves. He takes this chance to kiss you, his soft lips tingling against your skin as he brushes them over your neck, jaw and finally onto your lips.
âbucky, babyâ you moan lightly against his lips. âsam just came through the door with nat and there smirking at us.â
bucky turns his head and groans, âthey always do this!â
âoh donât mind us!â sam shouts over the music. âwe will just wait in the quinjet while you two lovers roleplay. freaks.â he scoffs.
nat stifles a laugh besides him, âwe do need to get going though! we currently have an unconscious man waiting for us to go back to the compound.â
âfine.â bucky mumbles, pulling you by your hand - not before leaving a small kiss on it. âweâre finishing his back at home though, donât your worry doll.â
âim notâŠâ you say as you get onboard the quinjet, then whisper into his ear (still loud enough for sam to hear), all the dirty things your going to do to him.
âyou guys are disgusting.â sam mumbles, closing the jets door and signalling nat to start flying.
#sebastian stan#bucky barnes smut#bucky barnes#bucky x you#bucky x reader#beefy bucky#the avengers#marvel au#marvel#sebastian stan x you
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disclaimer: i hardly write anymore so upcoming stand-alones and series may be posted in 1-5 working years. sorry... however feel free to check out my recent pieces, theres not many but you can happily re-read them all until your heart hurts!
#the avengers#bucky barnes#the winter solider smut#bucky barnes smut#thor odinson smut#thor x reader#rafe cameron fluff#rafe cameron imagine#rafe cameron smut#rafe cameron x you#jj maybank x reader#thor odinson x you#thor imagine#pope heyward#steve rogers#peter parker#marvel au#stranger things#steve harrington#eddie munson#bridgerton#benedict bridgerton
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